California Dems Withhold Endorsement of Sen. Feinstein


California Democrats did not endorse longstanding Senator Dianne Feinstein for the upcoming primary election, setting the stage for a tough campaign against challengers such as California Senate President Pro Tempore Kevin de León, reports Dennis J Bernstein.

By Dennis J Bernstein

It is no secret that the second most powerful politician in the State of California, Senate President Pro Tempore Kevin de León, is gearing up for a knock-down, drag-out primary fight with California’s senior Senator, Dianne Feinstein. Many feel it’s time for a changing of the guard and time for a person of color to represent the white minority state of California.

Kevin de Leon (Wikipedia)

This passed weekend, California democrats refused to endorse Senator Feinstein, in a major rebuke of California’s senior senator, opening the door wide for de León to run.

According to the Sacramento Bee, “As a child, de León spent time on both sides of the border, in Tijuana, Baja California, and Logan Heights in San Diego and identifies strongly with Mexican culture, though he doesn’t know where his grandparents are from.”

Senator de León recently led a coalition to sponsor legislation “that addresses lapses in our justice and labor systems creating serious challenges for the California’s immigrant community, including stronger wage theft laws, securing u-visas from law enforcement, and providing healthcare for undocumented children.”

Before joining the Legislature, de León taught citizenship courses to immigrants. When he was sworn in as the 47th president pro tem of the California Senate in 2014, he became the first Latino to hold the position in more than a century.

Bernstein spoke to Kevin de León on February 14, 2018.

Dennis Bernstein: With everyone watching Washington and wondering whether humane immigration reform can be passed, what are you expecting from Congress?

Kevin de León: These are very difficult times for many of us.  As a nation, we are grappling with the resurgence of ugly, hateful ideologies, including white supremacy, spewing from the highest levels of our federal government.  We are confronting something we have never had to come to terms with before in our political history.

At the same time, I have never been more proud to be a Californian.  In November 2016, Californians rejected the politics fueled by resentment and bigotry.  The DACA issue is very dear to my heart.  In California, we have the vast majority of DACA beneficiaries, the vast majority of Dreamers, and we have the vast majority of beneficiaries of the TPS [Temporary Protected Status] program, primarily from El Salvador.   We are also home to the majority of immigrants in the nation, both those who became naturalized US citizens and those who have yet to normalize their status because of the dysfunction in Washington, D.C.

In this context, the DACA program is really a low-hanging fruit.  Both Democrats, as well as Republicans among the national electorate, strongly support the Dreamers and DACA.  Why the issue should seem so complex is beyond me, except that there is political gamesmanship being played and the DACA beneficiaries have been taken as hostages.  I hope that a common sense settlement can be reached to give these young men and women the protections they deserve.  We need sensible comprehensive immigration reform for the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants across the nation.

DB: What is your response then you hear that we have to do something about the problem of “chain migration”?

KdL: For me, “chain migration” is another word for family reunification.  The thesis behind the new term is quite pernicious.  Quite frankly, many of my close family members would not have been eligible to enter this country had there been a so-called “chain migration” clause in the country’s immigration policy.  If we’d had an immigration policy that was exclusively merit-based, I would never have become the leader of the California State Senate.

DB: In a press release toward the end of January you expressed your concern that Homeland Security was threatening to go after public officials if they continued to give their support to sanctuary cities.  Do you really think ICE will be out arresting officials like you?

KdL: These are extraordinary threats meant to intimidate and silence political opponents.  But threatening to weaponize federal agencies against Californians and their elected representatives will only strengthen our resolve.

DB: I’d like to change the subject for a moment.  This concerns the economy and the environment.  As you know, the Trumpites are gung-ho about offshore drilling.  This is a huge issue in the context of global warming and is pitting California against the rest of the country.

KdL: California is blessed with an incomparably beautiful and pristine coastline and we want to keep it that way for future generations.  In California we have some of the most progressive climate change policies in the entire world.  By the year 2030, we will be generating half of our electricity from renewable sources: wind, solar and geothermal.  We are investing in rooftop solar power in low-income communities.  We are looking for ways to provide electric vehicles to communities at the lowest economic strata.  We are doing this intentionally to make sure that we democratize our climate change benefits and offer relief to those communities that suffer disproportionately from the devastations of carbon dioxide and other emissions.

We are witnessing an administration that is trying to unilaterally, through executive action, unwind all of our progressive policies in a state like California.  We have created 500,000 jobs in the clean energy space alone.  That means there are ten times more clean energy jobs now in California that there are coal jobs in all of America!  No doubt about it, there is a battle brewing between Washington and California, and not just around the issue of immigration.

DB: We are seeing now the roll-out of the recreational marijuana industry, which is looking to become a huge cash crop.  What role do you see marijuana playing in the future of California?

KdL: Recreational use of cannabis is now the law of the land in California.  It has the overwhelming support of the people.  It is the responsibility of state and local government to roll out a regulatory framework that is responsible and fiscally prudent.  But it is now the law in California, and any threats from the Department of Justice–and specifically from Jeff Sessions, who has his mind fixated on a certain era in American history–will be met with legal resistance.

Dennis J. Bernstein is a host of “Flashpoints” on the Pacifica radio network and the author of Special Ed: Voices from a Hidden Classroom. You can access the audio archives at

50 comments for “California Dems Withhold Endorsement of Sen. Feinstein

  1. RudyM
    March 6, 2018 at 12:40

    I am certainly no fan of Feinstein, but de León just pushes the Democrats further in the direction of support for de facto open borders and against the rule of law.

    This issue is one of the main reasons I have only recently become a registered Republican.

    The Democrats have gone insane with their glorification of variation strands of identity politics (against the historical majority in the United States), their vilification of Putin and Russia, their flirtation with anti-hate-speech laws (both Biden and Dean have made the absurd statement that hate speech is not free speech), their “female penises,” and many other follies. They haven’t proven themselves better than Republicans on foreign policy, in recent years, and they are only marginally better on economic issues.

    • Professor
      March 1, 2018 at 17:50

      There is such a thing as reality. ! million legal immigrants a year since Reegan’s IImmigration act. No limits or quotas since. 20 million illegals too counting Reagan’s bracero legalizations. All to hurt the labor unions and Grow the Economy Stupid. You can complain and stick your head in the sand of you can do something about it> Go ahead Jump. Call your Senator, see how much changes.

  2. March 1, 2018 at 07:31

    “… though he doesn’t know where his grandparents are from.”

    How expedient.

    • Professor
      March 1, 2018 at 17:47

      It’s a wise man knows his own father. Maybe you are wise.

      • Annie
        March 2, 2018 at 00:37

        Professor this is in regard to my post that you answered. I don’t live in California, although I would like to see someone else, someone more liberal and progressive take her place. My point was her age is no issue for me, and just don’t like it when people make disparaging remarks about the elderly. Nothing to do with her politics. I do think that politicians should serve no more then 2 terms, and I’m sure you know the reasons why, so I’ll spare you.

        • Realist
          March 2, 2018 at 08:28

          The reason age becomes an issue for very old political candidates is not because they are assumed to be non compos mentis, but because they will personally have no stake in the future they are creating with their policies–they will not experience the long-term consequences. The young will have to live with whatever policies are crafted and should, in a perfect world, have a greater say.

          To an extent blame the young for not running for office more frequently or for voting against their own interests in their choice of candidates. But you did say up above that the old have more money and own more property. Unfortunately, possessing wealth is intricately connected with winning political power in this country, meaning the deck is stacked against the young and their interests simply for lack of cash. Not an optimal situation, if you ask me.

          Maybe every presidential candidate on the horizon for the next election wouldn’t be a septuagenarian if campaign spending were limited and publicly funded. Maintaining strong Social Security and Medicare programs are critical, but so is childcare, Medicaid and education funding. Let’s not cannibalize one to sustain the other by strictly age-related voting. Instead, let’s cannibalize some of the lucrative contracts given to the MIC, which are of little benefit and mostly a threat to all life on the planet.

          • cmp
            March 2, 2018 at 14:41

            Great Stuff – Great Thread!!!

            Cycle on top of cycle, we are taught to only look at, and fight, with a partisan prism. But money bribery in politics is rejected as wrong, by 85% of Americans. When will we all learn to open and eyes and work together?

            I believe that prejudice and the discrimination is foundationally built right into the system by the fact that bribery with campaign finance and issue based lobbying is deemed legal.

            … And, I believe that our society as a whole, (and it’s power structure), is merely a reflection of those unconstitutional abuses of the First Amendment.

            … I also believe that these unconstitutional laws will NEVER be changed by those elected within the existing system. It can only be changed by a true grass roots, bottom —> UP, mobilization.
            e.g.: Women’s Right To Vote

            … This is where Citizen’s United becomes very deadly. It is so lethal at the local level, where it can dollar dominate the movements of the City, County and State initiatives. I ‘m bumpin’ into this one all of the time.
            e.g.: Move to Amend..

            Now, isn’t it funny how those who absolutely hate taxes – are same people that insist a system of gov’t, that belongs to the highest bidder?

            … So, Are you rich enough? There is plenty of data on this one.

            … And, are you are Old enough?:
            Go To:

            … And, are you Man enough?:
            Go To:

            … And of course, are you White enough?:
            Go To:

            “Fifty men run this country… and that might be a high figure.”
            Joe Kennedy

          • Professor
            March 2, 2018 at 15:46

            Realist, watch the Latin , you are dating yourself. I suspect that at the very least you had to take Ethics in Catholic High School. In summary, good point but lay off the Alter Wine.

          • Realist
            March 2, 2018 at 16:44

            Accurate surmise about my antediluvian education where every issue could be talked into circles by the Jesuits, but the term used to have wide currency in the movies, back when most were still in black and white. I’m sure that’s where I learned it. These days I rarely drink wine, whether the “altar” or “alter” variety. I hope Annie can see that I’m being altruistic about this, as my request is for the voters to disenfranchise me and the other selfish fossils who control the system.

        • Professor
          March 2, 2018 at 15:50

          Annie , a couple things, fisrt off, I was quite upset that in my stream of consciousness diatribe I typed Franz Josef of France. Of course, FJ of Austria and even he ran out of gas in his late 80’s. That other crazy stuff you wrote about Seniors and Internet Dating and sex and all that,, Hey , It’s true. Baby Boomers do not age gracefully. I guess we have to take the good with the bad. I do not like Feinstein. If ever there was an argument for term limits she would be the poster girl/crone. Let’s hope for the best.

  3. Professor
    February 28, 2018 at 22:43

    Anyone would be an improvement over Feinstein. She’s 85 years old and represents about 1% of the Califorbnia electorate. de Leon should be a shoe-in even if he is a Neo-liberal when the alternative is Feinstein. Did you forget her record as head of the Senate Intelligence Comitte?e . How about when she wanted to keep an Oyster restaurant open because she like to go there and acted in a manner that would have undermined the EPA and the Endangered Species Act if she had been successful. How about her support of any and all Regime Change and the War in Iraq? Do any of you remember in her first term when she was caught illegally steering a $500 million dollar contract to her husband Richard Blum’s company. She should have been bounced from the Senate then but only got a slap on the wrist. (Perhaps tit-for-tat since McCain hadn’t been forced out for DeLorean , the Keating 5 Scandal and Cindy McCain’s cocaine habit). Lest you forget , so too, her husband’s Real Estate Company was in charge of the liquidation of prime Postal Service Properties through the the fire sale after the BS about funding the Postal Service Pension system fifty years into the future. Yes it happened. You should remember this. Remember when she wanted Snowden’s head on a platter then was offended when her staff was spied on by Intelligence , She made a big deal out of it then gave Clapper a Free pass when he was caught lying to her committee. She is a phony. Come on people, keep your eye on the ball. Feinstein is an anti-labor monster who poses on Women’s issues , Gun Control and the environment. This guy would vote the same way as her maybe even more to the left and on other issues he would vote like a Californian rather than a war mongering Republican elitist. No brainer.

    • geeyp
      March 1, 2018 at 00:04

      Professor, Yes remind others regarding the crook Feinstein, though you do not have to remind me. Her senate run expired years ago. She just doesn’t care to admit it. Feinstein and the last V.P. Joe Plagiarist should just go away and fondle children in hell. Oh, and take their candy money, too, ’cause that is what they do.

    • Realist
      March 1, 2018 at 03:34

      I just looked up her age and was about to make the point that she’d be 91.5 y.o. at the completion of her term, if elected. Surely, that alone should disqualify her. I’ll bet she was one to (rightly) criticise Strom Thurmond whenever he had to be wheeled onto the senate floor for a vote, all hooked up to IV’s and oxygen tanks.

      But tell me this, how does a typical Democratic Californian differ from a war mongering Republican elitist these days? Both embrace the same phony Russophobic foreign policy narrative leading the world straight down a garden path to nuclear Armageddon. In fact, Californian Representative Adam Schiff is the Pied Piper of that obscene movement.

      Frankly, the only Californian fit to hold public office right now is Susan Sarandon.

      • geeyp
        March 1, 2018 at 16:05

        McCain and his fella Graham are of the same ilk. There, of course, is no difference.

      • Professor
        March 1, 2018 at 17:40

        Let’s hope de Leon is different. But in this case the Devil we Know needs to be exorcised. There is no difference between the War mongers in both parties , same smell , same donors. But Feinstein is the worst hypocrite when it comes to portraying herself as a Liberal from SF. . She is the worst in my opinion. A FOX Network Democrat like Joe Lieberman . If only Dan Quayle had laid of the Twinkies we never would have had to hear of her.

    • Taras 77
      March 1, 2018 at 13:56

      Agree 100% Almost anyone would be better than that old war mongering crone. Long past time to send her to the retirement home or trash heap, whichever is most convenient.

      Thanks for the additional info.

      • Annie
        March 1, 2018 at 15:01

        You and a few others here refer to her age, and don’t seem all that liberal when it comes to the elderly, and the use of the phrase old crone reflects that. I had a gynecologist who retired at 93 and he was the best one I ever had.

        • Professor
          March 1, 2018 at 17:46

          83 is too old to be a Senator or a judge or even a Governor, Ask Jerry. Maybe not a gynecologist . I I’m going to be 60 next month. Not an ageist. Any excuse to get rid of her is a good one, Don’t personalize it in any way. She doesn’t care about you or her constituents. Her thoughts lie elsewhere.

          • Annie
            March 1, 2018 at 20:56

            Professor if you can be a gynecologist, and a good one up till the age of 93, then certainly you can be a senator, and she really hasn’t been a bad one. I just like Kevin de Leon not only for his policies, but as a way of showing democrats that they lost their base as a result of moving so far to the right. They use to call Bernie Sanders the old curmudgeon, and that was also very disrespectful. This is a country quite notorious for their lack of concern, and negative attitudes toward the elderly.

            American Attitudes Toward the Elderly

            The Youth Culture. Present-day American attitudes about the elderly have been reinforced by a century’s worth of media, particularly movies and television. From the 1950’s onward, a great culture of youth, fed by teen heros like James Dean and his sucessors over the decades, emerged and strengthened. Old people were left out of the picture. The period after World War Two also saw great mobility in America, which led to the break-up of large extended families. The old person was no longer seen as a useful member of a family team, but rather as a drain on the family’s resources.
            The Shrinking Family. Older people had previously depended on their families, hence on younger people, for support in their “declining years,” but suddenly that support was gone. Older people suffered as a result. Government programs could provide money at best, and never enough of it, hardly a substitute for a caring, loving family. Living past seventy became, for many, a rather bleak prospect, a time of loneliness, poverty and illness.

            The Stereotype. The youth culture did another great disservice in stereotyping old people as chronically ill, unable to work, behind the times, slow-thinking, useless financial burdens on society. The idea that old people could actually fall in love or have sex with each other is embarrassing to many Americans, old, young and in-between. The baby boomer generation, which at present is fast entering the ranks of the elderly, has other ideas about this stereotype.

            Older Americans are Vital. Not one of these stereotypes is true, of course, certainly not the poverty notion. Americans over the age of fifty own 75 percent of all American assets and spend half the money. A full 70 percent of these people own their own homes. They vote and are active in the community to a greater extent than young people. You can find them out there doing sports and outdoor activities, or working out at the gym. If they find themselves single, divorced or widowed, they keep the Internet dating services humming, looking for each other. Just like younger people, they are just as likely to fall in love and, yes, they do actually have sex with each other.

          • March 1, 2018 at 23:22

            Annie. I could go on for quite a while on just some of the times she has voted against the will of her constituents. Tort Reform for instance when she sided against consumers. Bet you did not know that her husband was put in charge of the Electrician Unions Pension Fund after a legal problem arose. Why ? Had he ever worked in Construction a day in his life, was he even a lawyer? What was the Connection? How did he get to be a Regent of the University of California? Who appointed him”? Can you remember when Feinstein ran against Huffington and was criticizing him for investments in countries run by dictators like Indonesia and then it turned out that she and her husband were also invested there? She is a phony. She should not have Security Clearance in my opinion based on her record. I can remember her on the Floor of the Senate emoting in her shrill manner that Hezbollah had Scud Missiles and had to be destroyed. . As for all the Bills she and her staff have advanced, her output considering her time served is meager. I can also recall personally contacting her office and the person answering the phone correcting me on my opinion until I advised him that I was entitled to my own opinion and did not appreciate his. . She operates her Senate seat like a personal; fiefdom. She does not belong in the Senate whether or not she is competent fop her age. She is not Franz Josef of France , she does not have Divine Right no matter what the DNC and rich donors say. As for her being comfortable dumping a bottle of black shoe polish on her head every week. To each his or her own. But I must agree with you in total, compared to the rest of then, her fellow Senators. well she isn’t much worse . But the bar is so low the Limbo Man couldn’t slide under it only a corrupt, self important, scumbag with an overt hidden agenda would even try. Get off the fence Annie. I don’t know her personally and do not care to but like so many others I’m exhausted by her presence. She and Trump should run off into the sunset together right away. It would be quite Romantic for all of us and I’m certain Mr. Blum wouldn’t care much either. Peace on Earth

    • Al Pinto
      March 1, 2018 at 17:18

      I don’t disagree, but Feinstein is ahead in the polls, 47% vs 17% for deLeon, based on the article:

      I do hope that she loses, butwon’t loose sleep over it…

      • Zachary Smith
        March 2, 2018 at 13:00

        If unlimited money translates into victory, the wretched woman will win. Perhaps the neocon ***** has some redeeming qualities, but if so, they’ve never made any news stories I’ve seen.

  4. Hollywood
    February 28, 2018 at 18:07

    This is the best news of 2018. FWIW there is a progressive running in this race
    He doesn’t take corporate cash and he doesn’t talk in platitudes. I would have to agree with all those above who called out DeLeon as your typical Neo liberal.

    • Annie
      February 28, 2018 at 18:18


  5. mike k
    February 28, 2018 at 17:48

    We have to ask ourselves, how is it that our “representatives” always come out of Washington having become millionaires? Feinstein and Pelosi are shining examples of this miracle.

    • Annie
      February 28, 2018 at 18:35

      I can understand why people are cynical, like me voting for Peace Prize Obama, only to find out he didn’t wear his prize well, but being overly cynical will bring about no change. I think Bernie Sanders started something and he did have a lot of supporters who want progressive change in the democratic party, and hopefully in states like California, and New York things will, and have, changed, and hopefully the party itself will get the message. Total cynicism sabotages everything, since it leaves no room for hope which you need to accomplish any goal.

  6. Annie
    February 28, 2018 at 17:24

    I don’t understand all the cynicism here. The democrats continue to project an image of being liberal, and basically they are not. Yes they are pro woman’s rights, LBGT rights, but they no longer represent the working class base they once supported, or unions, and truly pander to the interests of the top 10% in this country. They are very much to the right of what they use to be and are as war mongering as the Republicans. People are hopefully waking up to that realization and Kevin de León in his policies represent what they claim to be, but aren’t. He was endorsed by the Nurse’s union out in California for his position on medicare for all. Democrats are known for sidelining the progressive’s among them as they did with Bernie Sanders. Hopefully the people who vote in the democrats will wake up to that realization as well. It’s one of the reason’s Trump was elected, not by a bunch of “deplorables” as Hillary claimed, but by people, and their numbers are in the 10’s of millions, who just eke by in the richest country in the world.

    • February 28, 2018 at 18:39

      Annie,…I would love to see Feinstein go down…if de Leon doesn’t get on the Russia-gate bandwagon, there’s even a chance I might vote for him. Nothing derogatory intended toward his person. but he would be another “pig in the poke” because we don’t know where he stands on certain key issues( and it could be political suicide to come out against the DNC’s right wing foreign policy, for example). I haven’t yet seen any evidence that the Democrats have reformed their primary procedure.

      • Annie
        February 28, 2018 at 20:19

        He’s quite the progressive, and I think he will focus on his agenda, and I doubt if he will bring up Russia-gate, because he would have no reason to do so. He can run on his progressive agenda alone which is really being a voice for the working class.. Russia-gate is for the dems that want to maintain the status quo.

      • Zachary Smith
        February 28, 2018 at 20:53

        I’m glad this isn’t a primary which I’ll have to worry about. Feinstein is horrible, but is this guy any better? That may sound cynical, but I was very badly burned by Obama in 2008.

        My worry would be that when Push Comes To Shove, he wold become a standard Corporate Democrat who sides with Israel and the Koch Brothers on all the important issues. If this primary was in Indiana, I’d want plenty of assurances this wasn’t the case. In that event, he’d be a lead-pipe cinch.

        • Annie
          February 28, 2018 at 21:52

          He has a significant record of being a real liberal all through his political career, and Obama really didn’t have that. I can’t remember his name, a Black man who wrote for The Progressive, said Obama was a total opportunist. I ignored that and voted for him. As for de Leon I love his environmental record, and he’s an advocate for the poor, and he comes from a poor background himself. To me he sounds like the real thing. What is also encouraging is that the Sanders/Clinton presidential issue brought to the forefront the democrats lost because they no longer support what was once their base. Hopefully they are waking up to that, and a win for de Leon over Feinstein should really bring that home.

      • March 1, 2018 at 10:47

        In a tangentially related subject, I had had something like CNA/NNOC representing me here in Wisconsin after Walker attacked nurses teachers and state workers, I might not have had my nursing union declared illegal as it was when SEIU failed to lift more than a limp finger in our defense. If they like De Leon, that is a definite point in his favor where I’m concerned.

  7. Drew Hunkins
    February 28, 2018 at 15:49

    “California Dems Withhold Endorsement of Sen. Feinstein”

    Most heartening headline I’ve seen in many mos.

    Good riddance to the miltarist-Zionist police-state apologist.

    • Dave P.
      March 1, 2018 at 16:28

      Drew Hunkins,

      I agree with you on that completely. I am not sure where Kevin de Leon stands; most likely he will go along with this new Liberal War Loving Democratic Party. But anybody will be an improvement on Feinstein.

    • Bob
      March 3, 2018 at 15:45

      Feinstein authored and passed the assault gun ban, the only gun regulation ever passed over the objections of the gun lobby and its supporters.

  8. February 28, 2018 at 15:19

    As a California resident I am trying not to be too cynical about this candidacy. Yes, he says all the “right things” and he has the “pretty face and engaging smile” that could win over some of the electorate, but then again we can’t expect too much gravitas from any candidate that has a chance of winning. When we consider the rigged California primary against Bernie Sanders where “decline to state” voters were given “provisional ballots” his chances become even slimmer. I doubt if any of the issues most of us here at CN care most about will even be discussed. At least Bernie supported some anti-establishment reforms despite his equivocating on foreign policy matters. What do we have here?…another neoliberal in the Barak Obama or Emmanuel Macron mold?

    • Dave P.
      February 28, 2018 at 21:12

      BobH, I agree with you completely. These new pretty faces in the Democratic party, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and others are outdoing each other in kissing upto the wall Street Oligarchy. Kevin De Leon belongs right in there.

      • March 1, 2018 at 10:39

        Hey Dave P, can you provide examples of De Leon’s “kissing up?” Not saying he isn’t but you don’t provide any examples.


        l-a guy who liked Harvey Milk a lot more than he liked Harvey’s replacement

  9. Kenny
    February 28, 2018 at 14:10

    This is very telling…

    “If we’d had an immigration policy that was exclusively merit-based, I would never have become the leader of the California State Senate.”

    Do statements like this really make sense?

    • Ivan Avery Frey
      February 28, 2018 at 14:51

      Kenny: are you suggesting that Mr de León isn’t qualified to be leader of the California state senate?

    • mike k
      February 28, 2018 at 15:05

      Yes, it makes sense.

      • mike k
        February 28, 2018 at 15:07

        My post was a reply to Kenny, and should have been placed below his question.

  10. Nancy
    February 28, 2018 at 13:27

    Sorry to be so cynical, but this guy sounds like another liberal/progressive Democrat a la Jerry Brown. Knows all the right things to say to fool the voters while screwing them from behind.

    • Tom
      February 28, 2018 at 14:46

      Perhaps you are cynical; A condition I myself enjoy. Your post, however, indicates an above-average sense of awareness.

      • mike k
        February 28, 2018 at 15:04

        Suspicion is good; evidence is better.

    • Drew Hunkins
      February 28, 2018 at 15:51

      There’s a chance you’re correct, but…baby steps, let’s get rid of the militarist-Zionist warmongering police-state apologist first.

    • Homina
      March 1, 2018 at 03:11

      1) Jerry Brown is disappointing and disingenuous in a lot of ways, but I’d sure prefer him over Feinstein, if that’s some kind of comparison. If Kevin De Leon is the time-travel Jerry Brown into that hispanic person, yeah, better than Feinstein. And maybe still time to be real (assuming he’s not), unlike perhaps Governor Moonbeam.
      And well, I did vote for him. Even as incumbent. Maybe soft in my dotage.

      2) Uh, sure I’m drunk and a Californian, but just as an absolute non sequitur, I voted for Larry Flynt in the recall, but then for Arnold in the next, since he actually did a good job, including altering positions and learning from voters, ostensibly. And after the amazingly awful Gray Davis, it’s no wonder a ton of young politicos eyeing a higher prize didn’t want to contend, since that was a big shit sandwich to be handed. Can’t remember how much in debt–$20 billion or something?

      3) Back to reality: Again…Ever since I’ve been in Cali I have never voted for Feinstein, who is a completely useless piece of shit. Not even that–useless would mean not actively being RETROGRESSIVE, conniving, a Janus. And her various corruption stuff with hubby I shant get into. Anyway….

      ….I’m an anti-incumbent voter. I voted for Bill in 92, against in 96. Voted for Obama in 08, against in 12. I will always vote for a possible, unproven better candidate, over a PROVEN SUCK CANDIDATE. Yeah, guess I dream of rainbows and unicorns….universal health care, a basic income, not militarily active in 170 countries. Pie in the sky thinking there, no modern Western country could ever do that…

      Cynicism is understandable, and accurate really at this point.

      *Exceptions are for Arnold as noted, Boxer on occassion [iffy on her], Sam Farr always and sad he retired, and a couple in Virginia, I think maybe even GOPs Chuck Robb and Mark Warner? (can’t recall). Prove worth, get a next term. Don’t–git gone.

      • Homina
        March 1, 2018 at 03:33

        I meant John Warner. And sorry Chuck Robb you Democrat for thinking you were a Republican, which you were a bit. But ahead on other issues.

        Keep on Consortium News and keep doubting everything.

    • March 1, 2018 at 10:35

      I actually think he sounded fine. Not sure what you wanted from him…maybe to talk about Zionist control of the government and the “fake Russia investigation”? You guys really seem to have a high standard of purity. Of course, maybe he’s holding back a bit and being careful, maybe he doesn’t want to have the right wing use his comments here on CN against him. Also, that major league A-hole Feinstein might benefit as well. Frankly, CN resembles more and more some sort of conspiracy website (at least in terms of the comment sections) and that content could be used against him. I imagine Feinstein could find plenty of posts on CN that could be considered to be anti semitic.

      Will, Commander of ZOG Lawn Service and Defense Force

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