Rushing to Judgment on Bus Bomb


In rushing to judgment blaming Iran for a bus bombing in Bulgaria, Israeli officials and neocon writers cited the conventional wisdom about Iran’s authorship of a bombing in Argentina in 1994. However, the investigation of that case was deeply compromised by political pressure, recalls Gareth Porter for Lobelog.

By Gareth Porter

Immediately after the terror bombing of a busload of Israeli youth in Burgas, Bulgaria, both Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a “senior U.S. official” expressed certainty about Iran’s responsibility. Since then, the White House has backed away from that position, after Bulgarian investigators warned against that assumption before the investigation is complete.

Similarly, it is generally assumed that Iran and Hezbollah were responsible for the terrorist bombing of a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires on July 18, 1994, because U.S. and Israeli officials, journalists and commentators have repeated that conclusion so often. It was the first reference made by those who were most eager to blame the Burgas bombing on Iran, such as Matthew Levitt and Jeffrey Goldberg.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaking at Cabinet meeting. (Photo credit: Israeli government)

But that terrorist bombing 18 years ago was not what it has come to appear by the constant drip of unsubstantiated journalistic and political references to it. The identification of that bombing as an Iranian operation should be regarded as a cautionary tale about the consequences of politics determining the results of a terrorist investigation.

The case made by the Argentine prosecutors that Iran and Hezbollah committed that 1994 terrorist bombing has long been cited as evidence that Iran is the world’s premier terrorist state. But the Argentine case was fraudulent in its origins and produced a trail of false evidence in service of a frame-up. There is every reason to believe that the entire Argentine investigation was essentially a cover-up that protected the real perpetrators.

That is what I learned from my ten-month investigation in 2006-07 of the so-called AMIA bombing (the Spanish acronym for Argentine Israelite Mutual Association), the results of which were published in early 2008.

William Brencick, who was then chief of the political section at the U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires and the primary Embassy contact for the investigation of the AMIA bombing, told me in an interview in June 2007 that the U.S. conviction about Iranian culpability was based on what he called a “wall of assumptions”, a wall that obstructed an objective analysis of the case.

The first assumption was that it was a suicide bombing, and that such an operation pointed to Hezbollah, and therefore Iran. But the evidence produced to support that assumption was highly suspect. Of 200 initial eyewitnesses to the bombing, only one claimed to have seen the white Renault van that was supposed to have been the suicide car. And the testimony of that lone witness was contradicted by her sister, who said that she had seen only a black and yellow taxicab.

That is only the first of many indications that the official version of how the bombing went down was a tissue of lies. For example:

The U.S. explosives expert sent soon after the bombing to analyze the crime scene found evidence suggesting that at least some of the explosives had been placed inside the community center, not in a car outside.

The engine block of the alleged suicide car which police said led them to the arrest of the Shi’a used car salesman and chop shop owner who sold the car, was supposedly found in the rubble with its identification number clearly visible, something any serious bombing team, including Hezbollah, would have erased, unless it was intentionally left to lead to the desired result.

Representatives of the Menem government twice offered large bribes to the used car dealer in custody to get him to finger others, including three police officials linked to a political rival of Menem. The judge whose bribe was videotaped and shown on Argentine television was eventually impeached.

Apart from an Argentine investigation that led down a false trail, there were serious problems with the motives attributed to Iran and Hezbollah for killing large numbers of Jewish citizens of Argentina. The official explanation was that Iran was taking revenge on the Menem government for having reneged, under pressure from the Clinton administration, on its agreements with Iran on nuclear cooperation.

But in fact, Argentina had only halted two of the three agreements reached in 1987 and 1988, as was revealed, ironically, in documents cited by the Argentine prosecutor’s report on the arrest warrant for Iranian officials dated October 2006 (unfortunately never made available in electronic form).

The documents showed that the Menem government was continuing to send 20 percent enriched uranium to Iran under the third agreement, and there were negotiations continuing both before and after the bombing to resume full nuclear cooperation.

As for Hezbollah, it was generally assumed that it wanted to avenge the Israeli killing of its “ally” Mustafa Dirani in May 1994. But when Hezbollah really wanted to take revenge against Israel, as it did after the Israeli massacre in Qana in 1996, it did not target civilians in a distant country with no relationship to the conflict with Israel; it openly attacked Israel with Katyusha rockets.

It is not clear yet who committed the latest terrorist bombing against Jewish civilians in Burgas, Bulgaria. But the sorry history of that Buenos Aires investigation should not be used to draw a premature conclusion about this matter or any other terrorist action.

Gareth Porter is an investigative historian and journalist specializing in U.S. national security policy. The paperback edition of his latest book, Perils of Dominance: Imbalance of Power and the Road to War in Vietnam, was published in 2006. [This article originally appeared at Lobelog.]

3 comments for “Rushing to Judgment on Bus Bomb

  1. W Weelan
    July 23, 2012 at 18:47

    borat . . No need to beat the bushes here – you must be mentally retarded
    to write such nonsense in regard to this bus bombing in Bulgaria,for sure.
    I`d go even further by calling you > the typical vile Zionist instigator trying,as always,to regurgitate the same old,same old lines of unrelated fabricated Bullshit we have been told for years – only for them to be exposed as ridiculous pathetic Lies >and pointing away from the criminals.

    This > Who are the new Eichmann’s? is reflecting your real weird mindset!

    If anything,the recent bombing in Bulgaria was carried out by the always evil Israel’s Mossad terrorist group,known to be behind Iran scientists’ murders,as well as several other assassinations,believes a CIA report.

  2. ilse
    July 23, 2012 at 16:10

    Islamists do Better than Nazis?

    Make that: Israelis do better than Nazis.

    “70 years after the brave people of Bulgaria stopped the trains for Treblinka, 6 Israelis are massacred there just because they are Jews.”
    You have no proof, whatsoever. Just your usual ranting and raving and whining. Call me antisemitic, if you like. I despise you.
    Your post is idiotic and wrong. Just propaganda as always. You will not get any sympathy from the world with your whining and accusing and war mongering.

  3. incontinent reader
    July 23, 2012 at 02:35

    As a followup to Mr. Porter’s excellent article, the Information Clearing House, July 22, 2012 issue, has an illuminating interview with Annie Machon, whistleblower formerly with MI-5. In she discusses a number of black flag operations, including a car bomb attack on the Israeli Embassy in London that a top internal report in MI-5 attributed to the Mossad as a black flag operation to get more police protection and also set up the most effective Palestinian political
    activist group in Great Britain at the time. It resulted in the framing and imprisonment of two Palestinian leaders for 20 year prison terms, and the breakup of the group.
    It can be accessed at:

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