Tag: Bloomberg

UK Labour — the Party of Big Business

Ethan Shone reports on the access that Starmer’s frontbencher provided to corporate lobbying over the past 18 months or so, ever since the implosion of the Liz Truss regime made an opposition victory likely.

Rumors Over BRICS Summit Point to West’s Paranoia

Media speculation that India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi may not attend the Johannesburg summit and that the nation isn’t receptive to BRICS expansion may be signs a threatened West looks to ‘divide and rule’, writes M.K. Bhadrakumar.

All at Once Mainstream Pundits Push for WW III

Caitlin Johnstone says it should disturb everyone in the nuclear age that writers at influential publications frame the rise of a multipolar world as something that must inevitably bring on unspeakable violence and human suffering.