Tag: Consortium News

John Pilger: On ‘Real Journalism’

The all-time great journalist, author and filmmaker has had a long association with this website. Writing for Consortium News is like “writing for a newspaper again,” says Pilger.

SCOTT RITTER: ‘We Need Consortium News’

Scott Ritter

“It is absolutely essential that outlets like Consortium News exist,” says Scott Ritter in this video message, adding that “this important project” and its “alternative voices” must be kept alive.

Happy New Year 2023!

Consortium News ended a tumultuous year in which PayPal permanently suspended us and NewsGuard gave us its red mark. And we also brought unique news and analysis on Ukraine, Julian Assange and more. 

The Establishment Rather Hates Us

Actions in 2022 by NewsGuard and PayPal and inquiries by a British official proved that powerful establishment actors oppose Consortium News. Help us show them they are wrong.

The Response NewsGuard Rejected

On June 2, Consortium News responded to NewsGuard’s allegation that CN was publishing “false content” on Ukraine, a response NewsGuard rejected when it gave CN its red mark.