WATCH: CN Live! Episode 7—John Kiriakou on the 9/11 Trial; Pepe Escobar on His Prison Interview with Lula; New Whitney Webb Interview on Epstein & the Clintons, and a Scandal Rocking Australia


CN Live! was back in prime time Friday night with John Kiriakou, Pepe Escobar, Whitney Webb, John Shipton, Quentin Dempster, Peter B. Collins and Cathy Vogan. Watch the replay right here on Consortium News

CN Live! returns in prime time tonight with segments on the 9/11 trial announced today, Amazon fires and the incendiary politics of Brazil, the connections between the Clintons and Jeffery Epstein and police raids on journalists in Australia.  

Former CIA agent John Kiriakou, who blew the whistle on the U.S. torture program, will join us first to discuss the breaking news of trial date having been set in a military court for alleged plotters of the 9/11 attacks. 

Asia Times correspondent and Consortium News contributor Pepe Escobar joins us to discuss his two-hour exclusive interview with former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva inside his prison in the south of Brazil. 

Watch exclusive video of Julian Assange’s father, John Shipton, reading a letter Julian’s brother Gabriel sent to Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and a talk given by Australian journalist Quentin Dempster on the crisis of Australian police raiding journalists’ homes and offices.

Finally, journalist Whitney Webb is back for a second interview with CN Live! to discuss the fourth and final part of her Mint Press News series on Jeffery Epstein, this time focusing on his connections with the Clintons.

All on CN Live! with your hosts Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria .  Watch the replay here:

60 comments for “WATCH: CN Live! Episode 7—John Kiriakou on the 9/11 Trial; Pepe Escobar on His Prison Interview with Lula; New Whitney Webb Interview on Epstein & the Clintons, and a Scandal Rocking Australia

  1. September 6, 2019 at 15:39

    Regarding: EPSTEIN – Witney Webb reporting

    Dear Joe and Elizabeth,

    I copied next paragraph from the end of Witney Webb’s report on MintPress, From “Spook Air” to the “Lolita Express”: The Genesis and Evolution of the Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Clinton Relationship.

    “Correction | This report incorrectly stated that both Donald Trump and Bill Clinton had visited Jeffrey Epstein’s island. Victims of Epstein have reported seeing Clinton at the island, but not Donald Trump. MintPress regrets the error. “

    Yet, in this audio interview of Ms. Webb, she says Trump did take a trip with Epstein to his island.

    How did Ms. Webb determine Trump’s visit to the island? Does she now retract that statement? Was her allegation of Trump’s visit to the island a mistake? To say the obvious, this is the kind of mistake no reporter should make, and if a mistake, would be particularly egregious, since it is made against the United States President. It is important to clear this up, getting all the facts in this particular matter nailed down.

    I am grateful to Ms Webb for her in-depth investigation and the quality reporting on Epstein that I have read no where else. Ms. Webb does a great job of educating us about the historically related events going back to the McCarthy age.

    I hope to see your response regarding the alleged trip Trump made to Epstein’s island. Do we have, or do we not have, hard evidence regarding his alleged trip to “Orgy Island”? If there is none, what made Ms. Webb believe there was, and how did she come to discover her error? Is the Swamp threatening some sort of suit or court action, or ~?

    Thank you for keeping us all informed about this important issue.


  2. September 5, 2019 at 15:05

    The break-even point for delaying Social Security retirement benefits in order to get a bigger check is roughly 80 years old. It can vary by a couple years up or down and, for reasons of brevity, I won??™t go into the details here.
    seguridad social

  3. September 5, 2019 at 05:09

    The Afghan government has expressed ‘concern’ over the agreement reached on the delegation-level peace deal between the United States and the Taliban.

    Afghan Peace Process: Afghan Government Concerned Over US-Taliban Agreement

  4. Marko
    September 4, 2019 at 19:03

    “A Structural Reevaluation of the Collapse of World Trade Center 7” by J.Leroy Hulsey et al , U. of Alaska

    Summary conclusion of the 126 page report :

    “The principal conclusion of our study is that fire did not cause the collapse of WTC 7 on 9/11, contrary to the conclusions of NIST and private engineering firms that studied the collapse. The secondary conclusion of our study is that the collapse of WTC 7 was a global failure involving the near-simultaneous failure of every column in the building.”

    This will be all over the MSM news , right ? Haha , just kidding.

    • Dosamuno
      September 5, 2019 at 19:21

      The official story of 911 is as convincing as the Warren Report:

      “The buildings in New York were heinously, gloriously, dramatically…cinematically…exploded…

      These buildings were detonated, violently, sending four-ton steel girders 600 feet and embedding them into the face of a nearby skyscraper. …

      Watching the videos again and again, a sober viewer can see the buildings explode downward, upward, and outward. The mass of concrete that forms the top layer of each floor is nearly aerosolized. It goes up into a pyroclastic cloud, like Mount St. Helens and comes down to blanket lower Manhattan, making it look like the surface of the moon. These floors did not ‘collapse’. They were not there to ‘pancake’ at the bottom of the building in a broken stack as happens with buildings in an earthquake. And by the way, the official version agrees—the floors did not pancake. The floors went away. The floors were made into dust and then thrown into the sky as toxic clouds. New Yorkers were breathing the guts, blood, and bones of the buildings for months and probably years.”

      OFFICIA STORIES, Liam Scheff, pp.40-41–the+collapse#id=8&vid=058d88f0915dbedc363c6cc2dc05ad62&action=click

    • Dosamuno
      September 6, 2019 at 12:48

      “The buildings in New York were heinously, gloriously, dramatically…cinematically…exploded…

      These buildings were detonated, violently, sending four-ton steel girders 600 feet and embedding them into the face of a nearby skyscraper. …

      Watching the videos again and again, a sober viewer can see the buildings explode downward, upward, and outward. The mass of concrete that forms the top layer of each floor is nearly aerosolized. It goes up into a pyroclastic cloud, like Mount St. Helens and comes down to blanket lower Manhattan, making it look like the surface of the moon. These floors did not ‘collapse’. They were not there to ‘pancake’ at the bottom of the building in a broken stack as happens with buildings in an earthquake. And by the way, the official version agrees—the floors did not pancake. The floors went away. The floors were made into dust and then thrown into the sky as toxic clouds. New Yorkers were breathing the guts, blood, and bones of the buildings for months and probably years.”

      OFFICIAL STORIES, Liam Scheff, pp.40-41–the+collapse#id=8&vid=058d88f0915dbedc363c6cc2dc05ad62&action=click

  5. September 4, 2019 at 09:15

    US senators appealed to the White House with a call not to refuse military funding for Ukraine. US Senators called on the White House to maintain military assistance to Ukraine

    US Senators called on the White House to maintain military assistance to Ukraine

  6. jeff montanye
    September 3, 2019 at 12:57

    in the first segment the cia whistleblower and the journalists are non-plussed about msm non reaction to the scheduled trial of the four 9-11 “co-conspirators,” attributing it to lack of interest. imo it is because the trial could endanger the “official story” of that incident which, to my eye, has not lost any interest on many of the websites i visit (self fulfilling prophecy there in all likelihood though). the cia whistleblower attributes trump’s interest in this trial to his wanting to pin medals on his chest. while that may be true, it is also true that trump, unique among current politicians, said, on the day of the attacks, that the wtc was destroyed by bombs either in the planes or in the buildings, which pretty much makes a hoax of the “official story.” imo he’s peeling back the deep state onion as well as pinning medals on his chest. again imo, should he bust 9-11 no medal is big enough; he needs a spot in that black hills’ granite next to abe.

  7. Hawaiiguy
    September 3, 2019 at 10:56

    SoundCloud your episodes please.
    Data is 3xpensive and you gain a wider audience?

    • JoAnne
      September 4, 2019 at 16:35

      Pepe Escobar: Thank you for so much clarification. When looking ahead, it seems to me the big picture is all about ordinary populations vs international organized crime who have technologically seized control of institutionalized human predation. Though a small, sophisticated gang, their concentrated ignorance, psycho-social pathology and wealth is able to strategically intimidate, sabotage and
      eliminate ethical leadership. They currently control the majority of markets, mafia style, especially drugs, vice, finance, weapons, oil, real estate, cyber technology and media. I guess i am trying to say they aren’t just dictators, oligarchs and rabid rightwingers. It is the instinctual drive for self-preservation and control gone afoul in those with vulnerable, violent neurobiological systems, who form, by “mobbing”, ultra criminal networks.
      As you say, it would take thousands of Sisyfusi (?) to turn it around.

  8. Jill
    September 3, 2019 at 10:13

    Please have the writer of this article on the show. She has proof that USG, SA and UAE are arming ISIS. She has all the documents including the receipts, flight logs etc. to prove this. It is an amazing piece of reporting. I found the link to it at Whitney’s site:

  9. September 3, 2019 at 10:01

    Hezbollah targets the Israeli War vehicle during the raid in Lebanon

    • JoAnne
      September 5, 2019 at 01:10

      Pepe Escobar: Thank you for so much clarification. When looking ahead, it seems to me the big picture is all about ordinary populations vs international organized crime who have technologically seized control of institutionalized human predation. Though a small, sophisticated gang, their concentrated ignorance, psycho-social pathology and wealth is able to strategically intimidate, sabotage and
      eliminate ethical leadership. They currently control the majority of markets, mafia style, especially drugs, vice, finance, weapons, oil, real estate, cyber technology and media. I guess i am trying to say they aren’t just dictators, oligarchs and rabid rightwingers. It is the instinctual drive for self-preservation and control gone afoul in those with vulnerable, violent neurobiological systems, who form, by “mobbing”, ultra criminal networks.
      As you say, it would take thousands of Sisyfusi (?) to turn it around.

  10. Shannon LeBlanc
    September 3, 2019 at 00:26

    So I take it this means pizzagate wasn’t really way out there. That it was probably a real thing. I hope you folks keep doing this show, it’s the best news program there is.

    • jeff montanye
      September 3, 2019 at 13:02

      the cia whistleblower and the journalists are non-plussed about msm non reaction to the scheduled trial of the four 9-11 “co-conspirators,” attributing it to lack of interest. imo it is because the trial could endanger the “official story” of that incident which, to my eye, has not lost any interest on many of the websites i visit (self fulfilling prophecy there in all likelihood though). the cia whistleblower attributes trump’s interest in this trial to his wanting to pin medals on his chest. while that may be true, it is also true that trump, unique among current politicians, said, on the day of the attacks, that the wtc was destroyed by bombs either in the planes or in the buildings, which pretty much makes a hoax of the “official story.” imo he’s peeling back the deep state onion as well as pinning medals on his chest. again imo, should he bust 9-11 no medal is big enough; he needs a spot in that black hills’ granite next to abe.

    • jeff montanye
      September 3, 2019 at 13:02

      the whistleblower and the journalists are non-plussed about msm non reaction to the scheduled trial of the four 9-11 “co-conspirators,” attributing it to lack of interest. imo it is because the trial could endanger the “official story” of that incident which, to my eye, has not lost any interest on many of the websites i visit (self fulfilling prophecy there in all likelihood though). the cia whistleblower attributes trump’s interest in this trial to his wanting to pin medals on his chest. while that may be true, it is also true that trump, unique among current politicians, said, on the day of the attacks, that the wtc was destroyed by bombs either in the planes or in the buildings, which pretty much makes a hoax of the “official story.” imo he’s peeling back the deep state onion as well as pinning medals on his chest. again imo, should he bust 9-11 no medal is big enough; he needs a spot in that black hills’ granite next to abe.

  11. robert e williamson jr
    September 2, 2019 at 22:22

    The courts ruled against Jefferson Morely in his recent attempt to get more JFK records released . The court said that he needed to establish the fact that the public would benefit from such a release.

    Okay. I do believe that a safe assumption is that an enormous majority of the population of the U.S. would agree that any agency of U.S. government with the history of connections revealed by Ms. Webb’s reporting on illegal trafficking of minor children and adults , illegal arms dealing, illegal procurement of PROMIS soft ware i.e. grand theft multiplied in severity beyond belief, illegal dealing of drugs including the protected delivery of drugs onto U.S. soil, a money laundering network that launders money by the billion and endangers the entire world economy provides evidence that CIA for one has very little interest in securing the Nation, not to mention whole sale blackmail of individuals involved in American politic, namely the politicians themselves, CIA needs to compromise to kept their lies ongoing.

    It is obvious CIA controls the government both democrat or republican by engaging in illegal activities.

    So sure I think these revelations can be used to make the case for releasing all the history of CIA. All that needs to be done is to call
    out DOJ on their participation in protecting CIA and other entities because of CIA’s B.S. sources and methods claim.

    We see what the DOJ’s protection of sources and methods perpetuates and encourages and U.S. courts need to put a stop to it before the rest of the world does something about it to all of us.

    And Israel goes broke!

  12. Litchfield
    September 2, 2019 at 20:12

    What happened to my comment?

    Joe, please get closer to the mike and speak more clearly and louder.

  13. Litchfield
    September 2, 2019 at 19:55

    Joe, Please speak more slowly, more clearly, and LOUDER.
    Cannot hear you.
    I am missing a lot.
    You are too far from the mike, and also, I think, from the camera—that is, you appear to be too far away from the viewer, so even lip reading is compromised.

    Whitney Webb is much clearer.

    Thank you.

  14. nietzsche1510
    September 1, 2019 at 22:20

    Julian´s treatment in the UK is the direct consequence of the Judeo-Zionist ukase. the “chosen´s resentment is the cruelest in human History: they want him vanished for the failure of Hillary.

  15. LJ
    September 1, 2019 at 19:47

    I’ve been reading Pepe’s stuff for several years. Several means 3 or more but I’ve predated that. He’s OK . Lula should not be in prison obviously. The original CARWASH prosecutor died in a plane accident when he just had to fly in inclement weather to secure an interview Total BULLSHIT cover story. Unquestioned in our Media. The Flag of Brazil say Order and Progress. That is the whole truth AND That is how Moro got the job locking LULA out of the election. Total Bullshit. . This entire farce was an insult that only could have happened with American—Obama’s approval , like what happened in Honduras. It reflects badly on our European Democratic allies that their integrity is conditional. ( See Venezuela) Pathetic.. This is why the nation of my birth disgusts me. It’s not the people , it’s the gauche acquiescence to wrongdoing that is totally ignored and in fact perpetrated by major Media. Without a free press Democracy and in point of fact, JUSTICE, is not possible.

  16. John Wright
    September 1, 2019 at 17:22

    The segment with Pepe Escobar was very good and makes me want learn more about Lula. I hope that CN will publish the transcript of his interview when it’s available.

    Whitney Webb continues to demonstrate her courage and tenacity in chasing down and adding context to a very important story. The connections she makes to IranContra and BCCI are particularly noteworthy, as this continues to expose the long history of the Deep State in the ongoing criminal activities which have so profoundly corrupted the United States. Her emphasis on the longstanding collusion between elite Democrats and Republicans is a political reality that many still refuse to accept, despite the overwhelming evidence which supports said reality.

    As for the long delayed “9/11 trial”, the single most important person that should be put on trial concerning the events of September 11, 2001 is Ali Abdul Saoud Mohamed.

  17. Larry Shea
    September 1, 2019 at 17:15

    David R. Simon is the author of a book entitled ELITE DEVIANCE. This book has gone through several editions and each edition is thoroughly updated. Our masters are the deviant elite. We are their playthings and their trifles. The deviant elite would also like to see far fewer of us hanging around on this planet (See WSJ article: “Billionaires Try to Shrink World’s Population, Report Says,” March 26, 2009; also see the online article: “The Dark History of Population Control.” This article is posted on CLIMATE & CAPITALISM). Ted Turner, who has been a driving force for the diminution of human life on Earth, has publicly stated that 2 billion humans on our planet is enough. The Georgia Guidestones (I wonder if they were they funded by Ted Turner?) state that the magic number of humans on Earth should be 500 million. It has also been reported that Ted Turner would like to see the human population on Earth as low as 250 million. In 2006, University of Texas ecologist Eric Pianka publicly called for a 90% cull of humanity. He reportedly received a standing ovation from his audience of sick and twisted sycophantic ghouls.

    Another angle to look at that concerns the psychopathic Clinton couple is the murder of Vince Foster. The best source that I know of can be found at, aka, The Vince Foster Murder Cover-up. This website is the definitive source for Vince Foster’s murder and also the latest news about the murder: it is in-depth coverage. According to Colonel Albert V. Carone, Vince foster was acting as a go-between George H.W. Bush and Governor, Bill Clinton during Clinton’s playtime before and during Iran-Contra (See, BAGMAN: THE SECRET LIFE OF COL. ALBERT V. CARONE by Eric G. Stacey.).

    Charming Bubba-Billy’s links to the CIA reputedly go back to the late 60’s. He reportedly acted as an errand boy for the company in 1969 when he traveled to the USSR. It has been reported that he used his ‘Rhodes Scholarship ‘ as a cover to view and then purloin Nikita Krushchev’s Memoirs. He subsequently smuggled [a copy of?] them out of the USSR and handed them over to the CIA. William Jefferson Clinton, was reputedly recruited to be an agent by the CIA when he was attending Georgetown University (See, “The Real Bill Clinton — Spy, Smuggler, and Scoundrel Extraordinaire?” at the Monolithik blog.) The reader may recall that Bill Clinton’s favorite professor at Georgetown U. was Carroll Quigley who wrote a very informative magnum opus called TRAGEDY AND HOPE:A HISTORY OF THE WORLD IN OUR TIME.

    An excellent investigative view of the massive smuggling/training operation that existed in Mena, Arkansas can be found in the book BARRY & ‘THE BOYS’:THE CIA, THE MOB, AND AMERICA’S SECRET HISTORY, by investigative reporter, Daniel Hopsicker (madcow productions website). Barry Seal and Lee Harvey Oswald were both in David Ferrie’s Civil Air Patrol Unit; this book contains a photograph of this exclusive and elusive little spy clique. David Ferrie was a known sexual predator of young men and boys, as was the notorious Clay Shaw. Among his other nefarious activities, David Ferrie was a CIA asset and a pilot for the mob (See: DAVID FERRIE, by Judyth Vary Baker and ME & LEE by the same author.)

    As well, one should not overlook the fact that former president Jimmy Carter met and was befriended by the well-connected international criminal, Jackson T. Stephens, when both were attending the U.S. Naval Academy (The deviant elite live in such a cozy and small world.).

    According to former Arkansas State police officers who were attached to the Clintons’ security detail, Hillary Clinton had a lengthy affair with Vince Foster that included Foster’s sleepovers at the governor’rs mansion when Bill was away or on the prowl for Jennifer Flowers or one of his other numerous paramours (He bragged to an old girl friend from high school that he had slept with over 2,000 women; however, this was before he met Jetting-Jeffrey Epstein.)
    Hillary, herself, was often driven by members of her security detail to Vince Foster’s love nest in the boondocks for more passion, affection, and emotional succor from Vince Foster (See: HILLARY & VINCE: A STORY OF LOVE, DEATH, AND COVER-UP by Dean W. Arnold.).

    Let us also not forget what lying hypocrites the depraved Clintons and debauched and mobbe-up Donald Trump have been throughout their sordid careers. If you can stomach the sight of it, look at the wedding photo of the smiling Trump and Clinton couples at the Don’s wedding at Mar-a-Lago in 2005 or at the photo of Ghislaine Maxwell at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding in 2010 (See: EXCLUSIVE: BILL CLINTON PICTURED WITH JEFFREY EPSTEIN’S SOCIAL FIXER AT CHELSEA’S WEDDING AFTER SEVERING LINKS WITH DISGRACED PEDOPHILE, Daily Mail, January 13, 2015).Jeffrey Epstein evidently did not attend because, as a level-three sex offender, he was forbidden by statute to be around underage girls.

    Nick Bryant who wrote THE FRANKLIN SCANDAL: A STORY OF POWERBROKERS, CHILD ABUSE, AND BETRAYAL and who co-wrote with Henry w. Vinson, CONFESSIONS OF A D.C. MADAM: THE POLITICS OF SEX, LIES, AND BLACKMAIL also wrote an article for GAWKER that is entitled, FLIGHT LOGS PUT CLINTON, DERSHOWITZ ON PEDOPHILE BILLIONAIRE’S SEX JET, January 22, 2015. The flight logs clearly illustrate that Slick Willey officially flew under his own name at least 26 times on the “Lolita Express.” Eyewitnesses also place the lothario from Little Rock on Epstein’s private island.

    Clark M. Clifford was an adviser to several U.S. presidents and an aide to former U.S. President and former mob- bagman, Harry S. Truman (For Truman’s ties to organized crime see: THE MONEY AND THE POWER; THE MAKING OF LAS VEGAS AND ITS HOLD ON AMERICA,, 1947-2000.). Clifford was in no small way responsible for the National Security Act that included the creation of the Central Intelligence Agency. It was this same Clark M. Clifford who along with Robert Altman helped a group of Middle Eastern investors secretly takeover Washington D.C.’s largest bank holding company First American Bankshares, Inc. in 1982. These Middle Eastern investors represented BCCI, which was based in Luxembourg.”A BCCI official was heard on a tape recording bragging to an undercover [U.S.] Customs Bureau agent… that his company controlled a bank in Washington through Mr. Clifford.” (See: “A FRIENDSHIP, A BANK, AND A TRAIL OF MONEY LEADING TO B.C.C.I., CLIFFORD AND ALTMAN; MENTOR AND PROTOGE, AT CENTER OF INQUIRY,” NYT, September 3, 1991.).

    But before BCCI there was the Nugan Hand Bank, which like BCCI, was also a money-laundering enterprise for the CIA. For more on this bank please see: CRIMES OF PATRIOTS: A TRUE TALE OF DOPE, DIRTY MONEY, AND THE CIA, Jonathan Kwitny, and NUGAN HAND BANK at the website Spartacus Educational. But for an excellent historical outline, the essay by Peter dale Scott is nonpareil. The title of this essential on-line piece of reading is: ‘DEEP EVENTS AND THE CIA’S GLOBAL DRUG CONNECTION.”

    It does not require much imagination to assume that Jefferey Epstein with his ties to the CIA, Mossad, and Adnan khashoggi (a known arms & drug smuggler and a likely human trafficker) was a smuggler and financier for drug, arms, and sex trafficking. He owned a Caribbean island, two jet aircraft, fast boats, helicopters, a property in New Mexico with a 4,500 foot runway and a property in Paris, France. His most important known client was Les Wexner who had ties to both organized crime and the CIA. Prince Andrew’s forbears practically invented the illegal opium trade with China (See: DOPE, INC.: THE BOOK THAT DROVE HENRY KISSINGER AND THE ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE CRAZY, by the Editors of the Executive Intelligence Review and also see: OPIUM, EMPIRE, AND THE GLOBAL POLITICAL ECONOMY, by Carl A. Trocki. Without money laundering the illegal international narcotics industry, arms trafficking, and human trafficking would be severely curtailed, and this would wreak havoc, causing chaos in world’s financial markets, and a likely worldwide financial collapse. That is how these criminal financiers who have no moral compass have set up the world’s financial system — just like a gigantic casino where they cannot lose, and the rest of us are the suckers who can’t win.

    • Kat Swift
      September 2, 2019 at 16:59

      Precisely. One has only to recall that a few years ago when HSBC get caught laundering money for the drug cartels, Obama refrained from prosecuting the bank for fear that doing so would destabilize the world economy. Human trafficking, gun/drug running, etc. are not just nefarious underground economies, they are part and parcel of the world economy.

      • JoAnne VanDatta
        September 5, 2019 at 02:40

        Pepe Escobar: Thank you for so much clarification. When looking ahead, it seems to me the big picture is all about ordinary populations vs international organized crime who have technologically seized control of institutionalized human predation. At the top of the food chain, multigenerationally interconnected, this “sophisticated” elite wield their concentrated ignorance, psycho-social pathology and wealth is to strategically intimidate, sabotage and
        eliminate ethical leadership. They currently control the majority of markets, mafia style, especially drugs, vice, finance, weapons, oil, real estate, cyber technology and media. You have surely figured this out; I guess i am trying to say they aren’t just dictators, oligarchs, deviants and rabid rightwingers. They are ruthlessly perpetratimg the instinctual drive for self-preservation and control at maximum, pathological levels. Operating with imbalanced, excessively violent neurobiological systems, they form, by enforcing rigid social dominance hierarchies, surrepticious brotherhoods, (and through manipulating the “herding instinct”, or “mobbing”) ultra exploitative, criminal networks. It is a massive, ecological, psycho-social-biological, evolutionary problem.
        As you say, it would take thousands of Sisyphi (?) to turn it around. I call it “the predator paradox”; it is probably why “enlightened ” messengers emerge every couple thousand years or so. We have to keep trying to express our other “humane”instincts. But more research is needed!

    • Bob Van Noy
      September 3, 2019 at 08:45

      Brilliant Larry Shay, many Thanks. This is the kind of summary that I have been hoping for. The complete loop of reporting reading and broad evaluation. I think your reading list is perfect.

      • F. G. Sanford
        September 4, 2019 at 02:16

        It is tempting to endorse false narratives when they happen support valid conclusions. This is the trap into which well-intentioned skeptics routinely fall. If anything Judyth Vary Baker claims were true, keep in mind that she would be guilty of a trove of felonies including murder, gun running and thousands of counts of vivisection and animal cruelty. She would have begun her “affair” with Oswald the day after she married her husband based on a chance meeting in a post office where she claimed they spoke to each other in Russian. I suggest y’all avail yourselves of the work of Walt Brown, Ph.D and his book, “Judyth Vary Baker In Her Own Words”. Embracing a lunatic fraud with a penchant for delusions of grandeur and pathological lying does not in any way enhance a quest for the truth. Not a single witness whose testimony was recorded at the time – and there are hundreds – ever saw Judyth Vary Baker anywhere near Oswald. It’s a shame that legitimate conclusions are so easily discredited because the credulous are willing to grasp at straws.

    • Tim Slater
      September 4, 2019 at 06:12

      > Prince Andrew’s forbears practically invented the illegal opium trade with China

      It was only illegal as far as the Chinese government was concerned (until the Opium Wars, whose declared aim was to force them to accept it); as far as the British government was concerned, it was official government policy…

    • Marc White
      September 4, 2019 at 10:25

      Larry – great recap. How might we connect? Doing research for a book-video series. Thx!

      Marc White

  18. Jill
    September 1, 2019 at 13:23

    Dear Mr. Dempster,

    You made an astonishing classist statement in what is otherwise, excellent analysis. I’m surprised that you would do this, because in a very deep way, it contradicts everything else you are saying. You said McNamara’s words would make everyone but a redneck cry. Seriously, do you think that those words make John Bolton, Elliott Abrams or Gina Haspel cry? Do you think GWB, BHO and Hillary Clinton would cry about those words. For them, these words constitute a recommendation for war crimes!!!!!

    As far as I know, the people who send others to die are seldom from the “red neck” order of human beings. They seem to be from the most powerful class in each society, people who if they did come from red neck origins, would make sure you never knew about that!

    It’s so strange that red necks would be blamed for wars. Red necks are the cannon fodder, not the order givers. Why does this matter to me? First of all, I know the cannon fodder personally and some of them would cry, others would not, but they most certainly have died, been wounded or messed up badly mentally. So it does offend me that these are the people accused of having no feeling about war. I would say that those who start wars don’t have any feelings about them except really sick feelings like excitement at their own ability to hurt and kill other people.

    Secondly, as a journalist who is talking about looking at reality, this is the real reality and you are speaking about wars backwards. By not naming the true responsible parties, you let them off the hook. The most accountable people should be held the most accountable.

    Thank you for listening, a cannon fodder family member.

  19. Fug
    September 1, 2019 at 13:01

    CN live is truly in a league of its own. Exceptional Episode. Easily the best Current Affairs Program on the whole Internet, and it is only getting stronger with each episode. The Highlight of my Week for the last Month.

      September 1, 2019 at 17:24

      Thank you very much Fug.

  20. Bob Van Noy
    September 1, 2019 at 10:01

    Consortiumnews viewers and commentary. Here is a link to a link to Pepe Escobar’s article that he mentions on this show. It seems that President Lula da Silva‘s comment on BRICS is causing a churning on the markets…

  21. September 1, 2019 at 08:37

    The American coalition launched an airstrike in the Syrian province of Idlib, and did so without coordination with Russia and Turkey .U.S. strike on Idlib disrupts truce and causes many casualties

    U.S. strike on Idlib disrupts truce and causes many casualties

  22. robert e williamson jr
    August 31, 2019 at 20:54

    Absolutely fabulous work and brilliant commentary by Ms. Webb,

    So what happened is that the CIA & NSA (?) subverted Gov. ” slickwilly” and the state of Arkansas banking industry. A criminal act that facilitated and encouraged a following litany of other criminal acts. In the name of what purpose.

    So our intelligence agencies are allowed to wreak havoc on the states for fun and profit because the president was out of it.

    Looks like this story may be a real test for the old sources and methods excuse given by the intelligence community. It’s pretty obvious what horrors those sources and methods end up SUPPORTING!

    Whitney hits a grand slam!

  23. Kat Swift
    August 31, 2019 at 19:09

    Terrific expose of the case of billionaire pedophile Jeffery Epstein. Just wanted to suggest that any future discussion of Iran-Contra look in more depth to its ties to the Savings and Loans scandal. Also, you can’t expose the CIA/mob child trafficking rings without also exposing MKULTRA and MKNAOMI.

  24. Joe Wallace
    August 31, 2019 at 15:53

    “Get out your notebook there’s more . . . ”

    Four-and-a-half hours? There’s way too much.

  25. Jim Hartz
    August 31, 2019 at 15:43

    How the Hell do you watch the broadcast, if you missed it LIVE…

    How about an ANSWER…

      August 31, 2019 at 17:01

      You just click on the little arrow in the video above. You gave us one exactly one minute to answer you? Hmmm.

  26. Jim Hartz
    August 31, 2019 at 15:42

    How the Hell do you watch the broadcast, if you missed it LIVE…

  27. hetro
    August 31, 2019 at 15:15

    Joe Lauria’s comment near the end, that essentially we have a ruling establishment governed by people who think they are a superior species, to which most of us belong to a subset deserving exploitation, appears highly accurate. Of course this language also defines the psychopath. The psychopath is very low on empathy and high on self-interest and superiority. Perhaps via enlarging awareness of the corruption (as for example the way the Epstein case is now being brushed under the rug), by keeping after the continual evasion, there is hope.

    I was a little surprised that in mentioning 9/11 there was no suggestion there might be consideration of complicity beyond the alleged perpetrators now up for trial in January. All we need do is look at evidence in the dust of the collapsed towers to ask further questions beyond the box cutter official story.

  28. hetro
    August 31, 2019 at 14:57

    (Letter on Julian quoted in the video and posted at the end of the video)

    Letter from Julian’s brother dated 6 Aug 2019 to Scott Morrison

    This is a letter from Julian’s brother. Gabriel went to Belmarsh Prison just a few weeks ago, and this is the letter he wrote to PM Scott Morrison. It goes:

    Dear The Hon. Scott Morrison:

    On Tuesday the 6th of August I went to visit my brother Julian in Belmarsh Prison. It has been a year since I had seen him last. I hugged him and said it was good to see him.

    He replied that it was good to see me too, and that “this place is hell.”

    In an instant I understood what he meant. The yellow inmate’s band wound tightly around his arm exposed how emaciated he’d become underneath his baggy clothes In his eyes and voice were the signs that “this hell” was working hardest at crushing any hope he had left.

    I sat in the visiting room surrounded by the highest security prison in Britain and watched my brother eat a sandwich. We didn’t laugh this time. There was nothing to laugh about. I held back tears as I realized I might never see him again.

    I beg you Prime Minister to help save my brother Julian Assange’s life.

    Yours sincerely,


  29. Jill
    August 31, 2019 at 14:05

    Regarding Whitney’s interview, it was excellent! Good questions and thank you for just letting her speak as she knows so much. I deeply appreciate that she calls these people who they are, child traffickers and child rapists. While everything she is speaking about is important, what happened to these children, other children and vulnerable adults is of the deepest significance as that harm in nearly unimaginable

    There is a book which deals with many of the same people mentioned in Whitney’s earlier reports, but in a different context: “Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops and the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream” by David McGowan. This book has other pieces of this puzzle.

    There does seem to be a ritual/cult aspect to this type of power. It does seem like there is a group of people who view others as objects. I think of Jeff Bezos who has made his warehouses centers of sadism and an incredible abuse of others. I have often asked why he would do this. He certainly doesn’t need the money he supposedly “saves” by treating others this way. No, it seems to be a pure expression of sadism and cruelty, that which I feel is expressed by the child traffickers and rapists. There is an element of sadism which so permeates all of these people’s actions. They seem to especially enjoy harming the MOST vulnerable people they can find. They seek them out and then let loose their cruelty upon them.

    I notice that there is another group of people upon whom these ritual sadists act on–their own. There seems to be a great deal of sadism in “raising” the children of this group. These bloodline people seem to experiment on their children in their quest to form the genetic “paragon”. Of course, children are always vulnerable, so in this way, “bloodline” children have this in common with the “girls who are nothing”.

    There’s plenty of sadism at Gitmo and I’m glad you talked about what is going on there. Sadism seems to be one of the dominant “emotions” of this society. It’s horrific and sad at the same time. There is such a deeper, better way of living. I don’t know why anyone would chose sadism over kindness and helping others. It’s just such a waste of one’s life and worse yet, it brings such suffering onto others. No one should want that.

    • hetro
      August 31, 2019 at 20:08

      Yes, this is very well said, and exactly the type I’m talking about above. You reminded me that the broadcast also indicated a hideous experimental frame of mind, a twisted “scientific” bent. These people saw too much sci-fi TV in the 50’s.

      I just wanted to add it is truly wonderful to see such a youth as Whitney in all her beauty and her astonishing intelligence, plus her dedication. I am totally dazzled. I’m sure youth are aware of her and look to her as a leader.

  30. Bob Van Noy
    August 31, 2019 at 08:47

    Joe and Elizabeth I can’t thank you enough for your interviews on Consortiumnews Live. I learned many things from this broadcast that were new to me and I think are very significant to our contemporary experience.

    I have long been aware of Robert McNamara’s history in Vietnam regarding the Pentagon Papers and Daniel Ellsberg Thanks largely to the brilliant movie “Fog Of War” by Errol Morris but I was totally naïve about McNamara’s “Eleven Lessons” which I will link below for their fundamental wisdom. Thank you Quentin Dempster!

    Whitney Webb is Totally Special and can’t be interviewed enough. I have long been aware of the history of “The Flying Tigers” or “Air America” or “Southern Air Transport”, ha… flying textiles from Hong Kong to the US for the Limited, a Leslie Wexner Company. A comprehensive history of this company needs to be assembled…

  31. August 31, 2019 at 08:34

    Information security experts reported an unprecedented hacker attack on iPhone users, which lasted for several years. Largest hacker attack: under attack all iPhone

    Largest hacker attack: under attack all iPhone

    • Lily
      September 5, 2019 at 01:56

      @Consortium News,
      thank you for the link to the segments on youtube.

      Pepe Escobar’s story on Lula is great. I didn’t know much about Lula who seems to be quite an exceptional human being. There is still hope.

      Looking forward to the next segment i want to thank you for your excellent work which is exceptional and so important.

  32. Mike
    August 30, 2019 at 20:15

    How do I watch this… I find no hot link -and the streaming arrow on the promo feed does not work…???

  33. ML
    August 30, 2019 at 16:09

    Looking so forward to your show this evening, Joe and Elizabeth! Congrats on your new time slot and other doings. Cheers and Ciao! ML

    • Lily
      September 5, 2019 at 01:56

      @Consortium News,
      thank you for the link to the segments on youtube.

      Pepe Escobar’s story on Lula is great. I didn’t know much about Lula who seems to be quite an exceptional human being. There is still hope.

      Looking forward to the next segment i want to thank you for your excellent work which is exceptional and so important.

  34. Jill
    August 30, 2019 at 12:23


    I have noticed this also and believe, as you do, that it would be really helpful to hear Assange’s own thoughts and experience. It may be that those who visit him are unable to speak out for fear of damaging his legal case. They may be fearful for his life if they say anything. He may be too weak and possibly drugged to speak about his own experience. I’m just not sure.

    I sometimes wonder if it would just be better to go for broke and expose exactly what has happened/is happening to him in that prison. But this could lead to a disaster for him.

    To CN: another great line up! Good luck with this new venture.

    • wendy davis
      August 30, 2019 at 18:59

      the gateway pundit had featured some video of julian speaking from belmarsh prison a few weeks ago, but there were those who’d said the time stamps were all off, so who can say?

      but i put together a compilation today, and’s interview with lissa johnson was epic: ‘the rising tempo of julian assange’s murder in belmarsh gitmo’

    • signe yager
      August 30, 2019 at 20:28

      How is it possible to hear Julian’s’ voice? He is VOICELESS.

    • wendy davis
      August 30, 2019 at 20:31

      the other thing concerning assange not speaking, of course, is that he may not be able to speak coherently by now, as per: being medicated (?) in belmarsh prison hospital, with cognitive abilities impaired by social isolation, and more.

      oh, and i cross-post at because my site is so ’boutique’ by now.

  35. Andrew F
    August 30, 2019 at 11:45

    The contrast between Pepe Escobar being able to conduct and broadcast his interview with Lula and the total silencing of Julian Assange is just too much!

    John Shipton, John Pilger and others have been in to visit Julian Assange in Belmarsh but pointedly NEVER communicate a direct message from him out to his supporters.

    In contrast, Escobar and others visit Lula and convey out an in-depth interview with his thoughts and opinions on a wide range of important world events.

    And all we get from those tightly surrounding Assange is that he’s “isolated”, “thin”, “sick”, “weak” (but, “strong in sprirt”), “unable to defend himself” etc.., as though he no longer has anything at all to say about his own situation and world affairs.

    This is simply unbelievable.

    Assange is being gagged and silenced, but it’s his closest circle that is doing it. Why?

    • Jill
      August 30, 2019 at 12:23


      I have noticed this also and believe, as you do, that it would be really helpful to hear Assange’s own thoughts and experience. It may be that those who visit him are unable to speak out for fear of damaging his legal case. They may be fearful for his life if they say anything. He may be too weak and possibly drugged to speak about his own experience. I’m just not sure.

      I sometimes wonder if it would just be better to go for broke and expose exactly what has happened/is happening to him in that prison. But this could lead to a disaster for him.

      To CN: another great line up! Good luck with this new venture.

      • Deniz
        August 31, 2019 at 11:31

        Fascinating interview with Escobar and Webb. The real ongoing war is between the rulers and the ruled, everything else is just a distraction.

    • Me Myself
      August 30, 2019 at 12:55

      Very good point! Why!

    • Annie McStravick
      August 31, 2019 at 10:57

      You’ll recall that, in May, JA wrote in his letter from Belmarsh to independent journalist Gordon Dimmack: ‘I am defenceless and am counting on you and others of good character to save my life’. Now, according to Pilger, he is isolated in a cell in the healthcare wing, “medicated” and not allowed to fraternise with the other prisoners.

      What dismays me is the silence and obscure strategy of his legal team. Julian’s life is at stake and his case should be in the hands of a team of ace lawyers. I’m not confident that that is so.

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