If you didn’t like the outcome of this odyssey through uncharted legal territory before Lloyd Austin reversed it, blame the C.I.A., Mitch McConnell and almost every other member of Congress who served in 2009 and 2015.
With the stated aim of providing “context,” The Guardian instead has destroyed the historical context that puts Western foreign policy towards the Middle East in a very grim light, writes Joe Lauria.
Genocide lies at the core of Western imperialism. It is not unique to Israel. It is not unique to the Nazis. It is the building block of Western domination.
John Kiriakou, who blew the whistle on the C.I.A.’s global torture program, reflects on the impunity surrounding the U.S. leaders who authorized crimes against humanity and left Sept. 11 defendants’ trials in limbo.
When Western media discusses terrorism against the West, such as 9/11, the motive is almost always left out, even when the terrorists state they are avenging longstanding Western violence in the Muslim world, reports Joe Lauria.
Approaching the terrorist attacks as a memorializing event on the anniversary generally avoids deeper inquiry into the historic U.S. role in the Middle East and Afghanistan, write Jeremy Stoddard and Diana Hess.