Why Consortiumnews Exists


From Editor Robert Parry: Eighteen years ago in 1995 I faced a dilemma. I was getting hold of important documents that rewrote the history of the Reagan-Bush era, but there was no interest from mainstream news outlets. Even some left-of-center publications were unwilling to go against the conventional wisdom.

At the time, there was the lingering myth of the aggressive “Watergate press corps,” meaning that it was hard to convince people what was actually happening to the Washington news media. It had gone “on bended knee” for Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush, but that reality still wasn’t widely understood.

So, my curiosity was piqued when my oldest son, Sam, began talking about the Internet and this strange new idea for publications, called “Web sites.” Perhaps, I thought, there was a way to circumvent the mainstream gatekeepers who had lost their journalistic commitment to letting through important facts.

Thus was born Consortiumnews.com, the first investigative Internet-based magazine. Over those 18 years, we have tried to give the American people and the world’s public well-researched information that corrects history and illuminates today’s issues.

Even when our stories look back in time, they do so with the goal of explaining today. Our reporting also has challenged people to rethink some of their cherished assumptions, making our work not always popular though I hope readers appreciate that it is always driven by a relentless honesty.

But we can continue only with the help of our readers. We are experimenting with some ads to defray costs but at best the money will cover only a fraction of our expenses. (I also hope the ads are not too annoying to you.)

To continue this project, we again need your support.

You can make a donation, which may be tax-deductible since we are a 501-c-3 tax-exempt non-profit. You can donate by credit card online or by mailing a check to Consortium for Independent Journalism (CIJ); 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 102-231; Arlington VA 22201.

(For readers wanting to use PayPal, you can address contributions to our account, which is named after our e-mail address: “consortnew @ aol.com”).

Thanks again.

Robert Parry

Robert Parry is a longtime investigative reporter who broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for the Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. He founded Consortiumnews.com in 1995 to create an outlet for well-reported journalism that was being squeezed out of an increasingly trivialized U.S. news media.

2 comments for “Why Consortiumnews Exists

  1. Corspeak
    July 29, 2013 at 20:04

    I’ve posted this page on my Facebook wall with the hope that some of my well educated friends will be as impressed as I with your site. Currently, I’m in no position to contribute but will do so as soon as I’m able.

    Thank you, from my heart, for your dedication to Truth-Telling without pandering to any views. Your hard work is much appreciated!

  2. Ben Chifley
    July 29, 2013 at 04:23

    To whom it may concern,

    Thankyou for your hard work. My father worked in foreign affairs for many years and showed this site to me many many years ago.

    It just goes to show that if you brainwash people at a early age how hard changing people’s attitude’s towards the world really is. Such a shame the whole word of journalism is fallen into the hands of industry more interested in protecting itself and spreading conspiracy theories alah Rasputin’s Russia.

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