Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s solid electoral victory was celebrated by the Right, but it creates a dynamic that could speed global resistance to the repression of the Palestinians and further isolate Israel for its racist policies, writes Lawrence Davidson.
Tag: Benjamin Netanyahu
Netanyahu: Too Dishonest by Half
America’s Dead-End in the Middle East
Exclusive: When columnist Thomas L. Friedman suggests the U.S. should arm ISIS thus joining the Saudi-Israeli regional war on Iran and the Shiites it seems time to question the sanity of U.S. opinion- and policy-makers. But that is where the muddled U.S.…
Netanyahu Unmasks Israel
America’s Netanyahu Dilemma
Israeli voters rewarded Prime Minister Netanyahu for his scare-mongering and race-baiting with a solid electoral victory. Most significantly, Netanyahu prevailed by discarding the facade of a possible Palestinian state, forcing U.S. officials to face a grim reality, as ex-CIA analyst Paul…
A Neocon Admits the Plan to Bomb Iran
Exclusive: The neocon Washington Post, which wants to kill the talks aimed at constraining Iran’s nuclear program, allowed a contrary opinion of sorts onto its pages a neocon who also wants to collapse the talks but is honest enough to…
GOP Senators Take Orders from AIPAC
Official Washington’s Delusions on Delusions
The Illogic of Netanyahu’s Speech
Last week, the U.S. Congress, especially the Republican majority, treated Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu as if he were the true commander in chief, a cringe-worthy moment for many Americans, but one that distracted from the illogic of what Netanyahu said, as…