CN Live! is Going Prime Time!


CN Live!, the webcast of Consortium News, is moving to a new time slot. 

Consortium News‘ weekly webcast, CN Live! is moving to prime time.  Beginning on Friday, Aug. 30 it will be aired at 8 pm U.S. Eastern Daylight Time.  That is 5 pm on the U.S. West Coast, 1 am in Britain, 2 am in Europe, and 10 am Saturdays in Australia. And of course all shows are immediately archived for replay viewing on our YouTube page

In our first six episodes we have brought you several newsmakers and analysts discussing the most important issues of the day:  On WikiLeaks,  Editor-in-Chief Kristinn Hrafnsson, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer, Chelsea Manning lawyer Nancy Hollander and psychologist Lissa Johnson. On the Jeffrey Epstein case Prof. Francis Boyle and journalist Whitney Webb. On the Seth Rich controversy, Kim Dotcom, Dallas financier Ed Butowsky, journalist Michael Isikoff, former NSA Technical Director Bill Binney and ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern.

On the Middle East, Prof. As’ad AbuKhalil and on Brazil and Europe, roving correspondent Pepe Escobar.  Journalist Margaret Kimberley spoke on racism and nationalism and former U.S. Senator Mike Gravel and Marjorie Cohn on the U.S. presidential race, plus Rebecca Peters and James Howard Kunstler on gun violence. 

Please make a donation to help keep the show going.

There will be no webcast today as we restructure the show and implement technical upgrades. 

So mark it down on your calendar:  CN Live!  Prime Time, beginning Friday, August 30 with your hosts Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria. 

CN Live!

15 comments for “CN Live! is Going Prime Time!

  1. September 3, 2019 at 13:00

    Please advise if your new weekly show will/is available in Vancouver, BC Canada, and in Toronto.

  2. Christina
    August 27, 2019 at 23:46

    Is anyone going to mention how werd and creepy the way he interrogated Whitney about where she lived was?

  3. August 27, 2019 at 18:13

    Joe, Elizabeth,…Kudos on the formatting of your live podcast. Your guests have been well chosen to connect the dots of Russiagate.
    Joe, you’ve proven you’re a worthy successor to Bob Parry. As a seasoned journalist, you exhibit the proper restraint in sticking to the facts and letting your guests speak.This was most evident in the Isikoff interview where he clung to the hack theory with a circular argument that only needed a little pushback from you to make him look much like a muppet in search of an exit. Elizabeth has proven to be a valuable asset, always asking incisive questions.

    Be aware that much of the content on CN is linked to other websites to challenge MSM propaganda and introduce others to subscriber news resources. As an active member of QUORA, an online website that is a platform for questions and answers that range from inane trolling to esoteric issues I take pride in linking CN and promoting its patronage whenever appropriate as my answer to this question demonstrates.

  4. August 27, 2019 at 11:23

    Amazing journalism thank you CN.

  5. robert e williamson jr
    August 26, 2019 at 17:12

    After watching the pod cast with Whitney Webb and going to : and reading her forth installment I have a couple of questions.

    I went to

    The only thing I found of interest there was Jack Shafer’s tweet “That the Panama Papers aren’t on P1 of the NYT, WP, WSJ today illustrates journalism’s “not found here” principle”. Which was very apropos. So why no upheaval in the media about this event?

    Maybe because all U.S. network media is deep state ran?

    This was April 4, 2016. American media has still not caught on or pursued this story.

    I listen and read about Epstein and his connections which fortunately for us goes all the way back to the early days of Bill Barr’s career and further. I’m an older guy so I remember how all this actually got started by Robert Blum and Alan, John Foster Dulles, .

    Bill Barr must be relieved of his of his duties as A G. Based on his involvement in CIA induced scandals involving the Clinton’s, drugs, money laundering and BCCI and a series of deaths connected with the PROMIS software theft. Then there is the pardon of Marc Rich. Those pushing for a Rich pardon were closely connected to Jeff Epstein.

    Barr, who Webb places at a meeting in (?) Arkansas with Clinton discussing BCCI and problems with the way the Clintons had been acting seems to have been involved with at least two individuals who had first hand knowledge of money laundering and the BCCI involvement.

    Barr later refused to pursue BCCI prosecution in the U.S. after Clinton shows no interest in the case. A case against a Bank he and his wife had been intimately involved. So why no press reports?

    Fast forward to the last couple of years and the Mueller investigation. Before Meuller came out with his report ICIJ reported that they
    would be limited as to what they could release about Americans because Meuller had requested every document revealing an American.
    The idea being since the data may be part of an ongoing investigation ICIJ would cooperate.

    After Bill Barrs advice to Bush 41 to pardon all involved with Iran Contra which happened Dec 24, 1992 what is Barr doing as AG. He needs to be in jail and “we the people ” need to make damned sure he ends up there, him and his buddies. Those who aren’t dead yet.

    This man William P Barr is part of enormous intelligence community and cannot fulfill his duties to the DOJ because he like DOJ is co-opted by his vow to the CIA. He is not in his position to pursue justice far from it. He is there to obstruct justice. So far in his his career he has a string alive doing just that. Bill scratches the back of the Deep State, who scratch the back of a corrupt DOJ and DOJ looks the other way. Because they can, congress is terrified of this Mega-Maga group! So when does the SCOTUS admit they are aiding in the overthrow of the illegal U.S. government?

    Bill Barr as AG in concert with the SCOTUS seem hell bent to ruin the US along with their Deep State partners.

    CN LIVE IS such a breath of fresh air and getting better every broadcast. Great job.

  6. James H Reynolds
    August 25, 2019 at 13:04

    You should contact, Ambassador, Steve Rapp, former US Attorney, now with the Holicaust Museum in DC, former prosecutor at the Court of Internal Criminal Justice at the Hague, where he successfully convicted political and media leaders in the Rwanda Genocide, who much like Trump, incited the people to fatal actions there. Trump is continuing the genocide of first, the Native Americans, then the Blacks, and now the Browns. It has to be stopped and called for what it really is.

  7. August 25, 2019 at 09:04

    The tradition of Robert Parry is, indeed, in caring and competent hands. We often corresponded, during the formative days of CN, on possible ways to inspire and coordinate some form of team association between like-minded individual reporters and sites; I suspect that Robert is smiling down on the new CN Live feature.
    As Usual,

  8. Deniz
    August 24, 2019 at 10:20

    A guest suggestion: Dr. Steve Pieczenik, an expert on psyops.

  9. Maricata
    August 23, 2019 at 19:50


  10. Sally Mitcheell
    August 23, 2019 at 19:13

    CN is a great vehicle that runs on truth

  11. Kreft
    August 23, 2019 at 15:08

    Great show Joe&Elizabeth! As already mentioned, us-prime time means for us in Europe (Germany) night-time.
    But sometimes, the nights can be long or the recording is available ;-) Please continue your works!

  12. PEG
    August 23, 2019 at 14:19

    For us viewers in Europe matinée time is better than prime time… ;-) But I guess we can watch the show Saturday morning.

    • Joe Lauria
      August 23, 2019 at 14:59

      Thanks for your support of CN Live! Unfortunately it’s not great for every time zone but our new production facility is in Australia and prime time in the US would make it easier for people who are at work during the day to see it live at night.

      • PEG
        August 23, 2019 at 15:19

        That’s fully understandable – if I were watching in the USA I’d prefer the prime time too.
        Many thanks for organizing this uniquely information and valuable weekly news show!

      • ML
        August 23, 2019 at 16:36

        Missed you both today, Joe and Elizabeth and looking very forward to next week! Thanks for all you do. My Friday evenings will be well spent.

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