The politicians and shills in the media who orchestrated 20 years of military debacles in the Middle East, and who seek a world dominated by U.S. power, must be held accountable for their crimes.
Among the lying liars who lied the U.S. into invading Iraq, Joe Biden stands out as a big reason why the lies swallowed the culture, becoming a damning indictment of a society that would elect him president.
In the second part of his review of Benjamin Netanyahu’s new book, Bibi: My Story, the author explores the Israeli prime ministers fraught relations with several world leaders, including U.S. presidents.
The Chinese-brokered diplomatic deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran not only opens the way for resolution of region-wide conflicts, but potentially foils U.S. Mideast designs based on Saudi-Iranian enmity, writes Joe Lauria.
The newspaper quoted unnamed “U.S. officials” who refused to talk about the “intelligence” that blames a pro-Ukraine group not linked to Kiev and that conveniently points the story away from possible U.S. involvement, reports Joe Lauria.
The timing of the U.S. attack on the Nord Stream pipelines last September may have been dictated by events in the war at the time, Joe Lauria reported on Sept. 28, 2022.