From the Archive: In Holy Week, many Christians celebrate what they regard as God’s sacrifice of his Son and the Resurrection. But some scholars see another narrative in which Jesus, a rural rebel, brings his critique of the Jewish-Roman power structure to Jerusalem and…
The US-Israel-Iran Triangle’s Tangled History
Yemen as Vietnam or Afghanistan
Why Iran Distrusts the US in Nuke Talks
Phasing Out Sanctions Bedevil Iran Talks
Obama’s Secrecy Obsession
Deciphering the Mideast Chaos
Letting a Warmonger Rant
Just as the New York Times promoted fake facts to rationalize invading Iraq, it has just published a deceptive op-ed to justify bombing Iran, the ranting of one of America’s most notorious warmongers, John Bolton, as Lawrence Davidson describes.
NYT Publishes Call to Bomb Iran
Trusting High-Tech Weapons of War
The U.S. military insists its drones and other high-tech gadgets can kill “bad guys” with an unmatched precision. But these assassination weapons may just be the latest example of putting too much faith in the murderous technology of war, as Andrew Cockburn explains in a…
The Big Upside of an Iran-Nuke Deal
Will Sanctions Fixation Kill Iran Nuke Deal?
An agreement to constrain Iran’s nuclear program is within reach but could still fail if President Obama succumbs to political pressure and refuses to grant Iran meaningful relief from sanctions, as Gareth Porter explains.
Distorting Putin’s Favorite Philosophers
Israel Faces Moses’s Demand to Pharaoh
The racist dishonesty of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has challenged Judaism’s humanistic principles, as many young Jews will now flip the Passover script, putting the Palestinians in the position of Moses demanding “Let my people go” or give them the vote in one…
Neocons: the Echo of German Fascism
Exclusive: The “f-word” for “fascist” keeps cropping up in discussing aggressive U.S. and Israeli “exceptionalism,” but there’s a distinction from the “n-word” for “Nazi.” This new form of ignoring international law fits more with an older form of German authoritarianism favored by neocon icon…
The Tangle of US-Israeli Double Standards
For decades, U.S. administrations have engaged in linguistic gymnastics to avoid applying international law to Israel. Now, with the fig leaf of the two-state solution gone, President Obama must confront this tangle of double standards and double talk, says Marjorie Cohn.
The Road Ahead for Israel
Journalists Who Hate Whistleblowers
A disturbing trend in mainstream U.S. media is how many “star” journalists side with the government in its persecution of whistleblowers and even disdain fellow reporters who expose secret wrongdoing, an attitude that is destroying what’s left of American democracy,…
Ukraine’s Oligarchs Turn on Each Other
Exclusive: Ukraine’s post-coup regime is facing what looks like a falling-out among thieves as oligarch-warlord Igor Kolomoisky, who was given his own province to rule, brought his armed men to Kiev to fight for control of the state-owned energy company, further complicating…
A Unique Thank-You Gift
From Editor Robert Parry: As a unique thank-you gift for our spring drive, we are offering a DVD of last year’s feature film “Kill the Messenger” telling the tragic story of how the mainstream U.S. news media destroyed journalist Gary…