Reputed U.S. allies in the Mideast are pushing the Obama administration, step by step, into a “regime change” operation in Syria, despite its illegality and risks that a power vacuum would be filled by al-Qaeda or the Islamic State, as…
Tag: Barack Obama
The New Republic’s Ugly Reality
Exclusive: Mainstream pundits are outraged over a Silicon Valley barbarian riding in and defacing The New Republic, a temple to all that is wonderful about deep-thinking policymaking and long-form journalism. But the truth about the Washington-based magazine is much less honorable,…
Sinking Deeper into the Mideast
Obama, the People and the Facts
NYT Shows How Propaganda Works
A Dangerous Failure with Iran
Squandering a Chance with Iran
Under pressure from hardliners in Congress and Israel, the Obama administration backed away from what could have been a historic agreement with Iran over limiting its nuclear program. Instead coercive diplomacy has become almost an end in itself, as Gareth…
Possible Motives for Ousting Hagel
The Risks of No Iran-Nuke Deal
Will the Iran Deal-Wreckers Prevail?
Iran appears ready to sign an agreement tightly constraining its nuclear program in exchange for some sanctions relief, but neocons and other U.S. hardliners appear determined to wreck the deal, which could make Mideast tensions even worse, writes ex-CIA analyst…