This is a terrible echo of the approach by the U.S. government after Sept. 11, which from the outset conferred advance absolution on itself for any and all of its future crimes against humanity, writes Norman Solomon.
As Biden pledges military assistance to Israel and anti-Palestine rhetoric intensifies on Capitol Hill, Jewish Voice for Peace is calling on Americans to pressure lawmakers to help end the air strikes on Gaza.
In 2012 the U.N. determined that without “herculean action” by the international community, by 2020 Gaza “will not be livable,” writes Phyllis Bennis. The year 2020 has come and gone.
The origins of Israel’s intelligence failure on the Hamas attacks can be traced to the decision to rely on AI instead of the contrarian analysis born of the earlier intelligence failure of the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
Mick Hall tells the wrenching tale of Radio New Zealand accusing him of spreading Russian propaganda while he documented facts on the Ukraine crisis in his work for the broadcaster.
Tel Aviv and Washington try to hijack the internal social and political struggles of Arab and Muslim societies for their own sinister reasons, writes Ramzy Baroud.
There are counties in the U.S. where you’re beating the odds if you make it past 70, writes Richard Eskow. The country should stop tinkering around. It needs Medicare for All.
In this excerpt from their book Silent Coup, Claire Provost and Matt Kennard go to the sources of a key legal mechanism used by multinational corporations to override governments around the world.
More than 75,000 employees in six states and Washington, D.C., of Kaiser Permanente, the nation’s largest nonprofit healthcare provider, on Wednesday began a three-day work stoppage.