Those who can’t connect barbaric abuses of Palestinians by Israelis — generation after generation — and the crimes of Oct. 7, have little understanding of human nature, writes Jonathan Cook.
If you question any part of it, you’re an evil anti-Semite who loves terrorism and wishes Hitler had won. You should be censored, fired, kicked off campus and disappeared from polite society.
After the Camp David Accords, the assassins’ message to peacemakers was loud and clear, writes Dan Steinbock: “Don’t even try.” Part 3 of a 5-part series.
Another war memorial is being planned for the National Mall in Washington. This one is for the 9/11 era and it is being chaired by none other than George W. Bush.
The ouster of the hopelessly corrupt Ali Bongo represents a particularly sharp rebuke of Obama, who groomed the Gabonese autocrat as one of his closest allies on the continent, writes Max Blumenthal.
The odious legacy of Stepan Bandera drives the suppression of those who dare challenge the narrative of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict promulgated by the Ukrainian government, its Western allies and a compliant mainstream media.
Survivors now believe the authorities chose to blame the IRA for Belfast’s deadliest bombing during the Northern Ireland conflict to give cover to their key security policy, Anne Cadwallader reports.
Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton present a PBS Frontline special as the latest vehicle in a PR campaign by Beltway think tanks and foreign policy veterans to reposition Mohammad Jolani as an “asset.”