As a classic settler-colonial state, Israel is doing the only thing it knows how to do, writes Jonathan Cook. So long as the West keeps cheerleading, that includes genocide.
After the Camp David Accords, the assassins’ message to peacemakers was loud and clear, writes Dan Steinbock: “Don’t even try.” Part 3 of a 5-part series.
In the U.S., those who oppose Israel’s atrocities are getting hit by accusations of anti-Semitism. This reflects a nation in decline, that no longer knows how to make sense of itself.
Genocide lies at the core of Western imperialism. It is not unique to Israel. It is not unique to the Nazis. It is the building block of Western domination.
Gaza’s utter devastation and masses of civilians facing death from bombardment and deliberate starvation already presents the world with a spectacle of mass murder of unspeakable proportions, writes Gareth Porter.
As Israeli siege warfare cuts Gazans off from both electricity and communications, we’re seeing the lights go out in Gaza in more ways than one, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
“The United States — and U.S. citizens, including and up to the president — can be held responsible for their role in furthering genocide,” says a brief by experts at the Center for Constitutional Rights.
The Biden administration has asked Congress for $14 billion in additional military aid to Israel, despite warnings he and other officials could be rendering themselves complicit in genocide.