With an agreement on constraining Iran’s nuclear program within reach, Official Washington’s neocons are getting apoplectic about the need to rev up new animosities toward Iran, an approach not helpful to real U.S. security needs, as ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar…
Year: 2014
Do One Thing to Help Consortiumnews
Blocking a ‘Realist’ Strategy on the Mideast
The Self-Interest in Climate ‘Denial’
How Obama’s New War Could Backfire
Cameras to Detect ‘Abnormal’ Behavior
Braveheart, Edward I, and Bush
From the Archive: As Scots vote on independence from Great Britain, part of the motivation for those voting “aye” is the brutal history of English repression of Scottish freedom, dating back centuries but fresh in the minds of many Scots,…
Reported US-Syrian Accord on Air Strikes
More Neocon Hypocrisy in the Mideast
America’s neocons are now advancing their “regime change” goals in the Mideast by tarring “enemies,” like Syria’s largely secular government, as “Islamist” while shielding “friends” like Saudi Arabia despite its intense religiosity, yet one more double standard, writes ex-CIA analyst Paul R. Pillar.