Tag: Brett Wilkins

Israeli Commanders Reported to ICC

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is at the top of the dossier of 40 commanders that Democracy for the Arab World Now (DAWN) submitted to the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

PATRICK LAWRENCE: Media’s Fatal Compromises

It is no longer enough to tether correspondents to the perspective of the military from whose side they report. We appear to be on the way to having wars fought — huge, bloody, consequential wars — without any witnesses. 

Historic US Healthcare Worker Strike

More than 75,000 employees in six states and Washington, D.C., of Kaiser Permanente, the nation’s largest nonprofit healthcare provider, on Wednesday began a three-day work stoppage.

Hi-Tech Military Weapons Breed New Danger

Artificial intelligence, lethal autonomous weapons, hypersonic missiles, cyber battles: The Arms Control Association rings alarm bells over the rush to develop these and other advanced military technologies.