Tag: Israeli Settlements


In 1979, Israeli settlers and soldiers were already terrorizing residents of the Palestinian village of Halhoul and committing violence elsewhere, writes Ellen Cantarow. 

Israel Cannot Rebut Apartheid

In late June, after visiting Palestine and Israel on behalf of a group formed by Nelson Mandela, two former senior U.N. officials — Ban Ki-moon and Mary Robinson — published a scathing report on their findings, writes Vijay Prashad.

‘Watering Down’ Israeli Apartheid

The Idris family in 2014, collecting their belongings after the demolition of their home in Beit Hanina. (Wikimedia)

Ramzy Baroud says it’s as if there is a conspiracy not to describe the realities of Palestine and the Palestinian people by their proper names: war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and apartheid.