Tag: Isaac Herzog

What Israel Faces at The Hague

South Africa’s petition to stop what it alleges is Israeli genocide in Gaza has begun on Thursday in the International Court of Justice. Gareth Porter reports.

Media Dare Not Call It Genocide

Radio New Zealand (RNZ), for instance, says it decided not to broadcast or report on a Palestinian guest’s remarks because it “would have stolen valuable time” from those being interviewed, writes Mick Hall.

PATRICK LAWRENCE: The Banality of Propaganda

The annals of the awful art  — Hitler’s, Mussolini’s, Japan’s and America’s during World War II — show that it does not have to be sophisticated. The Israeli president’s display of Mein Kampf  just proved that again.

The ‘Genocide Moment’

Gaza’s utter devastation and masses of civilians facing death from bombardment and deliberate starvation already presents the world with a spectacle of mass murder of unspeakable proportions, writes Gareth Porter.