Israel has been isolating the Palestinian struggle from its regional context, writes Ramzy Baroud. Palestine must, once more, become an issue that concerns all Arabs.
Michael Brenner subjects the audaciously aggressive U.S. strategic posture to the kind of examination that he finds remarkably absent, even at the highest levels of government.
Palestinian People’s Party member Arwa Abu Hashhash gave an impassioned speech this week about the assault on her country, writes Vijay Prashad. Here it is, updated as of Oct. 18.
At this point, Washington’s defense of Israel becomes as baldly obscene as the apartheid state’s long record of lawless aggression toward the Palestinian population.
Israel and its supporters in the West are helping to provide psychological cover for an ongoing massacre of Palestinian civilians, writes Elizabeth Vos.
The welter of analyses by pro-Israel think tanks across the West on the coming conflict between the Shia resistance movement and the IDF has missed a crucial factor, writes John Wight.
Despite the massive show of force off the waters of Israel, the Biden Administration is profoundly uneasy about any escalation of the conflict into a wider war, writes M.K. Bhadrakumar.
This is a terrible echo of the approach by the U.S. government after Sept. 11, which from the outset conferred advance absolution on itself for any and all of its future crimes against humanity, writes Norman Solomon.
As Biden pledges military assistance to Israel and anti-Palestine rhetoric intensifies on Capitol Hill, Jewish Voice for Peace is calling on Americans to pressure lawmakers to help end the air strikes on Gaza.