Category: War Crimes

The US Military’s Culture of Lies

William Astore says the U.S. is a nation being unmade by war, the very opposite of what most Americans are taught. If wars were won with lies, he argues, the U.S. would be undefeated.

JOHN KIRIAKOU: The Whistleblower Crackdown

National Whistleblower Week is a call to action on behalf of Julian Assange, who marks a new extreme in a series of legal reprisals that have gotten more draconian since Kiriakou’s own national-security case in 2012.   

Zelensky’s Hardline Internal Purge

Ukraine’s “pro-democracy” president has outlawed his opposition, ordered rivals arrested and presided over the disappearance and assassination of dissidents, Max Blumenthal and Esha Krishnaswamy report. 

Russia Hits Back at Israel Over Ukraine

Israel has tried to toe a neutral line on Ukraine, but comments from the Israeli foreign minister and a blistering response from the Russian foreign ministry has imperiled the two states’ relations, reports Joe Lauria.