Tag: Vijay Prashad

How Israel Weaponizes Water

Even before Israel’s most recent attack on Gaza, 97 percent of the water in the sole coastal aquifer of Gaza was already unsafe for human consumption, writes Vijay Prashad. 

Conquest, War, Famine & Death

No humanitarian relief program for Gaza is possible in the short run without UNRWA’s full partnership, writes Vijay Prashad. Anything else is a public relations sham.

25 Years of Venezuelan Defiance

Some of the nations that have banded together to defend the U.N. Charter — particularly Russia and China — have provided Venezuela with alternatives to the U.S.-dominated financial and trade system, writes Vijay Prashad.


The West is unable to come to terms with its slow demise as the dominating bloc in the world, writes Vijay Prashad. 

Tributes Pour in For John Pilger

From Jeremy Corbyn, WikiLeaks, Afshin Rattansi, Max Blumenthal, Jonathan Cook, Scott Ritter, Vijay Prashad, Glenn Greenwald, Tariq Ali, Matt Kennard, Roger Waters and more.