The media’s job is to create uncertainty, doubt and confusion. Our job is to explode that lie, denying them and the political class an alibi, Jonathan Cook told a peace rally in Bristol on the weekend.
The U.S. empire hunts not like a tiger, killing its prey with a fatal bite to the jugular; but more like a python: slowly suffocating the life out of it until it perishes, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
The U.S. has had years to clarify its intention to give Assange a fair trial but refuses to do so, writes Jonathan Cook. The real goal is to keep him endlessly locked up.
From obscuring the West’s role in starving Gaza to sensationalized accounts of mass rape by Hamas, journalists are serving as propagandists, writes Jonathan Cook.
The U.S. president could get aid into Gaza much faster, if he wanted to, writes Jonathan Cook. His timetable for helping Palestinians is dictated by the schedule of the presidential election.
With tens of thousands of Palestinians slaughtered, Panorama chose to hand the microphone over to the very military doing the killing, writes Jonathan Cook.
Israel has long plotted the downfall of UNRWA, aware that it is one of the biggest obstacles to eradicating the Palestinians as a people, writes Jonathan Cook.