Washington’s communication channels with Moscow have been flung open, writes M.K. Bhadrakumar, as Rubio’s swiftly arranged meeting with Lavrov on Tuesday makes clear.
If a large chunk of the public can be persuaded that a man who is incapable of finding the door is “sharp as a tack,” they can be made to believe a lot of other things too, writes Jonathan Cook.
Maybe the F.B.I. thought I would be intimidated by the raid, and opt to remain silent out of fear of generating unwanted attention. But all it really accomplished that day was to execute a raid on peace, the author says.
After a 20-year-old gunman attempted to assassinate Trump on Saturday, the victims of Israeli bombs —many of them supplied by the United States — faded from view.
UPDATED: The High Court ruled the U.S. must assure free speech and no death penalty for Julian Assange or the court might have to free the publisher who marked five years in prison today, reports Joe Lauria.
UPDATED: The report in The Wall Street Journal makes public what Consortium News had learned off the record, namely that the U.S. is engaging Julian Assange’s lawyers about a deal that could set the imprisoned publisher free.
Leading humanitarian and civic institutions, including major medical institutions, refuse to denounce Israel’s genocide in Gaza. This exposes their hypocrisy and complicity.
The Daily Beast also obtained a copy of the Israeli dossier and —similar to Channel 4 — reported Tuesday that it “includes little evidence to back up” Israel’s allegations against UNRWA employees.
Columns by Steven Stalinsky in The Wall Street Journal and Thomas Friedman in The New York Times offer case studies of unethical journalism, write Mischa Geracoulis and Heidi Boghosian.