Those who can’t connect barbaric abuses of Palestinians by Israelis — generation after generation — and the crimes of Oct. 7, have little understanding of human nature, writes Jonathan Cook.
The Palestinian Authority says it holds the Biden administration responsible for the attack on the al-Tabin school due to its financial, military and political support for Israel.
Comments this week by the Israeli finance minister about starvation were seen as an “explicit admission of adopting and bragging about the policy of genocide.”
The party leaders’ decision to visit the White House has provoked intense criticism in a country where support for the Palestinian cause remains the strongest in Europe, Mick Hall reports.
Mona Ali Khalil lists Israel’s crimes from A to Z and says the U.N. must fulfill its responsibility to protect the civilians in Gaza and hold all perpetrators of mass atrocities accountable.
With tens of thousands of Palestinians slaughtered, Panorama chose to hand the microphone over to the very military doing the killing, writes Jonathan Cook.
The liberal Arab camp thinks the ICJ ruling will lead to a peaceful settlement of the Palestinian question, while the popular camp has lost faith in international organizations, including the ICJ.