The Dangerous Erosion of U.S. Leadership


Despite Donald Trump’s speech to the World Economic Forum in which he attempted to reassure global leaders on his “America First” ideology, the damage to U.S. credibility may already be done, as Alon Ben-Meir explains.

By Alon Ben-Meir

Just one year after Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States, the U.S. has already experienced alarming setbacks to its global leadership role and has badly damaged its image.

Donald Trump addresses the World Economic Forum in Davos, Jan. 26, 2018

In short order, Trump has managed to bewilder friends and allies, intensify the enmity between the U.S. and its adversaries, and evoke fear, concerns, and unpredictability to the dismay of the international community. It is difficult to imagine how much further America’s reputation will decline as an increasing number of countries, including traditional U.S. allies, have resigned themselves to the lack of American leadership under Trump’s watch, which will have major adverse repercussions on our national interest and influence the world over.

Although Trump tried to qualify his “America First” approach to global affairs at a speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week by saying that “America First” doesn’t mean “America Alone,” his general approach has been to abandon U.S. soft power and America’s longstanding leadership role. His tweets and reckless utterances have deeply troubled countries with strong ties to the United States, enraged those who have been maligned by his reprehensible rhetoric, and delighted U.S. adversaries, while leaving America increasingly isolated.

On the issue of North Korea’s nuclear weapons and anti-ballistic missiles, instead of engaging Pyongyang in quiet diplomacy to resolve the conflict, he resorted to bellicose rhetoric and threats that only heightened tensions and brought the U.S. and North Korea ever closer to the unthinkable prospect of nuclear war.

On the Iran nuclear deal, rather than trying to renegotiate any changes, especially regarding the prickly issue of sunset provisions, Trump unilaterally decertified the deal and threatened to resume old sanctions and impose new ones, which would torpedo it completely. He demanded that Congress modify the deal, even though the other five signatories to the accord vehemently reject any tampering of the deal because of Iran’s continued full adherence.
Tehran, for its part, rejected any changes, and threatened to withdraw from the deal and resume its nuclear program, which would undermine nuclear non-proliferation efforts and subject the region’s inhabitants to living in the shadows of nuclear conflagration.

On immigration, Trump’s racist attitude toward Muslims and people of color has severely undermined America’s “melting pot” image based on its historical status as a nation of immigrants who made America great in the first place. His reference to Africa, Haiti, and El Salvador as “shithole” countries provoked widespread international outrage on perhaps an unprecedented scale.

Scores of U.S. ambassadors in capitals across the world were summoned to explain the inexplicable, which the diplomats themselves could not fathom. Why would a sitting U.S. president utter such filth, in the White House no less? Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a Republican, put it succinctly when he said: “What he [Trump] communicated caused racists to rejoice, minorities to weep, and the vast heart of America to mourn.”

As to international treaties and accords, Trump has completely disregarded our commitment to live up to such agreements. He insists on renegotiating the terms of NAFTA, and effectively withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (connecting the Americas with Asia and Australia). He pulled the US out of the Paris Climate Agreement and withdrew from the United Nations Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), accusing it of holding an anti-Israel because Palestine is a member of the organization.

As a result, he has acutely damaged America’s credibility, making many countries wary of entering into bilateral or multilateral agreements with the U.S., as they can no longer trust his administration to live up to its commitments. This leaves a wide opening for adversaries to fill the vacuum he created.

Trump has further shocked all democracies around the world with his incessant assault on the press. Though a few of his predecessors have occasionally ostracized the press, none has mounted such vile criticism. He accuses all media outlets (except for FOX News) of being the enemy of the people, claiming they are biased and spreading ‘Fake News’ to purposefully malign him and deride his policy initiatives.

Sadly, whereas America was seen as the beacon of freedom and democracy to be emulated, Trump is consciously undermining one of our central constitutional pillars—the free press—to the utter consternation of democracies around the world.

On the question of the U.S.’s reliability, many countries who depend on America for their national security are worried about Trump’s real commitment to safeguarding their security. His criticism of NATO, which is the core of West European security, and his appeasement of Russia, which is viewed as the West’s staunchest enemy, raises questions as to where he would stand if they were threatened.

This concern is being expressed by our allies in the Middle East and Europe, which is further diminishing America’s role. Germany’s Chancellor Merkel expressed her misgivings, stating that: “The times when we could fully rely on others have passed us by a bit… we Europeans must really take our destiny into our own hands… We have to know that we must fight for our future on our own, for our destiny as Europeans.”

The fact that Trump lies as often as he breathes deeply troubles countries around the world because they can no longer take his word for granted on issues of major importance to them.

Trump seems to be totally oblivious to the reality that without American global leadership, which spans over seven decades, the world will be even more chaotic than today. Trump has no end-strategy for Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, nor the focus or interest in stemming the widespread, destabilizing violent conflicts and human rights abuses around the world.

It is sad that in the most recent Gallup poll ‘Rating World Leaders’, the U.S. is ranked third, behind Germany and China (and just ahead of Russia). The damage that Trump has caused to American credibility and moral global leadership will not be readily repaired after electing a new president. It will take time and a president who is stable, politically skilled, and intellectually competent with vision and understanding of America’s pivotal role in the international arena before America’s global leadership can be restored.

The Republican Party has become complicit in Trump’s mischiefs and misguided policies. It is now up to the Democrats to get their act together, regain control of the House and Senate, and shackle Trump before he causes irreparable damage to America’s global role and responsibility.

81 comments for “The Dangerous Erosion of U.S. Leadership

  1. Chirpy22
    February 1, 2018 at 11:34

    Not sure what the writer’s point is here.Trump undermining the press? The press seems to be functioning just fine. Do they at times write misleading stories? Yes, they do. Does Trump (as well as others) call them out when they do? Yep! Questioning the press is part of how a democracy works. The news media is well equipt to defend themselves. We are now having a lively discussion over the role of the press. A debate we should have had long ago. As far as our relationship with other countries, we are at long last having straightforward, candid talks rather than the symbiotic maintaining the status quo talks of the past.

  2. Zhu Bajie
    January 30, 2018 at 20:30

    US leadership? I wish my country would give up trying to rule the world! Spend money on space research rather than killing people around the world!

  3. January 30, 2018 at 16:51

    Terrible piece of propoganda, doesn’t belong on Consortium News. The guy is obviously pushing the Democrats message of imperialism dressed as interventionism, Russia as the universal enemy and the biggest whopper of all, that in pre-Trump U.S everything was hunky dory. Poor old trade deals and morally sound free press…

    P.S- Africa is a continent, dipstick

  4. January 30, 2018 at 11:16

    US leadership failed when Dubya attacked Iraq to near-universal condemnation, except for Blair whose own role left him defenestrated at home.

    It has been down hill from there. Obama’s revival was limited, and has not lasted, but the damage long pre-dates anything Trump did.

    This is important, because just not-Trump does not solve the problem. The proposed policies of Hillary were just as Dubya-like and obnoxious to those we might hope to lead. We have a deeper problem of neocons and hawks run wild in both parties.

  5. Zachary Smith
    January 29, 2018 at 23:12

    Just now noticed that author Alon Ben-Meir didn’t mention Holy Israel in his Dump On Trump piece. A person could get the distinct impression that all the woes in the world can be pinned directly on the White House know-nothing. So writing this essay couldn’t have been a very difficult job for him, for Trump is a dunce. A barely educated, arrogant, and ignorant dummy. Headline:

    Trump On Climate Change: ‘There Is A Cooling, And There’s A Heating’

    I’m very open-minded. I’m still open-minded. Nobody really knows. Look, I’m somebody that gets it, and nobody really knows. It’s not something that’s so hard and fast.

    The man is simply pitiful, and he is running the government and appointing dip****s like himself into positions of authority. I’m going to make a slight modification to the conclusion at the link.

    Bottom line: Trump is an {functional} idiot, a dangerous {functional} idiot.

    My point is this, although Trump has an IQ which isn’t actually in the range of 0-25, he behaves exactly the same way as a true and actual idiot would regarding climate change caused by global warming. That’s on account of him being barely educated, arrogant, and ignorant as hell.


  6. Andrew Nichols
    January 29, 2018 at 21:47

    Trump seems to be totally oblivious to the reality that without American global leadership, which spans over seven decades, the world will be even more chaotic than today.

    Really? Without all that subversion, regime changes coups invasions? It will be more chaotic?

    Can I have some of what you are on?

  7. LJ
    January 29, 2018 at 15:27

    My ass, nothing has changed. We’ve seen B-actors with good hair jobs and dye jobs before.. It’s the same old song and dance just more so. The US Economy gives benefits even to our enemy”s leadership. The Sacrificial Death Regime will whither on the vine without scapegoats and willing lambs to lead to slaughter. Nothing is changing except in a negative sense. I was down at the Bay. Like I have been the last 50 years off and on. I can believe my eyes. The Ocean has already risen measurably. 2 inches, no more. Not according to “Science”. That has changed but it goes up and down and over and out . No worries. Peace On

  8. Chumpsky
    January 29, 2018 at 13:15

    Garbage like this article is certainly well below the Late Mr. Parry’s standard of journalistic excellence. A sad site this has become, now that this is the second pathetic article in a row I’ve read here.

  9. Trapper
    January 28, 2018 at 22:50

    It helps to think of Trump and the clown in the bull riding ring. When things “go south,” his job is to distract both the bull and the audience. A good clown often looks like a fool doing very dangerous things. Things do seem to be “going south.” The President is in a position to understand and try to respond, minimizing the damage using crazy antics.

    • Zachary Smith
      January 28, 2018 at 23:31

      The President is in a position to understand and try to respond, minimizing the damage using crazy antics.

      “minimizing the damage”? Trump and his minions are destroying the nation. I understand that the alternate choice of Hillary was every bit as bad if not worse, but cheering Trump on strikes me as insane.

  10. Free Society
    January 28, 2018 at 20:12

    Consortium News is going downhill ….. with articles like this — no difference from the Mainstream News now.

  11. Free Society
    January 28, 2018 at 20:07

    Who wrote this pile of “status-quo” globalist garbage? Since when are all these terrible international agreements like: NAFTA and the TPP some sort of “sacred cows” that should not have been discredited and completely renegotiated or terminated? Trump is 100% right to do this. These misnamed and misleading “trade agreements” have systematically de-industrialized the United States. By design they have incentivised businesses to move their manufacturing and production to foreign countries (to benefit from cheap labor, slave labor, etc.), and have hollowed out towns and communities all across the United States. They has destroyed American jobs, and what was once “middle class” economic security.

    Thank God Trump is changing this, and bringing jobs and Industry back again into this Country.

    • Zachary Smith
      January 28, 2018 at 23:20

      That Trump is a jackass is not incompatible with a handful of his viewpoints being correct.

      BTW, if you can’t distinguish between the propaganda put out by “Mainstream News” from that propagated by this author, maybe you ought to study the matter a bit more.

      The Corporate Media wants Iran smashed right now, and desires for Holy Israel to be coddled even more. Author Alon Ben-Meir takes a different approach in doing a lot of hand-wringing to make his readers believe there really might be a light at the end of the tunnel – that the maggot state of Israel will somehow/someday stop behaving so badly.

      • Free Society
        January 29, 2018 at 16:29

        Trump has more than just “a handful” of viewpoints being correct.

        . Rework Trade Agreements
        . Bring back American Manufacturing
        . Record Job growth
        . Increase in Worker Wages
        . Consumer confidence at all time high
        . GDP to debt ratio best in decades.
        . Soaring Stock Market
        . Stop the senseless unlawful and uncontrolled immigration
        . End the “Regime Change” policy in Syria
        . Make NATO finally pay up
        . New American Infrastructure Rebuild Plan

        He is the first U.S. President in many, many decades to actually help Americans, instead of just serve the Oligarchs (Global Bank & Multinational Cartels).

        • Zachary Smith
          January 29, 2018 at 19:23

          That’s an amazing list for sure. Not since the glory days of the Codpiece Commander era have I seen such a demonstration of Drinking The Kool Aid.

  12. Putin Apologist
    January 28, 2018 at 14:19

    “Trump has further shocked all democracies around the world with his incessant assault on the press.”

    Give me a break, the reason I read articles here is because I no longer trust the lying mainstream media. The mainstream media has been consolidated into six corporations, almost all controlled by Jews, so it deserves to be called out and ridiculed! Thank you Mr. President, for doing so.

    And I agree with the commenters here that don’t see the Empire’s loss of leadership as a bad thing.

    • Zachary Smith
      January 28, 2018 at 23:25

      “Putin Apologist”, can’t you see that you’ve been reading an essay by an Israel Apologist?

      The mainstream media has been consolidated into six corporations, almost all controlled by Jews, so it deserves to be called out and ridiculed! Thank you Mr. President, for doing so.

      If Trump has done the Jew-bashing you claim, you need to provide evidence of that. Otherwise, I strongly suggest you return to your regular Nazi bookmarks.

  13. Rael Nidess, M.D.
    January 28, 2018 at 13:41

    After a quick review of the comments posted below mine, it’s evident that we must all hope for Bob Parry’s quick recovery and return to the editorship of his creation. Posting Alon’s piece emphasizes the hole left by his absence.

    • Seamus Padraig
      January 28, 2018 at 14:13

      Good point. Speedy recovery, Bob!

  14. Seamus Padraig
    January 28, 2018 at 13:31

    And to all that, I can only say: good! I’m glad that Trump is so hated abroad, because now that he has switched sides and gone over to the neocons, he will make an incredibly poor spokesman for their cause. And I’m still pleased as punch that the Hell-bitch lost. If she had won, every time she were to attack or invades some defenseless little ‘shit hole’, the media would be wildly cheering her on: ‘Hurray for Grrrrl power!’ With Trump they can’t do that so easily. They’ve now invested so much time and energy into demonizing him, that changing on a dime would be extremely awkward.

    • Joe Tedesky
      January 28, 2018 at 23:45

      Interesting perspective, and to add to your comment, with Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem being the capital of Israel the veil of ‘Independent Third Party Negotiator’ is ripped off. So now the Palestinian can clearly see who’s interest the U.S. serves, and it ain’t Palestine.

  15. triekc
    January 28, 2018 at 10:34

    Trump is a self-serving, criminal, kleptocrat, but I agree with his opinion of corporate news media, it is fake, and I add the left’s second source of “news”, comedians following the John Stewart satirical news model, all are owned and distributed by the oligarchs, pushing propaganda that supports their worldviews, investments, sell ads, and keeps people ignorant in their tribes. Millions of people in the U.S. turn to MSNBC, CNN, Trevor, or Colbert for “news”, explaining why we have the insane clown Trump as president, and his only competitor was the supervillain, war monger Clinton.

  16. January 28, 2018 at 10:15

    TPP was NAFTA on steroids, so his refusal to proceed with that is not a bad thing. At what point has Caligula Drumpf “appeased” Russia, and why is it an “enemy” of the West? Such neoconservative nonsense would be laughable if the consequences weren’t so deadly to all life on Earth.

  17. Greg Schofield
    January 28, 2018 at 09:27

    Trump is the best thing that has happened to the rest of the world — he should be sainted for services to mankind, unintended as they are.

    End of empire is near, and as horrors are unleashed with every dying breath, but the world gives a sigh whispering; nevermore nevermore.

    By the way it is not Trump, he is but a puppet, a piece of wood mouthing the words of others. Hillary would have managed the same thing with a lot more carnage. It is end-times for neo-liberalism, neo-conservatism, corporatism, war criminals and all the rest.

    From what I can tell from Australia, Trump has neither inflamed racial tensions or anti-Muslim chauvinism, they were not new before he arrived, but I think it will fade when he goes, because a lot goes with him. His fanning is a toddler’s breath to the billows that work those flames.

    To blame Trump for much of this is not to understand history at all; when a thing has gone its distance, best saddle up a buffoon to ride it until it falls.

    Sorry Alon Ben-Meir, I find it hard to sympathize with your position. I believe that Trump should be put on amphetamines to hasten the inevitable.

    • Seamus Padraig
      January 28, 2018 at 14:12

      Well, one can always hope.

  18. Skip Scott
    January 28, 2018 at 09:04

    This screed from Mr. Ben Meir is something that belongs in the NYT or the WaPo, not here at Consortium News. He lays out all the MSM talking points unchallenged. Trump was elected because of his “America First” rhetoric. The valid criticism is that he has not done enough to undo our misbegotten “leadership role” that had us bombing multiple countries under Mr. Obomber. He has not insisted on bi-lateral trade agreements, and talks instead of re-working corporate friendly multi-national trade deals that destroy our sovereignty. He has not reined in our gluttonous MIC and used that money to rebuild our middle class and our crumbling infrastructure. He has not seeked out detente with nuclear armed Russia. These are the valid criticisms of Trump, not the MSM pablum that Mr. Ben Meir spews.

    As for other countries not trusting our commitments, this is something new? International law, treaties, and commitments have always been for the other guy to follow, not the USA. Since the days of our founding, our commitments have meant nothing. Just ask the Native Americans.

    There is no depth at all to this article, and I was surprised to find it here at CN.

    • Radical Pragmatist
      January 28, 2018 at 09:29

      Exactly right. Thank you.

      That Trump is a total sellout and the MSM is a sycophantic arm of the Power Elite Nomenklatura are not disjoint.

      This piece is tendentious WaPost level (i.e., subterranean) trash.

    • Steve in Dallas
      January 28, 2018 at 13:24

      Yes… why was this article posted at CN???

      In early 2008, as the crash accelerated, it became clear to me that the MSM was protecting the banker/wallstreet organized crime syndicate from accountability for their mortgages-to-securities Ponzi scheme (I am still amazed at how the MSM completely succeeded in convincing the AmeriCon/Dallas 99% that “nobody saw it coming… nobody did anything illegal”). In early 2008, I quit reading the WSJ and found the independent media on the internet. Wow, what a difference… within a few months it was clear to me that the MSM is nothing but a deception machine… that the MSM is fake news… and IM is real news. For me, the independent media’s analysis of the 2008 proved beyond any doubt that the crash and subsequent great recession was caused by elite organized crime… they knew precisely what they were doing… and the post-crash gobbling up of depressed assets was nothing other than a step-by-step plan to transfer AmeriCo’s wealth from the bottom to the top (e.g. the articles by Bill Black and his associates, regulators/white-collar-crime-specialist who were involved in investigating/prosecuting/convicting/punishing the criminal savings & loan bankers, provided absolute proof that AmeriCo’s elite are systematically/methodically looting the 95% working class).

      What’s my point?…

      In 2008 the Huffington Post was a solid IM source, hosting dozens (hundreds?) of independent journalists. But suddenly in 2010 some very strange elitist/establishment articles, exactly like this article by Alon Ben-Meir, began to appear regularly at the HP. I was shocked… how could the HP dare use it’s independent reputation/authority to endorse elite/establishment propaganda/deceptions? The answer became obvious in early 2011 when Arianna Huffington sold the HP. From that day in February 2011 I can count on one hand how many times I have read articles at the HP. But the experience was VERY disturbing for me and I am today extremely curious/anxious about how successful this obviously-highly-organized process of converting/corralling HP readers back to the MSM was???

      The HP sold-out to the elite/establishment for hundreds of millions (which Arianna did not share with the independent journalists she used to develop her brand/value… and now the IM is fake news and Arianna Huffington is a powerful celebrity/leader… amazing how our culture is increasingly diseased/failing/evil/dead).

      So, again I ask… why is this article posted at Consortium News??? If CN goes the way of HP… my soul will bleed. I love you Robert Parry… but I will not fault you if you cash-out… your brand is EXTREMELY valuable… to your independent/thinking/concerned readers… and, VERY unfortunately, to the criminal elite/establishment (may they burn in hell) who would happily/easily pay hundreds of millions to buy/capture/destroy CN.

      • John A
        January 28, 2018 at 14:28

        Ariana Huffington was famously described in Britain as ‘the most upwardly mobile Greek since Icarus’. Her trousering all the Huff Post money was no surprise.

      • Brad Owen
        January 29, 2018 at 13:12

        Check out youtube productions and sift the wheat from the chaff. Not much else you can do, as formerly independent media are swallowed up by “the enemy”. Check out Executive Intelligence Review and its sister Schiller Institute and LaRouchePAC. For good measure, check out Steven Greer to get at those very “spring waters” that have been feeding the currents of World history since WWII.

  19. D'Esterre
    January 28, 2018 at 06:35

    Being a baby boomer, I’m a long time observer of international politics including the US variety.
    When I read this, I assumed at first that the author was taking the mickey: surely nobody who’s been paying attention over the past 70 years would view this as serious commentary?
    From what I’ve seen and read over my lifetime, I’d say that Trump is about the same as pretty much all his predecessors, at least since WW2. The major difference is that he uses Twitter, so now we hear almost immediately what he’s thinking. In addition, he isn’t a pollie – or a diplomat – so he says what he thinks.
    Not being US citizens in my neck of the woods, it isn’t our business what happens in domestic politics. But when it comes to US foreign policy, that affects all of us, and we’re entitled to say what we think.
    Before Trump was elected, many of us hoped that he would take a less confrontational approach to, for instance, Russia, and that he would follow through on his view that NATO has outlived its usefulness and needs to be disestablished. That he would be a president in a different mould from that of his predecessors, in other words.
    Sadly, it was not to be. He’s been suborned by the US political establishment – the PNAC – it seems.
    On the bright side, he hasn’t dragged us all down the hellhole of war with Russia. Yet. So: something to be grateful for.

    • backwardsevolution
      January 28, 2018 at 08:31

      D’Esterre – The first thought that popped into my head was that the author had been in a coma and was just now waking up, thinking he was still in the 50’s. I guess we all see the world through a different prism.

      I read that Trump uses Twitter only because he knows the media will not give him a fair shake if he talks to them directly; they’ll misquote him or omit things said. With Twitter, he can go right to the people.

      I’m hoping I’m right about Trump re war. I think war is the last thing he wants to see, so he will bark and bellow and pander to the neocons somewhat, but nothing major. He’ll give the arms dealers just enough business to keep them happy. Trump is interested in exactly what he said during the election: he thinks the U.S. should mind its own business and concentrate on making its own country great.

      • Joe Tedesky
        January 28, 2018 at 10:18

        About that Trump Twitter thing, I’ll bet a dollar to a bushel of donuts that tweet storming will become a presidential tradition, in the years to come.

        • January 28, 2018 at 15:02

          Tweets, Twitter, the 2018 version of Orwellian Newspeak that was not envisioned in 1984, yet would have been employed had it been available. It is the perfect vehicle for Newspeak and Doublethink.

      • D'Esterre
        January 30, 2018 at 06:01

        backwardsevolution: “I read that Trump uses Twitter only because he knows the media will not give him a fair shake if he talks to them directly; they’ll misquote him or omit things said. With Twitter, he can go right to the people.”

        Yes, I’ve heard this as well. And as has been pointed out to me by a relative, his use of Twitter, and citizens’ response to it, neatly illustrates the working of the democratic process, and that free speech is alive and well in the US.

        “I’m hoping I’m right about Trump re war. I think war is the last thing he wants to see, so he will bark and bellow and pander to the neocons somewhat, but nothing major. He’ll give the arms dealers just enough business to keep them happy.”

        I think that you may be right; certainly where North Korea is concerned, sound and fury seems to be his modus operandi. Also today, this in several news outlets:
        “Trump admn. declines to impose new sanction on Russia.” If accurate, this may signal how he intends to proceed with regard to Russia, and perhaps is cause for optimism on the part of the rest of us.

    • GMC
      January 28, 2018 at 10:04

      As another Boomer and the only US citizen in my neck of the woods also, I can totally agree with your Pravda. Half the world was hoping Trump would fallow thru with at least the foreign policy part. Russia stated that they wanted better diplomatic ties , some help with diplomatic relations for solving Ukraine and ME wars, and they wanted the USA to follow International Laws. What they got were sanctions for saving Crimea from the Nazis and helped Donbass repel that Ukie-Nazi slaughter { even though there are 30,000 dead. On the other hand, what did Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and others want – and received. They got more weapons, more war, more money, protection for their terrorist proxy armies , Jerusalem,and other gifts for destruction. No sanctions though. Trump could stop the demonizing of Russia but he can’t to go the American sheeple and tell the truth because he knows they have all been programmed with propaganda to blame RU for all the European and ME tensions/ invasions – – projectionist – he who blames some else for what they – themselves – are doing. A Washington Motto –well good luck D’esterre wherever you are

      • D'Esterre
        January 30, 2018 at 06:13

        GMC: “What they got were sanctions for saving Crimea from the Nazis and helped Donbass repel that Ukie-Nazi slaughter { even though there are 30,000 dead.”

        Indeed. The reportage here of the putsch in Ukraine was astonishingly bad: omissions, distortions, half-truths, and outright lies. Propaganda, in other words.

        Though on the bright side – and from the “be careful what you wish for” file – those sanctions have in the end redounded to Russia’s advantage. Much to the annoyance of certain EU members, who are finding that Russia is beating them at their own game in respect of agricultural products.

        “well good luck D’esterre wherever you are”

        Many thanks, and the same to you! New Zealand, as it happens….

    • Joe Tedesky
      January 28, 2018 at 11:23

      D’Esterre, I wish the citizens of the world would stand up and be heard, because between the propaganda and our new American love for identity politics, we in the U.S. who do seem to see things right are out gunned, and out manned by corruption in the political arena. The U.S. by shaping itself into an empire, has surly brought all the citizens of the world into this hegemony project, and mostly for these foreigners to experience the worst of this America ascension up to it’s empire status has been the case. So yes, all people of the world should be heard, and heard very loudly, if there is anyway possible to slowdown the exceptional American society at large. Joe

      • D'Esterre
        January 30, 2018 at 06:54

        Joe Tedesky: “I wish the citizens of the world would stand up and be heard…”

        In respect of US foreign policy, I and many of my fellow citizens have done that in the past: most notably the Vietnam War many years ago.

        I and a family member were among many citizens who marched on our Parliament in protest before President GW Bush’s insane adventure in Iraq. Not long before that, I’d been a mature university student; I’d done enough reading there to realise that the whole “weapons of mass destruction” thing was a fiction. We wanted the Bush administration to take notice of us, but it did not. Failing that, we pleaded with our own government not to commit troops to the coalition of the willing; the then Prime Minister listened, and refrained from sending troops at that stage.

        But this is a small and politically insignificant country; independent thought and action on the part of our government is very likely to be punished by the big players, most notably the US and UK, of course, though our largeish neighbour, Australia, isn’t above a little bullying.

        Trade is the weapon they use to punish and bully countries such as ours. Back in 1966, President Johnson came to Wellington to strong-arm the then government into committing troops to Vietnam. Although at the time we the citizens weren’t privy to the details, there’s little doubt that trade was the weapon of persuasion. Fortunately, the PM was (rightly) very sceptical of the whole enterprise; he refused to institute conscription, and would agree only to volunteers, and then only from the army. Johnson had to be satisfied with that.

        There are other examples of our having been treated badly by large polities: most famously the nuclear-free stance, but also the Rainbow Warrior incident. US punishment for the nuclear-free issue lasted for years and years.

        So: many of us here are on your side; it’s just that the US political establishment doesn’t give a toss what we think. Unfortunately….

  20. john wilson
    January 28, 2018 at 05:56

    As I see it, the one good thing that Trump has done is called out the main stream media for what they are, FAKE NEWS!! For this one thing I can forgive Trump all his other misdemeanors. I have read many times on this site and other similar ones complaints about MSM fake news, both from writers and posters. Trump is anything but presidential and I hold no brief for the man, but on this one topic he’s right and chaotic though he is, he does at least have a kind of brash honesty about him. Those utter contemptible slime balls, Obama, Bush and Clinton before him were snakes wearing presidents clothes. We could have had that horrible creature from Satan’s coven of witches, Hillary Clinton and I dead to think what this ghastly woman would have achieved by now.

  21. backwardsevolution
    January 28, 2018 at 03:26

    Schumer warned Trump: Intel officials “have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you”.

    Well, Schumer, this is Trump’s “six ways from Sunday”. How do you like them apples?

    Trump has ripped the mask off, and it is embarrassing, isn’t it? Good. What evil used to be done behind the scenes is now being revealed right out in the open. Political correctness is about to be run over with a steam roller. About time!

    Millions on food stamps, millions who have seen their jobs outsourced, an opioid crisis, the weekend gang-bangs keeping the morgues busy, school shootings, identity politics run amok, multiculturalism rammed down people’s throats, corruption at the highest levels, endless wars, coups, assassinations…..

    Trump could care less about foreign affairs and wars. He wanted to make America beautiful again. And she was beautiful, and she could be again. But there’s no “up” until you’ve seen and acknowledged the “down”. Let there be light, I say.

  22. johnnieandroidseed
    January 28, 2018 at 02:18

    Amerikka is leading the way in economic sanctions against the elected socialist government of Venezuela while giving CIA support to the right wing. They are leading the way in support of the right wing government of Honduras after they stole the election complete with training of anti-riot forces to squelch reform activists activity. They are leading the way to train Myanmar military forces despite repeated human rights violations. They are leading the way in support for Israel’s Palestinian apartheid. They are leading the way in the destruction of Yemen through cholera, starvation and bombing. They are leading the way in the environmental destruction of the planet. The USA is leading all over the world.

  23. Zachary Smith
    January 28, 2018 at 02:04

    His reference to Africa, Haiti, and El Salvador as “shithole” countries provoked widespread international outrage on perhaps an unprecedented scale.

    Trump is a coarse and rude man, but he’s hardly alone in that. I made a search for Presidential Profanity, and found mostly duplicated examples, but a few of them were great. One by Lincoln put a big smile on my face:

    Abraham Lincoln: Honest Abe evidently loved a good off-color joke. Recounting the tale of Ethan Allen encountering a portrait of George Washington in an outhouse in England after the Revolutionary War. His hosts were eager to see the reaction of their visitor, who stumped them by approving: “There is nothing to make an Englishman shit quicker than the sight of General George Washington.”



    I’d say Trump has his work cut out for him if he tries to top LBJ in bad language.

    The Republican Party has become complicit in Trump’s mischiefs and misguided policies. It is now up to the Democrats to get their act together, regain control of the House and Senate, and shackle Trump before he causes irreparable damage to America’s global role and responsibility.

    Great Idea! The Democrats are even more reliable hacks for Holy Israel than the Republicans. As for that “damage”, I suspect the author’s real concern is how the US of A is becoming a really unreliable “cover” for the thieving and murdering little apartheid state – as in the sense of smoothing over and downplaying the crimes. Things were a lot better when the US could – with a straight face – pretend to be an even-handed and neutral nation. Discretion was the key, and with the crude Trump openly climbing into bed with skanky state of Israel that pretense has become a laughing matter.

  24. January 28, 2018 at 00:26

    This article by Alon Ben-Meir seems to tabulate the crimes and failures of Donald Trump. It seems to hold the assumption that by having a more acceptable and less offensive president, the US would again be a benevolent power in the world. This asumption is of course belied by the previous president who was inoffensive as a person, but continued the long US legacy of interventions in foreign governments through regime change, dropping missiles and bombs on countries with whom the US is not at war with and generally putting the US agenda first.

  25. exiled off mainstreet
    January 27, 2018 at 23:17

    This is obviously a neocon screed writing in favour of full spectrum dominance by the deep state Israeli dominated yankee imperium. While much of what the commentator says is in some sense true, his premise that it is negative that the yankee imperium is weakened by the unpredictability of Trump’s actions is false.While I accept the truth of some, but not all of the commentator’s statements, I disagree with his premise that it is negative that the yankee imperium’s power has been reduced. We need to get away from the unipolar system if we are to survive. The fact that the imperium’s actions seem to be seriously under the influence of Israel renders the name of the commentator relevant, and reduces the validity of his arguments.

  26. David G
    January 27, 2018 at 23:16

    Yeah, I’d say U.S. credibility or leadership or whatever isn’t fading fast enough.

    France, Germany, and the U.K. seem to be trying to find ways to accommodate the U.S. campaign to destroy … excuse me, ahem, “renegotiate” … the Iran nuclear pact instead of just telling Trump to go jump in a lake.

    Still too bloody much U.S. influence, if you ask me.

    • exiled off mainstreet
      January 27, 2018 at 23:19

      I fully concur. It is what I’m trying to say below more clearly directly to the point.

    • Theo
      January 28, 2018 at 07:33

      I fully agree.The European cosignatories to the Iran treaty must stick to the agreement.The missile thing is no part of this deal.No matter whether they can carry nukes or not.

  27. turk 151
    January 27, 2018 at 23:01

    Mr. Ben Meir is just worried that Trump is not going to show “leadership” on the Greater Israel project by folding on Kurdistan, just as Obama did not show “leadership” on Syria.

  28. Babyl-on
    January 27, 2018 at 22:42

    The Empire over which tears are being spread here dropped nuclear weapons on two cities full of innocent people for political not military reasons. From that firs day of August 6, 1945 until today the Empire has killed innocent people in multiple locations around the globe EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR 73 YEARS. The Empire has no intention of stopping until its goal of “Global full spectrum domination.” is complete or they collapse.

    So when I read ” the U.S. has already experienced alarming setbacks to its global leadership role and has badly damaged its image.” I am overjoyed.

    Ben-Meir talks about unnamed “adversaries” of the Empire as if the US Empire is menaced regularly by “aggressive” countries like Russia ad China with less than 20% of the military budget of the Imperial Pentagon. There are no adversaries of the Empire there are targets or enemies.

    Again this is a peon to Empire as if the world just can’t get through the day unless the Empire kills a few hundred innocents.

    And whining about the poor vassal states who’s “security” might be threatened if the big bad Empire was not around to rape their economies and impoverish their people – for security of course.

    Look around the only place where there is war is where the US is Russia, China, North Korea, Iran none of them are fighting foreign wars – only the butcher Empire is.

    Every bit of damage to the Empire is music to my ears.

    • KiwiAntz
      January 28, 2018 at 06:26

      Well said Babyl-on, I couldn’t have summed it up more perfectly than your comments here? America is causing chaos, deathly destruction & misery around the World & it’s not Russia, China or Iran who are invading others or interfering in their elections it’s America who hypocritically blame those same Countries for the Worlds problems. Not since the rise of Nazi Germany has one Country been such a threat to World peace! America & every past & current President should be on trial at the Hague, like the Nazi tyrants, for War crimes in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan & other Countries to numerous to list here, all crimes against humanity? This depraved Empire, masquerading as a beacon of democracy & that “shining city on a hill” is a sad, sick joke & has had it’s day, Rome lasted for a 1000 yrs but collapsed under the weight of its own hubris, war cost expense & imperial overreach! Sound familiar? Remember Hitlers boast that his 3rd Reich would last 1000 yrs like the Roman Empire? Well the American Empire, is acting like a fourth Reich & is fated to go in the same manner, the writing is already on the wall? Sorry for the historical analogy with Nazi Germany but the American Empire is evil, not its citizens! And just as every tyrannical Empire has had its day in the past, the day is swiftly approaching when the American empire will collapse’s due to its own imperial overreach, hubris & arrogance & it can’t come soon enough to a long suffering World?

  29. January 27, 2018 at 22:40

    An international order maintained by an alliance of free, sovereign democratic states is the ideal he proposed. Sounds like leadership to me.

    • y
      January 28, 2018 at 01:16

      Luk Lea

      Except, that he doesn’t make foreign policy, but merely follows it.

      I believe P.N.A.C. lays out the plans of the empire quite well.

  30. Annie
    January 27, 2018 at 22:31

    Good he withdrew from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, many liberals were against that one, now we can only hope he keeps his promise, and by all means renegotiate NAFTA which turned Mexico into a hellhole. His climate change policies are horrible, and over turning the Iran deal is nothing but stupid, as is his position on moving the US embassy to Jerusalem, and making his pro-Israeli son-in-law a peace broker in Israeli/Palestinian affairs. The press deserves his assaults. They have gone out of their way to malign him on anything and everything he says, and they do generate a lot of fake news, like Russia-gate. Good that our allies are waking up to the realization the US has made, not only under this administration, but those that preceded it, many bad foreign policy decisions. The author’s statement that Trump undermined America’s “melting pot” image based on its historical status as a nation of immigrants who made America great in the first place, well, I suggest she bone up on that area of our history, since it was always a difficult task for immigrants to become assimilated into this country and they endured great hardship in doing so. One might also think from her assessment on that issue Obama didn’t deport over 2 million immigrants, and many for petty crimes. As well as the immigration legislation  former president Clinton enacted which made it easier for Trump to build on. 

    • January 27, 2018 at 22:37

      And you haven’t even addressed the multiple domestic policy failures or just plain absence: single-payer health care for all citizens from birth to death (Europe’s had it over 50 years now!); mass transits with bullet trains (bucking the gas / oil / auto industries, which is apparently impossible); and I haven’t even yet begun, considering living wages / industry / affordable housing and jobs … Both foreign and domestic policy is more or less criminal.

    • exiled off mainstreet
      January 27, 2018 at 23:26

      I agree. I would also note that the TPP’s extra-legal corporate arbitration panels under corrupt corporate control would vitiate any progress on climate change. I agree on the press and the phoniness of the exposed fraud of “Russia gate”. The allies need to go their own way and quit being Warsaw Pact style satellite vassal states. That is a positive development of Trump’s actions and the fight against him led by neocon apologists for the Israeli-yankee imperium such this guy. On immigration: while North American countries are made up of what are eventually immigrants, it is different in European countries made up of ethnic groups which have historically occupied those areas. Since the identities of peoples are at stake, they are going to be more zealous at defending such identities. l, as a Canadian, but largely of German extraction, am actually more concerned that immigration is limited in my ancestral fatherland, since my identity would be compromised if “Germany” were no longer “Germany.”

  31. Joe Tedesky
    January 27, 2018 at 22:17

    Not to shrug off Mr Ben-Meir’s find article, but put another way, and taking into consideration the history of U.S. Treaties, all Trump did was rip the sophisticated innocence’s off of America’s face and replace it with his bombastic and rude mug. In fact, if you add up all of the failed promises made by the U.S., Trump is literally still carrying the American ball quite well. Yes, he’s embarrassingly outspoken, and off color by all diplomatic means, but yet he so displays what the American Empire stands for that to argue otherwise is the real embarrassment when it comes right down to it.

    Don’t get me wrong there are plenty of things seriously defective with Trump, but there is plenty wrong and defective with inside the U.S. Government too. Look at it this way, America now has a President who compliments it’s American policies. So now with Trump in the White House America’s grooming for her appearance on the world stage, is finally complete.

    You may say, it’s time for a makeover, and your right, but by just replacing a President isn’t going to change the problem America has evolved into. So go ahead blame it all on Trump, and in many ways you will be right, but in so many other ways you will be just spinning your wheels by looking for a scapegoat.

    • January 27, 2018 at 22:33

      Exactly right. dubya / dick, obama, what did those guys do so good for planet earth’s livability anyhow? How man countries did they invade and destroy, how many millions of children and women did those guys dismember, burn alive, kill with starvation / drowning / exposure / dehydration / mutilation / disease / flagrant murdering of livestock and pets / crop destruction / ad infinitum. Millions, and counting – worldwide the USA-mediated conflagration against humanity continues and expands as I write …

      • Joe Tedesky
        January 27, 2018 at 23:14

        Craig, you got it right, just because we have a new president who is crude, lewd, and rude, doesn’t mean America hasn’t been to this side of the dance floor before. Why, we could go back even further, like back to Truman, or LBJ, just to mention a couple, and still Trump would have a lot of company on the penalty bench. Don’t get me wrong, Trump is throughly …..well Trump, and this we have all known for over forty better years, but to single him out in anyway as his being America’s biggest problem, is certainly living in denial to what all as been going on for over the last 70 to 100 years with the U.S. itself.

        Now would be a good time for a day of national reflection.

        • Brad Owen
          January 28, 2018 at 08:16

          Hi Joe. America has always had its Tory Faction of imperialist wannabes wanting to be part of Empire…the British Empire,(sometimes kept in check by the Patriot Continentalist Faction). But the real evil didn’t take root until Operation Paperclip in the Post-War forties, which internal threat has steadily grown into the nightmare we now witness. It’s much bigger than Trump, who actually catches flak from the Imperial Establishment for daring to question the wisdom of Fascist Empire, reflecting an instinctive desire to return to the Patriot Continentalist Faction. THIS is what will prevail, as the Post-War/Cold War era is completely over and dead.

          • Joe Tedesky
            January 28, 2018 at 23:38

            Allen Dulles is all I will reply to you with, Brad. Best regards Joe.

        • Babyl-on
          January 29, 2018 at 15:26

          As seems to be the consensus, Trump is a symptom not the disease, the disease with deep historical roots, began its current manifestation on August 6, 1945 when the great empire used the first of two nuclear weapons on cities full of innocent people without the military justification to do so.

          • Brad Owen
            January 30, 2018 at 13:14

            April 12th, 1945, is when this new corporate fascist era was born…literally within hours of the death of Roosevelt. The Allen Dulles and others of his ilk in our intel community (IC), had been negotiating with the IC of NAZI Germany, planning escape for them, and future alliance with them, to bring forth universal fascism (NWO). The next day saw the beginning of the purge of our IC of all agents loyal to FDR’s vision for the post-war World (AKA “New Silk Road” these days, since China championed the vision, which FDR was going to pursue, along with the Republic of China, and the union of socialist Republics, AKA Soviet Union, to fulfill decolonization, dismantling of Empires, and sponsor global development for world peace). This act of betrayal of world humanity would have lead to our present nightmare even if the A-bombs weren’t dropped; also, their destructiveness looked no different from the wanton destruction of dozens of other cities by aerial bombardment…the only difference being it took just one plane and one bomb.

    • Gregory Herr
      January 27, 2018 at 23:34

      Joe– after being “bothered” by Ben-Meir’s article posted here I went to his website and twitter feed to more broadly assess his views. I give him credit for writing that the Israeli occupation involves “moral erosion” and “human rights violations” but find none of the outrage on these points that he seems to place at Trump’s door (partially deserved and partially contrived). I disagree with his contention that Iran is a threat and dislike his assertion of Trumpian “appeasement” of Russia. He seems to be a big critic of Republican policies (no problem here), but appears to be struck with partisan blindness when it comes to Obama.

      I can appreciate on some level what he proposes ought to be, but am wary that he blurs the lines of what ought to be with a fanciful “reality”.

      It bothers me that he “envisions” on one hand, an “America that protects its national security interests and achieves that not by dismissing the genuine national security concerns of other nations, but by working to reduce tensions and build mutual trust”, yet refers to Russia as a “staunch enemy” and Iran as a “threat”.

      It bothers me that he thinks America ought not to tolerate “human rights abuses by ruthless despots”, yet appears ignorant of the history of South and Central America, Iran, Indonesia, etc. and the role the U.S. played in propping up despotism. Ben-Meir refers to the Syrian “civil war” and without further exploration, I think I can safely surmise his thoughts on Assad and the Syrian situation. He talks about America fighting hunger and disease, especially in “conflict-ridden areas”, yet fails to note the source of conflicts nor the exacerbation of hunger and disease caused by sanctions. To me, he smacks of a measly-mouthed moralist who never gets to the heart of issues of morality, but rather serves the function of a mask.

      • Joe Tedesky
        January 27, 2018 at 23:52

        Okay Gregory, I like so many others want Trump out of there to, but removing him would only eliminate 1% of our governments multiple problem. We Americans need to look at our warring globalist filled government beyond one man, or woman, for if we want to fix what’s all so dreadfully wrong. America’s problems have been on the broiler for way to long, and to find an honest and straight shooting politician in our DC Swamp, is certainly a waste of time.

        I haven’t any real problem with Alon Ben-Meir, I mean he got Trump right, it’s just I think our problem in the U.S. stretches way beyond any one President. I wish it were just one person, fixing it would be all too easy.

        Finian Cunningham writes about Trump’s appearance this week at Davos, Switzerland. Read what Cunningham describes, as the capitalist spend there time comparing notes, and low and behold President Trump is truly one of them. Pay attention to what Cunningham has to say on the Iran nuclear agreement, it will break your heart.

        Take care Gregory. Joe

        • Gregory Herr
          January 28, 2018 at 18:08

          It is heartbreaking that Europe doesn’t have the spine of its own independent thought or conscience.

          Cunningham says it well:
          “All the media chatter this week about European leaders “standing up to Trump” as somehow them being the standard bearers of liberalism and progressive internationalism is such a load of hogwash. The rarefied debates about “globalism versus Trump nationalism” are nothing but idle indulgence of elite egos. The assembled elites at Davos are all central to a world dictated by capitalist super-exploitation and warmongering.”

          And yes, Europe shouldn’t acquiesce to “renegotiation” of the Iran deal, they should tell America that the sanctions against Russia are bogus and counterproductive, and they should have their own moral backbone and initiative when it comes to Yemen and Palestine. Cunningham is right on the mark.

          Ben-Meir is right that the world needs leadership…but it has to be the right kind of leadership–and we certainly aren’t getting that from either America or Europe. Thanks for another thoughtful read Joe.

      • Theo
        January 28, 2018 at 07:05

        Thanks Gregory! I fully agree.

      • Joe Tedesky
        January 28, 2018 at 11:12

        Gregory, while my comment (with a link) goes through moderation, I will comment you on your assessment of Ben-Meir, but regardless of the writers political leanings, or any author’s political leanings what so ever, to relegate all the world’s misery onto Trump without mentioning the U.S. warring for all these years under whoever’s ass is sitting in the Oval Office, is blaming it on the obvious without peeking behind the curtain to finding the real cause of all this destruction.

        And oh boy, behind the curtain is where all the crimes of empire have been committed, long before we Americans even ever heard the name ‘Trump’. Let’s put it this way Trump was in a crib when Harry Truman formed the CIA, and started the first Cold War. In short, Ben-Meir could have written of how America became a warring nation ever since it’s time of conception, and now we have a suitable face to reign over this indispensable empire. Now, come to think of it, for the sake of saving computer space and keeping words time efficient, then why not just blame everything on one guy and call it a day. It’s easier that way. Joe

        • Gregory Herr
          January 28, 2018 at 12:27

          Thankful for the thoughts of people like you Joe who take the road less traveled. It’s definitely not easy or “popular” to express “uncomfortable” truths and take a stand for justice. Tear down that curtain.

      • Seamus Padraig
        January 28, 2018 at 13:55

        To make a long story short, he’s a loyal DNC man. Probably voted for Hellary.

    • Lois Gagnon
      January 28, 2018 at 12:01

      Exactly. It’s not so much Trump’s policies the power trippers hate, it’s the crass optics that make them cringe. Obama was the perfect emperor in that he sold empire with a friendly smile while doing all the damage expected in support of the capitalist class.

      This article comes off as too naive to be taken seriously and certainly not helpful in convincing the US public of the need to look beyond traditional party politics for the solutions we need to end US/NATO imperialism.

      • Joe Tedesky
        January 28, 2018 at 13:39

        If you read my comments Lois, you will read how exactly I feel. Your comment registers well to siding with my opinion. Thanks for the supportive comment. Joe

  32. Free Truth
    January 27, 2018 at 21:23

    The US is nothing but Israel’s biggest and most powerful vassal state. Has been for a long time at least since JFK took a bullet for refusing to bow down to the Chosen Racists.

  33. Gregory Herr
    January 27, 2018 at 20:47

    “On the issue of North Korea’s nuclear weapons and anti-ballistic missiles, instead of engaging Pyongyang in quiet diplomacy to resolve the conflict, he resorted to bellicose rhetoric and threats that only heightened tensions and brought the U.S. and North Korea ever closer to the unthinkable prospect of nuclear war.” –Well at least there is something in this piece that doesn’t involve excessive hand-wringing.

    Moral global leadership? Beacon of freedom and democracy? The role of our “free press”?
    And this really takes the cake:
    “Trump seems to be totally oblivious to the reality that without American global leadership, which spans over seven decades, the world will be even more chaotic than today. Trump has no end-strategy for Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, nor the focus or interest in stemming the widespread, destabilizing violent conflicts and human rights abuses around the world.” –From whence did the orchestration of destabilizing violent conflicts (chaos) in the Middle East and Africa with disregard for human rights come?

    What is your “end-strategy” Ben-Meir?

    • January 27, 2018 at 22:29

      Thank you for pointing that out. When I read it, I had to sort of laugh to myself. Hmmm, this is not my Weltanchauung of life on earth as propounded by this author, wrt the USA’s massive and long-lived worldwide Crimes Against Humanity. Honestly, the author thinks the planet will be WORSE OFF without the USA’s “leadership”! Must be a Trump supporter in my view.

  34. Rael Nidess, M.D.
    January 27, 2018 at 20:15

    While Ben-Meir correctly inventories Trump’s multiple failures as President, his decrying ‘The Dangerous Erosion of U.S. Leadership’ seems misplaced since ‘U.S. Leadership’ has led the world into a literal ‘world of hurt’ with no hope of better on the horizon of America’s profoundly dysfunctional politics. The world will be a whole lot better place if ‘U.S. Leadership’ is consigned to history and a more democratic, less imperialistic, less Israel-centric, anti-Capitalist ethos motives U.S. foreign policy. Sadly, such is not vaguely in the offing; even from the faux-socialist (read: ‘left of center) Bernie Sanders. As for the so-called ‘#Revolution’ a means of re-establishing the Democratic Party whose misleadership helped create Trump. The world will be a much better place following the erosion of so-called ‘U.S. leadership’.

    • Chris Chuba
      January 27, 2018 at 23:13

      Correct. Trump is the logical extension of ‘U.S. leadership’ as he represents unilateralism taken to its logical conclusion.

      ‘Iran deal, eh, I don’t like it. Fix it or it’s gone’. Tearing up an agreement and taking a my way or the highway approach is leadership, BAD leadership but leadership none-the-less. If the U.S. did less leading and had more respect for basic principles of national sovereignty and international law (not the liberal ‘rules based order’ that Mattis and the Neocons blather about) the world would be a much better place.

    • Seamus Padraig
      January 28, 2018 at 13:46

      Well, judging by the name, the author must be Israeli, so no wonder he laments the apparent lack of ‘leadership’ coming from Washington nowadays. With Trump in the WH, it’ll make it that much harder to assemble any more ‘coalitions of the willing’ to stomp all over middle eastern countries standing in the way of Greater Israel. But ya gotta love the author’s oh-so-smooth concern trolling!

    • rgl
      January 30, 2018 at 11:42

      Good post. Thanks for saving me keyboarding.

    • Paul G.
      January 30, 2018 at 22:56

      Agreed: Considering the catastrophic effects of “American leadership”; the world will be a much better place with said leadership eroded to oblivion.
      One thing I noticed is that there is always a very brief bio of the author after each article in Consortium-not in this case. Who or what is Alon Ben-Meir?

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