Ralph Nader says that when you shut out the civic community, you shut down democracy. He places responsibility for that happening, first and foremost, on the mass media.
Robert Scheer discusses Trump’s executive order banning government censorship and a range of free-press matters with Consortium News’ editor in chief Joe Lauria.
The same government that cannot audit its own Defense Department, and can’t balance its own budget, is going to protect us from the Chinese — even if free speech is impaired in the process, writes Andrew P. Napolitano.
The huge package of documents that South Africa submitted to the ICJ for its genocide case against Israel already needs updating. Every day brings more horrendous news.
The massive disparity between the way the mainstream press report on Israeli and Palestinian deaths is evidence that Palestinians are not viewed as human beings by the Western political-media class, writes Caity Johnstone.
WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange is free after a plea deal with the United States. But at what price? Watch the replay with Alexander Mercouris, Marjorie Cohn & Bruce Afran.