Hezbollah’s ability to resist an expansionist, apartheid, Israeli, colonial project has worsened considerably in recent months. But in Beirut, Nasrallah’s funeral enjoyed a show of mass popular support.
The U.S. president’s ethnic-cleansing plan is the latest installment in the Zionist project, for over a century, to eradicate Palestinians’ national aspirations.
The “War on Terror” was built on a series of deceptions to persuade the Western public that its leaders were crushing Islamist extremism. In truth, they were nourishing it.
Rampant war crimes and ceasefire violations mark the trail of the Greater Israel project as it advances — with help from the U.S.-backed government in Beirut — in southern Lebanon.
There’s a long history of the Zionist lobby pressuring, bullying and cajoling critics of Israel and they’re now upping their tactics, writes Kellie Tranter.
The U.S. took advantage of a changing regional and domestic environment to make a favorable arrangement for itself this time. But the notion that it can drag Lebanon into the pro-Israeli orbit of the Gulf will prove illusory.
That General Joseph Aoun is the U.S. and Israel’s man is not in doubt. This is another defeat for Hezbollah following its disastrous ceasefire agreement, which led to the same-day start of the assault on their ally Assad.
This will be a Hobbesian world where nations that have the most advanced industrial weapons make the rules. Those who are poor and vulnerable will kneel in subjugation.
The situation of Syria is like the chaos of Libya but there are many more actors (local and external) operating, making it difficult to foresee what will happen.