The CIA/MSM Contra-Cocaine Cover-up


Exclusive: With Hollywood set to release a movie about the Contra-cocaine scandal and the destruction of journalist Gary Webb, an internal CIA report has surfaced showing how the spy agency manipulated the mainstream media’s coverage to disparage Webb and contain the scandal, reports Robert Parry.

By Robert Parry

In 1996 as major U.S. news outlets disparaged the Nicaraguan Contra-cocaine story and destroyed the career of investigative reporter Gary Webb for reviving it the CIA marveled at the success of its public-relations team guiding the mainstream media’s hostility toward both the story and Webb, according to a newly released internal report.

Entitled “Managing a Nightmare: CIA Public Affairs and the Drug Conspiracy Story,” the six-page report describes the CIA’s damage control after Webb’s “Dark Alliance” series was published in the San Jose Mercury-News in August 1996. Webb had resurrected disclosures from the 1980s about the CIA-backed Contras collaborating with cocaine traffickers as the Reagan administration worked to conceal the crimes.

Journalist Gary Webb holding a copy of his Contra-cocaine article in the San Jose Mercury-News.

Journalist Gary Webb holding a copy of his Contra-cocaine article in the San Jose Mercury-News.

Although the CIA’s inspector general later corroborated the truth about the Contra-cocaine connection and the Reagan administration’s cover-up, the mainstream media’s counterattack in defense of the CIA in late summer and fall of 1996 proved so effective that the subsequent CIA confession made little dent in the conventional wisdom regarding either the Contra-cocaine scandal or Gary Webb.

In fall 1998, when the CIA inspector general’s extraordinary findings were released, the major U.S. news media largely ignored them, leaving Webb a “disgraced” journalist who unable to find a decent-paying job in his profession committed suicide in 2004, a dark tale that will be revisited in a new movie, “Kill the Messenger,” starring Jeremy Renner and scheduled to reach theaters on Oct. 10.

The “Managing a Nightmare” report offers something of the CIA’s back story for how the spy agency’s PR team exploited relationships with mainstream journalists who then essentially did the CIA’s work for it, mounting a devastating counterattack against Webb that marginalized him and painted the Contra-cocaine trafficking story as some baseless conspiracy theory.

Crucial to that success, the report credits “a ground base of already productive relations with journalists and an effective response by the Director of Central Intelligence’s Public Affairs Staff [that] helped prevent this story from becoming an unmitigated disaster.

“This success has to be viewed in relative terms. In the world of public relations, as in war, avoiding a rout in the face of hostile multitudes can be considered a success. By anyone’s definition, the emergence of this story posed a genuine public relations crisis for the Agency.” [As approved for release by the CIA last July 29, the report’s author was redacted as classified, however, Ryan Devereaux of The Intercept identified the writer as former Directorate of Intelligence staffer Nicholas Dujmovic.]

According to the CIA report, the public affairs staff convinced some journalists who followed up Webb’s exposé by calling the CIA that “this series represented no real news, in that similar charges were made in the 1980s and were investigated by the Congress and were found to be without substance. Reporters were encouraged to read the ‘Dark Alliance’ series closely and with a critical eye to what allegations could actually be backed with evidence. Early in the life of this story, one major news affiliate, after speaking with a CIA media spokesman, decided not to run the story.”

Of course, the CIA’s assertion that the Contra-cocaine charges had been disproved in the 1980s was false. In fact, after Brian Barger and I wrote the first article about the Contra-cocaine scandal for the Associated Press in December 1985, a Senate investigation headed by Sen. John Kerry confirmed that many of the Contra forces were linked to cocaine traffickers and that the Reagan administration had even contracted with drug-connected airlines to fly supplies to the Contras who were fighting Nicaragua’s leftist Sandinista government.

However, in the late 1980s, the Reagan administration and the CIA had considerable success steering the New York Times, the Washington Post and other major news outlets away from the politically devastating reality that President Ronald Reagan’s beloved Contras were tied up with cocaine traffickers. Kerry’s groundbreaking report when issued in 1989 was largely ignored or mocked by the mainstream media.

That earlier media response left the CIA’s PR office free to cite the established “group think” — rather than the truth — when beating back Webb’s resurfacing of the scandal in 1996.

A ‘Firestorm’ of Attacks

The initial attacks on Webb’s series came from the right-wing media, such as the Washington Times and the Weekly Standard, but the CIA’s report identified the key turning point as coming when the Washington Post pummeled Webb in two influential articles.

The CIA’s PR experts quickly exploited that opening. The CIA’s internal report said: “Public Affairs made sure that reporters and news directors calling for information as well as former Agency officials, who were themselves representing the Agency in interviews with the media received copies of these more balanced stories. Because of the Post’s national reputation, its articles especially were picked up by other papers, helping to create what the Associated Press called a ‘firestorm of reaction’ against the San Jose Mercury-News.”

The CIA’s report then noted the happy news that Webb’s editors at the Mercury-News began scurrying for cover, “conceding the paper might have done some things differently.” The retreat soon became a rout with some mainstream journalists essentially begging the CIA for forgiveness for ever doubting its innocence.

“One reporter of a major regional newspaper told [CIA] Public Affairs that, because it had reprinted the Mercury-News stories in their entirety, his paper now had ‘egg on its face,’ in light of what other newspapers were saying,” the CIA’s report noted, as its PR team kept track of the successful counterattack.

“By the end of September [1996], the number of observed stories in the print media that indicated skepticism of the Mercury-News series surpassed that of the negative coverage, which had already peaked,” the report said. “The observed number of skeptical treatments of the alleged CIA connection grew until it more than tripled the coverage that gave credibility to that connection. The growth in balanced reporting was largely due to the criticisms of the San Jose Mercury-News by The Washington Post, The New York Times, and especially The Los Angeles Times.”

The overall tone of the CIA’s internal assessment is one of almost amazement at how its PR team could, with a deft touch, help convince mainstream U.S. journalists to trash a fellow reporter on a story that put the CIA in a negative light.

“What CIA media spokesmen can do, as this case demonstrates, is to work with journalists who are already disposed toward writing a balanced story,” the report said. “What gives this limited influence a ‘multiplier effect’ is something that surprised me about the media: that the journalistic profession has the will and the ability to hold its own members to certain standards.”

The report then praises the neoconservative American Journalism Review for largely sealing Webb’s fate with a harsh critique entitled “The Web That Gary Spun,” with AJR’s editor adding that the Mercury-News “deserved all the heat leveled at it for ‘Dark Alliance.’”

The report also cites with some pleasure the judgment of the Washington Post’s media critic Howard Kurtz who reacted to Webb’s observation that the war was a business to some Contra leaders with the snide comment: “Oliver Stone, check your voice mail.”

Neither Kurtz nor the CIA writer apparently was aware of the disclosure — among Iran-Contra documents — of a March 17, 1986 message about the Contra leadership from White House aide Oliver North’s emissary to the Contras, Robert Owen, who complained to North: “Few of the so-called leaders of the movement . . . really care about the boys in the field. … THIS WAR HAS BECOME A BUSINESS TO MANY OF THEM.” [Emphasis in original.]

Misguided Group Think

Yet, faced with this mainstream “group think” as misguided as it was Webb’s Mercury-News editors surrendered to the pressure, apologizing for the series, shutting down the newspaper’s continuing investigation into the Contra-cocaine scandal and forcing Webb to resign in disgrace.

But Webb’s painful experience provided an important gift to American history, at least for those who aren’t enamored of superficial “conventional wisdom.” CIA Inspector General Frederick Hitz ultimately produced a fairly honest and comprehensive report that not only confirmed many of the longstanding allegations about Contra-cocaine trafficking but revealed that the CIA and the Reagan administration knew much more about the criminal activity than any of us outsiders did.

Hitz completed his investigation in mid-1998 and the second volume of his two-volume investigation was published on Oct. 8, 1998. In the report, Hitz identified more than 50 Contras and Contra-related entities implicated in the drug trade. He also detailed how the Reagan administration had protected these drug operations and frustrated federal investigations throughout the 1980s.

According to Volume Two, the CIA knew the criminal nature of its Contra clients from the start of the war against Nicaragua’s leftist Sandinista government. The earliest Contra force, called the Nicaraguan Revolutionary Democratic Alliance (ADREN) or the 15th of September Legion, had chosen “to stoop to criminal activities in order to feed and clothe their cadre,” according to a June 1981 draft of a CIA field report.

According to a September 1981 cable to CIA headquarters, two ADREN members made the first delivery of drugs to Miami in July 1981. ADREN’s leaders included Enrique Bermúdez and other early Contras who would later direct the major Contra army, the CIA-organized FDN. Throughout the war, Bermúdez remained the top Contra military commander.

The CIA corroborated the allegations about ADREN’s cocaine trafficking, but insisted that Bermúdez had opposed the drug shipments to the United States that went ahead nonetheless. The truth about Bermúdez’s supposed objections to drug trafficking, however, was less clear.

According to Hitz’s Volume One, Bermúdez enlisted Norwin Meneses, a large-scale Nicaraguan cocaine smuggler and a key figure in Webb’s series, to raise money and buy supplies for the Contras. Volume One had quoted a Meneses associate, another Nicaraguan trafficker named Danilo Blandón, who told Hitz’s investigators that he and Meneses flew to Honduras to meet with Bermúdez in 1982. At the time, Meneses’s criminal activities were well-known in the Nicaraguan exile community. But Bermúdez told these cocaine smugglers that “the ends justify the means” in raising money for the Contras.

After the Bermúdez meeting, Contra soldiers helped Meneses and Blandón get past Honduran police who briefly arrested them on drug-trafficking suspicions. After their release, Blandón and Meneses traveled on to Bolivia to complete a cocaine transaction.

There were other indications of Bermúdez’s drug-smuggling tolerance. In February 1988, another Nicaraguan exile linked to the drug trade accused Bermúdez of participation in narcotics trafficking, according to Hitz’s report. After the Contra war ended, Bermúdez returned to Managua, Nicaragua, where he was shot to death on Feb. 16, 1991. The murder has never been solved. [For more details on Hitz’s report and the Contra-cocaine scandal, see Robert Parry’s Lost History.]

Shrinking Fig Leaf

By the time that Hitz’s Volume Two was published in fall 1998, the CIA’s defense against Webb’s series had shrunk to a fig leaf: that the CIA did not conspire with the Contras to raise money through cocaine trafficking. But Hitz made clear that the Contra war took precedence over law enforcement and that the CIA withheld evidence of Contra crimes from the Justice Department, Congress and even the CIA’s own analytical division.

Besides tracing the evidence of Contra-drug trafficking through the decade-long Contra war, the inspector general interviewed senior CIA officers who acknowledged that they were aware of the Contra-drug problem but didn’t want its exposure to undermine the struggle to overthrow Nicaragua’s Sandinista government.

According to Hitz, the CIA had “one overriding priority: to oust the Sandinista government. . . . [CIA officers] were determined that the various difficulties they encountered not be allowed to prevent effective implementation of the Contra program.” One CIA field officer explained, “The focus was to get the job done, get the support and win the war.”

Hitz also recounted complaints from CIA analysts that CIA operations officers handling the Contras hid evidence of Contra-drug trafficking even from the CIA’s analysts.

Because of the withheld evidence, the CIA analysts incorrectly concluded in the mid-1980s that “only a handful of Contras might have been involved in drug trafficking.” That false assessment was passed on to Congress and to major news organizations, serving as an important basis for denouncing Gary Webb and his “Dark Alliance” series in 1996.

Although Hitz’s report was an extraordinary admission of institutional guilt by the CIA, it went almost unnoticed by major U.S. news outlets. By fall 1998, the U.S. mainstream media was obsessed with President Bill Clinton’s Monica Lewinsky sex scandal. So, few readers of major U.S. newspapers saw much about the CIA’s inspector general admitting that America’s premier spy agency had collaborated with and protected cocaine traffickers.

On Oct. 10, 1998, two days after Hitz’s Volume Two was posted on the CIA’s Web site, the New York Times published a brief article that continued to deride Webb but acknowledged the Contra-drug problem may have been worse than earlier understood. Several weeks later, the Washington Post weighed in with a similarly superficial article. The Los Angeles Times, which had assigned a huge team of 17 reporters to tear down Webb’s work, never published a story on the release of Hitz’s Volume Two.

In 2000, the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee grudgingly acknowledged that the stories about Reagan’s CIA protecting Contra drug traffickers were true. The committee released a report citing classified testimony from CIA Inspector General Britt Snider (Hitz’s successor) admitting that the spy agency had turned a blind eye to evidence of Contra-drug smuggling and generally treated drug smuggling through Central America as a low priority.

“In the end the objective of unseating the Sandinistas appears to have taken precedence over dealing properly with potentially serious allegations against those with whom the agency was working,” Snider said, adding that the CIA did not treat the drug allegations in “a consistent, reasoned or justifiable manner.”

The House committee still downplayed the significance of the Contra-cocaine scandal, but the panel acknowledged, deep inside its report, that in some cases, “CIA employees did nothing to verify or disprove drug trafficking information, even when they had the opportunity to do so. In some of these, receipt of a drug allegation appeared to provoke no specific response, and business went on as usual.”

Like the release of Hitz’s report in 1998, the admissions by Snider and the House committee drew virtually no media attention in 2000, except for a few articles on the Internet, including one at

Killing the Messenger

Because of this abuse of power by the Big Three newspapers, choosing to conceal their own journalistic negligence on the Contra-cocaine scandal and to protect the Reagan administration’s image, Webb’s reputation was never rehabilitated.

After his original “Dark Alliance” series was published in 1996, I joined Webb in a few speaking appearances on the West Coast, including one packed book talk at the Midnight Special bookstore in Santa Monica, California. For a time, Webb was treated as a celebrity on the American Left, but that gradually faded.

In our interactions during these joint appearances, I found Webb to be a regular guy who seemed to be holding up fairly well under the terrible pressure. He had landed an investigative job with a California state legislative committee. He also felt some measure of vindication when CIA Inspector General Hitz’s reports came out.

However, Webb never could overcome the pain caused by his betrayal at the hands of his journalistic colleagues, his peers. In the years that followed, Webb was unable to find decent-paying work in his profession, the conventional wisdom remained that he had somehow been exposed as a journalistic fraud. His state job ended; his marriage fell apart; he struggled to pay bills; and he was faced with a forced move out of a just-sold house near Sacramento, California, and in with his mother.

On Dec. 9, 2004, the 49-year-old Webb typed out suicide notes to his ex-wife and his three children; laid out a certificate for his cremation; and taped a note on the door telling movers, who were coming the next morning, to instead call 911. Webb then took out his father’s pistol and shot himself in the head. The first shot was not lethal, so he fired once more.

Even with Webb’s death, the big newspapers that had played key roles in his destruction couldn’t bring themselves to show Webb any mercy. After Webb’s body was found, I received a call from a reporter for the Los Angeles Times who knew that I was one of Webb’s few journalistic colleagues who had defended him and his work.

I told the reporter that American history owed a great debt to Gary Webb because he had forced out important facts about Reagan-era crimes. But I added that the Los Angeles Times would be hard-pressed to write an honest obituary because the newspaper had not published a single word on the contents of Hitz’s final report, which had largely vindicated Webb.

To my disappointment but not my surprise, I was correct. The Los Angeles Times ran a mean-spirited obituary that made no mention of either my defense of Webb or the CIA’s admissions in 1998. The obituary more fitting for a deceased mob boss than a fellow journalist was republished in other newspapers, including the Washington Post.

In effect, Webb’s suicide enabled senior editors at the Big Three newspapers to breathe a little easier, one of the few people who understood the ugly story of the Reagan administration’s cover-up of the Contra-cocaine scandal and the U.S. media’s complicity was now silenced.

No Accountability

To this day, none of the journalists or media critics who participated in the destruction of Gary Webb has paid a price for their actions. None has faced the sort of humiliation that Webb had to endure. None had to experience that special pain of standing up for what is best in the profession of journalism, taking on a difficult story that seeks to hold powerful people accountable for serious crimes, and then being vilified by your own colleagues, the people that you expected to understand and appreciate what you had done.

In May 2013, one of the Los Angeles Times reporters who had joined in the orchestrated destruction of Webb’s career acknowledged that the newspaper’s assault was a “tawdry exercise” amounting to “overkill,” which later contributed to Webb’s suicide. This limited apology by former Los Angeles Times reporter Jesse Katz was made during a radio interview and came as filming was about to start on “Kill the Messenger,” based on a book by the same name by Nick Schou.

On KPCC-FM 89.3′s AirTalk With Larry Mantle, Katz was pressed by callers to address his role in the destruction of Webb. Katz offered what could be viewed as a limited apology.

“As an L.A. Times reporter, we saw this series in the San Jose Mercury News and kind of wonder[ed] how legit it was and kind of put it under a microscope,” Katz said. “And we did it in a way that most of us who were involved in it, I think, would look back on that and say it was overkill. We had this huge team of people at the L.A. Times and kind of piled on to one lone muckraker up in Northern California.”

Katz added, “We really didn’t do anything to advance his work or illuminate much to the story, and it was a really kind of a tawdry exercise. And it ruined that reporter’s career.”

Now, with the imminent release of a major Hollywood movie about Webb’s ordeal, the next question is whether the major newspapers will finally admit their longstanding complicity in the Contra-cocaine cover-up or whether they will simply join the CIA’s press office in another counterattack.

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his new book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon and For a limited time, you also can order Robert Parry’s trilogy on the Bush Family and its connections to various right-wing operatives for only $34. The trilogy includes America’s Stolen Narrative. For details on this offer, click here.

35 comments for “The CIA/MSM Contra-Cocaine Cover-up

  1. Dennis
    October 9, 2014 at 21:20

    I have personal information on the Contra/CIA drug dealing from back in the early days that might help Robert Parry put some more pieces together. If he is interested in hearing about it he can send me an email and I will send him my phone number.


  2. C. Gonzo
    September 30, 2014 at 12:10

    Shot himself in the head – twice – the first shot wasn’t fatal so he shot himself again – that sounds a bit peculiar to me – even if the first shot wasn’t fatal I find it hard to believe that some shock would not occur – my feeling is Gary Webb had some ‘unwanted’ help with his ‘alleged’ suicide, but then, that’s another ‘conspiracy’ to be investigated.

  3. Roger
    September 30, 2014 at 11:00

    Gary Webb is a great example of the dictum “First they assassinate your character then they assassinate you”. This is why the CIA-controlled media is busily demonizing anyone who doesn’t want to be a slave in the New World Order (Patriots, gun owners, returning veterans, libertarians, etc.). They are doing it to set them up for a massive purge (round up/ killing) down the road.

    • Roger
      September 30, 2014 at 16:48

      You say he committed suicide. How does a man shoot himself TWICE in the head?

  4. Steve
    September 29, 2014 at 00:17

    Bob, whatever happened to Pete Brewton? I remember he appeared with you and Webb (whose wife was also in attendance) at a small cable access studio in Sacramento during your west coast speaking tour. Brewton described his experience as a reporter for the Houston Post uncovering the misdeeds of the Bush family during the S&L crisis and how little attention the story received from the mainstream press. He eventually left journalism altogether and I seem to remember he was planning to pursue a law degree. It would be nice to hear he was able to move on and rebuild his life and a new career.

  5. September 28, 2014 at 20:55

    Thank you Robert Parry for your own work, and for reminding us about Gary Webb’s story over the years since his death.

  6. Robyn Ryan
    September 28, 2014 at 17:34

    The CIA just loves embedded reporters. It keeps them on the ‘right’ team so easily.

    The CIA runs on drug money, and has for decades. Duh.

  7. jaycee
    September 28, 2014 at 15:10

    Lesson: where there is smoke there is fire. When the MSM engages in a co-ordinated freak-out, then something truly important is at stake. Part of Webb’s stories was that the CIA-Contra cocaine flooded Los Angeles and was a contributing factor to the crack epidemic which destabilized L.A.’s black community.. There was something of a pacification campaign happening at the time, striving to divert the growing understanding (or “conspiracy theory”) that gov’t agencies deliberately caused havoc in minority neighbourhoods. (see also: floods of heroin into minority communities after WW2 and during Vietnam).

    Lesson: the major MSM organs – NY Times, Washington Post, LA Times, etc – have no credibility on these issues and will act to protect perceived vital government programs or interests, illegal or not. Co-ordinated freak outs are a sign that the persons or issue under attack is closest to the truth, and that the issue is of great interest to deep political forces (see also: Putin’s missile, Oliver Stone’s JFK “lies”, etc)

  8. Joe Tedesky
    September 28, 2014 at 14:26

    Since this article appeared here I have acquainted myself with the Gary Webb story. I find it interesting that Mr Webb’s own profession would serve to be his executioners. I mean how much easier could the journalistic industry have made it for the CIA? This MSM mob’s assault upon Gary Webb only proves there is no ‘free press’. If there were a press free to report the news correctly, and with all opinions represented, well Gary Webb would be an international journalistic hero. Instead, he has been ridiculed, and beyond well marginalized. With all that said, we must focus on the real nature of the crime, and that is our US governments involvement with the drug trafitiers. After all that was what Gary Webb was trying to tell us.

    Gary Webb’s sucide to me sounds a lot like the many sucides which occurred after the JFK assassinations. Strange happenings like reporter Dorothy Kilgallen’s overdose. There were others such as Macolm Wallace. In fact look up the death of Henry Marshall for whom many thought was murdered by Wallace as well. Yeah, I vote with the conspriracy crowd when it come to Gary Webb’s demise.

    • TestPilotDummy
      September 28, 2014 at 14:44

      YON amigo (aka joe) said.

      I mean how much easier could the journalistic industry have made it for the CIA? This MSM mob’s assault upon Gary Webb only proves there is no ‘free press’. If there were a press free to report the news correctly, and with all opinions represented, well Gary Webb would be an international journalistic hero.

      My understanding (having RUN a TV SHOW MYSELF) is that the when the NDAA passed, I decided to run echo “DENY FROM ALL” > .htaccess to all my websites. What do you think that did to my show?

      What do you think, I think about it all?

      I tell ya what, they SHUT US ALL UP is what happened.

      At the TIME I had a message for the world:


      I know sticklers for accuracy will say ALL CAPS blagh Bla blog. I am YELLING, not playing legal definition games.
      MY intent at the time restricted time? That’s called DESPERATION, not defined terminology. I was DESPERATE for anyone to help to restore the us consitution so that all this crap can go to Ft Leavenworth after a trial and this country can get back to following the already carefully and thoughtfully published “RULE OF LAW” again.

      which won’t need a sqad of lawyers with 24 jets air refueling and flying interdiction to the truth ops sorties 24/7 for three weeks of the month!

      I can still start a -60 and hook that bitch up! And I am well aware of all the crew-chief unofficial FCF flight check stories as well. Yeah you MIGHT get em today.

      Don’t make me get much moar angry.
      FIX the FAULTS

      Close that god damn border. N and S

      Chin check Central Americans who want to go across… DONT deny them, we love our Central American Friends. BUT. Not the PROXY mules, not the proxy middle east BLOWBACK!!

      Whos against the retards? You know, the barrage of MEDIA PUSHING ALL THAT

      Feinstink, Pelosi, Boxer, Lieberman, and the Gun grabbing DISARMED WHILE THEY CUT OUR HEADS OFF socialist oath breaking scum

      Meanwhile Shumeanwhile..

      Don’t talk about that OATH BREAKER LEE in CALIFORNIA! still gettin that 100K+ check?! There’s a SUB – CRIME


      • TestPilotDummy
        September 28, 2014 at 15:07

        Also, I am AWAKE ALWAYS FROM 2 to 7 AM
        dunno why?
        Justified Paranoia?!
        I documented MANY local bad guys now over many years, I do not know the ones doing the POST BOXes YET….
        Or maybe I seen what we ( I mean they, cause they don’t listen to WE anymore like they did when I served!!) can do and want to at least run a bit…
        call me 4 jury duty bitches!
        while there is still time..

    • Joe Tedesky
      September 28, 2014 at 15:26

      Dear TestPilotDummy I sense your anger. I’m not sure if you are upset with my posted comments, but I feel for your anxiety, if I am reading your comment correctly.

      There is one radio show worth listening to. It is Chris Moore who aires on KDKA radio on Sunday’s between 4 to 9 PM. Mr Moore has had on Paul Craig Roberts, Webster Tarpley, and others of alternative persuasion. TPD you should listen per computer streaming Google KDKA Chris Moore. I believe you could call in at 1-866-391-1020…I think that is the phone number to use. Mr Moore often has a open mike format…give him a call. Oh, he allows the caller a usual decent amount of time to speak their mine.

      Whether I would agree with your opinions or not, I do believe our media has an obligation to its public to hear what you have to say. Not what is deemed worthy, but what is true and fair. I can only wish you luck in your pursue to get out the story you have to tell.
      Joe Tedesky

      • TestPilotDummy
        September 28, 2014 at 15:40

        I am with what you are saying (in agreement for the most) bro. Just Expanding it in “my way”..

        I don’t say ANYTHING bad bout ya. So much love. If I did, then I trust you can FIX it by rewriting what I said.

        You are correct. I am angry. Just not at YOU personally.

      • Joe Tedesky
        September 28, 2014 at 15:55

        TPD I hope you are okay. Just relax a little. Take a time out. Smell the roses. Anything, but remember the world does need truth tellers like you. Peace Joe Tedesky

  9. TestPilotDummy
    September 28, 2014 at 13:50

    I remember in the 80’s serving in the USAF about this same time the deficits.

    Banksters were doing their thing back then, yet I had no clue about this filty oath breaking part of government specifically the Senate which is supposed to regulate the monetary system itself.

    Oath breaking Socialist Festering Stench is what I call it today.

  10. KD
    September 28, 2014 at 13:18

    On Dec. 9, 2004, the 49-year-old Webb typed out suicide notes to his ex-wife and his three children; laid out a certificate for his cremation; and taped a note on the door telling movers — who were coming the next morning — to instead call 911. Webb then took out his father’s pistol and shot himself in the head. The first shot was not lethal, so he fired once more.

    The above is the only part of this that lacks journalistic integrity.

    Typed out suicide notes. How do we know HE typed them out? Anyone could have done that and sounds like the MO of a spook “hit”.. Also, opportune and the Intelligence Community Webb targeted would have been all over the situation for Webb. Yes, the circumstances DO seem to suggest suicide as a reasonable assumption, but it is not proof. Also, if I see one more defender of the “he was forced to kill himself” journalist fail to explain HOW a man can shoot himself in the head TWICE, I cannot assume this to be true: “The first shot was not lethal, so he fired once more.”

    As a journalist, you have to address these things. I know you are all over the Iran-Contra stuff, but seriously, I’m not saying it CAN’T be done, but inasmuch as you are saying he shot himself in the head twice, we need to see medical examiner reports to show how the first shot was not lethal and allowed him to have free movement and cognitive understanding to complete the job.

    I still do not buy the “suicide” story because it is too convenient. I just don’t think Webb would have left so many people hanging by typing and not handwriting the suicide notes.

    I am just saying it’s a case not proven.

  11. September 28, 2014 at 11:36

    Full information about the Film is here:

    Let’s send the world our message on October 10, 2014.

    Gary Webb’s official Facebook page:
    Please stop by and show your support for the family of Gary Webb.
    In This Photo: Jeremy Renner, Chris Dodd
    Actor Jeremy Renner (L) greets Chairman & CEO, MPAA, Senator Chris Dodd at Capitol File’s ‘Kill the Messenger’ Screening at MPAA on September 23, 2014 in Washington, DC.
    (2014-09-22 16:00:00 – Source: Paul Morigi/Getty Images North America)

    We live in a dirty and dangerous world … There are some things the general public does not need to know and shouldn’t. I believe democracy flourishes when the government can take legitimate steps to keep its secrets and when the press can decide whether to print what it knows. –1988 speech by Washington Post owner Katharine Graham at CIA Headquarters

    “There is no question in my mind that people affiliated with, on the payroll of, and carrying the credentials of,the CIA were involved in drug trafficking while involved in support of the contras.”—Senator John Kerry, The Washington Post (1996)

    “It is clear that there is a network of drug trafficking through the Contras…We can produce specific law-enforcement officials who will tell you that they have been called off drug-trafficking investigations because the CIA is involved or because it would threaten national security.”

    –Senator John Kerry at a closed door Senate Committee hearing

  12. Joe Tedesky
    September 28, 2014 at 01:34

    Webb wrote. “The truth was that, in all those years, I hadn’t written anything important enough to suppress”.

  13. September 27, 2014 at 17:22

    ​It is obvious that the Contra narco-trafficking abetted by the CIA (provision of weapons, clandestine airstrips, training in coded communications, addiction of the military to dollars, etc) laid the groundwork for transforming sleepy Honduras of the 80s into the country with the highest homicide rate in the world today.

    I know because I lived there throughout this period (two kids born there). In spite of its poverty, Honduras had some of the most active and effective community based health programs. Its organized peasant organizations were more successful than any others in Latin America at forcing land reform. But this was all washed away in the flood of weapons and dollars that destroyed the country to the point that desperate parents now feel compelled to send their children on a perilous escape to the US border.

    My heart hurts for Gary Webb, Honduras, and all of Central America for the wanton destruction wreaked upon them with my tax dollars.

  14. Hillary
    September 27, 2014 at 13:57

    “whether the major newspapers will finally admit their longstanding complicity in the Contra-cocaine cover-up”
    The MSM is well controlled no “REAL” investigation & Ollie North and the others etc. are accepted as “acceptable” sort of people.
    “an internal CIA report has surfaced” wow –
    The release of all the evidence will never happen because that has been the m.o. accepted by BOTH Republicans and Democrats ever since the Iran Contra.
    Seems like exposing any US dirty tricks is unpatriotic ?
    BTW I continually receive the message “Your comment is awaiting moderation” with my comments to Consortiumnews —.
    It appears that “awaiting moderation” a euphemism for removal or what can “awaiting moderation” mean.
    I posted a simple thank you comment at Joe Tedesky with a link a little while ago and got this treatment — my comment was refused entirely — censorship is alive and well in the land of free speech .

    • Joe Tedesky
      September 27, 2014 at 22:01

      Your welcome Hillary. Love your comments, and learn a lot from your provided links.

      As far as the censorship…well keep on posting comments. In fact why not copy your comment then repost it, if the first try fails…then you will know if it is some kind of censorship….maybe just a computer thing….Joe Tedesky

      • Hillary
        September 28, 2014 at 20:13

        Joe ,
        I congratulate you on your comments & your facility to remain published keep it up.
        “Your comment is awaiting moderation” always precedes my comments.
        My comment will appear for a short period & then is very often deleted.

        I have my doubts that this comment will be accepted – lets see.

      • Joe Tedesky
        September 29, 2014 at 13:13

        Again thank you for appreciating my comments. I must admit when I read over my comments I am often disappointed with my spelling errors or grammar. I am doing my best to proof read my comments, but still I screw up.

        This site is my favorite due to the many commenters who post here. Apparently we are all concerned enough to search out the truth behind our world’s events. It’s not even important whether we all agree with each other. What is important is the knowledge we may all gain from one another.

        Hang in there with getting your comments published…your comments are some of the best posted here. Good luck Hillary!
        Joe Tedesky

  15. September 27, 2014 at 11:28

    It should be recalled that the Iran Contra drugs for guns caper was carried out under Executive Order 12333. This is the same EO currently used by the NSA to skirt the Constitution to collect American citizens’ email, Internet usage and phone calls.

  16. Robert Nothhouse
    September 27, 2014 at 08:45

    Typed suicide note, and two shots to the head, because the first on felt so good. Sure, it was a suicide all right. The cia also has some swamp land for sale.
    RIP, Gary, wherever you are, for you found none here.

  17. Khethiwe
    September 27, 2014 at 06:56

    I cried when I read this story of Gary. That our mainstream media would be so dedicated in serving the interests of the CIA. Their dedication and enthusiasm in this pursuit can also murder not only people’s professions and livelihood but kill them even when they are dead.

    Thank you for the wonderful work of enlightening some of us who would be in perpetual ignorance had it been not the likes of you and your courage to write and expose some of the evils of the CIA and the US Administration.

  18. Lutz Barz
    September 27, 2014 at 06:08

    no one should pay the penalty. however journos in a crusade can be tedious esp drugs. ppl enjoy them. the CIA carted them back to the US to fund their dirty wars to be sure. so instead of being in crusade mode why didn’t the journo state the obvious: legalize, decriminalize and the bad guys are left out of the loop.

  19. Cass
    September 27, 2014 at 02:46

    I ache for Gary Webb.

    I don’t believe in an afterlife. One life was all he had, and that one was bludgeoned into something not worth living by defeats, deprivation and, worst of all, betrayals. I wish I knew that in some part of him he kept alive a fragile hope something like ‘”History will absolve me.”

    • Gregory Kruse
      September 29, 2014 at 19:08

      What I find most sad is the Mr. Webb believed that life bereft of his chosen profession was not worth living. I’ve never had a profession, and have suffered much, but am thankful that I didn’t commit suicide. Life is worth hanging onto, despite the pain.

  20. Joe Tedesky
    September 27, 2014 at 00:46

    Here is a 8 minute video featuring Gary Webb

  21. September 26, 2014 at 21:29

    So the CIA uses our tax dollars ( we are now 17 trillion in debt ) to fight the drugs wars and take out the CIA’s competition against their tax payer funded cocaine industry. = Zionist conspiracy. Time to hangsome conspirators .

  22. John
    September 26, 2014 at 19:26

    Perhaps we need a refuge or brotherhood for investigative reporters and whistleblowers.
    Perhaps render them to college or thinktank heaven upon a tropical island.
    Or renovate Guantanamo as a lush Club Fed for the dispossessed intelligentsia.

    • September 26, 2014 at 21:41

      Your making me want to blow my whistle . I do it plenty and most people listen but many are shocked . Then i say look up ! That widening 50 mile vapor trail could be ebola Geoengineering funded by Bill Gates and Rockefeller . They have invested billions into their eugenics plan . And i heard they just added the year 2014 to the Georgia guidestones . Times up .

  23. Herbert Davis
    September 26, 2014 at 18:51

    This sad but important story awakens mt disgust re: the media, the CIA and the ignorance of the true believers. I appreciate you more when you remind me of your similarities to Mr. Webb. Thank you and I hope Webb’s children are proud of the role he played in pointing out how corrupt our country can be.

  24. Pablo Diablo
    September 26, 2014 at 17:29

    So sad to lose Gary Webb. THANK YOU Robert Parry for all you have done. The drug trade has been profitable to the USA since at least WWII when we got in bed with the “French Connection”. Remember AIR AMERICA in VietNam? Continues today with the explosion of opium coming out of Afghanistan. All the WAR ON DRUGS has done is increase the profits of the CIA’s drug alliance.

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