WATCH: CN Live! Assange Update; Worldwide Climate Strike; No Strike on Iran—Episode 10


Episode 10 of CN Live! aired live Friday night. We looked at the latest on imprisoned Julian Assange; discussed the global Climate Strike and upcoming UN Climate Summit as well as the strike on Saudi oil installations and the U.S. response.

Watch the replay right here with your hosts Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria. Our guests were climate activist Arn Menconi on his recent piece in Consortium News; Lebanese American scholar As’ad AbuKhalil breaking down the dramatic attack on Saudi oil installations and how Riyadh and Washington are reacting.

Watch the replay here: 


3 comments for “WATCH: CN Live! Assange Update; Worldwide Climate Strike; No Strike on Iran—Episode 10

  1. Christie
    September 22, 2019 at 16:01

    Kudos to Joe and Elizabeth for another lively broadcast. Segment with As’ad AbuKhalil was especially riveting, not just discussion regarding hit on the Saudi oil installations and what that means, but AbuKhalil’s commentary on the origins of the Yemen war. Could there be a transcript? If not, please encourage AbuKhalil to do article on this topic. Americans need to hear more about the sordid role of the Obama administration in bringing about that hideous conflict.

    As for segment with Arn Menconi, I appreciated his passion and dedication to the climate cause. It is crucial, of course, to end public subsidies for Big Oil, Big Ag, and other rapacious industries, but I strongly question Menconi’s call for a “carbon tax” as he did in his article. I myself once backed the idea of a carbon tax as part of ‘the answer.’ No more.

    If the ‘globalist backers’ of the climate action movement have their way, a carbon tax (paid for by the 99%, not the .01%) – along with carbon offset trading – will be used to impose a Technocratic Tyranny, caging us as Smart-Grid slaves for the rest of the Century. I doubt this is what the young climate activists are signing up for, yet they’re being ‘steered’ into it, much as thousands of human rights activists were steered into staging Arab-Spring ‘color revolutions’ on behalf of US/NATO geopolitical goals.

  2. September 22, 2019 at 08:14

    Iran called Washington’s “posturing” threats to expand the military contingent in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Not afraid of troops: Iran accused the USA of posturing.

  3. Patrick R.
    September 21, 2019 at 00:02

    I have watched only 91 minutes of the debates, but that was a very interesting material that you have covered and I like that you have also invited a challenging guest as G. Bebbe was. I think it is good to observe how the government officials are trained to portray information to the public and along the way perhaps also uncovering some of their motives to do so.

    I do agree that G. Bebbe has enough information about the given topic, making it hard to excuse him for presenting either indecisive, neutral or in some cases defensive content, but as discussed later his behavior is understandable, as he still does, whether directly or indirectly, benefit from his former line of work. However, because of accepting a public debate invitation with a well informed group of journalists, it is also possible that since he also had an access to a vast information, after digesting it all, he may actually, to some degree, feel some guilt or shame of representing or being associated with the organisation [CIA – Congenial Intentions Association, just making fun about his claim of good intentions in Russia in the 90’s ;-)] and perhaps attempting to signal that he is slowly taking a neutral stand on the matter. My thought is based on the fact that he wasn’t making much effort to contradict or reason with Joe’s statements.

    I certainly value your work and also your determination to publish non-compromised and to some individuals also the inconvenient truth. I wish you all, the best.

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