WATCH: CN Live! Episode 8 on Three Crises: in Britain, Italy and Kashmir, with Pakistan’s UN Ambassador


The 8th episode of CN Live!  looked at three political crises: the drama unfolding in Westminster over Brexit; the new cabinet in Italy and India’s attempt to annex Kashmir.

The 8th episode of CN Live! was webcast on Friday night with interviews of  Maleeha Lodhi, Pakistan’s ambassador to the United Nations discussing the crisis in Kashmir; journalist John Wight on the crisis in Westminster over Brexit; and journalists Attilio Moro and Andrew Spannaus on  the crisis in Italian politics. We asked the Indian mission to the UN for an interview with India’s ambassador on Kashmir and received no reply.

YouTube would not stream it live. The full replay is available here: 



23 comments for “WATCH: CN Live! Episode 8 on Three Crises: in Britain, Italy and Kashmir, with Pakistan’s UN Ambassador

  1. Emily B.
    September 11, 2019 at 17:58

    I would love for Consortium News to have Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller on your Friday show. He was one of the first of the slightly more establishment journalists to investigate Russiagate, opening it up even wider with telling the story of George Papadopoulos, thereby exposing the entrapment schemes. He’s friendly with Aaron Mate.

    Chuck knows *a lot*.

  2. Shannon LeBlanc
    September 11, 2019 at 00:30

    Glad it finally got going. Ate my chips already though. Will have to watch it with an apple instead.

  3. September 10, 2019 at 17:23

    Dear Joe, how I appreciate the new Consortium News, have seen all so far and will always watch. Thank you so much.

    I have a suggestion for guests: Janus Varoufakis, the incomparable Greek economist. If you’ve ever heard him speak, you know there’s so other economist who can compare.
    Another would be Oksana Boyko of “World’s Apart” on RT from Moscow.

    They are incredibly intelligent people. Thanks for your consideration

  4. George
    September 8, 2019 at 14:49

    just found CN Live, RT seems to abdicating its position as a credible alternative news source in favour of a far more sensational/sleazy entertainment “news” format, I was becoming very concerned as to where I was going to get news going forward. I am really glad to have found you.

    • ML
      September 8, 2019 at 17:28

      I agree with you about RT, George. And the commenters there are the pits! For superb journalism and good commentary (usually) from many smart people, this is the place to come. Please support CN with your donations if you at all can. Cheers.

    • George
      September 9, 2019 at 10:50

      having dug a little further, and listened to more of what is posted here, well, so much for that. Just another neo-liberal globalist whore parading around in pseudo-left push-up bra and pumps. Yaaaawwwn. Its starting to be clear that as RT abdicates the journalistic high ground and totalitarianism tears WikiLeaks to shreds, there is no-where left to turn. My God the future is looking bleak.

    • September 10, 2019 at 16:51

      Oksana Boyko.”World’s Apart” continues to be the best interviewer on television, so don’t count out RT. Plus the excellent Chris Hedges, “On Contact” is on RT, too. If there’s sleaze there, don’t watch the sleaze, but RT is still better than any MSM in the US. PBS has gone by the way, the BCC is on par with PBS. RT is more trustworthy than any other local or foreign tv source. I thank my lucky stars every day we have Consortium News, the electronic intifada, Mondoweiss, Counter Punch, Greyzone Project, mintnews, global research newsletter tomdispatch.

    • September 10, 2019 at 16:54

      George, I replied to you….guess it will show up later. RR

  5. Jill
    September 8, 2019 at 14:09

    Did youtube give a reason for their refusal to live stream this program? If so, what did they say?

  6. Fug
    September 8, 2019 at 10:44

    Your Guest John Wight is just another Champagne Socialist who believes Jeremy Corbyn is the answer to Political Turmoil in England. Corbyn is a stooge for the European Union Banking Dictatorship who have flooded Europe with unskilled and violent Third World criminals. Corbyn is a Faux Socialist just like Bernie Sanders and many of the People in England can see this and that is the reason why the Labour Party will not win an Election. Corybn will just flood England with more Third World Parasites and the People are aware of this.
    This hypocrite was calling for a General Election for a long time and now it seems to many that he is doing the bidding of The European Union Banking Dictatorship. This Man is totally anti democratic and has no intention of carrying out the will of the English people who voted to leave the Dictatorship.

    Uncontrolled Immigration was probably the biggest factor why the English People voted for Brexit. It certainly was for the ones i have talked to. John Wight then labels countries like Hungary that are tackling this uncontrolled immigration as Far Right. The ‘Far Right’ label he is using comes straight from Neo-Liberal Media like The Guardian. This man is conditioned by Neo-Liberal propaganda and is too blind to see it. He naively thinks the European Union Banking Dictatorship can be reformed! Impossible. MEPs are Elected but the real power lies in the unelected European Council. These are appointees by the Banking Sector. They are Politicians in the pay of George Soros and other Global Financiers.

  7. John Puma
    September 8, 2019 at 06:13

    Re Italy:

    1) One need not expend much energy to find analyses of the shamefully, hypocritcal, ANTI-democratic nature of the European Union. See, for example, Thomas Fazi, @ jacobinmag “dot” com, 23May2019. Another example seems to be the book (“Original Sins”) written by one of the commentators on the current video, Mr Spannaus.

    2) The condescension (this time around) of the NY Times re Italy is an extension, or is it prodding?, of the attitude toward the Southern European countries not considered economically suitable members of the EU: Portugal, Italy, Greece & Spain, so cutely referred to as “PIGS” by their self-proclaimed economic and political superiors, Germany and France, or, more precisely the most powerful bankers therein.

    The strategy has been much like that of the US toward Cuba: strangle the economy of another then ridicule the victim for having an economy that is barely breathing. (Of course, said economic health, or lack thereof, is always assessed according only to the parameters deemed relevant to the attempted economic murderer – i.e., yet more $$$$$ for the already insanely rich.)

    Often the acronym is “PIIGS” to include Ireland the recipient of epic historic “condescension” from the third element of the Axis of Absolute Arrogance, the UK.

    3) Mr Luria is one of the very few public commentators who understands THE CAUSE of the immigration “crisis” of Europe: refugees are fleeing the combination of, at least, economic wars, where there are not, yet, the frank military ones – all engineered by the USA. The arc surrounding Europe extends from the Baltics, through Ukraine, into Syria and Africa. Don’t forget that NATO, the US military in Europe, was among the “coalition of genocide” in Iraq and in Afghanistan.

    4) From #3, above, and considering the US economic sanctions on Russia that has hurt not only it but its MANY European (including Italian) trading partners, one might just think that the US is treating Europe, in general, in the same way Northern Europe is treating Southern Europe.

    5) Re #4, above, note that the recent abrogation of the INF (Intermediate Range Nuclear Missile) Treaty by His Hairness (aka “Trump”), has put a target on Europe for the benefit of that most vile RTP© (Rootin’ Tootin’ Putin). This, at least in those Eastern European countries in which the US has installed its own intermediate range missiles. But, of course, Eastern Europe is probably is held in even more contempt by the continent’s power structure than is Southern Europe and in more contempt by the US than Cuba.

    6) After the Mar 2018 elections the 5-Star party had its first opportunity to form a coalition with the PD prior to the fateful one ultimately made with the LEGA its fulminating fascist Salvini. It is not clear which of 5-Star or the PD scuttled that opportunity. They only have the current opportunity after Salvini’s premature political ejaculation to insist on new elections as the constant media exposure (see “His Hairness $600 million free media coverage, 2016”) that ostensibly doubled the supreme bully’s poll numbers to close to the required 40% needed to form a government outright.

    7) Please, Messers Moro and Spannaus, give us some insight into the crusade in Europe being waged by the Steve Bannon, the Hangnail of His Hairness (aka “Trump), especially in regard to Salvini and Italian politics.

    • September 10, 2019 at 17:05

      Fug, I’ve been watching Jeremy Corbyn for many years and he’s the real deal and without that godawful ego-mania that besets Trump, Johnson, Netanyahu, Modi, Bolsonado, Orban, Duterte, et. al. Jeremy Corbyn is no lacky of anyone and never has been. He actually stands up for fairness and against corruption. If you don’t know this, you haven’t known him as long as I.

    • September 10, 2019 at 17:14

      John Puma, appreciated and am agreement with your first 4, then you had to go into the ridiculous ““Trump”), has put a target on Europe for the benefit of that most vile RTP© (Rootin’ Tootin’ Putin).” You seemed so smart yet know nothing about Putin except US MSM propaganda.
      As for Steve Bannon, I figure it’s a real possibility that John Bolton will join him in his endeavours. They are similar criminals.

      • John Puma
        September 11, 2019 at 08:41

        To Rob Roy:

        I hadn’t suspected that the phrase “most vile RTP© (Rootin’ Tootin’ Putin)” might be too subtle for CN commentators to miss as a sarcastic demonstration of dripping contempt for US MSM propaganda.

        Apparently I mis-overestimated.

  8. Jay
    September 7, 2019 at 22:32

    John Wight significantly undermines his credibility when he claimed that Trump won because of racists. Racists already voted against Obama in significant percentages twice.

    Trump won because 2X Obama voters saw that Hillary promised to ignore workers, and to continue helping the biggest banks as Obama had done. That told those Obama voters to “vote Trump or stay home”. While Trump promised to pay attention to the needs of average workers. Now he was lying, but he didn’t have a record, and Hillary of Walmart did. Furthermore during the 2016 general election, Trump ran to Hillary’s left on foreign policy/war.

    Wight’s racialist nonsense is the kind of thing that the rightist Charles Blow publishes in his New York Times column with some frequency.

    CN needs to challenge this kind of thing when a guest makes such a claim.

  9. Fug
    September 7, 2019 at 17:35

    Your guest the ‘journalist’ John Wight is one incredibly misguided man. Just another Champagne Socialist who believes Jeremy Corbyn is the answer to Political Turmoil in England. Corbyn is a stooge for the European Union Banking Dictatorship who have flooded Europe with unskilled and violent Third World criminals. Corbyn is a Faux Socialist just like Bernie Sanders and many of the People in England can see this and that is the reason why the Labour Party will not win an Election. Corybn will just flood England with more Third World Parasites and the People are aware of this.
    This hypocrite was calling for a General Election for a long time and now it seems to many that he is doing the bidding of The European Union Banking Dictatorship. This Man is totally anti democratic and has no intention of carrying out the will of the English people who voted to leave the Dictatorship.

    Uncontrolled Immigration was probably the biggest factor why the English People voted for Brexit. It certainly was for the ones i have talked to. John Wight then labels countries like Hungary that are tackling this uncontrolled immigration as Far Right. The ‘Far Right’ label he is using comes straight from Neo-Liberal Media like The Guardian. This man is conditioned by Neo-Liberal propaganda and is too blind to see it. He naively thinks the European Union Banking Dictatorship can be reformed! Impossible. MEPs are Elected but the real power lies in the unelected European Council. These are appointees by the Banking Sector. They are Politicians in the pay of George Soros and other Global Financiers.

    If John Wight did his Homework on Ireland he would have found out we do not want to be reunited with Northern Ireland. I saw the Troubles in the north first hand as i live at the Border between Ireland and Northern Ireland. Both countries will never reunite, EVER. There is far to much hatred for that to ever happen, and far too much Bandits in the North for the Republic of Ireland to be ever able to deal with.

    Poor John Wight believes he is on ‘The Left’. He is on the ‘New Left’ or Neo-Liberal Left and is far to conditioned to even see this. The Globalists have been changing the meaning of Words since they got their inside man Barrack Hussein Obama into power. They have been using the MSM to condition people and have been quite successful. If he was ever a Real Leftist then he needs to be re-educated, but i am afraid he is a Neo-Liberal Champagne Socialist.

    Also why would England need a trade deal with the United States. England does far more trade with European Countries than they do with the United States. That will not change, why could it.

    One last thing. Great Britain is not a Nuclear Power. The Missiles that England uses are of the Trident variety. These are American intercontinental Missiles and this has been widely known for a long time and has been written about for over twenty years. The Americans have codes for these missiles. I new this fact when i was protesting Bill Clinton’s visit of my home town of Dundalk 19 years ago while i was protesting against his illegal bombing of Serbia.

  10. robert e williamson jr
    September 7, 2019 at 15:21

    Boy talk about hate and discontent. I tried posting a comment a daily KOS on one of their petitions. Nothing nasty on my part I simply encouraged them to go the the mint news site to read Whitney Webb’s last offering and posted the link. My comment would not go. I started over and left no comment and when I hit the button to sign that went through

    FYI I tried to get #8 on my you tube later and it still didn’t load so I figured as much.

    Once Israel gets pissed about something it doesn’t take long for Mossad to show their ass.

  11. September 7, 2019 at 11:26

    The three crises covered are symptoms of humanity’s decline into another world war, like the events leading up to 1914 and 1939. There are many potential flash-points that could trigger events leading to nuclear holocaust. The road to Armageddon might be windy, dark and poorly lit: but history shows us that is the clear destination.

    • Fug
      September 7, 2019 at 21:28

      ‘There are many potential flash-points that could trigger events leading to nuclear holocaust.’

      Don’t worry about such a silly thing as Nuclear Holocaust! If you live in a city the odds are you would not even know it happened. Also Remember the words of Jim Morrison “No one here gets out alive.”, and live your life.

  12. Willow
    September 7, 2019 at 01:10

    can you please post on youtube

    September 6, 2019 at 20:17

    YouTube is blocking our stream. Please go to to watch the webcast live on Periscope. The full broadcast will be posted on YouTube and here on the Consortium News site after it is over.

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