“Obfuscating the killer” — Mohammed El-Kurd on his new book and the kind of journalism that transforms Palestinians into humanitarian subjects, avoiding a critical discussion of Zionism as the root of the occupation and the suffering.
Alan MacLeod reports on the connections of Raffi Berg, now at the center of a scandal over the BBC’s systematic pro-Israel bias, to the U.S. national security-state and an Israeli intelligence agency.
The appeal to boycott the April 27 event says the White House’s support for Israel’s genocidal policies implicates it directly in the relentless targeting and massacring of journalists in Gaza.
It’s highly unusual to see this degree of skepticism in the western press right off the bat when it goes against the information interests of Israel specifically or the U.S. power alliance more generally, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
Justice for the Al Jazeera journalist — so far delayed — would serve press freedom in the occupied territories, where at least 20 journalists have been killed by Israeli forces in the last two decades.
The Biden administration has no way of squaring its free-press rhetoric with its persecution of the world’s most famous journalist, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
Netanyahu’s governmental partner, the Jewish Strength Party, is willing to conduct Palestinicide in order to create a Jewish-only society in the Levant, writes Vijay Prashad. A two-state solution, is simply no longer factually possible.
Rights groups are criticizing inaction by the ICC prosecutor in a year when more than 200 Palestinians, including many children, were killed in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, writes Marjorie Cohn.
The mask is being lifted from the face of Israel’s apartheid state, exposing a grinning death’s head that portends the obliteration of the few restraints against killing Palestinians.