As many readers know, Editor Robert Parry recently suffered a stroke, as he described in this article posted New Year’s Eve. With some ongoing related health issues Robert is currently hospitalized working on recovery.
It is difficult to say when might be up and running with regular publishing again but we wanted to inform readers – as well as contributors – of the situation and ask for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.
Robert greatly appreciates all the support from readers over the years, knowing that without you, this valuable forum for independent journalism would not be possible. All of us involved in this project over the years – as readers, writers, or donors – greatly value this website and we can assure you that every effort will be made to continue providing a home for independent journalism.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and support.
– Nat Parry, former Associate Editor of and co-author of Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush
Utterly dismayed to read this news. Consortium News has been my balancing rod against the MSM over the past decade. Articles always heavily laced with links that allowed you to personally validate or query the claims being made. I have learnt so much while being given different perspectives on events and individuals because of this site. I hope the integrity of Consortium News continues forward but feel a key part of the driving force has been removed with his passing. There are so few of these old school journalists still with us amongst the miasma of lazy news (mis)information on the Net it is hard to get a balanced picture of what is really going on. Consortium News is one of the few to be relied on.
Dear Nat,
I am twenty years older than your good father – hence the informality. I trust you do not mind.
I remember corresponding with your father about an essay I wrote on the MH17 (Malaysian airways).
I, of course, was an avid reader of Robert Parry’s work – professional, documented, serious, highly informative.
And I will miss him.
May I tender my heartfelt condolence to you and family.
With great respect.
Prof. V. G. Venturini, 20 Patons Road, HAZELWOOD NORTH 3840, Australia
I just re-read Robert’s December 1 article, “The Scalp-Taking of General Flynn” and it reminded me once again why I support this site and Robert’s writing in particular. I very much appreciate his effort at realism and fairness, as opposed to spouting knee-jerk arguments based on ideology. Republicans have in the past been just as absurd in their attacks (if not more) as Democratic operatives today. Through many years Robert Parry has been a voice of reason. Robert, your readers hope you will continue to speak for many more years.
I was so sorry to learn of Robert’s stroke. I can’t express how much his sane voice is missed in these increasingly turbulent times. I find I am falling into depression lately because there seems to be no guiding editor who is keeping an eye on where we are going. We have good writers, and many who are trying, but Robert’s Consortium had a cohesive goal that he kept on track, and I find I miss that a great deal.
I’m happy that you, Nat, (or someone) is continuing to contact writers and news people to keep us going. Some of these writers (like Doctorow, or McGovern, or other VIPS members) are not to be found at other liberal or progressive web sites like Common Dreams, Truthout, or Intercept, so I hope you will continue to search out these people for their much needed views and insights.
Meanwhile, all my prayers and best wishes go to Robert and to his recovery!!
p.s. I have had this question in the back of my mind for some time. It was revived recently with a recent reference to Seymore Hersh. I’ve wondered, why, if he can’t get published in papers in the US, Consortium can’t publish his articles? Are they just too expensive, or what?
Thank you for the update on your father and on your valuable website.
Please tell him that I wish for his steady and successful recovery from the stroke.
He is needed. His work is needed, and I hope that some way is found to maintain the work of the site, even
in what must be trying times for the family, since these are trying times for all people of good will and intelligence.
Robert should consider this for perspective, and hope, for I had a stoke in 1993, 25 years ago, and I’ve recovered nearly completely, enough that no one would know without good measures. Anything I can do, he can do better.
Please recover!
Dear Robert,
We’re rootin’ for ya!
Best, and get well soon,
Sincere hope for a full and speedy recovery for one of the best, most ethical journalists over the past > 3 decades
My prayers are with you Robert! Please stay strong and believe in miracles. God bless!
I’m so sorry to hear the recent hardships in way of health that Robert is experiencing right now. I’ve been a ferocious reader of this site and it’s content since discovering it and have been grateful for the thorough and deeply informing articles.
I found this by way of my interest in Gary Webb.
Thank you so much for all your contributions Robert. I wish you well and a speedy recovery!
My thoughts and prayers are with you Robert. Thank you for brightening many of my days during this dark times that our beloved country is going through.
Nat, I missed the announcement of the stroke. I’ve emailed him directly for years and applaud his excellent work over the decades. I sincerely hope he has as a good a recovery as possible. Diet matters.
Please post updates on the site, maybe a new column heading?
You have always been my go-to-guy for clarity on all issues.
Come back strong Robert!
Ray Blessin
Kamloops, BC
I wish you a full and speedy recovery Mr. Parry. Your needed back on the front lines of journalism.
Get well soon, Robert Parry! Hope you return to us soon.
Someone once said that, “It’s too late to go home early”; and I suspect that this may often apply to you Robert.
Get well, and know you are loved and respected.
As Usual,
Get well soon Robert, we need your work to continue at this time.
Get well soon! The world needs fearless people like you!
Robert Parry, your journalism and that of your contributors are irreplaceable. I wish you a quick and complete recovery.
I wish you a speedy recovery, Mr. Parry. We need you – healthy!
Plavix will kill him. Get him off the blood thinners!
Robt, you are a national treasure. It is so hard to find someone, like you, that has been invested in the truth first and foremost. Praying for a speedy recovery.
Very sad to hear that. I really hope Robert gets his health back.
We pray for a speedy recovery for this brave man
good luck with your stroke recovery.
Thanks for the update Nat.
I join the many many others wishing and praying (whether or not religious!) for your dad’s recovery!
I hope he can return and lead Consortiumnews to many more years of reliable independent journalism.
– Rick Sterling (contributor)
Please let Robert know just how much many of us are thinking of him,
hoping that he may be one of those who is able to emerge from a stroke
and do very well, given the right level of patience, and medical care. The readership
of ConsortiumNews, of which I have been an avid part for some years, ALSO will
have to be very patient.
ConsortiumNews remains one of THE finest sources of independent, objective
reporting that is available anywhere. It is a treasure.
Don, from Boston
What better way to honor Robert than for all of us to make a donation now. Let’s all dig deep.
Robert, fervently hoping for a full and speedy recovery!
So sorry to hear this news. Wishing Mr. Parry and family (and all of us) a speedy and full recovery.
Mr. Parry, I do hope that you will fully recover soon.
Best wishes from Germany
I am missing terribly this man who I have never met. Godspeed Mr. Parry.
Best wishes good Sir!
?icely like Mommy sai?, after we lv? each other and lov? the world t?at Jesus diied for, that?s a form of wo?shi?.
When we take into consideration God and listen to thhe sermon or in Sunday
College, that?s a wa? of worshipping as a result of were learning how nice Go? is and
He likes that. Or aft?? we sit r?und and inform each ot?e? ?hat the
best things abo?t God a?e. You kknow how much you
like hearing folks say ?ow good or cute you boys are?
Nicely God ?iikes when we speak together about how nice he is.?
Daddy answered.
If there is some way those of us with a background in copy editing and journalism could help, please let us know. I rely on Consortium News for insightful analyses. Want to keep it running OK while Robert Parry is recuperating.
I wish you well Mr Parry!!! We really hope that you will be getting back on your feet quickly!!! Get well
I am so sorry you are going through this Robert. Take your time and get back to health. You are much loved and appreciated.
They got to him, he was healthy with no problems of alcohol or smoking, not even overweight for his age.
CIA terrorism:
Dear Mr. Parry,
i am living in Germany and I am reading quiet regularly your blog. Through the whole day, also as a citizen of Germany, I get ‘covered’ with stories and news that lack often the human sense and the fundamental logic. So the stories does not match the experienced reality, what leave you with no good feeling. Then comes your blog and similars, that gives the necessary balance and a better sounding explanation. I would not like to miss your source of peace.
Which you a good and fast recovering!
get better soon.
Best wishes to you in your recovery, Robert. I, and many others, are looking forward to hearing from you again soon here on consortium news
Best wishes for a speedy and full recovery to Robert Parry, from Colby friends back here in Maine –
we need your voice, and your intelligence, in these shithole times –
take good care, and be well
My warmest wishes for a full recovery. Until Consortium is up and running with full publishing I hope readers will post links from other worthwhile publications in the comments section for all of us to enjoy. I can think of no better way to honor Mr. Parry than to continue to visit this website as much as possible.
All my love, support and prayers.
–Tony Papert
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Robert. We love what you do and hope to see you back soon.
Bob, get well soon, we all prey for your speedy recovery. You are one of the most insightful minds in America.
I am so sorry to hear about Mr. Parry’s recent stroke. Please add me to the list of those wishing him a speedy and complete recovery.
Wishing you for fast recovery.
Dear Robert,
I echo all the heartfelt appreciation and wishes for your recovery expressed here! I am another for whom you have been at the top of my list of trusted reporters!
Wishing Robert a speedy recovery. This planet needs more people like him.
im so saddened, im praying for robert’s recovery and good health. he’s such an incredible and remarkable person,man and investigative journalist who cares and sacrifices his time for the good of others, can’t ask for more than that. i thoroughly enjoy all that robert and this websight puts out. i have 2 of roberts books. stay strong in the struggle
Praying for your recovery.
I really miss the best website on the net. Truthful and unbiased Saying a prayer for you! Hope you feel good soon. We miss you and the world needs you.
As a member of that small club of honest journalists it is absolutely necessary for Bob to recover quickly and get back to work. (But don’t overdo it; it might be bad for your health.)
We miss you and and your voice Robert. You are one of the few who can see through the bullshit peddled by the evil forces in the world. Get well soon.
Dear Robert,
I became aware of you and your work when watching Oliver Stone’s film Ukraine.
Being a German frequent traveller to Russia, living in Berlin ( about the same age as you ) I very much appreciate your independent view on the relations between Russia and the West.
You are doing a great job making facts and background information available to all those who get constantly brainwashed by the leading media.
I hope you recover soon and will be able continuing telling the trouth.
Wishing you All the Best !
Best regards
Bernd Liebrecht
Thanks so much for the update, Nat. I value this website very highly as a reflection of your father’s high standards for journalistic fairness, independence, and integrity and am proud to be a monthly donor. My very best to the Parry family. I hope Mr. Parry will enjoy continued recovery and the satisfactions of a very worthwhile and accomplished life.
Dear Robert,
I’m wishing you a fast return to good health but hoping that you will take all the time you need to completely recover. We shall miss you in your absence as you are the “go-to site” for what is truthful and unbiased in today’s world.
I have followed you since your “Iran/Contra days. You are the best!
I will be praying for you and your family during this time of recovery.
Terrie Gates
Rest, Mr. Parry, and you will weather this winter storm. Have faith that your body just needs time to heal. The following song embodies the hope you must never let go of. Get well soon.
You are deeply missed Robert. Hope you return soon. Warmest regards.
sending love and healing energy Robert. You are one of the scant few to ferret out the truth and present it in a way the makes complete sense (way above and apart from the confusion of what’s going on in the world and how it’s reported by other “news” outlets). I cannot express how appreciative I am of what you do. It’s my hope and intention that you return to full health and continue doing what is so appreciated by so many. The body is magically regenerative if you give it what it needs– may you do just that and I and all of your readers will eagerly await your return.
Dear Robert,
Speedy recovery…you are sorely Missed!
One of you many fans…..
Neil Bryson
Praying for your speedy and full recovery, Mr. Parry.
You are the best. I just watched “Ukraine on Fire.” Get well soon buddy! “October Surprise” was wonderful journalism!
Bob’s relentless attention to detail applied to his wellness makes his full recovery a safe and necessary bet.
Just want you to know that I’m pulling for your full recovery. So many of us have been inspired by your passionate commitment to the truth and democratic values and we wish you the very best.
Dear Robert,
Best wishes from Paris for a speedy recovery. Expecting your visit in France.
Daniel Guyot
Prayers sent!!
Thank you for the update, Nat. Like everyone here, I wish Robert a quick and complete recovery. As a recent devotee of Consortium News, Mr. Parry has shown himself to be a beam of light in a darkening world and I visit regularly for a glint of sanity.
In a comment toward the top of the thread, PEG offers a great list of other sources for truth while Mr. Parry recovers his strength. The Jimmy Dore Show has been a revelation to me and a place I turn to daily for news and information. Unlike many of his Young Turk colleagues, his respect for this Russia scare is nil.
Let me add a couple of other places to turn, all of which are on YouTube:
• Economic Update/Democracy @ Work with Dr. Richard Wolff
• Redacted Tonight with Lee Camp
• The Real News Network
• The Humanist Report with Mike Figueredo
Again, best wishes to a full and speedy recovery, Mr. Parry– we are all pulling for you!
We wish Robert Parry a complete and, if possible, rapid recovery and many, many future years of productive and penetrating journalism – and personal happiness. He is a valuable resource for the world. Bless you, Robert Parry!
Dear Nat considering what the Parry family is dealing with I would like to thank you for the update, and wish your Dad and all the family the best as you all move through this experience.
The first thing, as you know Nat, is to take care of yourself’s during these times. I don’t have to tell you Nat how the most important matter is your Father’s health, and your family’s well being. The news will continue to be there, but taking care of what has appeared at your family’s doorstep is of the most importance.
I would suggest my fellow readers check out Robert Parry’s archived material, while Robert recoups.
I’m leaving a link to Oliver Stone’s ‘Ukraine on Fire’ for all to enjoy. Nat as you know your father plays a big part in Mr Stone’s film.
All the best to Robert, praying for your speedy recovery.
The prayers of our family is for you and a quick recovery, Mr. Parry.. What you are and what you stand for are so important to me personally, but to the many others who look forward each day to CN, and to everyone who appreciates the search for and the revelation of the truth.. Get well and get back to work. Doctor’s orders.
Dear Robert,
You and your work are far too crucially valuable to be sidelined. Please get back as soon as it is medically advisable.
Thanks, as always, Robert, for your integrity, commitment and outstanding reporting. Best wishes for your complete and rapid recovery.
Joe Miller
i want to extend my best wishes for a quick and full recovery to Robert Parry. I would also like to thank him for his outstanding work as a journalist. i tell every one I know to check out Consortium News.
All the best on a speedy recovery! We really need you, more than ever. So let us know how we can help!
So sorry and discouraged to hear of Robert’s condition. Wishing him all the best for a good recovery, and hope he can get back to telling us the truth on a regular basis. We do need his voice!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Your Dad has made a major contribution to our understanding of events now I hope he will take care of himself and regain his strength.
Robert, I join with the others in wishing both a speedy and healthy recovery.
I am sure you’ve been up with our Presidents
‘health exam ‘so here’s one for you and Nat :
The good doctor reported(among many ) that Sir Trump stands at 6’3″ , amusing when one only has to view the photo of both Trump and Barack Obama standing side by side at his inauguration and lo and behold, both stand tall around 6’
Oh my , what other mysteries await
I bid you peace and health for you and family
Get well soon Robert parry. You are a legendary reporter and the best of the best. Proof of Censorship Hypocrisy Under the Guise of Stopping Terrorism: Social Media and Government Combine on New Censorship Measures to Control Narratives That Don’t Align With Government ‘Official’ Narratives
And Alan Hart ~ another of our comrades died last week. I sure hope Mr. Parry gets well but alas he needs a fully physically able person to handle the virulence of Israhell.
Get well soon, Robert. We deeply appreciate you work. Nat, please let me know if I can be of any assistance until Robert returns.
Thank you so much for your diligent investigative reporting and search for the truth. Your clear thinking, courage, and analysis has meant so much to me over the years in these very dark times. Although I have never met you, I will always consider you a friend. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Linda Simington
Get well soon, Robert Parry!! We count on you!!
Take your time Bob and may you have a safe and speedy recovery. I will offer you and your family my support and prayers. Peace brother.
Have a safe recovery Bob and take your time. I am offering my support and prayers for you and your family. Peace brother, Get well soon.
Thanks to your commitment to reason and truth, I feel hopeful that, despite the black hole the US of A seems to be getting sucked into, CN will find a way to continue.
Best Wishes,
Robert, get well soon. We need you. — John Gehan
Robert Parry’s heroic work is of historic importance. Please get well soon – we need you!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery Robert. I miss your honest reporting and insightful analysis.
My thoughts are with Bob and his family, hoping for a speedy recovery.
thanks for all the fantastic journalism
get well soon
going to pray for your eyes, Robert…get well soon…we miss you
Get better, please. We need you.
Hope you get well soon Mr. Parry. You are very much missed. :-(
I hope Robert will recover fully and soon but make no mistake he is a victim of vicious and brutal class war which results in increased death toll among those in forties and fifties even starts among millennials as proven by statistics over last decades.
Time to stop pretending, stop ignoring shells and bullets flying by our ears and begin eradicating oligarchic filth that scorches the earth not for any ideological reason by in self defense.
Save our Souls and bodies before is too late or prepare for more victims if class warriors like Parry, warriors for peace because it is truth that destroys war and enables true social peace.
Get well soon, Mr. Parry. Consortiumnews over the years has opened my eyes to stories and events that would otherwise never get reported on the corrupted corporate mainstream media. I wish you a speedy recovery and I look forward to more articles from you in no time. Cheers!
All the best Robert.
Hang in there Robert!!
We need you Robert . . . Get well . . . and I hope you get well soon.
Dear Robert,
Please take all the time you need to rehabilitate. Though I eagerly look forward to reading your posts on a regular basis, you health is of utmost importance now; I’ll be patient! Get some much needed and deserved rest. I mentioned you often to my journalism students at Temple University-Japan. I hold you up to them as one of the true, honest and courageous journalists in America today. I thank you for your hard work and sacrifices.
Robert Jefferson,
Journalism Professor,
Temple University-Japan
The information communicated by this site has always been important. As the years went on, however, I came to appreciate more and more not just what Mr Parry said, but how he said it. His pieces, always based on facts, maintained a level of decorum and dare I say sanity increasingly lacking elsewhere. He has been an excellent example of how to conduct discourse.
Get well soon, please.
Thank you for update and best wishes for speedy recovery.
Please Robert – rest and be well. We’re all sending well wishes your way! :)
I have been reading Consortiumnews for years. It has been the most important source of honest and insightful information for me.
Wish you well, Mr. Robert Parry. Please get well.
please wish robert a speedy and painless recovery , for me, and thank him for all he has done and hopefully will continue doing as soon as he is able.
Oh, I hadn’t heard! Do keep us informed and give Robert my best wishes!
I missed the original notice of Robert Parry’s stroke. I am very sorry this happened and I hope for the best for him and for consortiumnews. Take care.
Bob Locke
I’m a great admirer of Robert Parry and appreciate all he has done to help us become an informed electorate. I wish him the very best. I hope his recovery is full and complete.
Your courage, honesty and tireless conviction in pursuit of the truth are what journalism and the fourth estate should be all about in a democracy. I add my voice to all those who have thanked you and called you and this site invaluable, and can only hope to be reading you for many more years to come. My most heartfelt wishes to you for a speedy and total recovery, Mr. Parry.
I wish you full recovery, Robert.
Best wishes for a full recovery, Mr. Parry! You have been a reliable voice for truth at a time when powerful forces are doing everything they can to suppress the truth. It would be a great loss if your voice and those of the other contributors and commenters at ConsortiumNews were to disappear, but your recovery is the top priority. Thanks for the update, and thanks to those who are helping to maintain ConsortiumNews and the wonderful comments section.
I do not usually post, but this warrants an exception. I have been following CN for years now, and I have all of the Parry books.The enlightenment, education, and nurturing my open mind and critical thinking skills that CN has provided are without parallel, and are priceless. Consortium News also attracts and brings together a gathering of great minds and thinkers, and it is Mr. Parry’s talent that brings us together, and for that I am forever grateful. Best of health to you, Mr. Parry, and I am sure that I speak for everybody here when I say that we will all be looking forward to your next article. A speedy recovery, Sir.
From a fellow stroke patient,I’ve been been paying attention.Go Robert.It take years of recovery,I’ll will attest.
Years ago my brother had a severe stroke. He couldn’t even swallow. He made a remarkable recovery after 6 months of rehab. I hope your experience is much less severe, but as is as successful in recovery. Thank you for your work, Mr. Parry.
As sad as this may be, a slow and sure recovery is better than a relapse.
My best wishes for Mr. Parry. We will be patient!
Get well soon Mr. Parry, please! For all concerned. This is the most reliable source of news and opinion I have found.
May he fully recover soon. Better and stronger. We need Robert Parry.
Consortium News continues to be one of my primary on line news sources (along with the Intercept & Global Research) and I share other commenters sentiments and hope that Robert recovers soon. I miss his insightful reporting on Russiagate group think and hope to see others join Ray McGovern in challenging the chorus on Consortium News and elsewhere.
Best wishes for your recovery. Take care – your health is even more important than your work.
Get well soon Robert. Since discovering Consortium News a couple of years ago I have really appreciated the quality of the journalism.
Best wishes
Great Britain
Continuing to send you my best wishes for a speedy recovery. Apart from the support of your family and friends, there are many of us out here who greatly value your contribution to journalism, wishing you good health and a speedy recovery
I have respected you immensely going back to the 1980s, when you rejected the gilded MSM path to follow your conscience into work that led to Consortium News, an online breath of journalistic fresh air. Hang in there buddy.
Dear Robert,
To cheer you up, I’ll quote a Russian proverb:
“When money speaks, the truth remains silent.”
Thank you, Robert, for not remaining silent! If you are not able to write new material for a while, we can always go to the CN archives and find great reading and even new discoveries there, or read any of your books.
As one can see from the comments, you have friends and followers on every continent.
I’m one of them, a Finn residing in Sweden, checking your website every day.
Indeed, Lisa. The comments are a testament to the upmost esteem that Mr. Parry commands.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. I have been ann ardent supporter after meeting you many years ago in Los Angeles. You have helped keep the world a little bit sane.
Best wishes for a complete recovery, Mr Parry. While we have not always agreed on every issue I hold you in the highest regard as a singularly honest journalist. Be well soon !!!!
Stay positive and know that there are hundreds of thousands worldwide in your corner! Lawrence
Continued best wishes to Robert Parry. Feel better soon!
Best wishes from Swaziland to a great commentator.
Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery, Mr. Parry. Your honest pursuit of the truth should stand as an example to all journalists. You, more than any journalist I can think of, embody the power of ethos to persuade. America’s Stolen Narrative has changed my perspective in many ways, but I wouldn’t have been open to your argument were it not for your honesty. Imagine trusting a journalist! Thank you for your contribution to your profession and to your readers.
Thank you for this update. We are all hoping for a speedy and full recovery. The world needs him now more than ever.
Thanks to Robert Parry, Consortium News has become a “go-to” for so many of us concerned about US aggression. Best wishes to Mr. Parry for a speedy and complete recovery.
Hey Robert. Greetings from the great white north. I just want to say that you have performed an awesome service and are a voice of sanity calling out from the wilderness. You are appreciated and I do wish for your recovery. However I do not believe it is fair to pressure you by saying that we need you. I see your work and I know I can do more and would feel guilty asking you to push yourself any harder than you already do. You need to take care of yourself and know that you have indeed provided us all with inspiration and an example to follow. You have our gratitude for conscientious work well done. If we are blessed to have you back again and healthy at some future date, so much the better, but do not rush your convalescence on our account. Many thanks again for spreading some light.
Second this.
Wishing you a full recovery. Take care of yourself. Many of us are ready to help.
May you experience a rapid recovery, Mr Parry. You are indeed sorely missed by all the community that wants real facts. I wish you well!!
Consortiumnews stands at the top of the list of independent sources I rely on to find out what is really going on in the world, versus the myths and propaganda perpetrated by the state and corporate owned media organisations.
Robert writes with such clarity on issues that are often complex and deliberately clouded by political machinations. In a world where our political, government and journalistic organisations seem to be in the grip of dark forces, his integrity stands out and give us hope.
My best wishes to him for a speedy and full recovery.
Bless Robert and thank you for your work
All good wishes from the UK for a speedy recovery, Robert.
best wishes for Robert Parry to recover fully soon…..
Best wishes for a prompt recovery. The sane voices are so rare…
Dear Mr. Perry:
Whenever there’s a political development of consequence, I steep myself in the mainstream news (what I’ve come to think of as “the cover story”), then make sure to visit Consortium News to find out what’s really going on. Your reporting is vital for those of us who want to separate fact from “fake news.” Best wishes for a speedy recovery that will enable you to continue your very important work.
My thoughts and prayers are with Robert and his family during this time.
May you rest and recover.
Your work, and the hope that it brings is beyond the scope of a comment.
I am so grateful to have stumbled upon one of the last bastions of investigative journalism.
May your work, your site and others like it continue to shine a light in the midst of these dark deluded days of mainstream media mind control.
Health and wellness and thank you for your service.
Wishing you a speedy recovery, Robert.
We need you and Consortium News so please
get well soon.
Cathy Sultan
Get well soon #truthteller
All the best to Robert Parry. Get well so.
Thank you so much for this update. if you need distance volunteer labor, there’s plenty out here.
My thoughts are with Robert and all of his family.
A sincere appreciation for everything you are doing to keep the public informed.
Mark Hamilton
My best wishes to Robert for a full & quick recovery. His readers know how badly we need his voice, clarity & tremendous integrity in these phenomenally f-ed up times. We’re in a huge mess right now — and it’s not too much to say that this largely stems from the very journalistic corruptions that Robert has been courageously bringing to our attention for decades.
Best wishes Robert. I’ve been reading your work for a long time and you have always been at the very top of investigative journalists. Take the time you need to recover and take care of yourself.
Imagine reporting on Russia and Ukraine without Robert Parry. I wish him a speedy recovery, but a slow recovery is fine too – whatever it takes to have him back.
Get well soon
Take time to heal yourself Mr. Parry and thank you for the honest work in Oliver Stones Ukraine on Fire – The Crimean people all know who you are – if I say Robert Parry in Crimea – they know who I am talking about – Spasibo Bolshoi Robert and associates.
Thank you for the update. We are all pulling for a complete recovery for Bob Perry. He is a national treasure.
Get well soon Robert!
Thanks for this reassurance that Robert Parry is being treated in hospital; he has my best wishes for a full recovery in good time. This is a tragic loss for all thoughtful persons. Probably many will contribute if a collection is taken. Thank you Nat Parry for your assistance. I hope that arrangements can be made before long to resume this great work.
Wishing Robert Parry a full and speedy recovery.
Michael Holmes
Most sincere well wishes, Robert. I hope you experience a speedy and full recovery.
Get well, soon, Robert. We are pulling for you and wish we could bring some chicken soup.
Along with a bottle of Ester-C (with bioflavenoids) vitamin C.
It helps in all healing of damaged tissue.
Also, zinc.
No matter what the doctors say!
Yes, I believe that vitamin C with l-lysine promoted by dr gifford jones, based on Linus Pauling’s work, also assists in recovery and strengthening. Also, Dr Doidge’s book on brain plastisity. Bonne sante.
Best wishes for your recovery, Robert Parry. And don’t worry about us–we’ll be here waiting for you when you come back. I doubt that you can even imagine how deeply admired and appreciated you are.
Sincere good wishes, and so much gratitude for all of your outstanding reporting. You are one of the true heroes of our time.
Wishing Robert Parry a speedy recovery & hopefully soon back on Consortium News. His voice has given Americans & foreigners a voice of truth we can rely on in this world taken over by lies & Fake reporting!
Dear Robert,
You are so very important to us, the tiny world of excellent journalism needs you! Please get well soon!
Sending you lots of love,
Wishing you a rapid recovery — and no worries. We can be patient. All the best!
Since discovering Consortiumnews in 2014, I have begun every day by checking the site for the latest articles. As a man in my mid-twenties, the fearless independent journalism and respect for your readers’ intellect has given me hope during dark, overwhelming times while also driving me to discover more about the world around me and the people in it.
I wish Robert a speedy recovery and my best goes to his family during what is surely a very difficult time. Despite the constant rumblings of the world around us, all it takes is a scare like Robert’s to realize what our priorities really are.
Goodness knows, when Robert’s health returns, there will be a coalition of willing and eager readers like myself prepared to enjoy Consortiumnews again.
Warm Regards,
Conor Kingston
Tucson, Arizona
Bob, you will get this sorted as we say here in New Zealand. Hang in there mate. We need you more than ever. Cheers from down under. Get well soon.
Very sorry. Hope that he will recover soon. Then ask him to use very simple yoga massage for the sculp.
Best wishes for all of you
Get all the rest you need, Bob. We’ll be here when you decide to saddle up again. And thanks, Nat.
My best wishes for a full and speedy recovery, Mr. Parry. You have been the embodiment of all the great journalistic efforts I was weaned on reading I F Stone’s Weekly. You have been the successor. Please try to be in good cheer.
Bob, sending you all the best for a complete recovery, whatever it takes. We will muddle through till you are able to be back on the scene. Your good health and full recovery are far more important than whatever else happens out there in this crazy world.
Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery, Mr. Parry!
Sorry to hear you have had a stroke Robert and wishing you a full recovery.
Brendan O’Brien
I was just this morning wishing that you’d publish an update on Robert’s condition… thank you! I can only express my ongoing deep concern for his well-being and heartfelt wishes for his rapid recovery and return to the pages of ConsortiumNews… one of America’s few truly honest news & opinion sources.
Get well soon, God speed.
Hello Robert Parry,
Spring Forest QIGong might help you. Master Chunyi Lin has produced miracles and he might be able to help. Take it easy, don’t stress yourself and follow doctor’s orders. Gretel Munroe (ret) RD, MS (Nutrition), MSH (Demography and Human Ecology) MA Regional Studies, Middle East
Please don’t worry about us just yourself!! WQe will be here when you return!! Your Site is one of the finest Publications in our country.
Take care of yourself and get well soon; spread the load around and don’t work so hard. Get away from DC and all its rot for awhile, when you can. How about a Caribbean vacation.
So sorry to hear about the health problems! All the best to Mr. Parry for a speedy recovery and a healthy life! His work has been invaluable in these troubled times.
I am so sorry to read this about Bob. I did not know. For many years the journalistic excellence of Consortium News has remained a significant , respected and honored source of news in our family.
We send our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to Bob for his speedy recovery.
Best wishes, Mr Parry, for a speedy and complete recovery. You and Consortiumnews are needed !…
Thank you, Nat. The very best to you both in this stressful time.
Well said Peter.
Thank you very much for the update. Robert Parry has been in my thoughts ever since I read his New Year’s Eve article. We need him now more than ever!! I’m another grateful reader sending healing thoughts and prayers for a full recovery!
Please get better soon, Robert Parry! The world needs you now more than ever!
My best wishes for a speedy recovery. You are one of the very few journalists who I trust. Thank You for everything you’ve done in the past and get well so you can continue your invaluable and inspiring work.
Bob. Just want you to know that I’m thinking of you and wishing for a speedy recovery. All the best. Mel Goodman
May you recover soon! I miss your articles.
Stig Söderlind,
So sorry to hear Mr. Parry is having to deal with health issues. Please extend our very best wishes. He is a National Treasure and it is good to know that his sons are carrying on. Strength and Honor, my brothers. You are champions of Truth and Justice and you will always be appreciated here.
—-PeterLoeb, kBoston, MA, USA
Thank you for the update. Each day as I search my e-mails, I look for Consortium News and wonder how Robert Parry is doing, along with a wish that he’s doing well, along with a worry about the skullduggery that is surely afoot that no one but he will notice or report. Do keep us informed, and give him my best wishes. Anne Kass
My thoughts and prayers go out to Robert and his family for a restful recovery.
His work and the hope that it brings is beyond the scope of a comment.
I am so grateful to have stumbled upon this website and hope and wish and pray this this and more like it can continue to shine a light in the dark deluded world of confusion and mainstream media deceit.
Thank your service.
All the best, Mr Parry, get well soon! Many sincere regards from a greateful reader in Switzerland.
Please get better soon! You and Consortium News mean the world to me. Now more than ever.
Sending healing thoughts your way for a full recovery. We need you!
I find it beyond tragic that Mr. Parry suffered his recent health ailments. Mr. Parry was always a godsend, illuminating areas that were otherwise concealed or filled with obfuscation.
I can’t count the times over the last few years that I’d eagerly anticipate his well written and always insightful pieces on the most recent hot topic of the day. Mr. Parry would never disappoint, consistently doling out facts and analyses that were unequaled.
What’s awful is that it was basically the establishment Russophobia that got to Mr. Parry. Here we have a valiant professional journalist (one of the best in the world, bar none) doing his due diligence only to succumb to a stroke likely because of all the stress in unearthing the skulduggery behind Russiagate and the most responsible people in the room totally ignoring or pathetically attempting to undermine his astonishingly valuable work.
If this portends a vastly diminished role for Mr. Parry, it’s saddening beyond belief.
Here’s a tip of the cap to Mr. Parry, a once in a generation journalist-intellectual-commentator who always fought the truthful fight regardless of where it led him.
I agree in every way. Down here in Oklahoma, I depend on his work as a reality anchor, working against the tide of an unquestioning support for Hillary among the Cleveland County Democrats. I have lost old friends by challenging the prevailing story of Russiagate. Robert Parry and Stephen Cohen have kept me from despair. I mean it. All good wishes, Mr. Parry, for your recovery.
“I have lost old friends by challenging the prevailing story of Russiagate.”
Bingo. Sounds all too familiar. Always remember, it is THEY who are deluded, partisan and irrational, not you. Stay strong.
By the way, some other intellectuals-writers-commentators you may want to peruse during Mr. Parry’s tragic absence: Norman Solomon, Diana Johnstone, John Pilger, McGovern, James Petras, Glen Ford, Mike Whitney, and Paul Craig Roberts, and of course Stephen Cohen.
Living in Rachel Maddow fan and home country of Western Mass., I haven’t been winning any popularity contests either speaking out against the Russia-gate psyop. It’s the price of being a dissident.
Don’t forget to read Chris Hedges, Caitlin Johnstone, Finian Cunningham and Paul Street as well.
Praying for a full recovery for our fearless journalistic leader Robert Parry.
Also praying for a full recovery for the great Robert Parry.
If he should be reading these comments: The most important thing after a stroke is 100% focus on REHAB to ensure full recovery. Then making sure no future strokes occur.
Regarding the above list of “kindred spirits” – here are some additional names, in no particular order, including intellectuals, journalists, and assorted youtube commentators:
Glenn Greenwald
Jimmy Dore
Debbie Lusignan
Jamarl Thomas
Noam Chomsky
Jesse Ventura
Abby Martin
Oliver Stone
Ron Paul/Daniel McAdams
Seymour Hersh (unusually quiet as of late)
Absolutely second all that. Very best wishes to you Mr Parry and all good wishes for a speedy recovery.
Mr. Parry has been absolutely brilliant and dogged in his determination to expose the light of truth to the world. I do hope he can make a comeback, it would mean so much to so many.
As the medical professionals who read this blog know, the effects of a stroke on vision are not as simple as altered refraction or even retinal damage, but the way the brain interprets the signal it receives. Some stroke victims can see perfectly sharply but cannot make sense of what they see. Whether the function can come back as the brain heals, or reading skills can be re-learned, we can only hope. Judging by his article describing his condition, none of Mr. Parry’s cognitive or verbal abilities seem to be diminished one iota. In the future, he may need assistance in transcribing his thoughts onto paper (or a computer monitor), but his return will still be a blessing for the world. I look forward to it. Until then, he deserves to rest and peacefully mend.
Take care Robert and get better soon. We miss you!
God Speed w/your recovery!
have a day full of smiles
I will continue reading Consortiumnews daily and contributing as asked, until we hear again from Robert Parry, clearly one of America’s greatest Journalists… Thank you Nat.
Bob Van Noy’s comment speaks for me too….
Robert Parry’s focus right now must be to regain his strength and recover.
So much of what Robert writes stays fresh and relevant.
Yes, thank you Nat.
And please, when possible, post an article from the archives that shines a light on current events. Robert Parry’s 2010 “Haiti and America’s Historic Debt” was posted one week ago on Jan 12th. Another amazing indictment of the brutality of power which crushed Trump’s “s…hole” comment as one more lie.
Robert Parry’s “Thomas Jefferson: America’s Founding Sociopath” July 4th 2014 piece:
is another fascinating piece that exposes Jefferson’s hypocrisy. Jefferson, apparently, glommed onto a self serving Tea Party style employment of “states rights” over the broader ideals of the Constitution in order to protect himself and other slave holders and led directly to the Civil War.
A fascinating read.
Having read Howard Zinn’s “A People’s History Of The United States, 1492 – 2001,” I am now aware that the Founding Fathers were all dogs and the American Constitution has been mythologized into something grand and noble. Leftists are right to point to the lofty words – that often don’t mean what they seem to mean – when making arguments in support of human rights, justice, freedom of speech and equality, but disingenuously leave out of their pro human rights narrative the fact that the document that they are quoting isn’t what it appears to be.
Get well Robert. And thanks!
Sorry to hear about his illness. Just when we need him most. Get better soon!!!!
Best wishes for your continued recovery.
I second that, in spades!