Seven-year old Consortium News in 2002 was one of the first outlets to reject the politicized intelligence for the disastrous Iraq invasion and has run circles around corporate media on Syria, from 2011 until today. But only with your help.
Just two decades ago the difference between anti-semitism and criticism of Israel was clear enough for even a U.S. secretary of state to say so, writes Joe Lauria.
Silences filled with a consensus of propaganda contaminate almost everything we read, see and hear, warned the late John Pilger last May. War by media is now a key task of so-called mainstream journalism.
The quest for decisive U.S. military superiority over Beijing and the ability to win a war against a nuclear-armed power should be considered a fool’s errand, writes William D. Hartung. But it isn’t.
The neocons’ exceptionalist rhetoric — now standard fare — leads Washington into conflicts all over the world, in an unequivocal, Manichean way, write Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies.
A sitting senator, a former foreign minister, a retired diplomat and Colin Powell’s former chief of staff told an anti-war meeting in a Sydney town hall that Australians were being dragged without their consent into a U.S. war on China…
Among the lying liars who lied the U.S. into invading Iraq, Joe Biden stands out as a big reason why the lies swallowed the culture, becoming a damning indictment of a society that would elect him president.
Despite Colin Powell’s presentation and the U.S. media’s embrace of it, every other nation on the Security Council, with the exception of Britain and Spain, was highly skeptical of the U.S. argument for war, including allies Germany and France.
The late U.S. secretary of state’s association with Biden and the Clintons can be seen as a war-making, mutually absolving clique, writes Sam Husseini.