Scott Harris of WPKN 89.5 FM Radio in Bridgeport, Connecticut, interviewed Consortium News’ Editor Joe Lauria about the U.S. Imperial Presidency and Donald Trump.
The neocon approach to Russia, delusional and hubristic from the start, lies in ruins, writes Jeffrey Sachs. Biden must work with Putin to bring peace.
After the collapse of the U.S.S.R. many Ukrainians, including members of the Rada, had a new agenda, writes Edward Lozansky. But Washington wasn’t interested.
Without historical context, buried by corporate media, it’s impossible to understand Ukraine. Historians will tell the story. But the Establishment hits back at journalists, like at CN, who try to tell it now.
There are many disturbing similarities between the brutality imposed on Stalin’s victims and the injustices endured by the incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons.
Russia seeks arms control agreements to prevent dangerous escalation. But the U.S. seeks only unilateral advantage. This risks all out conflict unless this changes.
Jeffrey D. Sachs says the U.S. president’s dismissal of diplomacy undermines his own party, prolongs the destruction of Ukraine and threatens nuclear war.