Tag: Vijay Prashad

Liberalism’s Intimacy With the Far Right

Though liberal elites are horrified by the vulgarity of the far right, they are not opposed to diverting the masses from a politics of class to a politics of despair, as the far right has done, writes Vijay Prashad.

Are You Human Like Us?

A hunger for genocide and ethnic cleansing colours senior Israeli officials’ statements and has influenced their conduct in this war. Talk of civilian casualties is brushed off, and so are calls for a ceasefire, writes Vijay Prashad.

After Gaza, Conflict in Asia

As the world’s failure to stop massacre after massacre in Gaza shows the deep failure of the U.N.-centered international system, Vijay Prashad turns attention to the conflict looming over Northeast Asia. 

A Reading List for the Delhi Police

When they raided the Tricontinental Research Services’ office in early October, investigators took, among other things, 12 dossiers featured here. Vijay Prashad recommends they study them all.

Uprooting Death From Palestine

Palestinian People’s Party member Arwa Abu Hashhash gave an impassioned speech this week about the assault on her country, writes Vijay Prashad. Here it is, updated as of Oct. 18.

Beneath the ‘Polycrisis’

Within the current spiral of crises, Vijay Prashad focuses on the deepening problems of gender inequality in a system that refuses to build social wealth.