Tag: Eva Bartlett

Backing the Slaughter & Silencing the Critics

Western countries crack down on public support for Palestinians as the atrocities mount in Gaza.  The mask is off on the underlying brutality of the West’s disregard for civilian life and civil liberties, writes Elizabeth Vos.

Extracting Aleppo from the Propaganda

The mainstream U.S. news has supplied a consistent narrative regarding Syria that treats the “rebels” as the good guys and the “regime forces” as the bad guys, but it has never been that clear-cut, as Dennis J Bernstein reports.

The Syrian Ambassador’s Complaint

The Western news media calls itself “objective,” but many foreign crises are reported in a biased way, fawning over one side and hammering the other. To provide a sense of the “other side” in the Syrian civil war, we are reposting an interview with Syria’s UN…