Tag: Chris Hedges

Chris Hedges: Requiem for Our Species

The effects of the climate crisis intrude with increasing regularity into our lives and yet we do not act. We are as paralyzed as past civilizations were when facing catastrophic destruction.

WATCH: Assange Rallies on Press Freedom Day

Assange supporters on Wednesday rallied in front of The Washington Post in D.C. and at NBC in New York, as in San Francisco, Sydney, India, and at the DOJ building to highlight the hypocrisy surrounding World Press Freedom Day. (7 videos)

Chris Hedges: The Enemy from Within

The war industry, a state within a state, disembowels the nation, stumbles from one military fiasco to the next, strips us of civil liberties and pushes us towards suicidal wars with Russia and China.

Chris Hedges: Reclaiming US Universities

American universities are appendages of the corporate state. Educators are increasingly poorly paid, denied benefits and job security while senior administrators pay themselves obscene salaries.