Tag: Nakba

Chris Hedges: Israel’s War on Hospitals

Israel is carrying out a campaign to make Gaza uninhabitable. This campaign includes destroying all of Gaza’s hospitals. The message Israel is sending is clear. Nowhere is safe. If you stay you die.

Uprooting Death From Palestine

Palestinian People’s Party member Arwa Abu Hashhash gave an impassioned speech this week about the assault on her country, writes Vijay Prashad. Here it is, updated as of Oct. 18.

Democracy or Apartheid

This is a fight to maintain and protect the status quo for Israelis, not Palestinians who have been denied all basic democratic rights under Israel since 1948, writes Nour. 

Zionism’s ‘Three State Solution’

Netanyahu’s governmental partner, the Jewish Strength Party, is willing to conduct Palestinicide in order to create a Jewish-only society in the Levant, writes Vijay Prashad. A two-state solution, is simply no longer factually possible.