Tag: Donald Trump

Autocracy, American-Style

Governmental bodies in the U.S. aren’t meant to be owned by those who lead them.  They aren’t possessions to be disposed of according to the will and inclination of the governors, writes Michael Brenner.

Chris Hedges: No Way Out But War

Permanent war has cannibalized the country. It has created a social, political, and economic morass. Each new military debacle is another nail in the coffin of Pax Americana.

In Praise of ‘Whataboutism’

The word “whataboutism” is used to silence and insult opponents of U.S. imperialism. It should be embraced to reveal what is too often kept hidden, writes Margaret Kimberley.

Ukraine Crisis Should Have Been Avoided

Cuban Missile Crisis

An avoidable crisis that was predictable, actually predicted, willfully precipitated, but easily resolved by the application of common sense, writes Jack Matlock, the last U.S. ambassador to the U.S.S.R.