Category: U.S.

John Pilger: The Betrayers of Julian Assange

The day dream about Anthony Albanese doing the right thing has reached its limits. As prime minister he has not fought to bring home an Australian who is both the embodiment of courage and the victim of a great, vindictive injustice.  

Why Biden Snubbed China’s Ukraine Peace Plan

The U.S. president and his coterie of neo-conservatives have no interest in peace if it means conceding hegemonic power to a multi-polar world untethered from the all-mighty dollar, write Medea Benjamin, Marcy Winograd and Wei Yu.

China Blasts US ‘Hegemony’

In a 3,900-word commentary, the Chinese Foreign Ministry has openly condemned nearly 80 years of U.S. political, military, economic, technological and cultural hegemony. 

Daniel Ellsberg’s Not Yet Goodbye

Daniel Ellsberg, a giant of American history for leaking the Pentagon Papers, wrote the following email to friends on Wednesday, including Consortium News, and has today decided to make it public.