Tag: Noam Chomsky

The Corporate News Media at Work

Large numbers of Palestinians and Ukrainians were killed in missile strikes days apart, writes Jonathan Cook. The differing coverage of these comparable events is the clue to the media’s true function.

Worthy & Unworthy Victims: Navalny & Lira

While Alexey Navalny’s death commanded 24-hour news coverage, Gonzalo Lira’s  death in Ukraine was virtually ignored. Alan MacLeod on why one death apparently mattered so much more to U.S. corporate media.

25 Years of Venezuelan Defiance

Some of the nations that have banded together to defend the U.N. Charter — particularly Russia and China — have provided Venezuela with alternatives to the U.S.-dominated financial and trade system, writes Vijay Prashad.

Blades of Grass

Israelis joke about needing to decimate each generation of Palestinian militants as “mowing the grass,” an ugly metaphor that’s penetrated think-tanks in Official Washington, Elizabeth Murray first reported in 2012.