Exclusive: For nearly a half century – since late in the Vietnam War – the Democrats have been the less warlike of the two parties, but that has flipped with the choice of war hawk Hillary Clinton, writes Robert Parry.
Tag: Libya
Will Hillary Clinton Get Favored Treatment?
Libya’s ‘Chaos Theory’ Undercuts Hillary
Exclusive: Hillary Clinton’s Libyan “regime change” project remains in chaos with one U.S. official likening rival factions to rogue water “droplets” resisting a U.S.-carved rewards-and-punishment “channel” to reconciliation, reports Robert Parry.
America Excels in Business of Death
America’s Worst Laid Plans
The Danger of Demonization
Neocons and Neolibs: How Dead Ideas Kill
Exclusive: Hillary Clinton wants the American voters to be very afraid of Donald Trump, but there is reason to fear as well what a neoconservative/neoliberal Clinton presidency would mean for the world, writes Robert Parry.
A Need to Clear Up Clinton Questions
Is Hillary Clinton ‘Honest’?
Yes, Hillary Clinton Is a Neocon
Exclusive: The argument over whether Hillary Clinton is a neocon may have been settled by her hawkish debate performance on Thursday, which followed her Israel-pandering speech before AIPAC, reports Robert Parry.