Russia-gate Inquisitors Subpoena Journalist


The Russia-gate frenzy is reaching into the ranks of non-mainstream journalists with the House Intelligence Committee’s subpoena of Pacifica’s Randy Credico, who compares this witch-hunt to the McCarthy era, reports Dennis J Bernstein.

By Dennis J Bernstein

The House Intelligence Committee, as part of its Russia-gate investigation, has issued a subpoena demanding the testimony of journalist-activist-and-satirist Randy Credico presumably because he produced a series on WikiLeaks founder and editor Julian Assange, who oversaw the publication of leaked Democratic Party emails in 2016.

Journalist-activist-satirist Randy Credico

“Joe McCarthy is back,” said Credico, who traced the committee’s actions “to my 14- part series on Assange, ‘Julian Assange: Countdown to Freedom,’ which includes Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, his mom, and some of the most significant U.S. government intelligence agency whistle blowers in modern history. They [the Russia-gate investigators] also abhor my recent visits with Assange [at the Ecuadorian embassy in London], where he is still in exile after five and a half years.”

Credico, a journalistic contributor to the Flashpoints program on Pacifica Radio, was served the subpoena through his lawyer Martin Stolar in New York City. The subpoena was dated Nov. 27 and followed a request for Credico’s “voluntary” testimony that he rebuffed. The subpoena demands Credico’s appearance on Capitol Hill on Dec. 15.

A letter dated Nov. 9 from Rep. Adam Schiff, the ranking Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, in effect, demanded Credico’s “voluntary” cooperation with the panel’s “bipartisan investigation into Russian active measures directed at the 2016 US election.”

Schiff also requested “the preservation and production of all documents, records, electronically-stored information, recordings, data and tangible things, including but not limited to graphs, charts, photographs, images and other documents, regardless of form other than those widely available (e.g. newspaper articles) related to the committee’s investigation, your interview and any ancillary matters.”

Credico told the Flashpoints show that he would not give testimony voluntarily and, if subpoenaed, he would not cooperate with the House Intelligence Committee’s Russia-gate investigation. His lawyer informed the committee of Credico’s position and was told that Credico would receive a subpoena to compel his testimony.

I spoke with Credico in New York City on the morning of Nov. 27 before the subpoena arrived.

Dennis Bernstein: I am looking at a letter dated Nov. 9, 2017. It says, “Dear Mr. Credico, as part of its bipartisan investigation into Russian active measures directed at the 2016 US election, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence requires that you participate in a voluntary, transcribed interview at the committee offices.”  What is this letter about and what is your response?

Randy Credico: I have no idea what they want from me specifically. I did a 14-part series on Julian Assange.

Dennis Bernstein: I want to read a little more from this letter. It says, “We respectfully ask that you produce to the committee by no later than November 24 your availability for the interview during the time identified above.” You’re not going, are you?

Randy Credico: I have declined to voluntarily testify. The counsel for the committee told my lawyer that I would be subpoenaed.

Dennis Bernstein: Will you respond to a subpoena?

Randy Credico: I am very reluctant to give credence to a broad-based witch hunt such as this.

Dennis Bernstein: Let me read on: “This letter also requests preservation and production of all documents, records, electronically-stored information, recordings, data and tangible things, including but not limited to graphs, charts, photographs, images and other documents, regardless of form other than those widely available (e.g. newspaper articles) related to the committee’s investigation, your interview and any ancillary matters.”

Randy Credico: It certainly sounds like a form letter. Look, I don’t like Trump anymore than anyone else. There are ways that they can get him legally, but to use this Russia-gate thing is a false premise. They are throwing the net too wide and they are spending a lot of money on this. Meanwhile, people are being deported to Haiti, to El Salvador, we’re not taking care of business in Puerto Rico. We have this new tax bill which is about to destroy the middle class and the poor. We have two and a half million people in prison. These are the issues they should be talking about in Congress, but they are not.

Look, they have yet to request an interview with Julian Assange. They know they are not going to get anything that is satisfactory to them and that this would force their hand.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange

Dennis Bernstein: We depended on you, Randy, to report on the New York Police Department during very violent times. You made the current mayor of New York swear that he would put an end to stop-and-frisk.

Randy Credico: I hope I got the word out not only about stop-and-frisk but about the horrible criminal justice system in New York City.  This is the Deep South.  We always focus on Alabama and Mississippi but the same thing goes on here. The judges are 95% white and the prosecutors are 95% white and mostly male. When I ran for governor I focused on Attica and Sing-Sing and all these other dungeons that should be closed. I learned a lot from Bill Kunstler about focusing on where you can be impactful.

Dennis Bernstein: Why have you devoted so much time to Julian Assange’s story?

Randy Credico: It would be the same thing if they were trying to snuff your voice out. This man is an important journalist. A lot of journalists in the corporate media have abandoned him. He has suffered so much, his family has suffered, he hasn’t been able to see his kids for five years. And yet he continues to publish, even in his present circumstances.

Dennis Bernstein: Finally, what is the significance of this kind of congressional witch hunt?

Randy Credico:  This is a replay of the 1950s, of the Palmer Raids earlier. This is a very significant moment. A person can still be blacklisted. And it is being done by Democrats! What bothers me most is the fact that you have people from the intelligence community who get to testify publicly and without challenge. People like me have to do it privately.

Dennis J Bernstein is a host of “Flashpoints” on the Pacifica radio network and the author of Special Ed: Voices from a Hidden Classroom. You can access the audio archives at


83 comments for “Russia-gate Inquisitors Subpoena Journalist

  1. Geoffrey de Galles
    December 1, 2017 at 11:41

    Thomas Drake, Dennis Bernstein’s latest interlocutor @ “Flashpoints”, breaks a lance on behalf of Randy Credico & Assange (12/01/2017):-

    • Abe
      December 1, 2017 at 21:17

      WikiLeaks has published thousands of documents revealing top US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) hacking secrets, including the agency’s ability to break into iPhones, Android phones, smart TVs, and Microsoft, Mac and Linux operating systems.

      The Wikileaks Vault 7 releases revealed covert global hacking operations being run by the CIA.

      The “Year Zero” batch, part 1 of the Vault 7 series disclosures, uncovered CIA hacking exploits for and security bugs in popular hardware and software.

      The “Dark Matter” batch, part 2 of the Vault 7 disclosures, focused on exploits and hacking techniques the CIA designed to target iPhones and Macs.

      According to the whistleblower organization, the CIA did not inform the companies about the security issues of their products; instead held on to security bugs in software and devices, including iPhones, Android phones, and Samsung TVs, that millions of people around the world rely on.

      In March 2017, WikiLeaks published hundreds more Vault 7 files which show how CIA can mask its hacking attacks to make it look like it came from other countries, including Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.

      Dubbed “Marble,” the part 3 of CIA files contains 676 source code files of a secret anti-forensic Marble Framework, which is basically an obfuscator or a packer used to hide the true source of CIA malware.

      The CIA’s Marble Framework tool includes a variety of different algorithm with foreign language text intentionally inserted into the malware source code to fool security analysts and falsely attribute attacks to the wrong nation.

      Ray McGovern and William Binney of VIPS discuss Marble
      [WATCH video starting at 35:00]

  2. Martin - Swedish citizen
    November 30, 2017 at 18:23

    If evidence were presented for Russian meddling in the US 2016 elections, wouldn’t that put an end to Russia-gate?
    Maybe, Russia-gate is the purpose, not finding evidence.

  3. Delia Ruhe
    November 30, 2017 at 16:58

    “[P]eople are being deported to Haiti, to El Salvador, we’re not taking care of business in Puerto Rico. We have this new tax bill which is about to destroy the middle class and the poor. We have two and a half million people in prison. These are the issues they should be talking about in Congress, but they are not.”

    As is usual, Congress does not want to talk about problems they can’t or don’t want to solve – questionable deportations, destroying the middle-, working-, and under-class, the US obligation to its colony, Puerto Rico – but luckily they have concocted a diversionary scandal and have made the mainstream press a partner in the decision to focus on it almost exclusively.

    Besides, Congress is also in competition with Trump to Make America Great Again, and Congress’s way of doing that is to return to the good old days of the Cold War, when the outrageous arms industry was making America wealthy, and when Americans and US allies could so easily be terrorized by Washington’s anti-Soviet propaganda. That means that Congress does not intend to impeach Trump on the many legitimate charges that can easily be made against him, but rather, on this myth of Evil Empire II and Trump’s role in it as treasonous agent.

    Americans are nothing, if not entertaining.

  4. Abe
    November 30, 2017 at 13:57

    “On November 13, RT was forced to register as a ‘foreign agent,’ under a 1938 law enacted to counter Nazi propaganda. As The Nation (11/16/17) points out, the Justice Department demand was unusual:

    “‘Although hundreds of foreign entities are registered under FARA, international media outlets are almost entirely exempt, and none have registered in over a decade.’

    “The Washington director for PEN America, Gabe Rottman, expressed concern that the DoJ action could lead to ‘retaliation against US-supported outlets such as Voice of America or public broadcasters like the BBC.’

    “As predicted, by November 19, the Russian Justice Ministry put nine US government-funded news agencies on notice that they would probably be designated ‘foreign agents.’ The Voice of America (VOA), Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and seven separate regional outlets active in Russia could be affected under the new legislation designed specifically as retaliation for US actions against RT. (VOA reported its Russian counterpart’s blacklisting as a matter of fact – ‘Russia’s RT Registers as Foreign Agent in US,’ 11/13/17 – though when the tables were turned, the term was suddenly discovered to require scare quotes: “‘9 US-Funded News Outlets Could Be Forced to Register as ‘Foreign Agents,’” 11/19/17.)

    “In a prophetic and equally ironic comparison, media critic Edward Herman (7/8/17) noted back in July, ‘All the logic and proofs of a Russian ‘influence campaign’ could be applied with at least equal force to US media and Radio Free Europe’s treatment of any Russian election.’ And, he added, ‘Of course the US intervention in the 1996 Russian election was overt, direct and went far beyond any ‘influence campaign.’

    “The consequences of allowing unsubstantiated accusations against RT to stand unchallenged are helping distort the debate about fake news. In doing so, they allow open calls for censorship and algorithms that close down critical and independent views. This, together with the many other serious and numerous challenges to freedom of expression at the moment, should worry those who value life in an open society, and freedom of speech across the globe.”

    Backlash Against Russian ‘Fake News’ Is Shutting Down Debate for Real
    By Robin Andersen

  5. Abe
    November 30, 2017 at 13:50

    “Editorials and news articles have worked uniformly on the supposition that Russian hacking was proved, which it was not, and that the Russians had given these data to WikiLeaks, also unproven and strenuously denied by Assange and Murray. So these reiterated claims are arguably first class ‘fake news’ swallowed as palatable facts.

    “The Times has run neck-and-neck with the Washington Post in stirring up fears of the Russian information war and improper involvement with Trump. The Times now easily conflates fake news with any criticism of established institutions […] But what is more extraordinary is the uniformity with which the paper’s regular columnists accept as a given the CIA’s Assessment of the Russian hacking and transmission to WikiLeaks, the possibility or likelihood that Trump is a Putin puppet, and the urgent need of a congressional and “non-partisan” investigation of these claims. This swallowing of a new war-party line has extended widely in the liberal media […]

    “The success of the war party’s campaign to contain or overthrow any tendencies of Trump to ease tensions with Russia was dramatically clear in the Trump administration’s speedy bombing response to the April 4, 2017 Syrian chemical weapons deaths. The Times and other MSM editors and journalists greeted this aggressive move with almost uniform enthusiasm, and once again did not require evidence of Assad’s guilt beyond their government’s say-so. The action was damaging to Assad and Russia, but served the rebels well. But the MSM never ask cui bono? in cases like this. In 2003 a similar charge against Assad, which brought the U.S. to the brink of a full-scale bombing war in Syria, turned out to be a false flag operation, and some potent authorities believe the current case is equally problematic. But Trump moved quickly (and unlawfully) and any further rapproachement between this country and Russia was set back. The CIA, Pentagon, liberal-Democrats and rest of the war party had won an important skirmish in the struggle for and against permanent war.”

    Fake News on Russia in the New York Times, 1917-2017
    By Edward S. Herman

  6. geeyp
    November 29, 2017 at 20:47

    F.G. Sanford- I dig your groove.

  7. geeyp
    November 29, 2017 at 20:46

    I certainly want to see Randy Credico take down Adam Schiff. Any help he may need, I would like to assist. These representatives are not doing the work they were sent to do. And now RT has had their Congressional credentials revoked after getting suckered into FARA.

  8. geeyp
    November 29, 2017 at 20:19

    I certainly want to see Randy Credico take down Adam Schiff. Any help he may need, I would like to assist. These representatives are not doing the work they were sent to do. And now RT has had their Congressional credentials revoked after getting suckered into FARA.

  9. Taras 77
    November 29, 2017 at 20:16

    This article fits in with the mind boggling hypocrisy from the ministry of truth: this is right up there at the top of the list of a zio con/deep state in your face F —You:

  10. mike k
    November 29, 2017 at 19:14

    It’s a real pleasure to see the democrats so openly portraying the scum that they are. You think life long democrat voters can see that? Not a chance. This is the blind leading the even blinder – and my hope is that they all fall in the ditch together.

  11. rosemerry
    November 29, 2017 at 16:37

    “House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence” sounds rather like Big Brother.

  12. LJ
    November 29, 2017 at 15:12

    Things have always been like this . Some people are naive and want to believe that Democratic Governments don’t do this kind of stuff/ Only evil place s like Communist China or the USSR, the Spanish Inquisition, Imperial Rome, etc. ad nauseum. That’s just silly. We live in a police state and you have no privacy when it comes right down to it. The problem in my opinion is collaborators and our collective silence. There are always police state types in the background. Right now there are collaborators in the Press, in the Congress, the Judicial Branch who know this is wrong but don’t care if it doesn’t affect them personally. They think if it benefits their interests or their politics then it’s OK. It has to play out and I do not envision a “Senator McCarthy have you no shame” moment for several years. At least not until a few years into the next Administration. The Dems, like Mueller have painted themselves into a corner. The witch hunt has to draw blood, Lieutenant General Flynn will have to do a little time maybe Manafort too. This will not help the Democrats in the next election but they can’t throw in the hand. maybe Assange better stay in that Embassy FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE.

  13. ToivoS
    November 29, 2017 at 14:24

    Randy Credico: This is a replay of the 1950s, of the Palmer Raids earlier. This is a very significant moment. A person can still be blacklisted. And it is being done by Democrats!

    It should remembered that Palmer himself was a Democrat who was appointed AG by that progressive Woodrow Wilson and also that the 1950s red scare began under Harry Truman’s administration and thoroughly supported by Democrats in the House and Senate. The democrats are just carrying out a long tradition.

  14. November 29, 2017 at 14:24

    Randy Credico might consider going back in time and reviewing the amazing testimony of George Galloway before the U.S. Senate, where Mr. Galloway delivered a devastating oral debate beating to the previously arrogant senators of the committee regarding the Iraq War. Mr. Credico just might be the man to give us all another powerful, timely (and necessary) “Galloway vs. U.S. Senate” slap-down moment – with the real potential for making history in the process.

  15. November 29, 2017 at 13:30

    In some ways this should be no surprise. These are the same people who thought of themselves as “progressive” as the Clinton regime’s sanctions that killed a half a million Iraqi children, and they uttered nary a word of protest. They are the same “progressives” who watched Hillary and Obama overthrow Honduran and Ukrainian democracy and destroy Libya while trying to do the same to Syria, all while bombing 7 Muslim nations that never attacked the U.S. by the time Obama left office. This brain dead support for mayhem, murder and U.S. “exceptionalism” passes for being – “progressive” – in the U.S. today. That such “progressives” are capable of the current witch hunt and recreating the Cold War should come as no surprise. Not a peep to oppose the “actions” of mass murder and illegal invasions of the Obama administration, but absolute on the streets outrage at Trump’s racist and sexist – “words.” Amazing yes, but no surprises here.

    • mike k
      November 29, 2017 at 18:50

      Absolutely. The American public is braindead.

  16. Litchfield
    November 29, 2017 at 13:03

    I haven’t been able to access Consortium News since last night.
    That is, I had difficulties then, finally was able to read this article, but then was unable to access. Ditto this a.m. Got an error message, no matter how I tried.
    Wondering whether anyone else had this problem.

    • November 29, 2017 at 14:19

      Yes, that happened when I tried to access CN this morning…assume that was because some adjustments were made to the article.

      • mike k
        November 29, 2017 at 18:48

        Same problem here, but the interruption was brief.

    • Zachary Smith
      November 29, 2017 at 14:33

      I suspect somebody – or several somebodies – doesn’t like some current essays here, and have arranged a DDOS attack to discourage visitors. That’s just a guess, but not an unreasonable one.

    • Nancy
      November 29, 2017 at 16:29

      Me too. One of my comments wouldn’t post and then posted incorrectly. Pretty creepy.

    • f f skitty
      November 29, 2017 at 18:00

      it has been intermittent but yes, i’ve been unable to access consortium news a couple of times this week.

  17. Ol' Hippy
    November 29, 2017 at 12:25

    This morning,11/29/17, there was a hit piece on CBS’s Morning Show speculating Russia was behind mysterious sonic attacks on US diplomats in one of the ‘-stans and Cuba. No names of ‘sources’, just speculation,(from my point o view anyway). For those rushing around getting ready to go to work I’m guessing that ‘Russia’ and ‘attacks’ will be what stays in the minds of busy Americans. The Russia hysteria is reaching new heights daily and it seems that new allegations sprout daily. When going after journalists with alternate viewpoints or sources we as a society are in the process of reaching new lows of trying to make blatant propaganda legitimate. Many won’t even see this happening and how it infects and affect their lives.

    • rosemerry
      November 29, 2017 at 16:36

      I thought those sonic attacks turned out to be cicadas!?

  18. GMC
    November 29, 2017 at 12:06

    How about subpoenas for all the real free journalists from the Alternative News Professionals and have an open public hearing so all the world can hear how this ” witch hunt ” has been a bunch of BS. RT news – can the public even see it on cable news channels? Or is it not available ? Are most Americans thinking RT is bad because their government channels – tell them so – is that how it is going to be in ” the New America” ? If so – pack your bags if you’re old enough to see the writing on the wall. It’s not worth the stress in your last years of life.

    • Nancy
      November 29, 2017 at 12:53

      I’m staying at a motel while my house is being repaired and we are seeing RTNews on Direct TV! It is incredible to see actual, rational news and analysis on the idiot box. It’s not listed in their tv guide so I wonder if it’s some kind of fluke that it’s even on.
      Regardless, it’s fantastic and I’m going to look into getting it when I get back in my home.

      • Skip Scott
        November 29, 2017 at 14:56

        One of the things that has the Deep State oligarchs scared s**tless is that RT is obviously more of a truth teller than any of their MSM shills. Enjoy it now Nancy because I doubt it will last. They are in “full court press” to deny access of RT and sites like CN on the internet to the public. They want all their lies to go unchallenged.

        • Nancy
          November 29, 2017 at 16:27

          I know you’re right. It’s frightening to think that things are probably going to get a lot worse before they get better–if ever.

  19. Herman
    November 29, 2017 at 10:08

    A sad commenaryt on the state of mind of one who claims to be a journalist.

    ” There are ways that they can get him legally, but to use this Russia-gate thing is a false premise”

    • November 29, 2017 at 10:28

      As in, this is legal? I’m not that educated on US law, but it would appear so.

      Not sure if that justifies big conclusions about the guy though.

      • Herman
        November 30, 2017 at 09:51

        I think you understood my point but I read his point that he was going along with the lynch mob regarding the President and that is not journalism, in my mind. But thinking about it, is defining journalism as reporting objectively a realistic definition? In fairness, some can overcome their opinions to describe the world around them. I think Mr. Parry does a pretty good job of that..

        • Long Gone John
          December 1, 2017 at 07:01

          I see. Well, I’m not too bothered about it really. But I can understand if people are.

          Not really sure what legal means he’s referring to.

  20. November 29, 2017 at 09:30

    When will Russians be smart enough to initiate a total embargo on everything made in America. No use kepping on dialoguing with such idiots. Making the BRICS a solid and serious union should be your main occupation. So far it has produced Nothing…If Something good was produced with that Union, other decent nations will join it. You were supposed to throw away the dollar. That seem to be an other “mirage”.

    • mike k
      November 29, 2017 at 18:43

      Wake up and take the bullet train to a new world! One belt one road.

  21. Catherine Orloff
    November 29, 2017 at 07:44

    To John Wilson, Thank you for your post putting things in what I see as the correct perspective.

  22. Geoffrey de Galles
    November 29, 2017 at 07:21

    Two interviews with Randy Credico, both hot off the griddle (11/28/2017):-

    Dennis Bernstein, “Flashpoints”, 27 mins.

    The Jimmy Dore Show, “I won’t talk”, 28 mins.

  23. Annabelle St.Germain
    November 29, 2017 at 07:11

    When we consider that six corporations own most of the mainstream media, then any dissenting news opinions and stories must be snuffed out if they go against the mainstream corporate mantra of fear mongering for more Keystone Pipeline leaks 210,000 gallons of oil in South Dakota……… spending and war. Let’s face the fact that “War is a very profitable Business!” Intimidating journalists into fearful silence is fascism and goes against the Constitution.

    • mike k
      November 29, 2017 at 18:40

      And six individuals have the majority of the world’s financial assets. How’s that for fairness?

  24. November 29, 2017 at 05:29

    Putin/Trump is a force that attacked and took possession of the American executive branch using fortunes supplied by international criminal banking cartels and tactics learned from past & present fascists movements.. The link between Trump enterprises and his cohorts are criminal and treasonous. Anybody that was part of the invasion will suffer exposure. The casualties will not be on the battlefield but in societies that suffer the destruction of infrastructure, regulatory agencies and social services. Millions will die from lack of healthcare and neglect of a state bought and paid for by billionaires. You think this is a “Witch hunt”? Dam right and we know who the demons are. Critters from the swamp who now live in the White House. The main vampires? Trump, himself, and his step brother Putin in Russia.

    • john wilson
      November 29, 2017 at 06:07

      There’s always one nutter on these forums and you are it, Vincent. The notion that a man of the caliber of Putin is some how in cahoots with Trump is laughable. Putin is a statesman and is polite to Trump in public as he should be. You can be sure that behind closed doors Putin sees Trump for what he is, a buffoon and tool of the Yankee deep state.

      • Nancy
        November 29, 2017 at 11:05

        Well put, John. Comments such as Vincent’s show that we are facing some serious stupidity among our countrymen and women.

    • November 29, 2017 at 10:26

      Is there a name for these political views?

    • Skip Scott
      November 29, 2017 at 12:44

      My list of demons also includes James Clapper, John Brennan, Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wassermann Shultz, James Comey, Rachel Madcow, the MSM, the MIC, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, William Browder, etc. etc. Oh, and Putin ain’t on my list, he’s one of the few sane world leaders.

      • rosemerry
        November 29, 2017 at 16:35

        I saw in “Fortune” magazine that W Browder was accepted as sole witness for the “fact” that Vladimir Putin was richer than Bill Gates and Warren Buffett together!!!!

        • Litchfield
          November 29, 2017 at 23:59

          I haven’t been able to access Consortium News since last night.
          That is, I had difficulties then, finally was able to read this article, but then was unable to access. Ditto this a.m. Got an error message, no matter how I tried.
          Wondering whether anyone else had this problem.

          • Zachary Smith
            November 30, 2017 at 02:46

            Yes, it was quite unavailable to me for a while.

            What is bothersome is the prospect that sites like this may be permanently unavailable in the near future to all except people willing/able to spend a lot of extra money for “full access” to the internet. The news stories say the Trumpies are on the verge of killing “net neutrality”, and that will allow ISPs to package internet access any way they darned well please. Making the “propornot” sites expensive ones to view would kick the stuffings out of a lot of the smaller sites. All kinds of pressures – and inducements – could influence the internet service providers to do what they’re told to do by the necons and their Israeli bosses.

            Like with the journalist described in this essay, there seems to be larger and coordinated scheme on other fronts. The RT site has been forced to register as a “foreign agent”, and already the Israel’s Congress has banned them.

            Russia Hysteria: US Congress Revokes RT’s Capitol Hill Press Credentials

            The Zionists of the holy shithole of Israel seem to have taught their puppets well – move slowly but inexorably towards the final goal of banning troublesome news sites. Just as they do in stealing all of the West Bank. One inch at a time….


        • Litchfield
          November 30, 2017 at 00:01

          Bill Browder??!
          That guy is a bounder.
          Just read the excellent book by Alex Krainer about Browder.
          First Krainer deconstructs Browder’s own book chapter by chapter.
          Browder’s arguements and contentions don’t hold up well to scrutiny. .
          Krainer also provides quite a detailed rundown of just how the Russian economy was stripped in the nineties. .

      • f f skitty
        November 29, 2017 at 19:28

        things would be very different now if we had hanged kissinger when he committed his first war crime.

        for all sad words of tongue and pen
        the saddest are these
        ‘it might have been’

        – john greenleaf whittier

    • f f skitty
      November 29, 2017 at 17:50

      duckduckgo ‘semion mogilevich’ if you want to see what REAL russian ‘influence’ looks like.

    • mike k
      November 29, 2017 at 18:38

      You need to give Vladimir Putin more credit than that. He is kryptonite to the deep state’s plans for starters. And witch hunts are fascist inspired crimes of the worst kind – like the demo party is conducting. Maybe you are too young to remember McCarthy – I’m not.

    • November 30, 2017 at 15:54

      H sold 20% of USA uranium supplies to Russia and received a multi million dollar kickback from Russia deposited in the Clinton Foundation slush fund.

  25. November 29, 2017 at 01:58

    I think I’ll wait till I have encryption software before I start empathizing with Randy. :-)
    The Russophobic war-dogs have indeed taken over the neo-liberal world (spurred by the defeat of their presumptive Queen), and they
    are blaming the decline of everything American (culture, democracy, hegemony, economic power, education) on the Russian’s.
    It’s becoming increasingly dangerous and lonely to point out their fallacious and dishonest nonsense.

    • mike k
      November 29, 2017 at 18:31

      Your encryption software won’t mean zip to those who might want to penetrate it. More likely it will make your stuff a tempting target to decode.

      • mike k
        November 29, 2017 at 18:32

        Enjoy your freedom to say whatever the hell you want to now, while it lasts……

      • November 30, 2017 at 15:50

        NSA reads your keyboard prior to encyrption

  26. michael crockett
    November 29, 2017 at 01:15

    Freedom of the press is enshrined in the Constitution. Why are lawmakers in contempt of of this document? Who is next?

    • mike k
      November 29, 2017 at 18:29

      Unfortunately the press now uses it’s freedom to enslave the rest of us, and sell out to the deep state.

  27. Chris Kinder
    November 29, 2017 at 00:06

    Dennis did not report here that Credico, in the same Flashpoints interview, swore he would never testify in any secret star chamber, and would only cooperate (without actually promising to do so) if he was guaranteed a public hearing in which he could make a statement. In that statement, Credico continued, he would denounce all the numerous examples of US interference in other countries, many of them deadly, such as the overthrow of Allende in Chile, support for the Shah of Iran against a democratically elected government there, helping to put Yeltsin in power in the post-soviet Union Russia, the overthrow of Qadaffi in Libya, and the recent coup in Honduras, the latter two both engineered by Hillary Clinton. This persecution of a journalist is the hall mark of a witchhunt, and it is being engineered by Democrats. This is not so much about Trump, as it is about the fact that the US is an oligarchy, not a democracy, run by two capitalist parties. As Gore Vidal once said, we have one party with two right wings.

    • November 29, 2017 at 14:32

      “[he]would only cooperate (without actually promising to do so) if he was guaranteed a public hearing in which he could make a statement.”…good point…it would be a great opportunity to show the public the self-serving motives of the committee and force a debate over the Russia-gate issue assuming that Credico would keep his cool and not overreact.

    • November 29, 2017 at 20:14

      More strongly Kermit Roosevelt engineered the coup against Mossadegh . Plus the instigation of Syrian and Yemen bloodbaths.

      • Gregory Herr
        November 30, 2017 at 20:58

        Didn’t the CIA overthrow a Syrian democracy in ’49? And they really were just getting started.

  28. Hide BehindhBehindhere have been wake up calls but they were ignored.
    November 28, 2017 at 23:57

    The best lies contain a minute but accepted truth within them.
    Censorship is not only by banning, in its most effecient form it is by so twisting truths with lies , today’s disinformation, so that truth is harder to sort from all the untruths.

  29. Hide BehindhBehindhere have been wake up calls but they were ignored.
    November 28, 2017 at 23:01

    Although young during the McCarty era I was blessed with having a Grandfather, aunts and uncles that were hard headed Irish and well educated New England Yankees, and I remember well how during their talks upon politics they detested all the things McCarthy and his supporters were doing.
    This was a time of banning of books for not just what today we call soft porn but even originals of certain Shakespere , but all things of socialism, unions, odd religious, and criticism of government figures.
    WE had FBI out of civilian control under Hoover, The House of Un-American Activities and radical uber nationalist such as John Birch society, and all of them going to public schools trying to brainwash we youths into commie hunter snitches.
    Music records burned and even radio stations with music or views considered Unamerican ransacked or broadcast permits denied, in other words fear mongering for uber nationalism not a hell of a lot different than what my Uncles said was what Germany and Italy caused them to war against.
    The vast difference between today and then is that, we had radio and print journalist the American populace trusted, those who worked for Media, radio, news TV and Newsprint that had earned that trust of we the people.
    Men and many women who dared speak and write of truth to power.
    As young men we were taught to detest “bullies, ” and there before our eyes and ears we saw and heard the bully,and as gramps said, Bull Shut from men that hid behind power and spoke through their ads because their moths new better.
    Men who told lies even though the truth would of been a better way.”
    Witch hunts have always been a part of American politics, yet today’s mass consumerist are not able to use reason only emotionalism unbridled, .
    Gramps said that we, unlike horses we put blinders on to command no deviance by surroundings just the shouted commands, had to look at the widest possible views in order to choose the right paths in life.
    Today’s censorship that is constantly being pushed upon the American public by their elected , scientific educational, military and financial powers is far stronger today than back then.
    Maybe it is because we have so long been wearing societies imposed blinders we no longer know there are other paths to be followed.

    • Litchfield
      November 29, 2017 at 13:08

      “Gramps said that we, unlike horses we put blinders on to command no deviance by surroundings just the shouted commands, had to look at the widest possible views in order to choose the right paths in life.”

      Great, and really useful, image.
      Blinders on so we follow orders and don’t look left or right and get “distracted” or “spooked.”

    • November 29, 2017 at 14:45

      Likewise, I watched the hearings with my grandfather when I got home from school. I was about10/11 at the time and, of course, didn’t understand all the ramifications but remained fixated to the T.V.. However, even without understanding all the details, what was apparent was the phony indignation of the committee members who tried to upstage each other. Although my grandfather was a staunch Republican I can remember him chuckling whenever their pomposity was put down by a sharp witness.

    • f f skitty
      November 29, 2017 at 17:41

      i’ve been a ‘flashpoints’ and pacifica news listener for longer than i care to say.
      thank you dennis bernstein and pacifica for bringing that remarkable program to your listeners.

      ‘jfk and the unspeakable: why he died and why it matters’ by james w. douglass

      is an invaluable resource for those who believe that usgov is merely ‘misguided’.
      it ain’t…

    • f f skitty
      November 29, 2017 at 19:21

      these people are not interested in debates and depositions because the truth is their mortal enemy.
      what they want is a juan peron or chilean junta-style dictatorship and they are working overtime to get one.
      when successful they will turn the ‘militia’ loose on those opposed to totalitarianism in the name of anti-totalitarianism.
      see you in the soccer arena…if we live that long.

    • LJ
      November 29, 2017 at 20:00

      My Grandfather hated Roosevelt, I hear , I was about 3 when he died. Born long ago, 1880 or so, he had to leave home at 9 years old because there was nothing to eat. His real father had died and his mother remarried a preacher who could only afford to feed one of her sons. He found his way to the Yucatan and in the mines there became a Green Card carrying Wobblie. That is why I know that it was a Death sentence to be caught carrying a Green Card in Utah and Wobblies were killed castrated and then nailed to box cars on trains as a warning in the labor fight that happened in Utah against corporate goons who were employed by companies that are still traded on Wall Street today. Jim Morrison/Doors/, ..when all else fails we will whip the horses eyes and make him sleep and dream. Check out this link

  30. W. R. Knight
    November 28, 2017 at 22:27

    If ever there was an oxymoron, the House Intelligence Committee is definitely one as the committee lacks any of the commodity on which it purports to investigate.

    • Anon
      November 30, 2017 at 08:42

      Yes, their mandate is to investigate anyone too intelligent to believe the lies of the rich, or to keep their secrets.

  31. Drew Hunkins
    November 28, 2017 at 22:23

    I would take it as a badge of honor to be officially hounded by these fascist Russophobes who have no idea how thick headed, mercenary and bloodthirsty they will be viewed someday in the lens of history. That is if they don’t first succeed in blowing us all up in a nuclear conflagration.

    I would proudly frame the subpoena and send copies of it to all my friends and family as Christmas cards.

    Credico should stand loud and proud baby, Congratulations!

    • W. R. Knight
      November 28, 2017 at 23:12

      I’ll give you a copy of mine if you will give me a copy of yours.

    • john wilson
      November 29, 2017 at 05:59

      Well Drew, if you like me, keep on posting on CN you might just get what you want. Once these swines get the upper hand with the big fish, they will be coming after we small fry. I look forwards to meeting you and the rest of CN commentators in jail. LOL

      • November 29, 2017 at 10:11

        That would be great – just started my blog and I’ve got all this stuff to say. I’m sticking with the facts, but I silently dream of the day when I make it big and get called out as an enemy agent in some news-for-profit.

        • November 29, 2017 at 10:17

          Oh, and to complete my rant…. Mr Parry is my first inspiration. I’m not connected, just have to make do with what is available in the public domain. But will be spreading the good work for sure.

      • Drew Hunkins
        November 29, 2017 at 10:13

        Haha! We must be sure to bring our toothbrushes.

  32. Zachary Smith
    November 28, 2017 at 22:18

    Dennis Bernstein: I am looking at a letter dated Nov. 9, 2017. It says, “Dear Mr. Credico, as part of its bipartisan investigation into Russian active measures directed at the 2016 US election, the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence requires that you participate in a voluntary, transcribed interview at the committee offices.”

    One point I’m unclear about – is this going to be public testimony before Congress, or is it some kind of Star Chamber?

    • john wilson
      November 29, 2017 at 05:54

      More importantly, Zachary, is the statement “investigation into Russian active measures directed at the 2016 election” as though this business was already proven and beyond doubt. In fact there has been absolutely no evidence produced which in any way links Russia to any kind of interference with the presidential election. There was a time in America when a person or persons were deemed to be guilty of an offence that there would be a charge, production of evidence and a public court hearing to decide the matter. Does this not apply anymore?

    • Sam F
      November 29, 2017 at 09:07

      The reason that lawyers prefer the “transcribed interview” (deposition) is that they can try to trip up the witness. That would be fine if it led to the truth, but their goal is to lie, by discrediting the witness or making the witness appear to be saying something else. They can surround the witness with hired “witnesses” to the “interview” who say that he said or did something improper or contradictory off the record, or looked “nervous” etc. They can switch exhibit numbers so that the witness who bases a statement on one exhibit appears to be saying something else. They also have “stenographers” who modify the transcript to change critical words or claim that undesired sections are “inaudible.” Deposition “interviews” by crooked lawyers are a science of lying and little else.

    • Zachary Smith
      November 29, 2017 at 12:17

      Thanks for the explanations. With that pissant Adam Schiff involved I suppose I ought to have expected something ugly.

    • November 29, 2017 at 13:58

      Someone has to say to Adam Schiff what Joe Welch said to Joe McCarthy: “Have you no decency, at long last, Mr. Schiff? Have
      you no sense of Decency???”.

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