A Quarter Century of Independent Journalism


Consortium News will be celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2020 of providing an increasingly unique brand of non-partisan, critical journalism.

As the 2019 tax year comes to an end consider making a tax-deductible donation to Consortium News so we can remain an important news source providing relief to the delusions of partisan mainstream media. Thanks to you, we will be celebrating our 25th anniversary in 2020: a quarter of a century of independent journalism that cut the trail for the Internet Age.

Please Make Your End-of-Year  Donation Today

3 comments for “A Quarter Century of Independent Journalism

  1. robert e williamson jr
    December 17, 2019 at 17:51

    I have made quite a ruckus about right wing fanatics and both parties have them. There are damned few true moderates in the democratic party and even fewer true liberal.

    So what is needed to create a nonpartisan majority in congress these day. Currently nothing it cannot be done. Take heed the hour grows late for the ship of state.

    Everyone who enjoys the freedom allowed here by CN need to educate the largest voting block in the country 20-35 year olds, millennials are overtaking boomers and we nonpartisan moderates need as many of them in our fold as can be had.

    We want them to have at least a chance at making something of their lives. I see no evidence of this being true of either major political party currently.

    If you have kids and grand kids you surely are not content with the status quo in D.C.

  2. Tom Itkin
    December 16, 2019 at 15:02

    Congratulations! The Media Navigator confirms Consortium News is non-partisan AND distant to power!

    https //swprs (dot) org/media-navigator/

    Keep it up!

  3. Drew Hunkins
    December 14, 2019 at 15:50

    God I miss Robert Parry’s incredible articles about Russiagate. Right now he’d be invaluable in the face of Ukrainegate and the impending Barr-Durham revevelations.

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