On New Year’s Eve 2017, less than a month before he would die, CN founder Bob Parry wrote a manifesto on the remit of journalism and its threatened demise, a chilling forecast of what was to come.
Originally published on Dec. 31, 2017.
From Editor Robert Parry:
For readers who have come to see Consortium News as a daily news source, I would like to extend my personal apology for our spotty production in recent days. On Christmas Eve, I suffered a stroke that has affected my eyesight (especially my reading and thus my writing) although apparently not much else. The doctors have also been working to figure out exactly what happened since I have never had high blood pressure, I never smoked, and my recent physical found nothing out of the ordinary. Perhaps my personal slogan that “every day’s a work day” had something to do with this.
Perhaps, too, the unrelenting ugliness that has become Official Washington and national journalism was a factor.
It seems that since I arrived in Washington in 1977 as a correspondent for The Associated Press, the nastiness of American democracy and journalism has gone from bad to worse.
In some ways, the Republicans escalated the vicious propaganda warfare following Watergate, refusing to accept that Richard Nixon was guilty of some extraordinary malfeasance (including the 1968 sabotage of President Johnson’s Vietnam peace talks to gain an edge in the election and then the later political dirty tricks and cover-ups that came to include Watergate).
Rather than accept the reality of Nixon’s guilt, many Republicans simply built up their capability to wage information warfare, including the creation of ideological news organizations to protect the party and its leaders from “another Watergate.”
So, when Democrat Bill Clinton defeated President George H.W. Bush in the 1992 election, the Republicans used their news media and their control of the special prosecutor apparatus (through Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Appeals Court Judge David Sentelle) to unleash a wave of investigations to challenge Clinton’s legitimacy, eventually uncovering his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
The idea had developed that the way to defeat your political opponent was not just to make a better argument or rouse popular support but to dredge up some “crime” that could be pinned on him or her.
The GOP success in damaging Bill Clinton made possible George W. Bush’s disputed “victory” in 2000 in which Bush took the presidency despite losing the popular vote and almost certainly losing the key state of Florida if all ballots legal under state law were counted. Increasingly, America – even at the apex of its uni-power status – was taking on the look of a banana republic except with much higher stakes for the world.
Though I don’t like the word “weaponized,” it began to apply to how “information” was used in America. The point of Consortium News, which I founded in 1995, was to use the new medium of the modern Internet to allow the old principles of journalism to have a new home, i.e., a place to pursue important facts and giving everyone a fair shake. But we were just a tiny pebble in the ocean.
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The trend of using journalism as just another front in no-holds-barred political warfare continued – with Democrats and liberals adapting to the successful techniques pioneered mostly by Republicans and by well-heeled conservatives.
Barack Obama’s election in 2008 was another turning point as Republicans again challenged his legitimacy with bogus claims about his “Kenyan birth,” a racist slur popularized by “reality” TV star Donald Trump. Facts and logic no longer mattered. It was a case of using whatever you had to diminish and destroy your opponent.
We saw similar patterns with the U.S. government’s propaganda agencies developing themes to demonize foreign adversaries and then to smear Americans who questioned the facts or challenged the exaggerations as “apologists.”
This approach was embraced not only by Republicans (think of President George W. Bush distorting the reality in Iraq in 2003 to justify the invasion of that country under false pretenses) but also by Democrats who pushed dubious or downright false depictions of the conflict in Syria (including blaming the Syrian government for chemical weapons attacks despite strong evidence that the events were staged by Al Qaeda and other militants who had become the tip of the spear in the neocon/liberal interventionist goal of removing the Assad dynasty and installing a new regime more acceptable to the West and to Israel).
“The idea had developed that the way to defeat your political opponent was not just to make a better argument or rouse popular support but to dredge up some ‘crime’ that could be pinned on him or her.”
More and more I would encounter policymakers, activists and, yes, journalists who cared less about a careful evaluation of the facts and logic and more about achieving a pre-ordained geopolitical result – and this loss of objective standards reached deeply into the most prestigious halls of American media.
This perversion of principles – twisting information to fit a desired conclusion – became the modus vivendi of American politics and journalism. And those of us who insisted on defending the journalistic principles of skepticism and evenhandedness were increasingly shunned by our colleagues, a hostility that first emerged on the Right and among neoconservatives but eventually sucked in the progressive world as well. Everything became “information warfare.”
The New Outcasts
That is why many of us who exposed major government wrongdoing in the past have ended up late in our careers as outcasts and pariahs.
Legendary investigative reporter Seymour Hersh, who helped expose major crimes of state from the My Lai massacre to the CIA’s abuses against American citizens, including illegal spying and LSD testing on unsuspecting subjects, has literally had to take his investigative journalism abroad because he uncovered inconvenient evidence that implicated Western-backed jihadists in staging chemical weapons attacks in Syria so the atrocities would be blamed on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
“The trend of using journalism as just another front in no-holds-barred political warfare continued – with Democrats and liberals adapting to the successful techniques pioneered mostly by Republicans.”
The anti-Assad group think is so intense in the West that even strong evidence of staged events, such as the first patients arriving at hospitals before government planes could have delivered the sarin, was brushed aside or ignored. The Western media and the bulk of international agencies and NGOs were committed to gin up another case for “regime change” and any skeptics were decried as “Assad apologists” or “conspiracy theorists,” the actual facts be damned.
So Hersh and weapons experts such as MIT’s Theodore Postol were shoved into the gutter in favor of hip new NATO-friendly groups like Bellingcat, whose conclusions always fit neatly with the propaganda needs of the Western powers.
The demonization of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russia is just the most dangerous feature of this propaganda process – and this is where the neocons and the liberal interventionists most significantly come together.
The U.S. media’s approach to Russia is now virtually 100 percent propaganda. Does any sentient human being read The New York Times’ or The Washington Post’s coverage of Russia and think that he or she is getting a neutral or unbiased treatment of the facts? For instance, the full story of the infamous Magnitsky case cannot be told in the West, nor can the objective reality of the Ukrane coup in 2014. The American people and the West in general are carefully shielded from hearing the “other side of the story.” Indeed to even suggest that there is another side to the story makes you a “Putin apologist” or “Kremlin stooge.”
“America – even at the apex of its uni-power status – was taking on the look of a banana republic except with much higher stakes for the world.”
Western journalists now apparently see it as their patriotic duty to hide key facts that otherwise would undermine the demonizing of Putin and Russia. Ironically, many “liberals” who cut their teeth on skepticism about the Cold War and the bogus justifications for the Vietnam War now insist that we must all accept whatever the U.S. intelligence community feeds us, even if we’re told to accept the assertions on faith.
The Trump Crisis
Which brings us to the crisis that is Donald Trump. Trump’s victory over Democrat Hillary Clinton has solidified the new paradigm of “liberals” embracing every negative claim about Russia just because elements of the CIA, FBI and the National Security Agency produced a report last Jan. 6 that blamed Russia for “hacking” Democratic emails and releasing them via WikiLeaks. It didn’t seem to matter that these “hand-picked” analysts (as Director of National Intelligence James Clapper called them) evinced no evidence and even admitted that they weren’t asserting any of this as fact.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton in the third presidential debate in 2016, during which Clinton called Trump Vladimir Putin’s “puppet.”
The hatred of Trump and Putin was so intense that old-fashioned rules of journalism and fairness were brushed aside.
On a personal note, I faced harsh criticism even from friends of many years for refusing to enlist in the anti-Trump “Resistance.” The argument was that Trump was such a unique threat to America and the world that I should join in finding any justification for his ouster. Some people saw my insistence on the same journalistic standards that I had always employed somehow a betrayal.
Other people, including senior editors across the mainstream media, began to treat the unproven Russiagate allegations as flat fact. No skepticism was tolerated and mentioning the obvious bias among the never-Trumpers inside the FBI, Justice Department and intelligence community was decried as an attack on the integrity of the U.S. government’s institutions.
Anti-Trump “progressives” were posturing as the true patriots because of their now unquestioning acceptance of the evidence-free proclamations of the U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies.
Hatred of Trump had become like some invasion of the body snatchers – or perhaps many of my journalistic colleagues had never believed in the principles of journalism that I had embraced throughout my adult life.
To me, journalism wasn’t just a cover for political activism; it was a commitment to the American people and the world to tell important news stories as fully and fairly as I could; not to slant the “facts” to “get” some “bad” political leader or “guide” the public in some desired direction.
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I actually believed that the point of journalism in a democracy was to give the voters unbiased information and the necessary context so the voters could make up their own minds and use their ballot – as imperfect as that is – to direct the politicians to take actions on behalf of the nation. The unpleasant reality that the past year has brought home to me is that a shockingly small number of people in Official Washington and the mainstream news media actually believe in real democracy or the goal of an informed electorate.
Whether they would admit it or not, they believe in a “guided democracy” in which “approved” opinions are elevated – regardless of their absence of factual basis – and “unapproved” evidence is brushed aside or disparaged regardless of its quality. Everything becomes “information warfare” – whether on Fox News, the Wall Street Journal editorial page, MSNBC, the New York Times or the Washington Post. Instead of information provided evenhandedly to the public, it is rationed out in morsels designed to elicit the desired emotional reactions and achieve a political outcome.
“Facts and logic no longer mattered. It was a case of using whatever you had to diminish and destroy your opponent.”
As I said earlier, much of this approach was pioneered by Republicans in their misguided desire to protect Richard Nixon, but it has now become all pervasive and has deeply corrupted Democrats, progressives and mainstream journalism. Ironically, the ugly personal characteristics of Donald Trump – his own contempt for facts and his crass personal behavior – have stripped the mask off the broader face of Official America.
What is perhaps most alarming about the past year of Donald Trump is that the mask is now gone and, in many ways, all sides of Official Washington are revealed collectively as reflections of Donald Trump, disinterested in reality, exploiting “information” for tactical purposes, eager to manipulate or con the public. While I’m sure many anti-Trumpers will be deeply offended by my comparison of esteemed Establishment figures with the grotesque Trump, there is a deeply troubling commonality between Trump’s convenient use of “facts” and what has pervaded the Russia-gate investigation.
My Christmas Eve stroke now makes it a struggle for me to read and to write.
Everything takes much longer than it once did – and I don’t think that I can continue with the hectic pace that I have pursued for many years.
But – as the New Year dawns – if I could change one thing about America and Western journalism, it would be that we all repudiate “information warfare” in favor of an old-fashioned respect for facts and fairness — and do whatever we can to achieve a truly informed electorate.
The late investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. He founded Consortium News in 1995, now completing its 25th year as the first independent news and analysis website.
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Robert Parry, vindicated (again)
https:// http://www.esquire .com/news-politics/politics/a30363291/jimmy-carter-shah-iran-hostage-crisis-ronald-reagan/
https:// http://www.nytimes. com/2019/12/29/world/middleeast/shah-iran-chase-papers.html
Happy New Year, to everyone here who continues Bob’s work.
Wonderful remembrance to read this. It could have been written yesterday. God has some explaining to do – Robert Parry dies and the criminals flourish.
Every word is just as true today as it was those 2 years ago. Unfortunately, the decline may not be stoppable.
I’m reading the almost unbelievable book, THE POLITICS OF HEROIN: CIA COMPLICITY IN THE GLOBAL DRUG TRADE by Professor Alfred W McCoy, first written in 1972 then fully revised in 1996 & again in 2002. It reads like a thriller, but well established facts keep pouring out of this highly documented book. Every page has things that catch the eye, but there is one that sits somewhere on the throne of my cerebellum: In 1996 the heroin trade’s revenue was $400 BILLION ANNUALLY. This is a subject that I follow and I’ve seen that figure before in official documents. Then there are all of the other drugs from marijuana to opoids, amphetamines, etc. Add at least $200 B more. And that’s 1996.
Almost the entirety of it is under CIA control except Burma. Could that explain Hillary’s rush to Burma when she thought there was an opening to the Generals? Only a month or two later she dragged the hapless Obama back to Rangoon to meet the Generals. The Generals and Aung San Suu Kyi had a better deal with China up their sleeve, so we retreated to owning our 80% of the world’s dope from the rest of SE Asia, Afghanistan and Latin America. A mere half a trillion dollars annually.
Would that the Professor could do a current revision, for a mere 5% take of that would bring in a vast sum each and every year to be distributed. The CIA, the Pentagon, several Mafia groups and who knows who else in the political influence world of today wield enormous power and a life beyond luxury. And much of it comes from illicit drugs.
Corruption rules and the members of Congress play their facade games while all of the strings are in the government’s executive branches and the MIC/CIA. It is no conspiracy theory; it’s our reality – and it’s a game of death.
Robert Parry was right two years ago and will continue to be for a long time.
And the awarding of Nobel peace prizes at the drop of hats……
This explains why the political economy of US democracy is dangerously incestuous. Money and wrongdoing get tied up (corporate buzzwords applicable: outsourced, partnershipped, joint ventured,) together with the “deep state” by design! CIA is happy, it gets money off the books. Pols are happy, they get to skim/launder and fund their campaigns with “deep offical secrecy cover”. The Ukraines story being cooked on “heavy rotation” is laughably limited even given the subject matter they seem to be exposing. Where is the story of Victor Pinchuk of Ukraine? Where is the laundering of IMF funds to Pinchuk? Where is the role of Franklin Templeton Investments? Come on, man, this country is a joke. Even Rabid Repubs know to “keep quiet” on this stuff because….it’s married to deep skull duggery.
Instead what the pricks in media keeep blurting out as “news” is designed to kill your cerebellum. While they get richer. This is a free enterprise democracy? JOKE!
We all miss Robert Perry’s insights. It was a bit surprising that Perry did not cover the Iran Contra affair in this article, as he spent so much time on it and that scandal was emblematic of the ends (Election victories)-justify-the-means mentality of our politicians and Establishment, particularly the Intelligence Agencies. The minimal accountability, the pardoning of REAL criminals (while locking up kids for bad generally non-violent judgments), the drug trafficking which becomes the source for their funding (the CIA is essentially the biggest, baddest drug cartel), the obvious trafficking of humans, particularly children as Epstein’s lifetime of protection showed (until he agreed to name names)… all this is what America has become, at the highest levels. Russia and China, despite their own totalitarian flaws look sane today relative to the West.
We all knew the value of Robert Parry, but two years later to read how perceptive and far-seeing he was brings it home to us forcefully. The whole UK but US-supported Skripal saga, based only on innuendo, lasted the whole of 2018 and caused great destruction to any possible fair treatment of Russia, then conveniently disappeared, like the victims themselves;. All the other predictions were spot on.
All the best to CN for 2020. I have donated and will continue to do so.
“Facts and logic no longer mattered. It was a case of using whatever you had to diminish and destroy your opponent.”
And I think that reflects the general decline and thoroughgoing corruption of the United States.
Look at the long record of wars and coups killing millions and serving no good purpose.
Are they the handiwork of a sound, productive society? Of enlightened leadership? Of strong national values? Respect for the rule of law?
America’s establishment – both parties plus their supporting organizations like the corporate press – really no longer have anything worth saying to anyone.
They represent American plutocratic interests entirely in imposing empire on the world and shovelling money at destructive, anti-democratic institutions like the Pentagon and CIA.
American Elections are pointless. Whoever is elected, nothing changes. Obama and Trump promised Nirvana for the ordinary Voter . They Both Lied. 2000 was a Coup. Bush wasn`t Elected by the People, he was Appointed by the Rigged Supreme Court. Electronic Voting Machines can Rigged by a TenYear Old. The Only American Policy that Matters is Continuous War and Killing of Poor Nations Like Afghanistan and Vietnam.
The stroke that you suffered is in reality a stroke that one of the strongest and sanest US voices has suffered. Wish you recover at the earliest for the sake of humanity.
A president painfully slaughtered and executed by unnamed power that has gone unpunished, a lack of accountabity that continues to this day. Bush and Cheney setting the middle east on fire, for what, their pissing contest. Neoliberalism the scourge of the planet’s life, extracting, monetizing, destroying everthing in its path while creating fiction and artificiality everywhere. There is no saving us, although we can try but in the end as the humorist says “we are not smart enough to save ourselves”, and it is a comfort to think that nature will have its way and weird that our very own Nero fiddles while the world burns. What a pity, mankind is capable of creating such beauty.
‘as reflections of Donald Trump, disinterested in reality’ – no surely uninterested.
I have posted so many of your insightful articles to Facebook, I cannot count them all, in an attempt to educate and/or inform those who follow me. You always provided facts and experienced analysis of those facts.
I am truly sorry about your stroke. I imagine it must be painful for you to suddenly be incapacitated.
I hope you will recover and we will hear from you again.
Dear Mr. Parry, I’m saddened to learn you’ve suffered a stroke. Please, make a maximum effort to take care of yourself! You and your colleagues at ‘Consortiumnews.com’ are a lighthouse of real journalism in an ever-darkening show-business era of near-total mendacity. I thank you for creating this Web site–one of the very, very few on the Web where ethical journalism is the keystone.
Merry Christmas!
Seriously though,hope you’re healing and well soon.Much as I appreciate your work,I’d like to have you and it for a lot longer so pace yourself! Not a doc,but maybe some cannabis could be beneficial ?
Best wishes for the New Year!
Dear Robert Parry,
I live in Germany and have been reading your reports and stories for some years now and have also sent links of your writing to my father,brothers and their families living in Australia, as well as to many other friends living in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, France and Canada. I sincerely thank you for your very good work and writing, your courage and engagement. You are one of a few American persons, which enable me to say, – no, I am not antiAmerican, – I am only anti the present politics of America.
I am very sorry to read about your stroke and wish you quick and complete recovery. However, I also want to suggest that you see and accept this fate as a “price” which you are paying for your enormous efforts – and you even can be very proud of this “injury” – just as a soldier could be proud of an injury obtained whilst fighting for his country.
Whilst I always hear all around me the much quoted sentence – ” the main thing is, you’re healthy” – I mostly object in saying, – ” no, I don’t see it that way, – whilst I certainly see good health as desirable, I think my freedom – and the feeling of doing the right thing, are more important to me”.
And as far as your apology for patchy writing – due to your stroke goes, – I want to say, – it’s not the quantity that counts, but the quality.
Thank you again, and all the best and well wishing, from Hamdorf in Schleswig -Holstein, Germany
Alfred Kath
Robert…you do not know me but I visit your website often. I appreciate very much your transparency and the importance of truth in journalism.
On a personal note, I am dismayed to hear about your stroke. Please look into Quantum healing, epigenetics. Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispenza and others ….it may help you recover, which is definately possible. Seeming miracles can happen …..
Warm regards,
Anthony Foster
We all send best wishes to your improved health. As someone said here, “You are an honorable person” an attribute that seems in short supply these days.
I love that SOME of the writers on this site tell it like it is. Honest criticism of the President and other political figures is very important, and I think Consortium is one of the few places out there that actually do this. Best of luck on your recovery Robert, and thank you for the many pieces you have penned and that I have read.
Think of you often and wish/pray for your recovery. Thank you for all the amazing work you’ve done for us and US.
Dear Robert, I was very saddened to learn of your stroke. My very best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Please do your best to care for yourself and not push yourself. You’ve contributed more than your share so far!!!!t
You’ll contribute more after you have a chance to recover!
You have made the current state of affairs more tolerable for me/us by just being you, standing for honest journalism.
All that you have written so far makes it easier for the rest of us to cope with the constant lies and distortions. The politicization of every scrap of public information has been an abomination on our democracy. And solidarity in that awareness thanks to your reporting has helped me/us put out current political circus in perspective. This too shall pass because there are enough honest people like you who will not buckle to the lies.
Witness the book, “Bravehearts” by Mark Hartsgaard about our whistleblowers (available, btw, if you wish and haven’t read it, when you are recovered, on an iPad via library APP “Libby” or “hoopla”).
I watched recently on the French web site and APP “Medici TV” which features broadcasts from televised performances around the world including documentaries – the Arturo Toscanini RCA NBC Symphony Orchestra television performances from the 1950’s.
This European “version” included the post WWII composition that included along with the American, British and French anthems ALSO the Russian anthem (before the Americans censored the Russian anthem from the piece that’s available to Americans, I suppose…..hmmmmmmm)
We need you. Please take care of yourself!!!!!!
My best wishes to you and your family.
Tremendous insight from a gifted man I now have on my prayer list for health and recovery. We all need you, Mr. Parry, in the dark state of affairs we now know and fear as a drive toward an insane global war fueled by an American government, media, and populus I no longer recognize as having any connection to the country I knew as a young boy.
I am so sorry to hear about your stroke Robert. I wish you the best of health and healing this next year. I SO appreciate and value your reporting. Please know that whatever you can write is important, is a spark in the light of truth illuminating the darkness of how information is being used in this country. Much appreciation for all that you do.
Hi Bob
So sorry to hear about the stroke. I hope you make a quick recovery. Your website is first rate and I always tell friends and colleagues, if they want facts to read Consortium News. I do hope you are able to carry on with this valuable source of information. My friend and colleague the German film director Peter F. Mueller joins me in wishing you all the best for a good and quick recovery.
Aloha Mr Parry,
I hope you get the rest you need and the best diagnosis available for a peaceful recovery. Your work, and this site, have been an invaluable resource for many seeking a way out of the grip of big time news-speak. Through agreements and disagreements this has to be one of the more responsible sites I’ve ever known. I’ve shared this with friends across the globe and your influence and ability to hold politicians and influential peoples’ ‘feet to the fire’ has been rewarding for many.
In your article you mention the “unrelenting ugliness” which you and fellow journalists have personally witnessed, and I can imagine 40 years time within the decaying walls around you would be quite a challenge by itself. And especially to try and hold to a higher standard than your compadres has created immeasurable stress.
I believe someone else has mentioned the voice texting/writing features we have now, but I also know from biofeedback and some alternative sources of care, that there is also a time to step back and detox from the ugliness you’ve had to wade through.
Please take your time to heal and know how valuable your site has been to so many people, especially me. May I suggest a year on the South Isand of NZ to get away from the fog, the clutter, and the bog you’ve had to wade through? Perhaps not, but a good thought.
I wish you the best healing as you figure out the options and the time it takes to heal. There is no hurry.
Thank you for all you have done to provide a voice in the wilderness.
No apology necessary. Best wishes for a full and quick recovery. Take good care of yourself first. Thanks for all you’ve done over the years.
Robert, your contribution to the truth has always been, and continues to be SO important. Thank you for all you have done on behalf of providing information that is based on facts. You deserve to slow down. I’m glad you won’t have to totally withdraw from your role as America’s “Jimminy Cricket” / conscience. You
Please recover quickly and fully. We need you!
Hello Mr Parry- I am so sorry to hear of you very recent health problem and wish you a full and speedy recovery.
Despite feeling so unwell you provided your readers with an updated article outlining your thinking regarding the problems with journalism and the coverage of “Russia-gate”. Thank you. Just to be skeptical makes one a heretic.
However, something is clearly rotten within the current administration and with Trump himself who has brought this scrutiny and the FBI special counsel investigation upon himself. Clearly he is unfit. It is also difficult to understand from a European perspective how a candidate with the least votes and came in second- wins through an arcane system known as the electoral college .
Watching this train crash from Europe, it is often difficult to get factual accurate information about this administration . I learned of Seymour Hersch’s analysis of the Syrian chemical weapons attack which was published on a German news outlet as no one else would publish his investigation.
But more seriously and more worrying, is the dismantling of everything from education and health care to the sale of
protected public park land and now off shore coastal drilling that should worry the American people. The country seems to be up for sale to the highest,richest bidder.
Additionally, the money slushing into American elections from the billionaire corporate class raises the question of how this system sanctioned by the Supreme Court ( Citizens United) is even democratic anymore.
It seems that the puppeteer might not be the Russians after all but the oligarch class which is pulling the strings and was responsible for getting this most unfit man elected president.
Thank you for you tenacity and contribution to excellent journalism.
Just recently noticed that there have been few if any reports from Consortium News. I’m very sorry to hear of your illness, and I hope you can find some way to relieve the work load and experience less stress. It seems very likely to me that current events and personalities are contributing to adverse health effects for many people.
The very best to you Robert Parry. Stay strong.
Bob, long-time fan, though not a regular reader for some time now; I have moved on.
I suggest you look into the use of directed-energy weapons as the cause of your stroke. This is occurring more frequently as seemingly hale and hearty folks such as yourself are mysteriously brought low by anomalous conditions. One ‘tell’ of these illnesses is that they conveniently interfere with faculties that the ‘victim’ requires to carry on her/his work of countering the dark side.
No offense, but your piece here (via Mark Miller’s Google Group) is of little interest to me as it deals with puppets, dupes, straw men and all the other actors who are simply Atlantic versions of their Pacific cousins (same employer ;)
I hope you recover your vision. At 75, I treasure my relatively “Young Eyes.” Try to avoid any surgery (indeed Allopathy for non-trauma care of any kind). If you send me your e-mail, I’ll send you what I have on natural means to regain/strengthen your vision.
Namaste, NjW
Thank you, Robert. You have hewn closely to the line of professional journalism that once meant to hold leaders and opinion makers to the mark, no matter what. With only a handful of others, you’ve steadfastly served the country, its polity and people in the face of enormous pressure to “go with the official flow”. I’m sorry that you’ve had to witness this despicable turn, though not exclusively of mainstream media. I put what little faith I have left, not in this country’s corrupted institutions which have abandoned principles of fair play, sound judgment and protection of common good but in the younger generations. May they continually find new ways to stay the old course. I applaud all those who, like you, hew to what I consider to be true American values: dig for your own answers, think for yourself and always, always question those who have the most to gain and who hold power over our lives. May you live to see these engorged, corrupted worms of media, political, military and corporate excess turn again and devour their own excrescent entrails. That may be one interpretation of what’s beginning to happen! Would that it were so, for all to see and know.
It is we who should apologize. We who have let you and so very few of your peers carry the burden of the fight for Truth for so long. That good fight takes its toll and we have let you bear it. It isn’t enough for us to be perhaps discerning but otherwise passive consumers of information.
Now you have been wounded in battle, and my heart goes out to you.
Thank you for fighting for us. Take care of yourself, as well.
Dave Z
Hope you are soon in good health and ready to resume your
incisive reporting.
Rx/ Empathic Stress Stroke. Meditation and Yoga to help heal and lower stress.
thank you, mr. parry, for years of work trying to correct the picture. its really sad to read about your stroke. nevertheless – things will improve again, stay strong!
regards from austria,
harald glanzer
Thank you.
I hope that you fully recover from your stroke.
Sincerely Susan
So sorry to read this about your stroke. You have performed a valuable service thoroughout your carreer by uncovering and articlulating what you discern as the truth. That wonderful service has been a beacon to readers who also value facts and fairness.
I can only hope you make a full recovery and can continue your fine work. Thanks for everything you’ve done for the cause of integrity in the world.
Keenan Davis
I’m very sorry to hear of your debilitation. I hope the effects of the stroke diminish and you are feeling better soon. Thank you for all your hard work and crucial, necessary reporting.
Ironies piled on ironies: in the “guidance” of democracy, by far the most at-the-core and yet untouchable story of all is a fair examination of the forensic evidence that, in the 15+ years of the computerized voting era, U.S. elections have been repeated targets of votecount manipulation, shaping the trajectory of American politics long before the “Russians” are alleged to have taken an interest.
Much of that evidence is detailed in my book, “CODE RED: Computerized Election Theft and The New American Century,” which — like the work of other “inconvenient” investigators, analysts, and journalists — cannot get so much as a first hearing from not only the mainstream but the “progressive” media, outfits ranging from the New York Times to the Left Forum.
The sheer irrationality of a fixed focus on “Russian meddling” and an equally fixed blindspot on the incalculably greater likelihood that our elections have been targeted by domestic operatives with more direct motivation and infinitely easier access gives strong support to your overall thesis. With outfits like Diebold [RIP], ES&S, Dominion Voting, Command Central, Scytl, Hart, SOE, Triad, LHS, and Kennesaw State (the shadowy Masters of the Dance when it comes to the counting of American votes in the pitch-dark of cyberspace) crying out for investigation – along with Rove&Co., Roger Stone, Cambridge Analytica, and others with much shorter pipelines to the counting process than those of the “Russians” or any other outside hacker — and with analysis of reams of unidirectional [to the right, of course] statistical anomalies, disparities, improbabilities bordering on impossibilities having been presented for consideration, vetting, and reporting, it would appear that a command decision has been made NOT TO GO THERE.
Democracy becomes a lot easier to “guide” when it is done both indirectly, as you catalogue here, and directly – by taking away its bedrock protocol, the counting of the votes.
I wish you the best in recovery and hope that you will be able to continue shedding light for as long as those who would “guide” us spew darkness.
I wish you very well. As they said in Mexico – cuidate. Take good care of yourself.
I’m in my 70’s and you are my kind of journalist/reporter. You are a man of integrity.
And, I depend on the endangered specie of which you are a member. Decency and
fairness in reporting. Bravo!
Get well soon.
why on earth do you feel compelled to apologize for having a stroke? I’m 70, and apparently have had 2 or more small ones. (And a lot of that was my own damned fault, but I’m still not apologizing.)
1. Find physicians you trust.
2. Do what they tell you to do (as much as you can stand to do it)
3. Smoke (or vape) pot every day or two.
why on earth do you feel compelled to apologize for having a stroke? I’m 70, and apparently have had 2 or more small ones. (And a lot of that was my own damned fault, but I’m still not apologizing.)
1. Find physicians you trust.
2. Do what they tell you to do (as much as you can stand to do it)
3. Smoke (or vape) pot every day or two.
4. and stop wearing that neck-choker
As a stroke victim, I can assure you it does get better but takes time. My series of strokes wiped out most of my memory and some comprehension skills so it does take longer than it used to to get things done so do what I had to do and force yourself to relax. I led a career of time stamps, deadlines etc and now I have acheived the attitude that it will get done when it’s done. I had no choice because I was back on the road to another stroke worrying about it all. I hope your recovery will be as successful as mine. I have seen many people that were much worse off physically than it sounds like we are and I know I was blessed to not have the damage others have had.
Thank you for your years of dedicated, authentic journalism. I can understand your need to take a break from it and focus on your health. The US is indeed getting crazier and more dangerous. Again. thank you for your contributions to truth and sane thinking.
Please, get well soon, Mr Parry! And be carefull.
I hope that it is not bad style or bad manners, but I would like to include the recommendation, to test for foul play. I am not at all certain that a stroke or something with the same symptoms can be produced by poison or other nefarious means, but if there was such an option you would strike me as the candidate to silence silently; just because you never cease to be sensible. I hope to God I am seeing things – but as you are the expert I guess you will be able to decide whether such a possibility exists.
For now all I can say is: please get better, look after yourself and (I see the irony in this after my pertubation) relax.
I wish you a speedy recovery and a sunny mind in bad weather.
Sophie from Germany
The news of your Christmas Eve stroke affects me deeply; intellectually and emotionally. I have found myself relying on Consortium for shedding light in these dark times; specifically with regards to Russia bashing. As painful as the truth maybe, without it Democracy has no chance. I had plans to donate to Consortium, however now I will double my contribution. I wish you all the very best in your recovery.
Hi Robert
Sorry to hear about your health issues. I hope that you return to full health swiftly and do not suffer any more obstacles but enjoy a long and robust health in the coming years.
Much appreciate your important work – a light in the darkness for sure – great article!
Surely this madness cant keep going on and on, it has to come to an end at some point – maybe its the death throws of a rotten system that cant stand the light? Hoping for something new out of the ashes!
Pray for sanity in the new year!
Take it easy! :)
Mike UK
Please do not apologize. All you need to do is recover fully from your stroke. Take your time. We need you. And when you get better, I would love to have you on my show “The Robust Opposition.”
Hello Robert, and Happy New Year,
This is the first account I heard of your Christmas Eve stroke, since my email was switched to a new account. May I say that it is a blessing you survived so well, and that maybe your body is warning you that the pace you kept up for so many years through Iran-Contra and so much else may be getting excessive. You are right up there with Si Hersh, Ray McGovern and VIPS, guys (and gals, cf. Jocelyn Redich) and we can’t afford to lose either you or Consortium News! I remember meeting you for the first time last fall, and I couldn’t believe your sense of youthful modesty with all the stories you’ve tracked down, the country has so much to thank you for. So I have a simple plea, please throttle down a tad so we can have many more years of your insight, and let some of these younger guys like Si and Ray and John be the first to scramble to ramparts like you did, and tell it like it is to power, and then hope the functionaries have the good sense to listen. Now you can begin to take your time and dig out the larger truths, while working on getting your actual eyes back to their earlier sharp focus, or as good as nature will allow.
The above synopsis of your career is a chapter in American journalistic history that says to me Consortium News has essentially replaced NYT, WP, (even CNN?) once giants of media integrity, but now serve as sycophants to the Washington power structures, to preserve their access to high sources. So thanks Robert – even for apologizing for having a stroke and perhaps slipping up a bit on some details. For all the great stories you have run, and will continue to do, most of us readers realize that perfection is a pretty hard act to keep up with, and it is even possible to obsess with stress. You still have the genes and the record, and a guaranteed place in American journalistic history. We just don’t need any more strokes. Please take care in the New Year and beyond young man.
An unremitting fan and Professor Emeritus from Ohio, Howard Mettee
So sorry to hear this. I think I had the same thing (cerebellar stroke), for no discernible reason. Very rare, but…… it doesn’t affect your cognitive abilities. Just your motor skills. Get better! Please!!
Love Consortium News. Really good stuff. Contextual. Different.
You/you all are THE best source for reasoned, investigative insights out there. IMO, of course.
Bg&. Dear Mr Parry: No need for the apology; thanks for the explanation. It is a fitting legacy to your integrity. You are not the first to acknowledge early naïveté. Aside from the aforementioned Seymour Hersh, Chris Hedges joined the honor roll a few years ago. Earlier, I F Stone was forced to go abroad in order to publish the “Hidden History if the Korean War” and even before that General S D Butler dared to squeeze out “War is a Racket”. Before the American Revolution, Thomas Paine wrote “Common Sense”. In between, many brave American dissenters dared to risk their freedom, fortune, and sacred honor by defying the establishment of their day. Without such displays of courage, there would be little inspiration to hang on. Get well.
Think about a donation – if you’re seriously concerned about Robert and independent journalism, and able to make one.
Grain Brain by neurologist David Perlmutter (NYT #1 bestseller) explains what foods enhance regeneration of the brain cells and which ones cause inflammation of the brain and thus degeneration of brain cells.
Wishing you a fast recovery, and plenty of rest
Dear Mr. Parry,
It really made me sad to hear that you suffered a stroke. You are one of the few very rare diamonds in all this media rubbish! Thank you for your hard work, slow down and take care of your health first. Most of all I wish that you recover well and have decades more to live and to stay among us. The best wishes from a German living in UK (both countries spread the same lies we are used to receive from commercial media in the US).
Robert Parry, thank you! Rest, recuperate and heal – with the love and support of your family and friends. As someone with health concerns, look into BRAO. You deserve your awards and so much more. You are an amazing journalist and a wonderful human being – and oh, by the way, an American. A heartfelt embrace.
Thank you, Mr. Parry, for your clarity and honesty. I too have felt like a pariah, even among my “progressive” friends. I could’nt agree more with you!
I wish you the best in your recovery and will look forward to your publications in the future.
Anxiety got me. Maybe you need a vacation!
*COURAGE* ..sorry you’re not feeling well.. consortiumnews.com has aways been great, but in 2017 it got dramatically better.. thank you.. get well soon (video has a big ending) “..2017 New Year’s Revolutions ..compilation of some of the anarchist & anti-capitalist riots in 2017..”: https://vimeo.com/249231890
Bob, speedy recovery and best wishes.
Take care!
–a long time reader
God bless you sir, and help you heal, for you are desperately needed
Dear Mr. Parry. I hope you have read all these comments and could feel sincere love and admiration of your readers. I wish that will be an additional factor in your speedy recovery. I’ll miss your articles but will patiently wait. And this article shows your mind is invariably strong and clear.
From Canada with love,
I came late in life to you and Consortiumnews. But it quickly became my go-to for trust-worthy news and analysis. I wish you the best in your recovery. Thank-you for your important work.
Robert: Thank you for all that you do. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Mr. Parry,
My wife and I read C.N. frequently and know that we can trust it. As you might say though, keep being a skeptic and read carefully and critically. I am such a reader. The part about even your friends telling you that you should join the attack on the President is what I kept telling my wife that she should not do. Stay objective. I read almost no U.S.reporters news and we have not had TV service since the mid 80s so I have an advantage as I never saw the downfall of journalism that you speck of. It would be for our sake that you keep on doing your important work but you have more than paid your dues and gained little for it. Your health is vital to your family so I hope that you make the right decision.
P.S. We do contribute and will continue to do so.
Ron Jenkins
All the best Mr. Parry. An informed citizenry is very much needed now more so than ever. Please get well soon or else my IQ will plummet well below room temperature. Wishing you a speedy recovery & all the best for 2018!
I join with all the others who wish you a speedy and complete recovery. Thank you for your excellent work and for your courage in continuing to stand strong against the tide of misinformation and sloppy reporting. Please take the time needed to put your health first. And please consider devoting some of your work time to teaching and mentoring young journalists. We desperately need your ethics, experience and guidance in this field. All the best to you, Mr. Parry, and many thanks.
I am sorry to hear about your stroke.
Like the other commentators here, I respect the work you do and I wish you a speedy and full recovery
Get well soon, Robert. It will all come back to you.
To Robert Parry;
Here’s to a speedy recovery and you have my sincere admiration and support. Your analysis of our present state of Official American Affairs is spot on and we need you and colleagues like you more than ever.
Thomas Schinkel
Be well Robert! Prioritize your personal health and well-being. You’ve earned a respite and a lessened pace. FWIW, even though it took longer than usual to produce, I saw no diminution at all in the very high quality of your thought or expression in this article. And if you hadn’t announced it, I would not have known that you were dealing with this medical challenge. Don’t let it dampen your spirits.
Maybe the opportunity in this crisis is the chance it might afford to focus (at a slower pace during your recuperation) on a new book project. I remember Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. saying that he regretted feeling so compelled to produce commentaries on every important current event that he neglected to complete one or more scholarly books that he had aspired to but didn’t get around to finishing.
There is certainly a book to be written on the Russiagate ploy, which I view as some sort of the Dem-sponsored equal-and-opposite response to Trump and the GOP’s counterfeit-populist ploy. Maybe you and Stephen Cohen, who are seemingly the only trenchant voices on Russiagate, can team up to write a book on these dual nearly whole-cloth fictions.
All the best,
Just learned of this quite belatedly. This is devastating news for both Robert and readers of Consortium News. I hope he can overcome the functional effects of this stroke and continue the work he loves, which benefits all of society, as soon as possible. He gave a beautiful perspective in this piece of how his independent work gets to the root of the political impasse from which this country suffers and has imposed upon the rest of the world. We cannot afford to lose this contribution. Obviously, Robert is going to struggle to produce substance regardless of the impediments he may now suffer, but I do hope that medicine plus time mostly alleviates them as quickly and thoroughly as possible.
Dear Mr. Parry, I am – just like the other readers of CN – terribly saddened to hear about your illness. Please take time to heal and fully recover. Health comes first. We appreciate your hard work and we will stay with Consortiumnews. Best wishes and a very speedy recovery!
No apologies needed, of course! Best wishes on a quick recovery to a most inspiring and courageous journalist. Your contributions are the kind that make democracy and justice more than slogans and breathe real life into the parts of the American experiment worth conducting. But, hey, taking a day off once in a while is no crime, my man!
Best Wishes for a Speedy Recovery, Mr. Parry.
Best wishes for a quick recovery of your full ability to read extremely carefully in the great tradition of Izzy Stone, George Seldes and many other journalists of perspecuity. I look forward to your take on the Michael Wolff book. This just in
Dear Robert Parry,
I would like to add my name to the many good wishes you’ve already received in the comments above. I have only just learned of your ‘stroke’ or whatever it was. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery.
Consortium News is one of the few adult news sources which we have available. Greatly appreciated and very precious.
Greetings from England
Our prayers go out to you for a full recovery. Bob you are a fighter you will overcome this….
Stay strong
John Mattes
Robert, I first came into your writing when I picked up a copy of Secrecy and Privilege. I recognized it as a solid piece of work, even as I knew little about the workings of Washington. Some things just ring true, and in this case a person has wrung true. I have enjoyed the historical/political education afforded by the rest of your books and CN. Thank you.
Robert Parry, Godspeed in your recovery! The clarity of your voice and your integrity is always a boon to those who are hungry to understand what is really going on in our country. Thank you! We will look forward to any insights you are able to provide to us, but as others have said please take care of yourself above all. You are precious to us.
Wishing you a speedy and full recovery. The many comments are testimony to your great work. Your site has just the right tone, just the right number of contributors. Bravo for forceful and respectful reporting.
God bless you Robert Parry. Our best wishes for a speedy recovery, as the world needs more people like you!
hope you recover soon! thanks for all you do!
Dear Mr. Parry,
You are just a great journalist. I wish you a good recovery. I had a stroke in November 2016 in Paris, which left no effect at all. So let us be optimistic.
As a student – it was long ago – I wanted to become a journalist. That was an ideal more than an ambition. In fact I became a lawyer, and later on a judge. But my ideal remained, and it is personified by you and your conception of journalism, an “old-fashioned respect for facts and fairness”.
Thank you once again for the great work you are doing.
Daniel Guyot
Warm wishes for a recovery from the effects of your stroke. <3
There are plenty of folks who are willing to make stuff up about the most beneficial plant on earth. Mucho dollars at stake. This MD is like you Mr. Parry, he is fact/evidence based. ishttp://cbdcardio.cannabismd.com/dr-david-allen-talks-strokes-cannabis/ Get well soon.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Take care – we need brave men like you; just now!
Thank you, thank you, thank you Mr. Parry. I too have lost friends over my views regarding the way the world is run by us status-seeking hairless apes. It can get a bit lonely–and deeply disappointing. (I sometimes wonder if the earth is a kind of infirmary for the Milky Way).
I see Trump as a symptom, rather than a cause of a collapsing empire–and a fully captured media as one of many signals of such collapse. This time is different though; with the collapse of the entire West and further, the collapse of industrial civilization, as backdrop.
Interesting times, nyet?
The days are short this time of year–a good time to hibernate and to heal (the work can wait). I add my name to the many well-wishers who have written you.
Take care. Life is short. You have done much already.
So sorry to hear of strokes. Wishing you good recovery. Like I need a chef, you need a good assistant with dedication, patience and loyalty. Will keep you and yours in my prayers. Whatever you feel like doing for benefit of your loyal readers and citizens of the world who get to read your reports will be appreciated. Hope your doctors will take good care of you as you recover at your own speed and in your own way. God Bless You Robert.
Wishing you a full, steady and hopefully quicker recovery. While, this column demonstrates the steadfastness of your determination to “speak truth to power”, your readers will have to step up their support for your efforts. Critically minded citizens and political activists will have to take more responscibility in discovering the truth of your views and educating the public.
I retired early from an NGO that held several federal and state contracts to do humanitarian work in rural America. My health was deteriorating, and i was challenging the co-opting of our mission by mandates that were turning us into an unaccountable information-gathering arm of the gummint.
Three years on, and I’m better, mostly fue to stress relief. My advice is to simply slow down and let the “tincture of time” get you back. You’ll be better than ever, and I”ll be looking forward to your principled views. Best Wishes, (another) Bob
Dear Robert (Parry),
I am a physician who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of Susac syndrome, which often presents with an unexplained “stroke in the eye (retina).” In Susac syndrome, the “stroke in the eye” is due to branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO).
You probably do not have Susac syndrome (SuS), per se; but, there is a closely related disorder called “Idiopathic Recurrent Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion” that may be relevant to your case—if, in fact, your only current/recent problem has been a “stroke in your retina,” with no stroke in your brain and no other problems.
An alternative term for “Idiopathic Recurrent Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion” is: “Idiopathic Autoimmune Recurrent BRAO/possible partial SuS/ potential SuS.”
It is important that both “Idiopathic Recurrent BRAO” and SuS (presenting, initially, with only BRAO) are treatable disorders. That is, the initial BRAO can be treated and future recurrences of BRAO can possibly be prevented.
In its full form, SuS is characterized by BRAO, hearing loss, neurologic symptoms, and typical “snow ball” lesions in the corpous callosum (upon MRI of the brain).
In case you have, in fact, experienced an isolated, unexplained episode of BRAO, and in case your ophthalmologist has not thought of “idiopathic Recurrent BRAO or SuS, I wanted to alert you and your physicians to these entities.
Your physicians are welcome to contact me for further information.
Consortiumnews is my number 1 go-to site. The cream of the crop. Thank you Robert Parry and Consortiumnews for keeping me informed about the world in which I live. Especially not sure where I’d be on Russia-gate without this site… when even some of the commentators on my favorite listener sponsored radio in the LA area seem to have drunk the Kool-Aid.
Very sorry to hear about your health problems… hoping for a complete and quick recovery.
Robert, you leave out one crucial reason why the political atmosphere was so nasty when you arrived in DC: the Powell Memo.
The business interests and one percent decided to wage an all out war on our society, and that meant that they were going to use their money to buy our politicians and institutions. Nixon was a sideshow. The real war went on behind the scenes, and they won it.
Best of Wishes for your health and for a full recovery of your eyesight.
I’m sorry to hear about your stroke. I wish you speedy recovery.
Hi Robert,
I’m saddened to hear about your health situation and I’m pulling for a swift and complete recovery.
I’m a writer myself and I can’t say how much I get inspired reading your crisp, incisive reportage. This is a very dark period for American journalism and while others have jettisoned their standards and joined the mob, you’ve never stopped asking the tough questions (I’m reminded of Orwell).
We need you now more than ever!
Good luck and best wishes.
Mr. Parry,
Healing and well-being to you.
There is nothing you did. Sickness is a crapshoot. You are now in touch with your mortality.
We all face that at some point.
You will heal. It merely takes time. The first 6 weeks willl determine your prognosis. If you have a hemianopsia in your peripheral vision of one eye, it might not return to normal, but your written language appears unaffected.
You might have to dictate, & hire a proof reader.
Watch your meds.
& yes, there is proof that obama forged a selective service card dated 1980 on a 2008 form.
You still haven’t accepted tha5 trump ain’t a racist, merely a fact finder.
As for the nabobs of negativity, most are on antidepressants or other mind altering drugs.
Their brains are ? fried eggs, just like we were warned, for years.
Stay positive! (PMA)
Robert, thank you for your service! I know you won’t stop–but please take care of yourself. Our world needs great journalists of integrity — like you — now more than ever, to coin a phrase…
Thank you, Robert, for the many years’ work you have done and for having the inner fortitude to stand firm on these principles. I am sad to hear of your stroke. I am also glad to hear your health seems relatively intact aside from your eyesight. Keep going as best you can, but cut yourself a little slack. I am hopeful Consortium News will continue. I am now regularly touting the independent news media as, really, the only news media we have left. Consortium News is one source of the news I always recommend. Be well, Robert.
Sorry to hear the health issue.. unfortunately it comes to us all over time. Your contribution to Journalism is outstanding, your effort even more so though I often disagree with your slant, I never disagree with your right or credibility to say it.. but what you have done here is to teach the world a lesson.. you have shown that it can be done.. you have proven that people will seek out those that show them the way to truth..
Just for a second I want every one to look at the link just below.. its implications are chilling. and it points out that the conflicts with freedom and democracy we have all been addressing as caused by the leaders of our government, might actually turn out to go beyond just denial of freedom, democracy and access and stretch into tyranny. Corporate tyranny, by corporations, or groups of corporations, richer and large than our governments, is surfacing to be a giant risk to every day human quality of life.
your inhttps://www.desmogblog.com/2018/01/02/suing-spree-oil-and-gas-industry-risks-speech-chilling-precedents
From your work and now current situation might come something bigger and more important than anyone could have imaged in the beginning.
A simple story, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Linux
Linux was a project of the technical people of the Unix world, I know, I watched it happen.. How, every night hundreds of technical people would email each other back and forth, most of them worked for large computer installations in government and big industrys. These technical experts got involved some times even they would involve their employers, to engage in interactive emailing knowledge, suggestions and implementation ideas that Linux would receive, assemble, digest, and arrange to be a part of the best operating system in the world. Linux.
Linux was a community project. It had some of the worst and some of the best people trying to help out but the people who got involved had one goal and one goal only, to port Unix from mainframe to the PC.. it took the expertise of hundreds around the world, working together.. As far as I know no one got paid a dime but everyone contributed. You can down and install Linux for your operating system today, right, for free, and each night while you sleep it will be updated and errors will be fixed and the fixes installed.. for you, automatically all while you sleep. Ubuntu, Redhat, Centos, fedora, are names of different types distributions of the same operating kernel.. The distributions are like different books about the same story. Each has a little different twist, but essential the story is the same. today most cell phones work with a version of Linux, most robotics hardware is controlled by hardware embedded Linux.
My point is no one has ever tried to multi-task journalism.. You are a professional journalist, just a Linus was a professional computer engineer, Linux guided the world and the world responded. Most large operations today use Linux servers. I think you may have the same opportunity here, because of success, to make Consortiumnews.com into a sustainable global project.. where everyone from anywhere can contribute to the hourly task of building the fact bases and writing and re writing the articles so that the truth known to the people who reside in different places around the globe can act as reporters, verifiers, researchers and contributors. help to keep the whole journalist truth in front of the public. Your recent article on Journalism, is a case in point. You and whomever you appoint can coordinate the effort.. its your expertise, your vision and your professionalism. A NYT size journalistic staff for free! You could even get the site mirrored on Linux servers located in many different places around the globe, making it more difficult for technology to be used to shut down your journalism.
Once again I commend your success and wish you a rapid, complete and total recovery.. I too suffered a stroke when in a foreign country.. it took ten years to get back to 90% .. ..but I did it. and you can tool
Dear Robert,
Sorry to hear about your stroke. Hope you feel better soon. Write whatever and whenever you can. Thanks for all the wonderful work.
Hope you get well; I’ve always wondered about your health considering how prolific you are. Take a day off every week and get some exercise every other day. It would be tragic if we lost you completely.
No apology necessary. Thank you for your explanation. I am so sorry to hear that you are not well. We will miss you when you don’t write, but you need to focus an restoring your health. Thank you for your diligence and your honesty and your insight. I hope that you will soon be well and with us on a regular basis. As bad as things are, stress will not help you or the world. Best regards in the new year, and I hope to hear that you are feeling better soon.
Thanks to you too Judith, for your stalwart wonderfulness.
Not Mr. Parry here–just a random fan and admirer of you too.
And likewise best wishes to Mr. Parry.
Being born is a death sentence. Cherish each breath.
Thank you Robert and I hope you can get some good medical help and rest. Slow the pace of your life; you have contributed immensely. I’m a progressive liberal and even got sucked into believing the NYTimes was a perfect newspaper and of course I’ve learned it is not. It must exist in the horrid climate of american news and it is a corporation; that makes it a major unit of “manufacturing consent” in the Noam Chomsky sense. It promotes the elite view and that view has become more and more dominant as you point out here. Today they have an article which screams in its byline that trumps deregulation is causing great economic advances then tells you that it is really not the deregulation. A scam. They support corporate power because they are one and that ends up fighting against full government medical care, basic income for all and inclusive capitalism or even better worker-managed businesses.
Take it easy, try to do a little writing if your health gets stronger, and your eyes improve; otherwise, relax and enjoy.
I also cannot stand the vulgarity, stupidity, science hating, racism and misogyny (sexual harassment) of Trump; his ruination of the EPA will take us years to re-order and the ignorance on climate change may be a final stroke in the destruction. Nuclear problems with you know who might be even worse. But Americans voted in Donald Trump. We cannot “take him out” with either a gun or false stories for impeachment. But I hope we can take him out legally. The quality of life is dropping as I write this because of Trump and the corruption in DC grows by the day as you say. A sad, painful story for all of us.
But remember the main Buddhist belief that is very, very true: “All phenomena are impermanent” and he will be gone someday. People like you
“But Americans voted in Donald Trump.”
Did we? With our electoral process – and, more specifically, its vote counting component – as vulnerable as it is to “meddling” (not by Russians anywhere near as much as by domestic operatives such as Rove&Co and Roger Stone*), and given the statistical forensics from both the primaries and the general election of 2016, it is far more likely than not that we did NOT vote Trump in. Perhaps even more importantly, since the evidence of targeted election theft has been pervasive throughout the past 15 years of the computerized vote counting era, it is extremely unlikely that we voted in the GOP majorities, at the federal and state levels, that are cynically enabling the Cancer-in-Chief. It is all too clear that, in an era beset by lies of every sort – big, medium, and small – the reality of actually counting votes as cast is hardly sacrosanct.
A survey of elections in the computerized voting era – which can be found in my book, “CODE RED: Computerized Election Theft and The New American Century” – certainly does not bode well for the prospects of translating the public will into electoral results in 2018 and 2020. Unless and until we INSIST upon the restoration of public, observable vote counting – at the very least protected by uniform and public audits with teeth – we have no basis for expecting reason to replace derangement in our nation.
* Consider this from Stone himself, from his 2016 article in The Hill:
“Both parties have engaged in voting machine manipulation. Nowhere in the country has this been more true than Wisconsin, where there are strong indications that Scott Walker and the Reince Priebus machine rigged as many as five elections including the defeat of a Walker recall election. . . The computerized voting machines can be hacked and rigged and after the experience of Bernie Sanders there is no reason to believe they won’t be.”
i just read that Trump has ceased his commission to investigate the massive voter fraud which made it seem that Hillary won the popular vote. Trump still claims there was massive voter fraud, but most of the 51 states + DC refused to send the Fraud Commission their voter data. (Because states run presidential elections, and their data is none of the federal government’s business/)
I have so much respect for you. Please take care of yourself and know we are here for you.
Hey Robert…I certainly wish you well and hope for a full(er) recovery, and very soon at that.
However…it must be said that Trump is a cancer. You know it now that it’s come home to roost. Even if I do respect your history in the journalistic endeavors of the past, it is my opinion that your contribution in the age of Trump has not been to the highest of standards either. Though you make sharp and factual points on many issues, there have been times where you’re so blinded by personal issues that you’ve actually taken up the Trump line…using the same language and reasoning.
If nothing else, I would hope you could find a way to explain a point of view without over-worrying about “fake news”, “RussiaGate” and many of the lines you take that could be straight out of the Trump playbook. And yes, you do bring up a salient point that the “opposition” often does the same. Nobody wants you to necessarily toe a line…instead perhaps go “outside the box” you’ve built and find a healthier environment to publish from.
And perhaps you could use a vacation away from D.C. That’s a terrible place to be confined. I lived there during Watergate ( which was kinda fun! ) but this is so much worse than those days.
So…Godspeed in healing up, OK?
“Though you make sharp and factual points on many issues, there have been times where you’re so blinded by personal issues that you’ve actually taken up the Trump line…using the same language and reasoning.”
Actually, what has distinguished Robert Parry’s writing from that of just about anyone else on the left has been his ability to apprehend and dissect the nuances of Trump hatred and Trump perfidy, as opposed to most of those on the so-called left whose hatred of Trump blinds them to the shadings within the picture because they view every thing through a “I hate Trump” lens. That lens is simply not adequate to portray our current political reality. I don’t think anyone really “knows” what drives Trump, what has driven him, and what will drive him in the future. We have to look at the reality and the whole context and not view everything through a “I hate Trump” lens. That is precisely Robert Parry’s strength.
Robert, thanks for all that you’ve done and all that you will do after you get well..
You might want to ask your doctor about the medical advisability of a using a breathing machine at night.
As we age, our oxygen intake lessens a bit, and the assistance of a breathing machine can alleviate the stress on organs, such as the brain and heart, which can suffer oxygen deprivation if nocturnal breathing is sporadic or irregular.
Sorry to offer such unsolicited advice out of the blue. There is no other way to offer it. It may have already been considered. And, that may not be your problem.
Am sending a $500.00 contribution. Thanks for your heroic efforts.
John Wolfe
707 Georgia Avenue
Suite 302
Chattanooga, TN
Dear Mr Parry,
Do not lose heart. There are loads of people getting on with their lives in spite of a stroke. I am one such person. Things do take time to adjust, even if the true differences are known only to you. The worst thing that happened to me last year 2017 – had a stroke. Best thing? I survived (I’m only 55). 3 months later I’m about 98% of where I was. The grand piano almost fell on me, but it missed by the narrowest of margins. Keep writing. Keep investigating. But look after yourself.
Kind Regards,
Mr. Perry,
As others have said, no apology necessary.
I was saddened to read the news about your stroke, but am very thankful that you are ok and able to press on (so to speak). Your continual contributions of factual and well-reasoned articles about the issues that matter with regard to our government, the media, and our foreign and domestic policy are truly invaluable in this world of power, propaganda, deceit, and manipulation. Your team of journalists that contribute here are models of journalistic honor and integrity, and remain a bulwark against these offenses to our democratic republic.
Despite the awful news of your condition, I feel confident that you will recover and rediscover your ability to continue your work. It is what drives you inside. But please take the time you need to let your body and mind heal. Let your associates carry the load for a while. We, the readership, will continue to support you and this website in whatever way we can.
I wish you good luck and a speedy recovery.
Bob you are a national treasure! It’s been an honor to know you over these years and a privilege to finally have met in person over the summer. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I have selfish reasons for wishing that as well: can’t wait to read what you might write next!
You do important work. I wish you the best recovery.
Speedy recovery, Robert
We need your fearless journalism more than ever.
Maybe you should take a little time off, let somebody else mind the store for a while, if possible.. The ugliness in Washington is not going to improve this year , things are going to deteriorate. I would suggest that your health comes first and that it might be time to recharge the batteries after a long 2017.. Others may prefer to stay busy , why worry now? Good luck either way, , you have created a good website and have done some good work here. Thanks.
Get well soon Mr. Parry. You’re a godsend to us all.
Trump is doing what he what he was designed to do, Robert: assure the wealthiest get more, that the protection racket known as the petrol dollar-military complex gets saved that the banks that finance the seedy, little cut rate carny that is America continue to pillage and that all of this is allowed to proceed in the light of day by focusing on Trump, not the system that birthed him.
In the interim, you be well, Robert.
Best wishes for a rapid recovery, and many thanks for all the outstanding work you do!
Go to Amazon and order some Dr Christophers Hawthorn Berry syrup. Read the comments on the link below. Both I and my wife have cured all of our heart conditions with this. It really actually works.
Wishing you some well earned rest and a speedy recovery.
Bob, the unanimity of good will in these comments is a testament to the value you provide to us as readers (as well as a reflection of the quality of reader your work attracts). I think it also reflects the degree to which many of us have come to “know” you through your writing, and care about you as a human being.
You are one of a handful of journalists I have grown to depend on, not just for straight news, but also for the excellent analysis you bring to every topic. Your perspective has become part of mine, and I can’t say that about many of your journalistic contemporaries.
You’re just a bit older than I am, so I’m in awe of the work schedule you maintain. But please, ratchet it down while you convalesce. The duty you clearly feel to your readers and your profession is best served by getting well. In the meantime, we’re all pulling for you.
Best wishes for the new year from Colorado.
Mr. Parry, I have been reading you for decades. You have long been a hero of mine. Let me join everyone else in wishing you a successful and swift recovery!
By the way, there may be every reason to write by dictating as many writers have long done. Also, there is reading by listening. Both take a little practice but are effective. William James, for instance, dictated most of his work more than a century ago. James Joyce, and on… Howard Gardner, of Harvard, wrote about dictating.
ltr, Mr Parry states that “every day is a work day” – no, it is not! Attitudes like this are what makes the U.S. such a frightening place. In Europe, many people believe that you should work to live, NOT live to work. Mr Parry has had a stroke – he should rest, NOT do more work! WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERICANS?
Yes, this is true.
A very well known writer who lives in my community now writes like this—you would recognize the writer’s and the community’s names.
He dictates a first draft and sends it to his editor (a woman who lives locally).
She does some basic editing to ready it for publishing, and goes over it with him again, I think by phone, to get to a final draft, which is then sent in to the local paper, which publishes his essays.
PS. Of course, Parry also has to read a lot to develop his analyses. So, yes, that is certainly a challenge. Being read to is not the same and doing one’s own reading. But might work to some extent, depending on the talents of the person doing the reading.
All the best to you Mr. Parry, and thank you for the invaluable service you have performed in keeping the citizenry informed.
I am fearfully sorry, you and your work have meant so much to me for so long. Just be well and go on as you see fit.
Thank you, Robert Parry. I am truly sorry to hear of your health situation and wish you the best for as full as possible recovery. You have been an inspiration to me since I discovered you several years ago, and I hope you are able to keep writing. The truth is so hard to determine and it helps to hear from someone who highly values facts. Take good care of yourself and know that your views are always welcomed by me and, I’m sure, many others.
Thank you for your integrity, Mr Parry. It is indeed a rarity. You have made a massive contribution to journalism.
I wish you a speedy recovery but only as your body takes its time to heal. I too will say a prayer for you because God knows that we need you in this sea of garbage that is Wash, DC.
This is getting serious, Strokes might happen due to stress when working with somebody who pressures you with a leverage (a salary).
Hopefully, I am wrong and this is not an attempt at Robert’s life.
Nowadays they try to disguise assassination as much as possible. Maybe they can provoke a stroke.
Be careful, please.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. I appreciate your principles and your work.
All my best wishes for a rapid and complete recovery. I have followed your work for many years, and am deeply grateful for your unwavering integrity and courage.
Thanks for this overview. Yes, the media is largely a battlefield. We all are supposed to have that “Tavistock Grin” of acceptance, so that neither the FDR Democrats nor the Lincoln Republicans can work together to right the National Ship.
Robert, all the best for a speedy recovery. You are a fantastic journalist and I have learned a tremendous amount from your articles. Consortium News provides such a badly-needed counterpoint to the lies and misinformation in the mainstream media and, sadly, sometimes in the “progressive media.” Just in the last year you deserve an award for your reports debunking the many myths about Russia-gate. Hang in there, and I know so many people appreciate your work.
‘if I could change one thing about America and Western journalism, it would be that we all repudiate “information warfare” in favor of an old-fashioned respect for facts and fairness — and do whatever we can to achieve a truly informed electorate’
Well said from a conscientious American.
Sadly though, Robert Parry, may not be aware of how few there are now fitting that description, conscientious American.
James Traub recently wrote the following, and I believe it captures the essence of the American dilemma:
“The United States of America Is Decadent and Depraved
The problem isn’t Donald Trump – it’s the Donald Trump in all of us…”
My way of saying something similar in my essays has been to compare today’s America with France in, say, the mid-18th century before the Revolution.
As we know from the infamous Talleyrand, it was a “very sweet time to be alive” (if you were among the wealthy and privileged, of course). This brilliant, but exceedingly corrupt, Catholic Bishop and statesman managed to survive and thrive through many twists and turns, even the Revolution and Napoleon.
He was perhaps a close parallel to some of the leading figures we see today in Washington. And the set of great land-owning lords and churchmen, who were never willing to budge in the slightest in their vast privileges to help save a financially-floundering monarchy, parallel quite closely America’s super-wealthy set, the people who keep looking for tax cuts and legal privileges and never offer anything of their substance to better the country.
But apart from being a time “sweet to be alive,” it was equally a time when a great duke’s carriage wouldn’t even stop if it struck a peasant who happened to be in his way on the road. The body was taken no more account of than people today note “roadkill” of small animals on the highway.
It was that brutally divided and unequal a society, absolutely extreme, and of course I do not just mean in terms of wealth, but when wealth becomes too extremely unequal, it generates many other inequalities such as treatment before the law or fair opportunities or even health. And we do see those very things in America. France, of course, eventually self-destructed. I don’t carry that last as a necessary parallel for America, but it is not beyond the realm of possibilities.
America has reached a place not too different from the France of Louis Quinze or Seize. The government in Washington takes no care or concern for ordinary Americans. None.
The ruling establishment in Washington, too, is not all that different from a ruling aristocracy. Money rules elections and policy. The plutocracy with the big money calls the shots. Taxes and other policies are structured for the rich.
Offices, such as the powerful Senate, are virtually lifetime sinecures, few of the incumbents ever losing a future election. And, in a number of cases, the offices are handed down to children or other favored successors. There are many examples of this, a sure sign of corruption and decadence.
So, we have a plutocracy with its loyal representatives in Washington, supported by a Frankenstein-size military and security establishment with 17 agencies in total, including the well-known CIA, NSA, and FBI.
These vast support agencies of course are paid for through the taxes of millions of ordinary citizens, but their purpose and employment are in the service of the plutocracy and special interests.
America’s “Defense Department” has not fought a single war or conflict having anything to do with defense in three-quarters of a century. It is all aggressive, much like the great wars of France, and all to serve special interests and the privileged, imposing their will on others.
Does that sound like a democratic government? Or even a decent government concerned with the people it governs? Of course, it does not.
Does that sound like a modern version of what France had in, say, 1760, with its great lords and bishops, huge army, and a government which did little more than make war and scramble for advantages at court? Yes, of course, it does.
No election or candidate under the existing circumstances can hope to change this, and it difficult to imagine any other mechanism which might restore some semblance of decency.
Dear, dear Robert Parry:
I am so sorry to hear of your stroke, and so deeply appreciative of the extra effort it has taken for you to write this essay, which sets forth so clearly our current crisis and evidences so clearly your immense value and — why we need you. Please know that your readers have you in their hearts and would, I believe, do whatever is in their power to help you and Consortium News. You have done immense service, and I mean the word “service” in the most elevated of terms. You have served the country, and its *stated* values. You deserve a Medal of Freedom, the Medal of Honor.
It is selfish to pray that your health allows you to continue to serve the public interest as you have for decades.
Most important is to take care of yourself now.
To think what your readers would do without you is a most unwelcome speculation. No one equals your clarity and your moderation, your fairness, your commitment to the truth.
Your clarity. Clarity. Clarity. Clarity. The repetition is intentional.
Along with good writing.
This essay is a brilliant summary. I for one shall forward it to my own small list.
I am not religious, but I will do my best to pray for your health and ease.
I always come to this site whenever the msm are uniformly pronouncing on some event..which is most of the time these days. You offer excellent insight and perspective. I hope you will be able to keep publishing. Speech to text … hire a scribe..if I was in Washington I’d volunteer to read what you wanted to read and thpe what you wanted to say.
Get Well Soon!!!! Your work and website are invaluable!
Robert Parry, my respect for you and your journalism is overwhelming. My very best to you for a healthy new year.
Dearest Robert: Please get as better as you can. This nation needs you. You are a national treasure and one of the
few heroes of the past 40 some years. It is my prayer that God grants you a full recovery.
I notice by the way that Consortium News has started to emulate the anti-Trump line of the Democrats in recent weeks. True, you are still ridiculing the Russia accusations. But other than that CN has moved decisively to the left. And to compare Trump’s order to avoid certain terms from BUDGET REQUESTS is now being compared to 1984 while NOTHING is said about the fact that conservative speakers are being prevented from speaking at colleges.
If 1984 DOES come, it will not come from Trump. It will come from the angry left, supported by far too many Democrats.
So I hope you will resume your role as editor and that CN will return to being centrist. Otherwise I may consider not reading you any longer.
“…CN has moved decisively to the left”
You might want to spend a little time browsing the archives. Particularly with respect to Mr. Parry’s reporting on the administrations of Saint Ronald, Bush the Lesser, and Bush the Greater Lesser.
Mr Parry, Best wishes for your health and your valuable work. Your contributions to the world of journalism and public discourse on current events have been superb and enormously valuable.
Hoping you can keep up the good work for many years to come. As a life long progressive, I am disappointed in Corporate dems who push this deep state meme against Putin. It has been debunked by many ex-CIA analysts and Bill Binney, ex NSA. Also Wikileaks which has yet to publish a “known” lie says it is a faux narrative.
Dear Robert, whatever happens you may rest assured we appreciate your integrity and Herculean efforts to keep at least a modicum of journalism truthful and real. Now my next comment is a suggestion – get some of that software than transcribes the spoken word so we can keep your voice in the arena!! Happy 2018. Your friend, DLB
Best wishes for your health!
Gods speed Robert! The world will make you sick if you let it! Thank you for all the work you do on our behalf! The truth will come out but we might have to wrench it out . . .
Get well. We need you!
Dear Robert,
Know that healing thoughts are headed your way every day. Speedy recovery, you are much needed. I have been reading Consortium
News since 2000, and every analysis over the years has been proven correct.
Take good care of yourself. We need your
This is very sad news, and we all wish for Robert Parry’s speedy recovery. This is probably not news, but there is an easy device on Macs that will read text. Not perfect, but helpful. I use it often. I also would be happy to help in any way in transcribing, copy editing, or any way I can be of use while Robert is regaining his powers.
Please take care of yourself. Your health will improve. You are a person of great integrity.
Just introduced to you, dear man, ordered your book, and want to support Consortiumnews. Happy New Year from a fellow old guy!
I look forward to reading you for many years to come, so get about healing and saddle up! All best wishes!!!
Dear Robert Parry,
So very sorry to hear of your illness. May all be resolved soonest, but in the interim please be kind to yourself, the body occasionally sends out a “slow down temporarily” signal and one should listen. That said, I imagine this is being dismissed and you are forging forward, as I write!
Your work is a constant light shone in dark places in words ever of clarity, perception and enviable insight. Thank you for all of it. Reference materials and wake up calls for now and generations to come.
Warmest wishes,
Felicity Arbuthnot.
Get well soon, Robert. You’re one of the best that I go to.
Please take it easier, esteemed partisan of the table ugh battles
Why does the device change my words when all I want to say is– “every day is a work day” is what gives us Consortium but please take care– the ugly is wearing me down and these essays countervaili that
I wish you a speedy recovery from your stroke. I have read your reporting for some years now and regard you as a primary source for information about what actually goes on in the world. I hope you realize that there are many who share your point of view and are willing to help spread the word.
Dear Mr. Parry,
I am so sorry that you have suffered a stroke.
Thank you for writing this brief history and overview of reporting in America.
Thank you for maintaining a news site where I can consistently find accurate reporting and learn things I would not have discovered through mainstream media. I am very concerned about the ongoing attack on truth and journalistic integrity and the self-reinforcing shutting down of access to information.
As you know, it has become very difficult to learn about any of the incidents you mention through “traditional” sources: Maidan, Magnitsky, Russiagate, Syria… I remember learning in fifth grade that the people of the Soviet Union did not know about the crimes of their country because the Russian State indoctrinated and lied to their people, who had no access to a free press or independent news and historians. Feels like that here in America.
It is rare to find human beings with your devotion to truth. I hope you are getting the rest and joy your body needs.
Again, I thank you.
Lynne Mayo
Get well soon, Robert Parry.
You have done a great job IMO – in the face of the relentless villification that anyone who tells the truth about the Collusion Myth, aka Russiagate, faces.
And since the Collusion Myth threatens to drag us down the route to WWIII, potentially nuclear Armageddon, nothing could be more important than the work that you and your colleauges here at CN have been doing.
But from what I gather from what you write here and the quality and extent of your piece, I have every confidence that you will remain in the lists in this struggle for survival – albeit at a pace that befits a mere mortal.
All the Best!!
So sorry to hear of your stroke. Hopefully, you will have a good recovery, so that you can continue the vital work that has been your life for so many years. We, your readers, depend on it.
Thank you for all of the wonderful work you have done. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Best wishes for your speedy recovery. Thanks for all you do.
Thank you for your principled and rigoroous analysis at Consortium News. I wish to add one more message of support for your speedy recovery. You have plenty of supporters.
Have made a first-time donation as well.
Get well Mr. Parry. We support you and need you sir.
Dear Robert, I wish you a speedy and complete recovery. You have done so much for our world. We owe you a debt of supreme gratitude.
We need you now more than ever. But, you need to be healthy, so please keep it to a comfortable level. Fewer articles with your usual impact will be fine with all of your readers, I am sure.
Sorry to hear about your stroke, Mr. Parry. I’m a great admirer of yours and hope for a speedy recovery. And you should take a vacation.
Please don’t apologize for events that you have little control of. As much as I value Consortium, I hope that you prioritize getting well over your work.
To the long list above I am adding my own wishes for your speedy recovery, Robert. I also urge you to take the time (and the doctor’s advice) necessary to get back your strength!
What you wrote here about the decline of American journalism, the decline of American political speech more generally, was as accurate as it was tragic. All the same, your standards of journalistic practice, I am convinced, will stand for years to come as a testament in its own right, and as a guide to the public and to the profession.
This kind of commitment to objectivity, fairness and truth that you have is something that can and does (and should!) unite people across the only apparently insurmountable divides of faith — or lack of religious faith. It is simply the condition for a life that is dignified and human. The short-cuts and Machiavellian strategies of lesser writers (and politicians) ultimately poison everything, eventually including itself.
Paul Grenier
Dear Mr. Parry,
first let me thank you for all your articles rebutting the main stream narrative. Your reasoning is closer to the “real truth” than the conclusions of all the journalists of the formerly balanced news outlets.
Your commitment to your readership is awesome: Right now your health/recovery should be of the highest priority, even if that implies a slower pace at CN. Quality matters, not quantity. CN definitely is a news site that publishes quality.
I wish you a full and speedy recovery.
Kind regards
Joe Average
I am very sorry to hear of your stroke and wish you a speedy recovery, after all we need you terribly as you are a bright light in a dark world!!
I had stroke that sounds similar in August. I have found that with time and familiarity reading and writing has not been too difficult for too long. Narrow columns are better than wide ones and tech that lets you resize your screen is very helpful.
Be well!
We wish you well in your recovery. As far as I’m concerned your allowed a day off from work especially when it comes to health concerns. Thank you ever so much for letting us know what’s going with you. Again, be careful and speedy recovery.
Devoted Reader.
No apology necessary Robert. Godspeed to a speedy recovery. Thank you for everything you do.
Robert, I am so sorry to read of your stroke. Please take it easy until your health improves.
Thank you for your many years of professional journalism as the establishment press sank lower and lower into the muck of behaving as gatekeepers for Empire where they remain.
That VIPS chooses CN as their home base is testament to your integrity and professionalism. I’ve read the VIPS debunking of the Russian hacking false narrative referred to on a number of other sites. You have provided us with the factual evidence we need to push back against corporate state propaganda.
Wishing you and yours health and peace in the new year.
We miss your “truthiness”. Your faithful readers hope that you recover soon.
Robert Parry, you truly are an inspiration in this world and I wish for you to have a full and speedy recovery. This article is a good sign you will recover fast. Best wishes for you and your family in the New Year through this difficult time. You have brought so much to this world and I judging from all the well wishes and comments a great many concerned citizens see it and thank you for it.
Get well soon, Mr. Parry, rest and recover (maybe as you rehab, just refresh your site once a week. As you can see, you have a loyal readership…no one’s going anyplace). I think everyone here would agree that Robert Parry with one eye (and a hand tied behind his back) is better than 99% of the working journalists in this country.
With respect to some of the suggestions above, it’s highly unlikely that your doctors aren’t aware of the differences between ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes, or haven’t considered differential diagnoses. Trust them.
As far as diet suggestions, fat’s not the villain, it’s sugar. If you aren’t familiar with Robert Lustig or Gary Taubes, now is as good a time as any to get acquainted with them.
Bob – Your stroke is terrible news, as I do think what you’ve been doing is among the more important things going on these days. I understand reading is difficult, but want to suggest to your attention a book I found fascinating and hope to read a second time as it’s so chock-full of interesting information: The Brain That Changes Itself. If interested please email me for more; send me a mailing address and I’ll send you a copy! Maybe it’s available as an audio book, I will look into that if you like. Very best regards, Bob Roth
Robert, sorry to hear about this, but there is hope. I was involved in a car accident 18 mos. ago that left me with a diagnosis of MTBI (Mild Traumatic Brain Injury). Two things you can immediately do: find a good Doctor of Oriental Medicine for acupuncture; and second start taking Magnesium L-Threonate. I recovered within 6 months, and continue to take the L-Threonate (Magtein from NOW). Sending you healing vibes!
Well there you go Robert. Telling us what happened to you followed by “every day’s a work day” article……lots of respect for your integrity….make it a habit to take a day off every week…rest up…..get better….take care…
Robert Parry – are you using any kind of space heater for auxiliary heat?
“Be aware of the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning. A feeling of weakness, shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness, vomiting and blurred vision are all side effects of this type of poisoning. If you’re experiencing these symptoms around your space heater, go outside immediately.”
Probably wrong, but worth considering. Some people believe that this is what happened to me one day while working in an enclosed space. But you probably have a carbon monoxide detector in your house.
Get well, Mr. Parry. Let me join the chorus in wishing you a speedy and complete recovery for a happy and prosperous new year. Thank you for all you’ve done and have yet to do!
Get well soon, Mr. Parry. Consortiumnews has opened my eyes, to me it’s the best news resource to be found on the internet. Thank you for that.
I’m so sorry to hear that you had a stroke and that it has interfered with your reading and writing of all things :( Truth is certainly stranger than fiction. I truly hope that your condition improves with time for your sake and ours (yes, I’m being selfish thinking this thought).
Very distressed to read your post about you suffering a stroke. I can’t top the well wishes on this chain of comments, only join them. It is ever a puzzlement that such a misfortune should strike an honorable and principled journalist and man as you, while so many murderous scoundrels & fools walk the earth unscathed. You are one of the very few in your profession who do not ever perform journalistic malpractice. I wish you well and look forward to your honest and accurate observations on the state of play in this weird corrupt world for a long time to come. They are necessary and essential!
Mike Malloy publicly ridiculed Parry . He should be boycotted into oblivion.
Mr. Parry, thank you for your tireless efforts and I meditate for your recovery. I urge you to see a naturopathic doctor as well as the allopathic MDs, as naturopaths look at alternative healing and nutrition. I was helped by a naturopath tremendously for a dreadful event several years ago. Coenzyme Q10 is helpful for heart and circulation, is a natural component of certain foods and boosts metabolic functions. And relaxation is absolutely vital for healing. Despite the nastiness we are seeing today in the USA, this cannot continue without a harsh karmic price to be paid by the neocons and other evildoers. We all must get out on the streets this spring and summer, I think, to push back at this evil. Please know that you are supported by many.
Hang in there Bob. There are a lot of people who think very highly of you and I am one of them. I read not only your articles but others who write on this website. You are doing our society and the world a great service by your gift of journalism. Thank you for your commitment and take it slow. Your health is a main concern for many of us. Peace my friend.
We really need you, Mr Parry. You must rest, and do whatever is necessary to bring you back to full health again. In the meantime, know that you are appreciated and valued.
Mr Parry,
Get well soon! While a mere reader myself I’d say you’re an absolutely outstanding investigative journalist. I have read your articles for years, and gained much understanding.
Thank you for being diligent & courageous in separating Reality from ‘reality show’:
Not long ago Reality
was but rarely misperceived.
A TV ‘reality show’
would at no time be believed.
In these days our shiny screens
provide obfuscation
as well as a mighty means
for our abdication.
When we’re steeped in ignorance
all seems obscure mystery.
Zero hope of deliverance
when we don’t know history.
Please take it easier, and get well soon.
Best wishes to you and your family in 2018!
Happy New Year Mr. Parry!
I’m sorry you need to slow down due to your illness. I wish you a full speedy recovery.
Please know that your journalistic and prophetic voice continue to show the way during this challenging times.
Stay strong!
My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey
I would google research topics and causes and preventive…I personally take garlic pill a day hoping breaking up plaque build-up in blood vessels, eat can salmon lasts 2 days for omega 3 (salmon paddies to salmon maccaroni veg) as has highest concentration omega 3 — flaxseed sprinkled on cereal to anything also works, presently eat spinach with different salad dressings for taste for potassium which helps regulate heart beat and elasticity of blood vessels, lima beans also high and banana has some but fattening, I years ago had lst high cholesterol and told doc i’d lst try diet (what foods to eat) as he suggested lipitor—I simply cut down cheese, went to 1 percent milk, cut down red meat…and worked and haven’t had bad cholesterol report since, I also jog run in place on mini-trampolene. Began by running in place on pillow and thought of mini-trampolene—lost 40 pounds–good for maintaining weight, cardio benefit, benefit all areas of body including mood, i presently 40 minutes total as not working–20am and two 10 pm’s five days a week, can be whenever and whatever amount, indoor so safe and weather friendly and no prep like jogging outfit…as for the biggest culprit in plaque was transfat which is poison and being phased out—how much that contributed as transfat was in everything we grew up and ate from donuts to fries…
Just adding vitamin C is very important and also adding my jogging in place mini-trampolene is at regular pace but biggest thing is O impact on knees and uses biggest muscles which are in legs and turns on mitrochondria factories and works when not exercising…I can’t jog outdoors let alone on cement which is like using leg as hammer on pavement—this won’t have the joggers pavement issues. There’s alot info which i’m googling now about strokes or ways prevent or stuff to build up vessels…and quite obvious man did not evolve from apes but rather chipmunks which we share many characteristiks and even today 2018 seen bunch of them singing in tv just as you or I would sing and one was named Alvin I think—I kid you not
my philosophy prof told us that when the fish industry wanted to introduce an unknown new canned fish called Tuna, on the new tuna can labels they printed “GUARANTEED NOT TO TURN RED IN THE CAN.” That’s why just about the only canned fish in the supermarket is tuna.
Thank you so much for all of your efforts over the years. Wishing you healing and recovery in the new year.
So sorry to hear about that, you are an example of integrity, I feel sometimes we (humanity) don’t deserve people like you.
Please don’t work that hard, I relax with some weed, it’s not taboo anymore, maybe a hot tub as well.
Mr. Parry:
Hope so much you come out of the stroke safe and sound because we look forward each morning to your profound insights at Consortiumnews. com. Keep well for mankind.
Bubb Family
Henderson, NV
Get well. We need you.
Words fall short, so all I can say is Thank You and wish you a speedy recovery.
Dear Robert Parry, as a german fellow journalist I send all my best wishes to you: your website is my daily highest regarded and first stop in the US internet. Simply excellent. Chapeau. Please get well soon and may be slow down a little. You are dearly needed, so a little less Robert Parry is much better for all of us including you than loosing you completely.
I hope you have a speedy and full recovery. We need sane voices in this world and you are one of them. Your health must come first and foremost. Take the time you need however long it is. Thank you for all your hard work and the strength of character to do it properly. Good luck in the future, no matter what you choose to do.
I’ve been reading Consortium News for over a decade, my favorite website. A reliable source of information in this age when facts no longer seems to matter, when a request for evidence often brings a scowl. Thank you for your years of excellent work, Robert Parry, and I hope you will soon recover. We need you to continue!
I’ve been a lurker on this site for a few years. It has offered me some sanity and escape from the crazy world presented by the MSM in the USA today. Starting in 1998 and ending on retirement a few years ago I’ve shot nearly 2000 freelance photo assignments for the New York Times. It’s sad to see the state that the old gray lady has slipped into. Now that these many masks are being torn away I hope that your writings will inspire a new wave of journalists with the purpose of bringing us the truth. Thank you for this most recent article which I find to be a perfect summary of the state of journalism as it is served to us today.
Take care of yourself, try to kick back and enjoy some of the things you may have been missing. Please look into natural medicine and remedies as death by pharmaceutical medicine is one of the biggest killers today. My father was suffering from frequent mini strokes. Getting him off the fourteen meds and on natural supplements has had a great affect on his quality of life and no tsi’s in quite awhile.
Thanks for all your hard work and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Meant to say my father hasn’t had any tia’s in awhile… Where are my brain supplements?
Thanks for the update and best wishes for a speedy and full recovery. You are not fighting a lot cause, Robert. Millions of us still believe in real investigative journalism and rely on publications like Consortium News to keep us truly well-informed. We both act and argue based on the information you provide. Keep up the great, valuable work you are doing at whatever pace you can.
Thanks for that article, and for all your work, Mr Parry.
I have only recently discovered Consortium News, but am impressed by it – and also relieved to find that such a site exists.
My sympathy about your health problems – and commiserations. Two years ago I was hit by throat problems that have meant that I really couldn’t talk for months at a time. I guess I should be more grateful for the health I had up to this time.
Mr. Parry, thank you for your dedication to real investigative journalism and your commitment to independent news media.
Best wishes for complete recovery.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
A good friend of mine had a far worse stroke than that. He was completely disabled, but he recovered fully. So I am very positive that you will too. Keep up the good real journalism work for humanity! We all hope for the best!
Wishing you a speedy recovery, Robert. Your voice is one of the few sane ones to keep us on course in a sea of propaganda garbage.
Robert, you are an inspiration. Your work is increasingly important to counter the dangerous groupthink and official propaganda that permeates our lives. Get well soon and very best wishes for the New Year!
Mr. Parry, you will fully recover and your readers will still be with you.
Mr. Parry, sorry to hear of your illness. Please temporarily turn over the daily writing to a trustworthy journalist friend — you must have many — and take the pressure off yourself. Your loyal followers on this site will still be here. Give yourself a break and get well. We need you long term. Happy New Year.
Get well soon, Robert. My expert medical opinion is that your illness was caused by all the fake news you had to process in 2017. The cure is to relax and stay away from the NYT and CNN in the coming year. That crap is dangerous to anyone.
My advice to the great Robert Parry – who is providing us readers a unique source of honest, incisive and informative journalism – indeed (for me) the very best daily news source – is really to “take it easy” and concentrate on personal well-being. Having a close family member who suffered from a stroke, I can say that a first stroke is a warning sign, after which everything needs to be done to prevent another oone, medically and in terms of lifestyle.
For Robert Parry, having a very competent second-in-command – like Daniel McAdams, who is helping carrying out the work of Ron Paul – could be a solution.
Regarding the other great journalist mentioned in the article – Seymour Hersh – it is indeed amazing that he has to publish abroad in the London Review of Books and Die Welt, but gets no attention at home. But what is more disconcerting is that he seems to have disappeared from view since last summer – July/August 2017 – when it appeared that he had a “scoop” regarding WikiLeaks and Seth Rich. After making some contradictory comments about the matter, he seems to have vanished from public view. What is the situation here?
Mr Parry, the work you do is very important. It may seem that the effect is not great, but there is an effect, and it is in the right direction (unlike most journalism these days). I often see Consortiumnews.com cited on other blogs. Your integrity must certainly be an inspiration to young people planning to work in this field.
Please put your health first for a while.
Dear honorable Robert Parry, thank you for your selfless service to American citizenry and humanity at large.
Please give yourself a good rest so that you body could recover completely.
Mr. Parry, you are the salt of the earth. Thank you for your presence in this world.
Dear Mr Parry,
I can only agree with Anna and everyone else,
You have made and keep making a truly invaluable contribution to freedom, justice, a fair and prosperous world. Thank you!
Health is now your foremost concern! Do what it takes to recover! This advocacy should also serve readers and society best, wishing for your full recovery!
Take care!
Best wishes and thank you for all your hard work over the years.
Remember the hare and the tortoise parable. May give consolation. :)
Well,that’s too bad. Hope you recover. You fought the good fight, but its really a lost cause at this point. Way too many people drinking the cool aid of MSM propaganda and enjoying it, at least for now. Fake America, I know longer recognize it. For the young its all they have known so they cant see it. Getting late now, might as well turn off the lights and sleep.
Hope you a full recovery and a healthy 2018’ Mr. Parry
Heartfelt hopes and prayers for a speedy and full recovery….along with deeply felt gratitude for all the years of your tireless efforts to inform and education readers. Thank you blessings and may 2018 grant you increased strength and health to do all that you choose to do! Blessings and appreciation also to your amazing family!
Dear Mr. Parry,
I admire your political courage and journalistic work! Good luck in improving your health condition and with this site! Happy New Year!
Dear mr Parry,
from a very cold Montreal, i wish you a quick recovery. Your clarity, objectivity and brilliant writing are needed in our current times.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, sir. Consortium is an indispensable source of honest information.
Oh, dear. Please keep fighting! We need voices like yours, especially now. Quick note: it *is* possible to recover fully, or mostly, from a stroke. My mom did. Give yourself time–that’s often what it takes. So, I will keep you and consortium news in my thoughts. I wish I had lots of money to shower upon you, but as a low-income little old non-lady, all I can do is wish you the best and (joke) send some of those good California “vibes” your way.
Dear Mr. Parry,
Thank you for being a model of integrity and rational, critical thinking. I wish you a speedy recovery.
My first thought is o no, we need you! My second thought is prayers for your health and safety. My last thought is–do you know what the CIA/FBI were doing that night? People who do a great patriotic service for the country seem to die a lot. Please be well and thank you so much for all you’ve done for democracy.
Glad to hear that you survived but so sad that you suffered such a malady. My prayers for a speedy recovery are with you. Please keep the flame lit. You do important and necessary work.
Happy New Year
Get better, Mr. Parry, and if you need to, don’t be afraid to hand over editorial-posting reigns to a trusted associate so that the web site can continue to be updated.
Sorry to hear you had a stroke Mr. Parry. I pray for your return to health. Best wishes,
Stephen J.
Wishing you a full and speedy recovery
I echo all previous comments – the surprise and shock to learn that you were not enjoying a well-earned respite from your duties and the thanks for your invaluable perspective and those of others you publish.
Ironically, daily reading of your columns relieves my free-floating anxiety about our interesting time and focuses it more productively. I can’t help but think that I’m robbing your health to feed mine. I wish you a full recovery.
Oh geez — sorry to hear about your medical problems Robert! Glad to see your not severely incapacitated. As a long-time reader going back to your hard-copy magazine days, and a fellow 68 yr-old’, might I suggest that it’s time to ‘shift-gears’ from 3rd to 4th to keep the RPMs down to a safe level, and –as someone suggested above –cultivate or recruit some young protégés?
In any event, good luck on your recovery!
I’m so sorry to learn of your health problem, Robert Parry. Feel better soon!
Commenter xenophon above mentions the text-to-speech and speech-to-text tools that are now available. As you take care of your health in general, I hope you will make use of them to overcome the specific problem of impaired eyesight and continue the work that means so much not only to your readers but to the world at large.
Wishing you and the CN contributors and readers a great 2018!
Wishing you a speedy recovery Robert. I have a special reason to sympathize – I too had a mini-stroke at almost the exact same time. Left me with “venetian blind” vision and tingling down the right side after an hour or two of complete disorientation. Like you I am not a “blood pressure guy” (lean, fit and been on a sensible diet for thirty years) but discovered it was 211/111.
Had a hell of a job getting it down, the “bomb” they gave me at emergency and the prescribed Perindopril didn’t seem to have any effect. A friend recommended a teaspoon of best cinnamon and I was astonished to see it drop 40 points within half an hour – the shimmering spots in my vision disappeared.
All the best for the New Year.
As we all know, we all have to be very – very thankful for what health each and every one of us does have.
.. And, we are all so grateful that you were Determined, Ready and Able to get back to just one of your guiding principles, and that is “That every day is a work day.”
But, this being the first day of the new year, I was just kind of thinking that I need to push myself to look at things anew.
(..uh-oh, smell the smoke..(..smile..))
It seems like the future will be more and more based around the “smart” phone. .. And, I ‘am thinking that if all of the great contributor’s to the Consortium (Bernstein, Blum, Davidson, Doctorow, Lauria, Lazare, Marshall, McGovern, Pear, Pilger, Pillar, Rockstroh, Solomon, Wright, and all of the others that I have missed), if they were to accompany their submitted pieces to the site complete with an audio recording in their own voice, then this “friendlier” version could be listened to, anytime, anywhere.
This could have advantages for the author’s to learn another side of their craft in communication. As well as, a more personal interpretation of their points of inflection, emphasis, etc.. (.. I know, I would love to be able to recognize each author’s own voice. (..smile..)
It may also help expand the audience to more of those who are on the go, and maybe don’t have the time they would like at using a personal computer.
And, last, but not least:
Happy New Year To Everyone!
Thank you for your message. I am so sorry to hear that you have suffered this health issue. I wish you a swift recovery and thank you for everything you do.
Pura Vida from Costa Rica.
Very very very sorry. Please get better.
I just want to say thank you for your ethical, dedication to the practice of journalism. I Hope we can find more journalists with your integrity.
I hope you take the time and energy needed to focus on your own health and well being and have a full recovery.
As Derek mentioned, there is much to study and re-read in the CN archives. I really recommend to go through some categories like “Lost History”, “October Surprise” and many others, starting from the older ones. I have learned a lot from your material, that I would not have found in other sources.
And dear Mr Parry, think for change of yourself, take a long rest, if needed. Meanwhile, maybe your colleagues can choose some worthy articles from other sources, for publication on this site.
Speaking on behalf of your numerous European readers, my best wishes for your complete recovery, soonest.
Robert Parry, thank you for your honest journalism. It has helped me navigate through the endless propaganda the US government and the US mainstream media continue to throw out as fact. When people get old they start having medical issues unfortunately. I hope you do what you feel comfortable doing. Your pieces of journalism are timeless so you shouldn’t worry about having a high output with the topnotch quality you put in each piece.
Dear Mr. Parry,
I’m 82 and had a series of strokes when I was 65. All of my faculties have come back and, despite not always being able to find the right word at the right time, I function mentally as well as I ever have. Maybe, given my age and experience, better than ever. There is hope.
I wish you well and agree with those above who think you should slow down and share some of the burden with other competent people. You probably have an excellent chance of recovery and of continuing your good work, but you must slow down for a while. Please take care of yourself.
This article, like so very many of yours throughout the years(decades) presents facts as facts and viewpoint as viewpoint always with a fair and use of rhetoric–crystal clear no matter how tangled and thorny the subject. Bravo. Take it easy, help yourself recover. After all, seasoned heroes like Odysseus and seasoned warriors like Hildebrand fought smartest and hardest after facing many adversaries. Congratulations on your life’s work and thank you for it.
May God speed your recovery, Robert…dont worry about us, it would do us all well to read and research the CN archives for abit…thank you for caring enough to attempt to inform the electorate, in the face of rising animosity.
Robert, your work and Consortium News is so important, especially now. Thank you so much for all you do! I hope you can hand the reins to someone else during this time of recovery and I hope you do make a full recovery. I hope the stroke was just a message for you to slow your pace and take things a bit easier. I hope Consortium News continues and I will continue to support it. Again, can’t thank you enough for your incredible dedication and work.
Get well Robert, and stay well, I wish you nothing but the best for 2018. And keep up the excellent work that you and your organisation
have been doing for years.
There is a price to be paid for telling the truth, as you well know.
I’m devastated at this news, as you are yourself, no doubt. I have looked to your superlative journalism for a clear-eyed view on so many issues subjected to conflicting narratives; Russiagate in particular. I sincerely wish you a rapid & full recovery and return to your work; albeit at perhaps a less frenetic pace.
Bob Parry: For many years my wife and I have read consortiumnews on a daily basis. It is apparent from this article that you can still write as well as ever. We admire your dedication to the pursuit of truth.
You say you have “faced harsh criticism even from friends of many years for refusing to enlist in the anti-Trump ‘Resistance.’” Me, too.
Here’s wishing you a speedy and complete recovery.
Wishing you well Mr. Parry. You are hero! One of the few real journalists left, telling the truth in the face of the new McCarthyism. I wish you best of health in 2018.
What shocking news! I hope you are soon through your worst difficulties and on your way to a full recovery, Mr. Parry.
Where do you stand on 9/11 Truth? I respect your work but you never discuss the holes in the government”s 9/11 fairy tale, NIST report, 9/11 Commission Report, A&E 911 Truth ???
Asking that got me kicked off CN and I seldom look back. Lots of good writers and I agree 00% of the time, but one doesn’t dare question the man in charge. I certainly wish no ill on Mr. Parry, but notice how dissenting views have been eliminated….censored out. I doubt this comment will make it through the CN censors.
No apology needed. Honesty and self-correction always welcome!
Get well soon.
The world would be much worse off without you.
Supreme assessment of the situation sir. Get better soon. As we say in the UK, “Don’t let the b*******s get you down.”
Dear Mr. Parry,
Please take good care of yourself and know the hearts, thoughts and prayers of many commentators are with you and your family. Thank you for making such a tremendous effort to write to us, giving an important overview of what’s been going on journalistically, how it started and has, unfortunately, progressed. Get well quickly, completely, and enjoy a New Year. May 2018 show forth good fruitage and sail us into a better future because of the honest work you’ve done and what you’ve started here at CN. A couple of thoughts from the Bible come to me: “The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.” — Luke 10:2. “His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a few things, I will set you over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.'” — Matthew 25:23.
Well done, Mr. Parry!
Very sorry to hear about your stroke, Mr. Perry. I have been a tremendous fan of yours for several years now. I recently noted Daniel Ellsberg singling you out as a journalist of integrity and truth, and I have heard numerous other writers speak similarly. You have more reason than most journalists to feel tremendously proud of your work. It has not gone unnoticed! Thanks so much. You have played a major role in how I view the world.
Sorry to hear about your health issues. Of course you were missed. Please take the time you need to recuperate and come back when you are able.
Healing wishes to you Robert! Have been missing your posts but your health comes first.
We’ll keep up the fight.
Dear Mr. Parry
Sorry to hear about your health issues. Wish you a speedy recovery. Your website is among my favorites to read and learn the truth. Hope I’ll be reading CN for a long time to come. Wish you and your family a very Happy New Year.
Zadar, Croatia
I’m struggling to find the words…
I’m so very sorry, Mr. Parry, and on Christmas Eve too..
But what hurts my heart more is that anyone within your journalistic realm would undermine or discount or outright discard you for the unbiased and TRUTHFUL investigative reporting you have worked tirelessly to provide all of us who look forward too and faithfully read your work and that of the many gifted writers on this site…
I understand your inability to write as frequently, but selfishly admit that it will be dearly missed. There are so few sites that those of us who are critical thinkers can go for unbiased establishment narratives (news). Your Russia gate stories are critical in opposing the dangerous narratives that continue within the mainstream media and I have shared them widely.
Please no apologies. I hope that you will put you first now, taking care of you. And with that I hope someday you might return again and, with love and truth, continue to bless those of us who so look forward to your work and that of your esteemed writers. And if not, Mr. Parry, I hope Consortium will continue anyway..
Be well and thank you for your years and years of hard work on behalf of justice and those of us who hope it might one day prevail.
I would like to add something to what you wrote about Trump.
Whether we like it or not and what most people will never admit too is that Trump is a reflection of US. He is a reflection of years of corruption, voters racism and bigotry, narcissism and ignorance.
This entire government is a reflection of us too and until we are willing to take a look within, NOTHING will change. Uncomfortable truths are things that American hubris will not allow.
We are being sleep walked into a world war, thanks to Trump, Netanyahu and the Saudis. What is going on in Iran right now with these spontaneous protests, looks exactly like US mercenaries 2.0. The beginning of another regime change war. Threatening Russia and China, hence Russia gate. BRICS is becoming a threat to the central bankers and Iran for APARTHEID Israel.
Yet our dear leader’s pretentious Tweets about protecting protesters rights in Iran a complete SHAM, hypocrisy and ignorance, and yet American sheep are now ‘sharing’ on Twitter and FB in agreement that Iran must be free…
Have we become this stupified by propagandized, Zionist owned media that we do not stop and take the time to realize that this very same game was played in the Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Libya. .
But I digress…
I mourn true journalism. And will miss your articles.
Thank you, Mr. Parry. Be WELL. .
Wishing you a prompt and full recovery, Mr. Parry
Dear Robert, I have not agreed with you at times, and have been absent due to one of our disagreements from some months back, but I echo this thread’s estimation of your work and your values, and I sympathize strongly with your eye problems and the forum’s wishes that you move back to better eye-health as soon as possible. I myself have eye problems, although not from stroke, and I urge your continued careful assessment of what your doctors are saying.
The doctors I’ve consulted all put their faith, indeed sometimes angrily, in mainstream medicine of the moment, including very expensive eye drops. I would assess their prescriptives very carefully. One problem I’ve found stems from this very activity of ill-effects coming from monitors and the technical side involved itself. Resting is important, but difficult, due to one’s being immersed in a stream of ideas and seeking answers or completion of an analysis. Nevertheless, resting the eyes is very important, even just a few minutes with eyes closed will help, before continuing on.
I found the following comment in the analysis above very strong and insightful to the bewilderment of this time:
“What is perhaps most alarming about the past year of Donald Trump is that the mask is now gone and, in many ways, all sides of Official Washington are revealed collectively as reflections of Donald Trump, disinterested in reality, exploiting “information” for tactical purposes, eager to manipulate or con the public. While I’m sure many anti-Trumpers will be deeply offended by my comparison of esteemed Establishment figures with the grotesque Trump, there is a deeply troubling commonality between Trump’s convenient use of “facts” and what has pervaded the Russia-gate investigation.”
I believe this comment strikes through, very forcefully, to the problem we have seen, which continues, in what has become a misguided animosity and irrational response to Trump, and I say this as no admirer of Trump whatever, am very critical of him, whereas we need a principled opposition, as indeed you typically provide and guide toward. Hatred for Trump has become a political virus destroying proper evaluation and opposition behind a political smoke screen serving creeds that need exposing and abandoning, as with a dying Democratic Party.
This will be my last comment, although I will continue to read the forum, as I too must retire for the sake of my eyes. Thank you, Robert, and my best wishes for your better eye health and continued vigor in the quest! Forward!
Your stroke mimics my own stroke which robbed my walking and speaking(and my right arm)on Christmas day on ’16.I still have affects to this day.
Keep the faith.
Dear Robert,
Thank you for many years of struggle to get the truth out of the propaganda fog. You are 68 and I am 70. I’ve sent you money monthly for about ten years, I think, and have gotten more than my money’s worth. I would be proud to be your older brother, if I was, but I’m not, so I admire your quality of life, and hope you will find some way to continue your public life. I am prepared to support your work whatever it might come to be. Thank you also for the letter. It means a lot to me and all of your followers, I’m sure.
So sorry to hear about your health issues. You are always one of the best writers as far as reasoned and fact based journalism goes. I am hoping you bounce back a bit. I really hope you can keep writing and observing world events, even if not at your previous pace.You are my go to guy for any clarity on the Russia hysteria. I usually don’t write comments but wanted to wish you well.You are a voice of light and common sense in a forest of darkness and gnashing of teeth. Be well!
Sorry to hear about your health issues..Maybe slowing down is in order? As a former trial attorney it is disappointing to see how easily people can be decieved. Russiagate is a good example. As a critical citizen it comes down to who are you going to believe? People like you that present facts are difficult to find. Thanks for your dedication to journalistic principals. I think our best hope isi in the younger generation. Best wishes Robert.
I wish you a speedy recovery. You have done a great service through your work Mr. Parry and are truly an honorable man. Your analysis is right on the mark.
The political climate you describe is atrocious.
Jeremy kuzmarov
Oh my gosh – please, please be well. Best wishes your way. The world needs people like you AND Consortium News. :( :(
My best wishes for your speedy recovery, Bob. I too have developed “issues” with my deteriorating eyesight which I thought was just growing cataracts…but stroke could remain a possibility as I tend to see double at times and have had to cut down on my reading. Anyway, a hiatus in your personal output is understandable and you have many competent colleagues to fill the gaps, so slow down and keep the direction with your keen mental faculties.
May 2018 bring you improved health, sir.
I associate much of our socio-cultural decline with both the slow-motion physical trauma of modern sedentary life and the hyper-frantic emotional stress of simply being awake at this polluted point in history.
Thank you for your work and best wishes for finding your optimal balance.
Happy New Year to you, Robert, and best wishes for a full recovery! I value consortiumnews as the best source on the Internet (or perhaps anywhere). Thank you!
I’m perfectly willing to make a complete fool of myself in a good cause, so after donning my tinfoil hat, here goes.
In the first place, there are things which “mimic” a stroke. Try very hard to make sure your doctors look at all of them, and use their imaginations to search for more. If they’re not willing to do this, or if you’re not convinced they’re taking you seriously, quietly get a second/third opinion at a relatively distant place. Somewhere they’re not likely to be in contact with the first bunch. (don’t want drinking buddies/golfing friends)
Identifying Diseases that Mimic Strokes
Secondly, (and this is where the tinfoil begins to come in) consider some apparently goofy alternatives.
Geomagnetic Storms Linked to Stroke Risk
Nuclear EMP’s, Geomagnetic Activity and Your Health
There are many reasons to investigate the effects of electricity and magnetism on people and their devices. Lots of work has been done in this field, and I doubt if all of it has been published. As for myself, I still find the incident of Paul Wellstone’s airplane falling out of the sky quite troubling. Especially when it happened at such a “convenient” time for the neocons and others.
We all read stories from time to time of the Pentagon/Big Intelligence investigating Psi – stuff like telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis. No matter how low the probability of finding something, the merest chance that any of these is real would merit some serious research. And Lord Only Knows the research backers have unlimited money!
My point is this – any topic with relevance to the Agencies is going to get researched. Inventing a little (or big) gizmo which has the possibility of inducing “desirable” bad health effects is going to be researched and developed to the greatest degree possible. Given the fact that natural electromagnetics can affect people, why not build on this with an artificial device to amplify the effect? Crazy as this sounds, I’d suggest considering RF shielding in some small rooms used for the main work – I’d imagine Mr. Parry spends quite a lot of time at a workstation. Doubling down on the crazy, perhaps some similar shielding in the primary bedroom.
(pause to spray purple and yellow polka-dots on the tinfoil hat)
The Brits came up with some really goofy ideas in WW2. I suspect they had collected a bunch of oddballs to do precisely that.
Her Hitler! The bizarre plot by British spies to make the Fuhrer a fraulein
There was no possibility of success because they didn’t have access to Hitler’s food. But what if they had? First thing to check would be to count the number of people who have access to the home refrigerator? how good are the door locks? Second notion would be to suggest varying shopping places for the groceries. Skip around a LOT.
Backing off the “crazy” for a moment, I suspect chemical inducers of strokes are lead-pipe simple for those with access to stuff which goes into the body. Goofy one last time – I’d include vitamins and prescription medications in this. Some people get their medications delivered by mail. That would be the easiest way of all to deliver some “special” things which they KNOW would go directly to the targeted individual. After all, this has already happened with electronics. The Target would order a computer, and it would make a detour to a special workshop for adding the appropriate spy software and hardware before continuing the trip to the home or office of the Target. This has already been done!
Anyhow, best wishes to Mr. Parry, and may his recovery be swift.
I would note that the author of THE DEVIL’S CHESSBOARD, David Talbot, also recently had a stroke. While the generation of actual investigative reporters who came about after the JFK assassination and Watergate are getting a little long in the tooth and some strokes can be accounted for by statistical probability, the US’s vast intelligence services have spent untold millions and many years working on mind control and assassinations, to include cancer. I am also reminded of the death of Allan Francovich in the customs area of the George H W Bush International Airport.
Dear Bob–
Although I’ve never met you, I was alarmed to hear of your stroke just now. I have followed your fight throughout 2017 through this column, and I’ve been very happy to see how you’ve been struggling towards higher truthfulness and deeper responsibility and morality.
I pray you’ll be able to continue this with us throughout 2018 and for many years thereafter.
Happy New Year,
–Tony Papert
Dear Mr. Parry,
Please take care of yourself, especially pace yourself. No one person can fix all the ills of our political system.
As you can see from the above comments, many of us greatly value your work. I know people who consider themselves progressives who go ballistic when I suggest to them that Russiagate is overblown. I refer them to this site as an island of sanity. Thank you so much for measured, fact-based, respectful, family-friendly commentary that I can recommend to others in the hope that they will consider the views you express.
Good health to you. Don’t be afraid to delegate. Thank you also for your astounding integrity.
Get better soon, sir. The world needs you!
Praying for your recovery! You are invaluable to us. I hope you get a reader and helper for you! Take it easy and be sure to take coated aspirins!
Oof, this news was a punch to the gut. Mr. Parry, I wish you a speedy recovery. Your work has been an inspiration to so many; few have shown such a life-long passion for honest and informed journalism as you have. Many of the few appear on your website, and I thank you for all of the light you’ve shed on dark times.
Now dial it back a little, and get better!
With greatest respect,
Robert, get well soon. Maybe I’m a journalist expert, but I saw no drop in the quality of your writing although I did find a spelling error. So, keep your spirits up an keep writing. You would be sorely missed. I particularly like you comment about journalism aimed at getting a political result. The chief proponent of that in the world is about to become a movie starring the archetype of political correctness Tom Hanks.
Herman, again. I need a editor. Although it is not very important in light of the news about you, Robert, I meant to say I’m not a journalistic expert rather than I’m a journalist expert. Should have been clear to the reader in any event.
Godspeed Mr. Parry. The country needs you more than ever. May you recover fully and have the best year of your life in 2018.
Dorothy Hoobler
Hope you make a full recovery, Robert
i had a stroke last Christmas Eve, and have made a full recovery, thanks partly to the Veteran Ad. doctors, and for not having access or use of internet for a full month. Try it.
Have a Happy New Year,
There are so few real journalists left. Please do take care of yourself, as you are invaluable.
No apologies required; thank you for that eloquent description of where we are and my sincerest wishes for your speedy recovery. Take care of yourself!
You and many of us must change our focus a bit and not just to reduce stress–the fact is that the situation in Washington is utterly hopeless because the corruption has become systemic and there is no mechanism of reform anywhere present other than to drag our feet ever more enthusiastically and make sure the political economy of the System becomes chaotic enough for new institutions and methods can come to the fore. We must understand that “solutions” to our major problems are everywhere, good people are all around us but they are, by definition of the corrupt System, on the outside looking in and no one in power will or can listen to them. You are one of those good people, though I view the history you produced through different lens, because the Democrats became toxic in a different way after 1978. Work with your limitations–sometimes when we fully accept those limitations they actually improve us from the inside out. Blessings upon you.
I like your philosophy. We have to look amongst ourselves for solutions. Our “leaders” will only betray us.
I’m a newcomer to this website and I appreciate your good work.I wish you a speedy recovery and a happy new year Mr. Parry.Despite all the tragedy in this world. A German reader. Also a joyous new year to the readers.
You’re a needed input of news and analysis in an environment of mis- and dis- information.
Don’t let your problem beat you – you might well experience some natural healing restoration, and there are ample text-to-speech and speech-to-text software / hardware assets around.
Good luck, get back to work. ;-)
Sorry to hear about your stroke Robert. Wishing you a speedy full recovery soonest.
Wishing you a speedy recovery Robert. Your work is invaluable.
I am so sorry to hear this, Robert. I value this site so much. With the passing of Will Grigg in 2017, Justin Raimondo’s health woes, and now this, it’s been a rough time for alternative media.
Hope you’re feeling better soon, and the rest of your 2018 is less dramatic than its beginning.
My best wishes for a return to full health. America and the world need more reporters with your stamina and strength to challenge the deceits and help us see the truths from out of the fog. Kindest wishes.
Wish you good recovery and all my best for 2018!
Robert, we are all in great sympathy and shock, and await your gradual recovery with great hope. With some knowledge of the neurophysiology issues, I can offer much hope that you will recover fully from these limitations.
Our intellectual lives would be much injured without your contributions.
Others have noted that your work has been of profound impact, from the Nixon era to October Surprise and Iran Contra, through the Iraq Wars, AfPak and the Mideast, and every area and mode of the takeover of our government and mass media by the Mic/zionist/WallSt/intel oligarchy, and your website is the best new analysis site for independent thinkers in the US. Your excellent and courageous journalism is very much in the league of Twain, Seldes, Murrow, Woodward, and Stone, and you have not failed as a result of recognition. We need you.
There is real value in the adverse health experiences that remind us of the need to focus (as you have) and to move toward supervision of a faculty or consortium of well inspired journalists, and to provide ultimately for succession. But it would be difficult to conceive of one so balanced in consideration and moderate in expression as yourself.
I have often reflected that my journeys of exploration in youth were ever wider ranging, constrained to expeditions on smaller scales in middle age, until I realized that physical explorations were merely symbols of a process of exploration that required no physical journey. A row on the lake, even a walk in the botanical garden was often as rewarding as a sailing cruise. As Thoreau noted, one could never sail to the goal, it was only those who had the courage to step ashore on their inner Tahiti who escaped the stormy seas of inconsequential circumstance surrounding their goals. You have shown the courage, and I hope have found such inner respite and rejuvenation from the tempests that have engulfed our nation.
Often us aging moral thinkers can also prevent unhealthful exasperation by persistently cultivating patience, in healthful non-impact exercise such as swimming, daily smiles with silly and happy kiddies, pets for some, and the cultivation of detachment by laughing without bitterness at the absurd realities of corruption in government and mass media. That takes some effort.
Great insights and good advice Sam!
So sorry to hear that. I thought it was quiet around here because of the holidays. I wish you a speedy recovery!
So sorry to hear that your health has taken a turn and I hope that your eyesight improves. Barring that, that you find a workaround. For selfish reasons of my own, of course, as I’ve been reading your articles for as long as I’ve been online, but I hope for the best for you nonetheless. Your voice is far too rare for us to lose.
Bob Parry – May you have a quick and full recovery, and may you take a more gently paced approach to the cares of being an editor. Thank you for your many years of service to truth; I remember the first time I heard you speak – it was years ago on Mike Levine’s radio show on WBAI. You have helped make me a more informed citizen, and are an inspiration to so many.
Robert Parry is a very decent journalist. I happened to find his website 6 months ago and have learned a lot from his hard work. I sincerely hope he can recover from this stroke soon and wish eveybody a healthy new year.
I am a French reader and every day I read with great interest Consortiumnews. Mr. Parry, I wish you a quick recovery. I thank you for the fantastic work you accomplish on your site which has allowed me to better understand what is happening on our planet.
Best wishes for the New Year and your loved ones.
Thank you for this excellent article, and for all the great journalism you have provided. Please put as much energy and research into your recovery as you have into your writing. We need you now more than ever. None of us are getting any younger, and each day above ground is one to be cherished. I hope you find some comfort in knowing that there are thousands of us praying for your full recovery. Perhaps it is time to slow down a bit, to stop and smell the roses. If you know of any younger talent with your integrity, it might be time to get an assistant, someone to mentor. Best of luck for a speedy and full recovery, and a joyous New Year.
My sincere commiserations with you regarding your small “stroke” – and my thanks for your years of warrior journalism. Thank you for the facts you have brought to us. However, as I’m sure you know, it’s essential to listen to what our bodies are telling us – and you are correct in listen to yours. Your’s is telling you that it’s time to slow down, relax, and take things a little easier. After all, as I”m sure you know anyway, one accurate “bulls-eye” shot every two months can be more worthwhile than 100 scatter shots a day!!
I wish you all the very best for 2018.
I’m sorry to hear about your health problems and hope you are able to fully recover and continue writing. Your work is invaluable.
First and foremost, take care of yourself, and take it easy until you have had time to recover. Wishing you a happy, healthy and productive new year.
Robert, that you survived your stroke, and are still in good enough shape to produce the beautiful piece you have just shared with all of us – this is the best new year’s gift I can think of. Thanks for all your long efforts in the name of truth and justice, and may you live long to continue your brave defense of these ultimate values
Robert, I think this piece you have just written is a profound testament to the mission and purpose of alternative news reporting and analysis. I am going to save it, and recommend it to my friends that may question what alternative coverage at it’s best is all about.
I agree.
Yes, this was the worst news of the year and the best hope of the new year.
Speedy recovery, Robert!
I’m sorry to hear about your stroke, and wish you a speedy recovery. Consortium News has become a valuable resource for me. I cannot begin to tell you how much I value your work, and what a genuinely incredible job you’ve been doing. There are far too few people in the media like you with your intelligence, courage and conviction.
I would be extremely selfish to want you to continue working as hard as you do; your health is far more important. Please follow your Doctor’s advice and take care of yourself. I wish you all the best for 2018.
Wishing you all the best for a speedy recovery. Your absence will be felt by many, which is a testament to the importance of your work.
There has been some significant work in recent years on treating visual disturbances caused by stroke — work that does not yet seem to have seen wide adoption. By all means, please investigate the following from the University of Rochester:
My heartfelt wishes to you for a complete recovery. Your articles and website provides the most careful and accurate reporting available online or in print. You provide an invaluable service for those of us who wish to understand what is actually happening and why. You certainly do not owe your readers any apology. We, however, owe you our deepest gratitude and hope for your recovery.
Robert Parry, I’m so terribly sorry to hear of your health issues. My elderly mother experienced a stroke this past summer an it was just dumb luck that prevented her fro paralysis or death. It sounds as though you had the same good fortune as far as lasting symptoms are concerned. Actually her vision was also affected and as the neurosurgeon explained, the vision problems and other peripheral problem eventually subsided. I hope the same for you! I just wanted to wish you a speedy and complete recovery. You are one of the very few journalists that I have consistently followed with complete trust over the years. Thank you for you honesty and integrity and for maintaining such high standards in journalism and may you have a quick recovery!
Bob, a speedy recovery is needed to continue your valuable work.
On my desk btw are The Putin Interviews – with Substantial Material Not included in the Documentary
Oliver Stone Interviews Vladimir Putin. Foreword by Robert Scheer. Hot Books New York 2017
Putin’s remarks on NATO for ex. are illuminating…..
All the BEST for 2018!
I hope you get well soon. We need you.
I find it very odd that you, Robert Parry, and Justin Raimondo, of Antiwar.com, have both encountered significant health issues at roughly the same time. I say without hesitation that the writings of you two are the strongest weapons I’ve ever seen against the pro-war machinations of the mass murderers who control our society.
The information you present is so important, so well-reasoned, and so clearly presented. I can’t thank you enough for your service. (Though I happily donate to all of your fund drives.)
I really hope you get better, and stay better, for your sake, and for all of humanity.
Dear Mr Parry, you are a man of honor, a decent human being who cares greatly about the truth & one of the finest journalists America has ever produced. You have nothing to apologise for & your many readers from around the Globe (I’m from NZ) thank you for your courageous & insightful articles. My mother suffered a stroke, so I know full well the obstacles & suffering that this condition inflicts on people. God bless you & I wish you a speedy recovery as we are going to need you, more than ever in 2018, a sane & honest voice in a World gone mad? Look after yourself & I wish you a happy, healthy New Year.
Common sense and integrity are the hallmarks of Robert Parry’s journalism. May you get better soon for you are needed more now then ever before.
Mr Parry, may your recovery be quick…. thank you for Opening Minds,and for having incorruptible integrity!!
All my best thoughts to you. You are a true journalist.
Dear Robert Parry, I was sorry to hear, just now through AntiWar, about your stroke. Given the pace at which you work, perhaps it’s luck that you suffered “only” a stroke. Before I learnt of it I thought you’d decided to take a well-earned vacation of a few days.
I would guess that many Americans who follow your steady stream of articles on Russiagate are suffering their own out-of-the-blue heart attack, stroke, or nervous collapse as they become ever more convinced that America is past the point of no return on its way down the slippery slope of decline and fall.
I hope you’ll be fully recovered soon, and that your brain will quickly reroute your vision around whatever cells were damaged on Christmas eve. Good grief, if Gabby Giffords can take a bullet to the brain and end up with “only” a lingering speech impairment, you will doubtless be banging out more articles before you know it.
Thanks for all you do.
delia ruhe
My sentiments exactly.
Very sorry to hear what you’ve been through the past few days, Mr. Parry. Thank you for making the world a bit saner, and please take it easy. We need you healthy and rested.
I think I speak for many when I say I was gutted to hear about your health challenge. Do what you need to do to get better and know that you have many people praying for your full and speedy recovery. But also know that your contribution thus far to this important political and journalistic conversation – at such a critical juncture in US history, has been invaluable and is undoubtedly the go-to resource for myself and many other journalists’ work. As elusive and convoluted as this web of ‘official’ narratives is – you have somehow managed to accurately corral and capture the zeitgeist, and somehow tame the narrative and lay out a sober case in way that most reasonable people can understand. On this foundation, others can now build coherent counter arguments to what can only be described as a misguided madness that’s overtaken media institutions and Official Washington. For this, you have done an invaluable service in helping rebalance the scales of ethics and reason in this crucial conversation.
Well said, and I fully agree.
Well said! Completely agree!
Well said Patrick! There were a lot of similar comments on RI when we reposted his article: http://russia-insider.com/en/robert-parry-explains-how-his-recent-stroke-will-limit-his-reporting-russiagate/ri22066#disqus_thread
I am very sorry to read about your recent health crisis. Please take the time to rediscover your health and cherish time with friends and family. Your articles have been a much-needed relief from the lies with which we are bombarded, so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your work.
Dear Mr. Parry,
It is not long we walk upon the face of this Earth. The brief time we are granted is perhaps most importantly defined by our free will to do what we choose. We can do just about anything once we set our minds to it.
You have chosen a course for challenging the power structure which has by in large formed a propaganda state over the last several decades. I have seen what you have seen and I have come to believe what you write in this post. With each expose of governmental wrongdoing by our publicly broadcasted media the forces behind the power structure have carefully analyzed the mechanisms and the ways and means by which the exposure of wrongdoing has been allowed and they have redesigned the news reporting structures to counter the losses and ensure that future wrongdoings would be broadcasted in a more favorable light for the wrongdoers.
Like the Borg on Star Trek, they have adapted new defenses to counter the impediments to their power strategy which resulted in either a close call or a loss at every turn.
This has the effect of making it increasingly difficult for independent outlets like Consortium News to find any support of similar voices that raise the same concerns that are raised by this website.
I can easily imagine the stress that that fact imparts on you. Increasingly you have been on a path to counter the evermore contrived major media news stories that are foisted upon us all such as the contrived Russia Gate story.
I agree that the most dangerous recent development in the false news narrative to pin the election on the Russians is cause for great concern for the peaceful coexistence of America and Russia and by extension the peace of the entire World.
All of this Russia scapegoating is led by the neocon and neoliberal factions in the government and it is also canonized by our “free” press which simply takes dictation from the right wing to forge a complete propaganda big lie that our election problems are due to a scapegoat which we have no ability to thwart other than military buildup to war.
No doubt that the fake news stories from Iran Contra to The October Surprise or the election of George Bush Jr. which completely ignored all the facts has been a persistent worry to you as it has been for me.
You are one source of information that has blown the cover of all of these these government and media coverups of wrongdoing for many years.
But it is no doubt taking a toll on you as events and the reality of the direction of our government and our media have doubled down on creating more propaganda and denying the true facts of history.
It is having a major toll on anyone in government or the press who continue to challenge the main stream narrative and dig deep to uncover the evidence that the fake news stories and the alternative history generated by Washington and their subservient handmaidens in the press have concocted.
But rest assured that at least for this consumer I see the truth you have brought to counter the main stream stories and appreciate the hard work you have done to expose the lies.
Thanks for all you do and wishing you a speedy recovery so that you can get back to the important work as an independent journalist who tirelessly investigates the actions of Washington and exposes the truth which is actively buried by the government and the press.
We need free will thinkers like you who value the truth based on the evidence and looks past the group think in Washington to report on the real reasons for our government’s and our media’s actions which attempt to deceive us all.
May you be granted the ability to continue on in your mission since it is vitally important that you keep exposing the falsehoods and the self serving interests that will lead us to war unless they are stopped.
Get well and get back up and get back on that horse.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery and looking forward to an enlightening 2018.
Very well said, and I fully agree.
This is a unique community that you have nurtured Robert Parry hopefully we can find a way to stay active with your help and guidance. Thank you and get well…
Thank you for your hard work Mr. Parry, wishing you a happy a new year and speedy recovery.
Mr Parry,
You have my condolences for your near-death experience and congratulations for pulling through. Although one’s eyesight can become impaired slowly as we age, a sudden change can be very depressing. I’m younger than you, but I know because I have had to begin wearing eyeglasses. I also find that I am not willing to sit at a desk for hours on end like I once did and unable to keep my focus as long when reading a good book.
I’d like to share what I did in 2007. I got the most comfortable chair that my budget could afford, a wireless router(netgear/cisco) and changed my phone service to VOIP, wireless phones to DECT 6.0 (to avoid conflict between internet and phone). I swapped out the old 35″ TV for a Sony 50″ monitor(There are even bigger monitors now) with multiple HDMI connections on the back of the set. I got a new desktop PC with wireless LAN and HDMI video connections on the back of the set. Then I procured a wireless Bluetooth keyboard with a built-in mouse (My model was a Logitech Diginovo) so I could use the keyboard from far across the room. From the keyboad I could enlarge the font size on the screen and adjust volume (the hearing can start to go slowly, too).
Audio books are becoming the rage so Librivox, Tantor Media and Downpour (consumer division of Blackstone Audio), as well as Amazon have become friends of mine. For entertainment, I got a wireless ROKU unit with HDMI connections on the back of the set and a Netflix subscription. I’m sure there’s even more new, improved and innovative solutions. I wish you a speedy recovery and a Happy New Year!
Back when I was a non-stop reader, I preferred to stretch out on the top of a bed or a long/firm/flat couch. For a change of pace I’d use a large pillow on the carpet! I suppose a person could still use a tablet device in these situations, but I’ve never liked them – I’m a ‘bigger screen’ person.
When I got my first internet hookup I used the standard desk and desk chair. Since the internet tubes are so addictive, I found myself sitting there for hours, and began noticing puffy lower legs and ankles! After much experimentation I settled with my current rig. Bought a special little (cheap) plastic table with a thin top and sawed off the legs so the thing is a whole 16 inches from the floor. Just enough for me to get my legs under it. An inexpensive chair got a similar treatment – the seat is now 9 inches from the floor. No more pooling of blood! My extremely large monitor is in storage, and as I type this my nose is not all that far away from a 15″ screen.
I’ve read that office workers have some success with standing work stations for their day of drudgery. I’ve never tried that, nor spoken with anyone who has gone that route.
One other scheme would be a La Z Boy recliner added to the scheme you’re using. Elevated legs, wireless mouse and keyboard, and gigantic screen. More expensive, but it would definitely be nice.
Dear Mr. Parry,
sad to hear something like that. I whish you all the best an a quick recovery. I hope, you can continue your work. You are the shining light in the US ( in my opinion ). I am always happy to know that real journalism is still existing in the swamp of fake News.
And of course, there is no reason to apology.
All the best to you
Joerg Pliquett
For over a year, ever since a friend recommended your website, I have visited it every morning. As a regular reader, I have been reassured, even calmed, by the content and presentation of many of the articles that you have posted. Thank you. Am wishing you a speedy recovery.
Robert Parry – rest and take care of yourself. Your health is all that matters. Listen to your wife and family when they say, “No, you’re not going back to that keyboard!” Make sure your doctor does a thorough investigation.
Sounds to me like you either had a stroke or some bleeding in the occipital region of your brain that affects the eyesight. It’s just a guess. Since you don’t have high blood pressure, you may have had a leaking blood vessel.
“Your occipital lobe is one of four lobes in the brain. It controls your ability to see things. An occipital stroke is a stroke that occurs in your occipital lobe.
If you’re having an occipital stroke, your symptoms will be different than symptoms for other types of strokes. The possible complications will also be unique. […]
Obstruction in the arteries causes approximately 87 percent of strokes. This kind of stroke is an ischemic stroke. An example of an obstruction is a blood clot.
Another cause of stroke is a leaking blood vessel or a blood vessel that ruptures in the brain. This is called a hemorrhagic stroke. Leaking or ruptured blood vessels cause approximately 13 percent of strokes.
Occipital strokes occur when you have an obstruction or hemorrhage in the posterior cerebral artery. This is one of the arteries in the brain.”
After reading your article, it is obvious that your thinking has not been affected. Get lots of sleep, drink lots of water, eat a healthy diet, take some slow walks, and get away from the stress of Trump, Clinton and Mueller. They’re not going away.
Take good care.
“The doctors have also been working to figure out exactly what happened since I have never had high blood pressure…”
The article goes on to say:
“People with occipital strokes are often younger, and have a lower systolic blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels than people who have other types of strokes.”
Systolic blood pressure (the first number quoted when you’re given your blood pressure reading) measures the pressure when the heart is squeezing and pushing the blood round the body.
It’s not enough you’re out of your depth with respect to geopolitics…now you’ve decided to tackle medicine.
Thanks, Bob. Happy New Year to you too!
I gasped upon hearing that you had a stroke. Yes, I had been waiting to hear from you, especially your take on Navalny being banned from the Russian election. And now I’d like to hear what you have learned about the recent demonstrations in Iran. Get well, Robert. We love you, man.
Isn’t Navalny a minor discredited figure with just about no following in Russia? I believe he has many more fans in the US… Certainly he gets a lot of convenient air time here, always to further illustrate just how truly evil the demon Putin really is! Yawn
“Isn’t Navalny a minor discredited figure with just about no following in Russia?”
That’s what the Russians say. The US media is saying otherwise. This is when I need my Consotiumnews. So often when I get twisted one way and then another I come here and it’s like Robert and the crew are like timely savants and they know what I’m wondering about. However minor a politician Navainy is, if he was prevented from running against Putin that would be something not good. If the US media is lying, that too would not be good. Get well soon, Robert.
Navalny is able to attract quite a lot of votes, but not anywhere near the Putin scores. However, I understand that Putin wants him to be on the ballot, as does the electoral commissioner, to see how much support he really gets, but his former conviction so far stands to prevent this. (from Stephen Cohen interview, I think on the Real News Network).
At school in Europe we are trained to restrain ourselves to the information that is provided in an article and then answer questions, or more accurately, select pre-written answers. We never question the data itself nor formulate our answers. Yes, that sounds silly. I don’t know about you folks, but if the youth is trained in obedient thinking, their articles won’t be any better than just that.
My best wishes, mr. Parry!
Robert, I wish you a speedy recovery and the strength to continue your valuable work. All the best in the coming New Year.
Sorry about the news. Drink 8 glasses of water a day, get plenty of sun, and eat organic food, exercise and meditate/prayer. If you can only contribute a few times a week, that helps keep out the “information warriors” or as it used to be called, The Big Lie.
Isn’t Navalny a minor discredited figure with just about no following in Russia? I believe he has many more fans in the US… Certainly he gets a lot of convenient air time here, always to further illustrate just how truly evil the demon Putin really is! Yawn
Sorry, wrong location for this post. Btw, 8 glasses sounds like way too much water, unless that includes 7 cups of coffee.
My MD recently instructed me to drink 7 liters of water per day (to combat light-headedness)!! I suspect she doesn’t know the metric system, despite using it thru many years of human bio-sciences…
Terribly sorry to hear the news, Mr. Parry. I think I speak for many when I say you’re not the only one for whom the world has gotten a bit darker. I wish you all the best as you devote yourself to your recovery, which should take all precedence.
Over the longer term, if you find you’re still having trouble and are up for a bit of a challenge (cf. https://nfb.org/images/nfb/publications/bm/bm99/bm990604.htm ), your predicament brings to mind an exciting development in the world of braille recently developed by a female team of recent MIT graduates whom you might want to contact.
Forbes Piece:
Related Video Interview:
Related Audio Podcast:
Contact Link for Team:
Above all, though, please take care of yourself!
See also this innovation from an Austrian team
MIT Technology Review Piece:
Video Presentation at CES 2017:
The Blitab team has opened registration for testers for a full-screen braille tablet.
There’s no good time to become visually impaired, but for what it’s worth, this may well be the least bad time in history. All the best!
So sorry to hear of your stroke. You have shown great concern for the truth and have worked tirelessly over the years to inform the public and we, your readers, are grateful. Had you not revealed your stroke I would have thought this essay merely another outstanding one of yours. But it must have cost you great effort and shows how dedicated you are to journalism and your readership. However, now is the time to focus on getting better. This wicked ol’ world and your readers need you and await your full recovery.
Sr Gibbonk, you speak for me.
And me. Best wishes!
What a wonderful contribution you are making to expose the truth and you shine apart from the horizon of the mundane media! I’m hoping you have a complete recovery. Certainly, stress, too much work and an oppressive news reporting environment can have long term effects and would be the obvious choice as the cause.
However, electronic warfare tools, using signals none can detect are a new unexplored territory, not because they do not exist, but there are no commercially developed countermeasures to detect the signal sent and to neutralize its effect. What I know is there is currently ongoing research in electronic mind control at Arizona State University. The title of the research is, “Toward Narrative Disruptors and Inductors-Mapping the Narrative Comprehension Network and its Persuasive Effects”. The aim of the program is to remotely disrupt political dissent and extremism by employing “Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation” (TMS) in tandem with sophisticated propaganda based on this technology. TMS stimulates the temporal lobe of the brain with electromagnetic fields. Add this to the fact that 70% or more of the military work is carried out by subcontractors who have not always been shown to be ethical.
I would like to see writers come forward to reveal this ugly aspect of warfare and how these weapons have and can be used. Consortiumnews has been heard and they do not like it. After all, some in Congress tried to strip Ray McGovern and VIPS members of their government benefits, because they have been heard but the measure didn’t pass.
Yes, although I expect that stress was the cause here.
I recall experiencing a sudden and unprecedented great headache pain in the 1980s while visiting a senior high level CIA person’s home, shortly after he angrily accused me of being a communist for having simply signed a petition at a bus stop long ago to allow marxists to participate in a public debate. I fled the room and the headache disappeared, never to return. So I suspect they were testing this on passersby at the US embassy in Havana, and made up the story of similar sufferings by US staff there to cover their tracks. With their level of extreme dishonesty and zero morality and obsession with abuse of power, I would assume that false dossiers and murder attempts are routine. And special invitations to very special Christmas parties.
Dear Mr. Parry, I am so sorry to hear these news about your health. Please, work
only once or twice a week, just as your recovery demands of you. In the meantime
encourage other honest journalists and truth tellers to fill in. I realize that these are
“rare specimen” now, but give them as usual a chance.
However, first and foremost take care of yourself, because you not only deserve it,
but you definitely need it. Best wishes!
Seconding what Louise said ! Please rest, especially your eyes. We have all seen too much.
Just today I was looking for books (on Amazon) for a class in Russian Economic Geography
and was very pleasantly surprised to not only find ‘alternative facts’ (to borrow from KellyAnne)
books which present different perspectives on ‘Russiagate’, but to read almost universally
positive reviews of those books. I ordered several including this one:
This is Dan Kovalik’s first book, which he felt compelled to write. Perhaps he would be interested
in contributing to Consortium News ?
You certainly have no need to apologize dear Mr. Parry. Sending you good wishes from Fairbanks !
No apologies needed. Get well and get better!
I wish you improved health and renewed hope in the new year. Thank you for all your work.
I’m a newcomer to Consortium News. Thank you for your call to “… repudiate “information warfare” in favor of an old-fashioned repect for facts and fairness — and do whatever we can to achieve a truly informed electorate.” May you get well soon! aloha!
I was thinking your absence was family and Christmas, so sorry it wasn’t just that. I admire you’re integrity and courage and I know you’ll l deal with this in the same way, and the piece you just wrote says I’m right. The very best to you and your family in this New Year.
Get better Robert. I too suffered a small stroke not long ago. I was having a bad day for sure. I was at work. Suddenly I was off balance, experienced blurred vision (like looking through frosted glass), couldn’t pronounce words well and couldn’t write worth crap. Fortunately, the effects are 99% gone. I attribute that to the fact that it was a small stroke and, I believe, I have a healthy brain. It’s an organ like any other. I think people who exercise it will have an advantage dealing with strokes, which are attacks on the brain. You may find symptoms lessening as you go forward, perhaps via efficient re-wiring or something. I’m guessing here, but I think it makes sense. I only know that I’ve recovered. The fact that you could write what you just wrote is a very, very good sign. Some folks who have strokes are far less lucky.
And I liked what you wrote. ;-)
Please feel better soon, and take time to take care of yourself! Your contributions to democracy and a better world are invaluable in my estimation!
Get well soon Mr. Parry. Your voice is dearly needed in this messed up world.
Dear Mr Parry, it was only yesterday when I noticed that you hadn’t posted any new articles since 12/27/17, and I got worried. Funny isn’t it how we grow to like someone even if we never met them, but instead we did get to read their thoughts, and by doing so we became ardent fans. Well, you became my journalistic hero soon after reading a couple of your well defined essays, and by reading your writings I believe I have become a better informed citizen. But after all, wasn’t that your major journalistic goal in the first place, that you would help to create a more thoroughly informed readership? Well you did it here, and I’m the winner for sure for learning something from what you provided.
Bob, take your time, and may you have a steady recovery. I don’t pray a lot, but when I do my prayers get answered, and Robert as of now you are at the top of my prayer list. In fact, I’ll bet your feeling a little bit better as you read this, so keep it that way. Sincerely Joe Tedesky
Well said….
Thank you, but it is easy lavishing praise on such a great journalist.
Joe, you have expressed in beautiful words the thoughts in our minds at this time about Robert Parry , a great and dedicated journalist – our best wishes for his speedy and full recovery.
Thanks Dave. It’s good to see you are participating in our praise, and well wishes for Robert Parry. Joe
I too just realized the absence of consortium and was so gratified to see messages from readers, whose sentiments I echo. bless you mr parry.
Bonne année et surtout bonne santé! I Wish you a good year and good health. A french reader.
First came across Consortium News in late 1998, and it has since been a favoured source of news and analysis. All the best to you, Robert Parry, your integrity shines a bright light in this world.
Sorry to hear this. Hope you’re feeling well soon. Even were you to stop work, you’ve left one of the strongest legacies of truth telling in American journalism. Right there along with Seldes and IF Stone.
Exactly my sentiments, OHH. May you heal as quickly as possible as the world needs you to defend the truth from the mass propaganda outlets that most Americans, and too many Europeans except as truth.
George Seldes and I.F. Stone and would be very proud of you and your accomplishments.
My heart goes out to you.
A very well written (and accurate) piece in keeping with the high standards of your journalism. Hopefully, other journalists and aspiring journalists will take the points to heart.
A Happy New Year to you and my best wishes for a full recovery.
Shocked to hear of your health issue, and praying for a complete recovery. Thank you for what you have expressed in this article. It ought to be spread far and wide.
Robert Parry, I hope for your health. My grandpa had a stroke and I know how hard recovery is. Sometimes I disagreed with your writings, but I always took them into consideration, and I respect your journalism. We need a new generation of reporters, journalists, writers, and someone always being tenacious to follow up on the story. I like you because you are not “If it bleeds, leads” reporter. Maybe , one day, your writings will be in the universities and colleges of Mass Communications to be included with Marshall McLuhan, Bob McChesney, Todd Gitlin, Michael Walzer and others. It is not only to be a reporter, or a journalist, but to record human events as they happen. Love Tina
No, not Todd Gitlin.
My thoughts exactly.
Very sad to read of your recent health issues and wish you all the best for a speedy recovery, you are a diamond in a sea of garbage.
Also wishing you a good and full recovery, and I too much appreciate your excellent work which is in sharp contrast to so much of what appears in the US MSM and other sources of BS like the so-called Center for American Progress.
You are an honorable man Robert Parry. Godspeed in your return to full health–the first and foremost concern.
An honorable man indeed Gregory and he has just introduced a new telling and brilliant phrase for the new year, “APPROVED OPINION” I think this phrase succinctly sums up the MSM power brokers and the establishment beautifully. “one is entitled to one’s opinion as long as its bee approved.” !! I hope Mr Parry recovers but perhaps he should be mentoring a younger equally honorable young journalist to help with the important work he is doing.
“. . . in many ways, all sides of Official Washington are revealed collectively as reflections of Donald Trump, disinterested in reality, exploiting “information” for tactical purposes, eager to manipulate or con the public. . .”
This. The Potemkin Village on the Potomac has met the Trump Mirror.
I second that. No career in the world is worth one’s life. Apart from mentoring new blood, it is also important to be critical in the tasks one undertakes to keep one’s readers & followers informed. My advice, FWIW: be extremely selective in what you take on, and, if in doubt, let it go.
We are all much indebted to Robert Parry for his lifelong efforts and success in providing essential counterpoint to the mass media. It is an inspiring effort, ranking with the best in journalism.
Those who would like to sign the petition to the NYT to make Robert Parry their senior editor may do so here:
While Mr. Parry may prefer independence, and we all know the NYT ownership makes it unlikely, and the NYT may try to ignore it, it is instructive to them that intelligent readers know better journalism when they see it. A petition demonstrates the concerns of a far larger number of potential or lost subscribers.
We have well over 700 signatures just from these notes in the comments section.