Robert Scheer discusses Trump’s executive order banning government censorship and a range of free-press matters with Consortium News’ editor in chief Joe Lauria.
Decades after deploying mass violence and rendering citizens grotesquely ignorant of the world, U.S.-led powers appear willing to risk world war, while reinventing a terrorist to lead what was a secular nation until last week.
Journalist Craig Unger has used Robert Parry’s vast archive to help nail down the 1980 October Surprise story, but he diverged greatly from Parry when it came to also criticizing the Democrats.
Citing examples of Richard Nixon’s leadership, historian Joan Hoff-Wilson refers to Henry Kissinger as “a glorified messenger boy,” writes Robert Scheer.
No matter how much evidence Robert Parry produced over the years poking holes in the official story, the establishment media declined to re-examine the case or treat it seriously, writes Nat Parry.