From Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, a Talk on Assange


Consortium News Editor Joe Lauria on Sunday delivered this talk about the Assange case to a group of activists who are living inside the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington to stop the illegitimate government of Venezuela from taking it over. 

Video by Ford Fischer of News2Share.

27 comments for “From Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, a Talk on Assange

  1. Brian James
    May 1, 2019 at 13:10

    April 30, 2019 Venezuela: Military Uprising in Caracas (in Development)

    A military uprising is unfolding in Venezuela after a handful of the police and armed forces freed Leopoldo Lopez and blocked a highway in Caracas.

  2. Ann Batiza
    April 25, 2019 at 02:27

    Why does my comment not appear here?

  3. Ann Batiza
    April 25, 2019 at 01:56

    This was an excellent summary by Joe of the charges against Julian and the events that led up to his arrest. But, Joe, you need to understand that Guccifer 2 is likely a construct of Crowdstrike, whose co-founder, Shawn Henry, was an FBI cybersecurity expert under Mueller. Elizabeth Lea Vos has published the work of Adam Carter (@with_integrity) who has the most extensive analysis of G2.

  4. OlyaPola
    April 24, 2019 at 08:57

    Some further seasoning for the pot.

    The contents of the pot do not depend on categorical imperatives.

  5. Sam F
    April 23, 2019 at 20:34

    My compliments to Joe Lauria and the protectors of the Venezuela embassy from the US dictatorship. I listed below a few expedients to help Mr. Assange. If there is time, a group of asylum seekers there fleeing the US, perhaps even the embassy staff claiming ownership and refusing to admit US forces, with protection under international law, could make seizure of the embassy even more obviously contrived and unlawful. Or Ecuador could lease the embassy to someone at a phenomenal rate tonight, and demand damages under international law when it is seized.

    • Sam F
      April 24, 2019 at 07:13

      That is, Venezuela could lease their own embassy and demand the proceeds from the US in international court. And demand the London embassy of Ecuador on the same grounds, that they do not recognize its government.

  6. Fred Williams
    April 23, 2019 at 14:39

    It’s not heard, before his abduction, that Julian Assange “encouraged” Chealsea Manning to provide more information. It’s very suspicious that the charge was invented once they had their hands on him. It’s totally bogus to assume so.

  7. Larry smith
    April 23, 2019 at 10:58

    Great wotk the protesters are doing. I hope they succeed in keeping guaido out..
    My thoughts are with you.

    A Canadian friend


  8. BlueCat49
    April 23, 2019 at 10:15

    A link to a story defining which side is “the illegitimate government” would be helpful. Also, a link to a more in-depth story about the who and why of those living inside the embassy.

  9. Sam F
    April 22, 2019 at 20:54

    Have US “opponents” (Russia, China, others), those annoyed with US policies (Turkey, KSA, Germany, France, et al), or large outliers (India, Pakistan) been asked to petition UK for extradition of Assange on false charges (intending then to free him), to show the control of the US over the UK? Perhaps some country that could do UK a favor?

    • BlueCat49
      April 23, 2019 at 10:20

      I posted this reply below but I meant to put it here.

      I’m guessing Assange is pretending to fight extradition to America as a negotiating tool. When the time is right both Assange and the TRUMP justice department will agree on terms that will expose the Obama Administration’s spying on American CITIZENS (politician or no, that is WRONG and criminal).

      Good thing the Democrats in Congress and the lapdog media are too dumb to figure that out. Ooops. I let the cat out of the bag.

      • Sam F
        April 23, 2019 at 20:13

        Where are our leakers? Any new major leak against the Reps or Dems would do the trick. Wikileaks could offer the Reps a leak discrediting the Dems, or threaten one discrediting the Reps (widespread surveillance would continue under Dems or Reps).

        Offer a real expose of mass media, the Russiagate nonsense, Israel/KSA “investments” in the Dems, etc. Or threaten to reveal Rep bribes from the MIC, WallSt, Israel/KSA, etc. Any past Trump associate with very damaging info could let Wikileaks threaten to reveal it. Surely Trump’s imprisoned former lawyer could think of something real enough to get Assange and Manning pardoned.

        Whoever knows something convincing about the Seth Rich case could save Assange and cover his tracks. The killer could just negotiate an even higher fee from Wikileaks, which in turn gets it from the Reps after Assange’s pardon. All in a day’s work for a well-meaning operative, no? Or if you just know who did it, come clean and retire in comfort.

        Or just bribe the judge by buying her bad investments and donating to her political party (Rep). Or find the lawyers who win her civil cases, and ask for the guaranteed rate. She would want a much nicer house in the VA courthouse area if some real estate agent offered her double price for the present one. Assange’s lawyers can write up her order dismissing all charges with a legal argument that would quash any further charges, and release Manning. It’s a lot of work being a crooked rightwing judge, and they deserve every bribe they get.

      • Sam F
        April 23, 2019 at 20:27

        My compliments to Joe Lauria and the protectors of the Venezuela embassy from the US dictatorship. I listed below a few expedients to help Mr. Assange. If only there is time, a group of asylum seekers fleeing the US at the embassy, perhaps even the embassy staff claiming ownership thereof and refusing to admit US forces, with protection under international law, could make seizure of the embassy even more obviously contrived and unlawful.

      • Sam F
        April 23, 2019 at 20:31

        My compliments to Joe Lauria and the protectors of the Venezuela embassy from the US dictatorship. I listed below a few expedients to help Mr. Assange. If only there is time, a group of asylum seekers fleeing the US at the embassy, perhaps even the embassy staff claiming ownership thereof and refusing to admit US forces, with protection under international law, could make seizure of the embassy even more obviously contrived and unlawful.

  10. April 22, 2019 at 20:33

    No More War

  11. Lily
    April 22, 2019 at 15:55

    Thank you Joe Lauria and everyone else taking part in this discussion and protecting the Venzuelan Embassy at the same time. There are hardly any news of Assange’s story in Germany and i am grateful for any news.

    In a way i am glad he is getting medical care finally altough it should not be behind bars!

    The 10 years of smearing Assange had an effect and so many people here are either not interested or having ambigious feelings about Julien which is very sad. One wishes that one cold do more than spreading news and links to tell the right story but at least that is what one can do. That is why i look at consortiumnews. com the first thing in the morning. Thank you all so much for your engagement. May you be succesful and #freeAssange!

    • BlueCat49
      April 23, 2019 at 10:18

      I’m guessing Assange is pretending to fight extradition to America as a negotiating tool. When the time is right both Assange and the TRUMP justice department will agree on terms that will expose the Obama Administration’s spying on American CITIZENS (politician or no, that is WRONG and criminal).

      Good thing the Democrats in Congress and the lapdog media are too dumb to figure that out. Ooops. I let the cat out of the bag.

  12. Tekyo Pantzov
    April 22, 2019 at 12:53

    While occupying the Venezuelan embassy he starts making completely irrelevant remarks about Israel. This shows that he is not really concerned about Venezuela at all, but is acting as a sock puppet for Iran.

    • rosemerry
      April 22, 2019 at 16:04

      Love you moniker! Hope the comment is a joke too!

    • mike k
      April 22, 2019 at 21:00

      Poor little Israel, everybody picks on her. Not!

    • anon4d2s
      April 22, 2019 at 21:27

      Troll alert. Corrupt US agency heritage or private looney?

  13. Mark Stanley
    April 22, 2019 at 12:21

    Joe & Crew
    I love and support your work, but the impact of this video and others you have done is diminished by the poor quality of the production itself. That, and the length of the video renders it difficult to watch in it’s entirety.
    Use a genuine microphone. Speak slowly and clearly. Look at the camera.
    In this video, you are in front of a window [bad]. Position yourself so a camera can get your face in good light, or use some extra lighting.
    Begin by introducing yourself and others who are on camera.
    Summarize what you are going to talk about, then proceed into the meat of the video.
    Otherwise, not nearly as many folks will watch it.

      April 22, 2019 at 17:07

      Consortium News did not produce this video. Joe was addressing a room full of people not a camera and he was introduced at the beginning.

      April 22, 2019 at 18:47

      Joe is also a very experienced public speaker and has been in high demand on radio, TV and personal appearances since the arrest of Julian Assange. These are some reactions on Twitter to his talk at the embassy:

      Follow Follow @TruthTruthTrue
      Replying to @LissaKJohnson @unjoe @Consortiumnews
      This is such a great comprehensive break down of the situation.

      Following Following @Esteleen

      @unjoe You are such a good storyteller. I was mesmerized. You are right. Julian is journalism in the digital age. CNN Sucks and the old can’t take a stand and must go. Otherwise, use the Rating system of “FN” for FAKE NEWS on all uninvestigated News.

    • April 23, 2019 at 08:33

      I think this is a very respectable video – very clear with a very real conversation. NOT your typical Hollywoodesque hogwash presented by wannabe actors and actresses which the American public is force-fed every single day. I for one really appreciate the fact that is is not your typical ‘soundbite’ we normally get from the mainstreamers but an actual in-depth discussion about a very complex topic.

  14. Bob Van Noy
    April 22, 2019 at 08:09

    To Joe Lauria, the Staff at Consortiumnews and the loyal readers, my personal thanks for the brave reporting and resistance to mainstream disinformation. It is both lonely and frightening to be where we currently find ourselves in our time. It is also reassuring that there are those in touch enough still to cling to accurate reporting and sufficiently well versed in real history, to know what is important to support.

    I would like to pass along the surprising discovery thanks to commentator “willow”, the valuable book and interview by Paul Jay of Gore Vidal as provided in the book carried by Julian Assange as he was being arrested. It is full of insight.

    Gore Vidal, “History Of The National Security State, Includes Vidal On America”. ©?2014 Real News Network

  15. April 22, 2019 at 04:44

    Check European Parliament “The Possible Extradition of Julian Assange” which was held on April 16th, 2019 Session of European Parliament. This session of Parliament will identify those in Europe who are for and against Julian Assange. Britain representatives are vocal + unfeeling but not the strongest voices. Three members from European Parliament tried to see Julian Assange on April 15th, 2019 but we’re unable to do so. Parliament members did participate in a vigil for Julian Assange outside Belmarsh Prison on the same date. There is a YouTube video of this advent as well as the European Parliament session on European Parliament website.

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