Part Two of ‘UkraineGate – Inconvenient Facts’


Part Two of a new documentary by Olivier Berruyer, editor of the website, released in conjunction with Consortium News, delves even deeper into the complicated scandal and Joe Biden’s part in it.

UkraineGate – Inconvenient Facts

Part Two: “Not So ‘Dormant’ Investigations”


You can view Part One here


32 comments for “Part Two of ‘UkraineGate – Inconvenient Facts’

  1. Ivan Williams
    January 24, 2020 at 16:31

    Bravo! Very impressive investigative journalism. I appreciated the skill at which you walked the line between reporting the facts and not telling people what or how to think. Present the evidence and allow intelligent people to think for themselves. Excellent work.

    In light of your efforts and those of (too few) others, the ongoing impeachment proceedings appear to be a massive counter-offensive designed to overshadow, obfuscate and redirect the American public’s attention away from the rape of Ukraine and other regions by our ruling elites. Can the American people still be sufficiently scandalized into action? Sadly, I am uncertain.

  2. John Gilberts
    January 22, 2020 at 13:19

    I wish someone would do a similar expose of Canadian participation in the US/NATO Ukraine project, which is massive. Over a billion dollars in assistance has been spent. Canada has supported anti-Russian initiatives there from the beginning and is currently training Ukrainian troops, providing intelligence and weapons. Canadian Ukrainian policy is largely shared by all parliamentary parties and takes its marching orders from the large and powerful Ukrainian ultranationalist lobby, which includes the deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland. The head of the World Ukrainian Congress is a Canadian Paul Grod, who once advocated for Canada to recognize veterans of the SS Galizien, which were brought to Canada after WWII.

    • Dianne Foster
      January 23, 2020 at 20:42

      So glad someone is finally on the correct message. Thanks John. Biden participated in that 2014 Ukraine coup that installed U.S.-backed neo-Nazi’s, and the Dems won’t look at his corruption. Both Biden and Trump should share a cell, and their pussy-grabbing stories. Military aid should have been cancelled to Ukraine, as the newly installed government shelled the eastern Donbass region daily, killing thousands of Russian-speaking peoples. (Thanks also to McCain and Victoria Nuland).

  3. Roustel
    January 22, 2020 at 06:40

    But why not investigate further and find out what Burisma and Shell wanted to do?
    « Burisma and Shell were to exploit the gas from the Uzokva field, while the Donbass self-defence forces had established their base nearby in Slavyansk. Burisma belongs, through several screen holders, to the oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, the man who is both Zionist and neo-Nazi (yes, it coexists), who is supported by the actor who is currently President of Ukraine. The gas reserves of Eastern Ukraine defended by the autonomists are estimated at 5,878 billion cubic metres (US reserves are 8,976 billion), enough to destabilise Gazprom and Russia, or even make them disappear. These data shed new light on US actions in Ukraine and justify the coup d’état of 2014 …but also the sale of American shale gas in Europe!

  4. robert e williamson jr
    January 21, 2020 at 21:06

    It seems to me this investigation would be a very good example of why Wilbur Ross needs to resign.

    His Navigator Gas is all about LNG.

    Russia must use pipelines that transverse the Ukraine to market much of their natural gas.

    Mykola Zlochevsky and Burisma are all about natural gas.

    The longer Ukraine is embroiled in corruption and political volatility the better it may be for Russia a country Wilbur Ross also has ties to.

    Maybe this third installment will break some ones back.

    Absolutely stunning revelations on how the fake U.S. press on the east coast panders to the party line.

  5. countykerry
    January 21, 2020 at 15:53

    Since I am not an expert on Federal law, the thought comes to me….What is illegal about asking for an investigation which imo is very different from asking directly for …someone to lie , to distort, to deceive .

    When the point is made that Trump was attempting to “get dirt” on a political opponent , wouldn’t he have to have known that there was dirt there to begin with, or ask specifically for lies to be stated against his opponent.

    After all an investigation may have proven that all was above board and that there was no corruption.

    • January 21, 2020 at 23:24

      I apologize for the terrible sentence structure of second paragraph !

    • Eugenie Basile
      January 22, 2020 at 09:46

      In other words Trump wanted to do the U.S. voters a favour by showing Biden is a crook.
      It worked with crooked H….

      He could simply tweet about I.Berruyer’s excellent Ukrainegate story and add a link to

  6. Antiwar7
    January 21, 2020 at 12:08

    Such a great series of investigative videos! Thanks a lot to all who helped create, translate, and publish them. Merci beaucoup!

  7. Mike from Jersey
    January 21, 2020 at 09:12


    You wrote:

    “It cannot be an accident that a group of truly independent news companies would all make exactly the same mistakes, omitting exactly the same information, promoting exactly the same false stories, and exhibiting exactly the same criminal lack of ethics.”

    I have long felt the same way. This is not – and cannot be – coincidence.

    It is deliberate.

    • Clark M Shanahan
      January 21, 2020 at 22:03

      Just google “biden-ukraine” the number of puff-pieces absolving Biden in advance is impressive.
      Do not look behind the curtain…

  8. Eugenie Basile
    January 21, 2020 at 04:24

    Biden only serves as an excuse to weaken Trump…. he will be dropping out as soon as Trump is acquitted in the Senate.
    The DNC doesn’t even try to present another credible candidate for the 2020 election.
    Deep State wants a weakened Trump as president with Pompeo and his crew at the controls.
    MSM and the DNC are fully complicit !

  9. Peter
    January 21, 2020 at 02:06

    Thank you .

  10. Gladys Nelson
    January 21, 2020 at 01:58

    Thank you for justifying my faith in your work. It is indeed a commentary on the sad state of the so-called “free” press in the United States that these facts only receive prominence by means of efforts of journalists outside the United States. I have attempted to notify people I know of them, in the form of Part One, and been told that they are not interested in such obscure investigations.

    • January 21, 2020 at 15:48

      I know lots of people like that. They would rather slurp up the slime that oozes out of their tv sets.

  11. bardamu
    January 21, 2020 at 01:02

    Applause for the spadework here.

  12. robert e williamson jr
    January 20, 2020 at 22:42

    I doubt he understands the trouble he will have with face book and twitter.

  13. January 20, 2020 at 21:36

    Given Biden’s Teamsters support maybe there is someting to Frank Sheeran’s story that as head of a Teamsters local he called a strike on the local news paper to prevent bad news about Biden being published before Joe’s first election?

  14. Uncle Bob
    January 20, 2020 at 16:49

    Very informative
    The French were always after Lance Armstrong for years, back in the day, I remember how skeptical I became.. until he got busted..
    Bernard-Henri Levy also wrote the definitive book on the Daniel Pearl tragedy, “Que a Tue Daniel Pearl”

  15. Sharon Crawford
    January 20, 2020 at 14:59

    Huge gift from Olivier Berruyer and crew to the American people. Bigger than the Statue of Liberty was? With all apologies to my Colmar ancestors especially…yes.

    Many thanks to all involved.

    • January 21, 2020 at 08:12

      Thank you for the compliment!
      (As one of “all involved”)

    • January 21, 2020 at 15:06

      Thanks a lot !

      We try to do our best… It’s a lot of work.

      And no, nothing is bigger than the Statue of Liberty – except the Eiffel tower… :)

    • Sharon Crawford
      January 22, 2020 at 10:20

      OK, maybe a bad word choice on my part but please do not underestimate what you may have done here. The deprogramming of our corporate news watching public really is priceless.

  16. Brewer
    January 20, 2020 at 14:43

    Great work by Les Crises. Hoping and working to get this series out there.
    It should not be necessary however. In days gone by, it was axiomatic that a politician should not only be incorruptible, he/she should be seen to be incorruptible.
    It strikes me that, in allowing his son (who is of dubious character) to be involved in any way, shape or form with an entity directly influenced by his position as Vice-President, Biden has exposed himself to only two possibilities. Either he is too stupid to hold public office or he is corrupt.
    As the former would seem to be contradicted by his apparent capability to at least survive in office the second must be the case.
    Prima facie evidence, not only of his own corruption but also of his confidence in the complicity of the mainstream media – a secondary fact made absolutely clear in this second installment.
    As if this were not enough to finish Joe Biden’s career, it seems his errant son is just one of his family to benefit financially from this blatant misuse of power:
    Generational corruption: How five members of Joe Biden’s family enriched themselves through his connections


    • January 20, 2020 at 23:04

      “Biden has exposed himself to only two possibilities. Either he is too stupid to hold public office or he is corrupt.” One can quip that the first part of the dilemma is a rank elitism, all parts of the society deserve representation in the government, and 50% are below the average. More seriously, it was “stupidity” only in the hindsight. Biden made a carrier in a “bipartisan environment”, credit card companies being content with either party providing them with stooges, and fixing jobs for the family was a bipartisan norm. For example, a politician could not put the political donations into his private pocket. But I read about a politician’s campaign paying a company for polling and political analysis, and it was a more-or-less one-woman outfit run by his dear wife.

      Does a tree fall in the forest when nobody can see it or hear it? Does a politician create an appearance of impropriety when there are no media to report it? Even now, it is hard to see if the voter intentions for primary elections are influenced by these shenanigans. That said, general election is not a gentle run for office in the bucolic state of Delaware.

    • BONNIE Lamb
      January 21, 2020 at 12:12

      How we fail to see in plain daylight the two Trump sons and son-in-law making foreign deals through a White House influence as president’s made for Trump family, illegally.

    • SteveK9
      January 22, 2020 at 16:17

      dubious character? getting kicked out of the Navy for cocaine use, having your ex-wife state that you spent all your money on prostitutes and drugs, and trading on your father’s influence to pocket millions? … that is not dubious character, it is bad character.

  17. Michael Meo
    January 20, 2020 at 12:47

    Thank you for justifying my faith in your work. It is indeed a commentary on the sad state of the so-called “free” press in the United States that these facts only receive prominence by means of efforts of journalists outside the United States. I have attempted to notify people I know of them, in the form of Part One, and been told that they are not interested in such obscure investigations.

    • JWalters
      January 20, 2020 at 19:51

      “the so-called ‘free’ press in the United States”

      It’s becoming evident that the American press operates in reality as a monopoly. It cannot be an accident that a group of truly independent news companies would all make exactly the same mistakes, omitting exactly the same information, promoting exactly the same false stories, and exhibiting exactly the same criminal lack of ethics. The only explanation is that behind the scenes they are all controlled by the same owners. And all their deceptions push America in the same direction – more needless war, highly profitable for a few and devastating for innocent millions.

  18. Andrew
    January 20, 2020 at 12:12


  19. January 20, 2020 at 12:08

    I am opposed to Biden. Time for him to stay home.
    I am opposed to Trump. Time for him to go to jail.
    I need to do further research on les-crisis-fr.

  20. Mike from Jersey
    January 20, 2020 at 11:14

    The corruption of the American media is disgusting.

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