CN and CN Live! Launch Fall Fund Raising Drive


Help us to keep Consortium News and our new weekly webcast, CN Live!, going with a generous donation to our Fall Fund Drive.

With the launch of CN Live! and continued top-notch coverage of the biggest issues of the day, Consortium News seeks continued support from its loyal readers and viewers.

Consortium News and CN Live! is launching its Fall Fund Raising Drive, appealing to readers and viewers to keep the news site and the popular new webcast going in the tradition of our founder, the late Robert Parry.

With just eleven episodes of the webcast so far, CN Live! is making its mark on the web with its unique long-form, video journalism that dives deep beneath the surface of the crucial issues of our time.

Nat Parry, a son of our founder, wrote this about CN Live!:

“Congratulations on the CN Live! initiative — it looks great and is something I’m sure my dad would be pleased with. I know he always wanted to do more in terms of video…” 

Daniel Ellsberg and Katharine Gun

Among our guests have been WikiLeaks Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson, GCHQ whistleblower Katharine Gun, whose story is the subject of the major motion picture “Official Secrets,” Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg, former UN chief weapons inspector Scott Ritter, UN Special Rappoteur on Torture Nils Melzer, Pakistan’s UN ambassador Maleeha Lodhi,  former CIA officers Ray McGovernJohn Kiriakou, and George Beebe, ex-NSA technical director Bill Binney, former U.S. Senator Mike GravelChelsea Manning lawyer Nancy Hollander, internet entrepreneur Kim Dotcom, Middle East analyst As’ad AbuKhalil, retired Australian diplomat Tony Kevin, and journalists Whitney Webb, Aaron Maté, Margaret Kimberley, Patrick Lawrence, Pepe Escobar, Michael Isikoff, Attilio Moro, Andrew Spannaus and John Wight.

On the show, we have courageously examined the issues of intelligence agency interference in U.S. domestic politics, the persecution of imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, the lies leading up to the Iraq invasion, the corruption of U.S. Middle East policy, the Seth Rich controversy, the Jeffery Epstein scandal, U.S.-Russia relations, mass shootings, climate change, Kashmir, and the British political crisis. 

Our past successful fund drives have made the launch of CN Live! possible. We now need your support to keep this important but expensive undertaking going.

Our Pledge

Robert Parry

Consortium News remains committed, in both print and video, to its core mission: to bring you non-partisan news and analysis you won’t get from a mainstream media that suppresses or misses stories or angles threatening to Establishment interests.

For instance we have been bringing you the best coverage to be found anywhere about WikiLeaks  and Assange, including a series on the Revelations of WikiLeaks.  Bob Parry and many of our writers were in the forefront of debunking the Russiagate conspiracy theory, long before it was put to rest by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s failed investigation. 

All this takes money, as we pay our writers, editors and video production and administrative staff, a staff that needs expanding. We depend solely on our readers’ and viewers’ generosity, which allows us to maintain our fierce independence. So please dig down deep to help support the continuation of Bob Parry’s unique project. Give whatever you can or consider becoming a Consortium News member, by donating $200 or more.

CN Live! is the webcast of Consortium News, the first independent news website created by Robert Parry in 1995. Parry was one of America’s greatest investigative journalists, breaking the biggest stories of the Iran-Contra Affair for the Associated Press and Newsweek. Tired of his stories being suppressed by his editors, Parry began Consortium News as a place for a consortium of journalists to publish their work that the corporate media wouldn’t allow. The site led the way with ground-breaking stories on Russia-gate and Ukraine and provides unique analysis and commentary on U.S. and international issues.